Proposing a change to uploaded images that are sources.

+4 votes
I thought I would make a suggestion here to be reviewed and if I am missing something, please chime in and let me know.

Upon uploading an image which is a source, (ex. a birth certificate), I do indicate that this is a "source" at the bottom of the page.  If there are no other images in the profile, it automatically becomes the default profile photo.  Is there a way Wikitree Tech can fix this so it does not become the default photo or that we can choose if that image should be the default photo?

Also, is there a way Wikitree Tech can link the information we include in the "explain where you got this from" (which I include the citation/source information) below the == Sources == header?   Yes I manually do this, well if I remember!!!  Would be nice to eliminate that extra step!

Thank you for your consideration! :)
in WikiTree Tech by Skye Sonczalla G2G6 Pilot (106k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
Skye, I owe you big-time for all the geography you've been correcting and clarifying in my family profiles.  Eddie's answer is correct but I realize you're asking for a less time-consuming way to do it, however I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen - certainly not anytime soon.  Soooo … if you want to use a free space page to upload images instead of uploading them directly to profiles, then I'll offer to go behind you and put them in the sources section the way I did in the example profile Eddie linked to.  All you have to do is shoot me an email telling me you uploaded an image and give me the WikiTree IDs of the profiles you want it added to.
Skye, Just a reminder, if you do add an image as a source please make sure you also put a citation for the image in the sources section. failing to do that can result in a suggestion and/or someone marking the profile as usourced.
Oh you don't owe me, it was a labor of love.  We're all in this big mess together!  lol :)

2 Answers

+3 votes

Create a free space page. Put your images there. Like this

Then click on an image and you'll see  something like this on the right side about halfway down the page

 Inside Text

To use this image inside the text of a profile, try pasting this snippet of code into the bio/text section:

|caption=Military Image 1

Then use this in the bio section as a source. The image will be in the bio like it is here

by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (709k points)
+5 votes

The first part of your suggestion, to not use an image of a source as the default profile photo, is actually already on the to-do list - see However it has been allocated as low priority and has been on the list for almost 2 years, so I suspect it may not get fixed any time soon as there are a number of more important fixes to be addressed first.

by Paul Masini G2G6 Pilot (399k points)

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