Category: Montréal et ses Environs en 1666

Categories: Montréal, Canada, Nouvelle-France | Recensement de la Nouvelle-France en 1666

Founded as Ville-Marie in 1642 by Paul de Chomedey, sieur de Maisonneuve and Jeanne Mance with Augustin Hébert and Gilbert Barbier among others.

This category page, was created as part of the Chronicles of New France. It will eventually contain links to all the residents of Montréal et ses Environs when the census of 1666 was taken.

Additional Reading

  • A brief summary of the history of Montréal et ses Environs can be read at:

Wikipedia: Montreal During the French Colonial Period

Montréal et ses Environs en 1666 pages: BAC-LAC pages 115 to 140 (pages 141-142 are blank)

This page was last modified 02:50, 8 February 2021. This page has been accessed 1,422 times.