Can anything be done? Profile appears to need recycling but is connected to a private/living? profile [closed]

+3 votes
While sourcing, I came across the profile for [[z-43|y z]] and their spouse. They are both orphans and I could adopt them and recycle them as that appears to be what the prior editors/managers may have wanted. z-43, though, is connected to a private daughter/profile manager profile.

How can progress be made with this? I cannot send a Trusted List request for z-43's daughter, and don't want one. I just want the 2 profiles disconnected. I cannot send anyone a private message, nor can I post a comment on the PM's profile.

The Barnhart-3 profile has the same issue.
WikiTree profile: Unknown Unknown
closed with the note: OUTDATED. Recycling of Unknowns is not consistent with current WikiTree policy.
in WikiTree Help by Susan Keil G2G6 Mach 6 (68.3k points)
closed by Ellen Smith

2 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
When this profile was first created, it was a female with first name Nancy, birth year 1843 marked certain, in Indiana.

A couple of weeks ago, all that was deleted and the profile was put in the Recycle Unknowns category.

Today Recycle Unknowns was replaced with Unsourced, the Date Guess was added, a birth year of 1900 marked guess was entered, and gender was changed to male, then back to female.

I see nothing to indicate that this profile was ever merged with any other one, although when I try to go to z-43, this profile comes up, which does seem to indicate that it had been merged into Unknown-192900.

It is very unfortunate that this (apparent) merge was done - even more unfortunate that there doesn't appear to be any way to access the data in the original profile because I was trying to see if there had been any information in the original profile, based on the statement that recycling "appears to be what the prior editors/managers may have wanted".

The problem is that if a profile manager wanted to remove a profile, that is not something that is permitted here, as long as that profile represents someone who actually did exist.  Especially when a profile has a connection to another one, the profile should not be removed.

In addition to all that, we try to keep merges to a minimum because each merge results in redirects, which adds to the demand on computer resources.  If there are several redirects (resulting from several merges) then there will be a palpable delay for a profile to be displayed when you click on a link to it.

Susan, please add the tag: unknowns  to your question to get attention from that project, who can provide better guidance than I can about the whole thing … and please - nobody do any more merges of this family until someone from the Unknowns project responds.
by Gaile Connolly G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
selected by Susan Keil

The original history is linked from the merge item in the change history, and you can see it here:

As you can see it was created as "y z" with no data or biography.

Yes .... Arrrrrrrggghhhhh ... I deliberately did not adopt the profile before asking my question thinking that everyone else would do the better thing with it. I'm now wishing I had adopted and then asked my question ... Sorry about that, Gaile ... I have added the unknowns tag as requested.
THANX, Nathan - I somehow managed to miss seeing that in the change pages for Unknown  I couldn't understand why it wasn't showing in the changes - now I see it, though - looks like the problem was somewhere between my eyes and my brain.

Even though it didn't have data or biography, it still had connections to spouse and child - in fact, it still has those, so looks like no harm done, other than the unnecessary merge.  Looking at the descendants list, this is the matriarch of about 4 or 5 generations.  Since most of them are or could be living (based on birth years), my guess is that this will end up closing the account of the profile manager and deleting all the living ones, but Unknown and her husband and maybe some children should be kept - we do know her husband's LNAB, so maybe we can find out more about both of them with a lot of effort.
I don't think this profile should have anything further done unless and until someone digs into the private descendants and figures out who this is. Given that they are private there's little reason for anyone not family to do so.
+4 votes
A profile connected to a living person with a one-letter surname isn't eligible for recycling. I've merged it into a recycled Unknown Unknown. Until the person can be connected or identified that's the best we can do. The creator seems to be inactive since 2011. Maybe someday this will be linked up. The post-GDPR privacy milieu makes these scenarios more common.

Those adopting this profile can get basic info on the child and request trusted access, and get an admin to grant access if that is necessary and appropriate (since the profile manager appears not to be active).
by Nathan Kennedy G2G6 Mach 3 (40.0k points)
Great, thanks for that explanation.

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