Help. Don’t understand all this info. I’ve done my DNA. How can I prove I really come from royalty back to the 500’s?

+2 votes
in WikiTree Help by Sherry Miller G2G Rookie (220 points)

Someone should probably also mention that it is hard to prove descent from royalty.  What DNA testing have you done?  Now that you are a WikiTree member, you can add your test information (not the raw data) to your WikiTree profile.  Use the "Edit" option; then under the row of buttons you'll find a link that says "Edit DNA tests here."  Autosomal testing can not prove connections 1500 years back (but posting your information will help your recent relatives see whether you share DNA with them).

3 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer

Welcome to WikiTree! George is correct - you need a paper trail and that is achieved by beginning to add your ancestors to your tree. First, your parents, then grandparents and continue on back. Eventually, you will probably find that some of your ancestors are already entered and you can just connect to them in your line of ascent. Be sure to source each profile that you add to be sure the information on it is correct.

It really does not take too long before finding others that you are related to and you can message them and collaborate on your common lines. Take it one step at a time until you find those gateway ancestors.

Be sure to come back to this Forum and ask when you have questions. Good Luck and I hope you enjoy the journey!
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
selected by Susan Smith

Thank you, Susan, for the star!!

+6 votes

By traditional genealogy, that is do you have a paper trail, have you shown descent from a gateway ancestor? 

This link will give you some information. (I thought there was a list of gateway ancestors to the British Royalty here, but I am unsuccessful in finding it.) There are some references at the link that are helpful.

by George Fulton G2G6 Pilot (657k points)
It's almost the same list.

There are 4 people on the list who don't have a traced descent from royalty (Agnes Harris, Henry Wyche and the Culpepers).

There's 1 person (Margaret (Wyatt) Allin) not on the list, but credited in Douglas Richardson's 2013 book with a descent from William the Conqueror

Other gateway lists are available (and usually more generous).
+3 votes

They have it right, you will need to put in your parents and then their parents and on back into time until you connect with a descendant of a royalty.  The REASON is that WT will not find it for you. It's up to you. 

And don't forget to pay careful attention to your sources -- and the best sources are documents recorded by city, county, state, nation, churches, schools and other institutions and agencies. 

by Susan Smith G2G6 Pilot (665k points)

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