Meet our Members: Anne Guglik

+24 votes

Hi everyone!

It's time to meet another one of our wonderful WikiTreers. This week's member is Anne Guglik.

Meet_our_Members_Photos-11.pngAnne became a Wiki Genealogist in August of 2018.  She is active in our Notables and Unknowns projects and participates in our weekly WikiTree Challenge.

What are some of the surnames you are researching?

Gigliuk, Trusiak, Vanier, Pendleton, Dakin, Black (the last three from my husband’s family).

What are some of the locations you are researching?

Ukraine, Quebec, Ohio, Virginia/West Virginia .

When and how did you get interested in genealogy and family history?

I remember going to family reunions for my mom’s family as a kid, and I remember her showing me a family tree on paper. I didn’t think about it much for a long time after that, but when I went to school near the NARA repository and then when archives started to become available online, I started to get more interested. Now my Uncle and I work together on it.

Who's your favorite ancestor and why?

I really just started on learning the stories of ancestors beyond the bland dates and places. I was always fascinated by my paternal grandfather’s service as a SeaBee in WWII and wish I knew more about his stay in the hospital after he came home (alas, the records fell victim to the military records fire). On my mother’s side, her maternal grandfather and his sister were interesting characters. My GG aunt Artemise married the half brother of the 8th Premier of Canada. Unfortunately, he died very young. She survived her second husband as well, and was almost 100 at the time of her death.  

Tell us about a brick wall you hope to bust through.

I’d really like to make some progress with my Ukrainian ancestors. Between the language and the fact that fewer records are online, I’ve never made much progress beyond finding the hometown of my paternal grandfather’s family (where some of them still live, and I’ve talked to one cousin of indeterminate degree), and my paternal grandmother’s family really muddied the waters by emigrating twice. 

If you could pick one person in history to be related to, who would it be and why?

Aristotle, for his work in pioneering the scientific method, which is important to my work.

What are some of your interests outside of genealogy?

imageI’m an avid reader and frequently a student, and I do a lot of home projects. I’m also an amateur lapidary and jeweler. In the time I have left after all of that (and sometimes while reading), I like to crochet. The picture is a ring I made using a technique common to filigree style jewelry in the Middle East.

(Interview continued in comments.)

WikiTree profile: Anne Guglik
in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)

How long have you been on WikiTree and what do you spend the most time doing?

WikiTree says I joined in August 2018. I tend to be quite active for a little while, then get wrapped up in other things and fall away, but I’ve always come back.

What brought you to WikiTree?

I’m not sure, but I seem to remember seeing an article about WikiTree online somewhere when I was looking around for new resources. 

What is your favorite thing about WikiTree?

I really like the fact that it’s a one tree format. I find the duplication of effort in individualized trees a little frustrating, although I understand the desire for privacy some people have.

If you could improve one thing about WikiTree, what would it be?

I know that decisions on how to do formatting are difficult, but I’d like to see some kind of visual editor that assists with formatting. I think that it would help new members and might also be easier to read than what ends up on the screen in edit mode with a densely sourced profile.

What is an example of how WikiTree has helped you with your genealogy or how you’ve helped genealogy with WikiTree?

WikiTree has really taught me about the importance of sourcing. I (still!) have a lot of work to do with bringing sources I have on other trees to WikiTree to show more about how I know that an individual is the right person. As for my contributions, I hope that I’ve managed to do a little good on Notables and Unknowns Project as well as the WikiTree Challenge.  

Any tips for someone just starting out on WikiTree?

Get on the Discord, lean on your Greeter and find people who are members of projects you’re interested in. The members are truly the best asset WikiTree has, and most are endlessly helpful, once you manage to connect. 

Hi Anne, it's great that you are here with us at WikiTree smiley

Thank You for all your good works! You and I connect through a distant common ancestor I think, Catherine Pillat, if I am not mistaken.

Nice to meet you, cousin!

5 Answers

+14 votes
Congratulations Anne on being nominated for Wonderful WikiTreer of the week.

It's interesting to learn a little more about you.
by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.1m points)
Thank you!
+12 votes
Congratulations on your recognition, Anne, and thank you for your contributions to our tree.  I, too, have enjoyed learning more about my ancestors, here, and enjoy the one tree format.
by Mark Weinheimer G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
+10 votes

Nice to meet you in this blog, Anne.

Please know that you are not alone in the club of WikiTreers who have good sources in other trees that still have not been imported to WikiTree. Our numbers are legion! blush

by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
+7 votes
how we connect
by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (844k points)
+5 votes

A very good "read" Anne.  Congratulations and keep up the great work that you do for our Tree.   cool

by Brad Cunningham G2G6 Pilot (193k points)

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