New resource: Shortcuts to 10-year indices of Belgium. Do you have comments or suggestions?

+11 votes

If you have Belgian ancestors, the good news is that a lot of primary sources are available online. The bad news is that it can be hard to locate them. So any help in searching Belgian records can be useful.

I've compiled a page with shortcuts to most Belgian 10-year tables (indices that list all people born in a certain place and decade, and are a starting point in locating a birth record). I plan to compile similar pages for marriages and deaths.

But before I continue I'd like to have some feedback. Do you think such a page is useful? Do you have suggestions on how to present this information? Is wikitree the place to have such (long lists of) resources? ... Any suggestion/comment would be appreciated!


in The Tree House by Filip Beunis G2G6 Mach 2 (28.9k points)
I have included the "Netherlands" and "France" tags, because those are projects where many Belgians find a home. I have included the "Eowyn" tag in the hope of drawing the forest elf's attention away (for a few minutes) from the many great things she does on wikitree, so that we can give those Belgians their own home (I've sent you some messages regarding a Belgium project)!
This looks very handy.  I have some Dutch ancestors who may have started out in Belgium and I think this will help to locate them.

3 Answers

+7 votes

Thanks Filip, great index to the State Archive resources.

An alternative route would be to enter a place name on the Familysearch Catalog page, giving easy overview of and access to both church and civil registration films.

Or (more limited) by entering filters at Genealogiewerkbalk.

by Living Terink G2G6 Pilot (302k points)
Hi Jan,

These are indeed great alternatives! I've found sometimes records in the State Archives that were not available on Familysearch however (or the other way around). So I think there's added value in making those more accessible.

Anyway, the more ways of finding primary sources (and adding them to the tree), the better!
+6 votes
Sounds like a good idea. It would certainly make things easier for the WikiTree users.
by David Martin G2G2 (2.1k points)
+7 votes
This is really amazing work and very helpful (a great time saver for all of us), thank you Filip!
by Isabelle Martin G2G6 Pilot (581k points)
Agreed, thank you very much! I've found these tables to be very useful in the past when I have spotty information on a person and am trying to find more exact dates.

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