Connect A Thon 2019 G2G Chat Page Legacy Heirs

+15 votes

Hey all, way to go on an amazing start! Thank you so much, you all make me so proud and thankful to be part of this team!!!

Hey all!!! Basically this is the easiest of all the thons. No paying attention to which profiles. You do not have to go find unconnected ones. Just ADD profiles. That is it. One point for every profile that is not a duplicate. There does need to be one good solid source and then if you have others sources, add away. It is basically what we do normally!! 

As always I am so glad to have you on this team. We are still a work at your own pace, in your own place and your own time.

The place to sign up is:

Our team chat is at: 

Legacy Heir Space page is:

Here is a link to a tutorial that might help:

If something keeps you away, I understand, but as always I love having you on the Legacy Heirs Team. Please sign up to join if you can, and we will see you on July. Even if you can only help with one thing, please join us.

== Members ==


[[Mullins-2069|Jayme Arrington]]

[[Green-16543|Katie Sell]]

[[Tucker-11319|Rhonda Zimmerman]]

[[Noel-901|John Noel]]

[[Wheeler-8347|Kellie Rhodes]]

[[Gale-1236|Philip Gale]]

[[Conn-1178|Randy Conn DMD]]

[[Mahoney-1820|Sally Mahoney]]

[[Floyd-1923|Ron Floyd]]

[[N.-17|Maggie N.]]

[[Coles-1006|Olin Coles]]

[[Cooper-6566|Linda Richter]]

[[X-7764|Elizabeth X]]

[[McCallum-662|Stephen McCallum]]

[[Poole-4947|Terry Poole]]

[[Williams-5383|Kristin Anderson]]

[[Keil-336|Susan Keil]]

[[Kelleher-53|Lucy Lavelle]]

[[Holland-5579|Zoiya Tate]]

[[Gauthier-2258|N. Gauthier]]

[[Mattox-721|Joyn Mattox]]

[[Bennett-17035|Nancy Contoupe]]

[[Reid-4316|Fiona Lee]]

[[Cave-596|Janet Thorpe]]

[[Hoch-353|Terri Davis]]

[[Trtnik-2|Aleš Trtnik]]

in The Tree House by Lisa Murphy G2G6 Pilot (346k points)
edited by Lisa Murphy
I replied in G2G "Sign me up" but don't see my name on the list... Am I in??
I am sorry Stephen, I must have missed it. I am going back in right away to find it, welcome you in there and get you on the list. I am really sorry.
Hey hun,

found it. There is no team listed, I need you to go in and say you want Legacy Heirs.
I'm an old fool...
You are fine hun, it was a quick fix.
Thank you....

LOL.... Do I just carry on?? Or must I claim score somehow??
I currently think it is just that Starting the 12th of next month, you just enter new people and it automatically adds it to your count. If I find any thing different from that, I will post it here and in the free page also. Just check back occasionally to see any updates. Thank you again for being a Legacy Heir.

I thought I'm late! I do multiple hours every day... Chat next month....

If you need my email is and I have also started a page on Face Book called "Genealogy Assistance"....

Many regards!

Hi Stephen, welcome smiley

Best wishes from the Wizards of Aus (aka Team Australia)!

Wizarding up a storm of (sourced) profiles.

24 Answers

+10 votes
I’m in.  I have a lot of siblings of direct ancestors to profile.  T
by Katie Sell G2G6 Mach 3 (32.8k points)
Great, go sign up on the sign in page so you can be counted on the team. So glad to have you with the team.
Me too, Katie! And lots of stray in-laws.
+8 votes
I'm excited for this new type of thon :) :) Can't wait!
by Jayme Arrington G2G6 Pilot (186k points)
I understand Jayme! I am too.

Basically, getting points to do what we really do anyway, how much better could it get!!
You bet, Jayme! It will be interesting to see how it goes.
+9 votes
I have started a list of my family profiles that still need siblings and children added so that I can be as productive as possible.
by Rhonda Zimmerman G2G6 Pilot (230k points)
That is a great idea. I do that too. I actually plan to start mine today. It helps when you can just start entering and do not have to search and research before. Well for me anyway it does.
It does for me too!
+9 votes
I want to make sure it counts so please give a refresher as I do not want to lose points like the last a-thon we had.. lol  Some way some how some a lot of my stuff did not count. I want it to count. :)
by Linda Richter G2G6 Mach 1 (12.2k points)
As the time gets closer, I will go over more of the details. So far I know that we just add profiles. They can not be duplicates and have to have at least one good solid source. Any other sources you have can be added too.
+9 votes
Thanks for including me. I'm looking forward to this!

Please clarify, once you know, whether adding a new profile (with a credible source) counts for the 'thon' that is not connected to any other profiles (yet).

Or, is it in order to count, the new profile needs to connect to an existing profile?
by Susan Keil G2G6 Mach 6 (68.4k points)
That is a good question, so far I have heard just add profiles. I will check into that and get an answer back as soon as I hear.

Just got told at least one profile in the family has to be already on the tree. I will put it above too, but here is a tutorial link that might help clear it up.

Thank you!
+8 votes

July is around the corner! Checking out my watchlist first for the..................

Connect A Thon 2019

by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+11 votes
As some of you know, my daughter and k lost our home about 10 months ago. This is the 4th thon I have worked on from our car. I tell you this because this one is giving me a little more trouble with getting in. If you need something, k will be on and answer/ help, I just ask for patience with me. I will be in as much as possible. I appreciate you all and will not  abandon you, just being slow. Thanks all.
by Lisa Murphy G2G6 Pilot (346k points)
+9 votes
Do I need to have a Connectathon badge before it starts ?

I am a Wikitree Connector where we link unconnected branches to the global wikitree. But to confirm I understand this event correctly, the Connectathon is not the same thing ... it counts any new people you add to wikitree irregardless of whether there are any global wikitree links - Correct?

One last thing I would like to check ... if I link two unconnected profiles on wikitree as related ... does that count or not ?

by N Gauthier G2G6 Pilot (300k points)
Hi hun, you are on our roster so you are good. You should have e the badge by now but if not, it is just that Eowyn has been so busy. You will get it.

Yes, all you have to do is find a profile on your watchlist or on the tree elsewhere, and add to their family.

Any new profile you add counts as long as it is connected to one that was previously on the tree before we start.
+8 votes
by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+8 votes
Cut-off date for registration is July 10th, Midnight.
by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+8 votes

N., looking for an answer to your question about scoring, and the only scoring points listed in the HELP page is points for adding new profiles >

by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Yes, they have to be attached to one that is already on. The tree before we start but otherwise, any new one counts as a point.
+8 votes

Hi Legacy Heirs Folks! Start adding your people in 5 minutes. 


by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+7 votes

Once again, The Connect-A-Thon Help link

by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+6 votes

Here is the link to the video chats for Connect-a-thon

by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+8 votes

Cool activity feed for Connect-a-thon

Newly-Added Family

This feed shows the latest contributions for our Connect-a-Thon.

by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Love this, thanks!
+8 votes
I'm on the board!!

Go Team!
by Susan Keil G2G6 Mach 6 (68.4k points)
+10 votes
Way to go on the start!! I am so blessed with this team. I am not currently able to join on the fun but will as soon as possible. Much gratitude goes out to all of you pushing along and all who will be. Thank you and I will check in here as often as possible.
by Lisa Murphy G2G6 Pilot (346k points)
+8 votes

Please Help! I believe I could add some connections but my person of interest is PPP with DBE 921. Please see this G2G post. The 1850 US Census record enumerated 14Oct1850 in Plymouth, Michigan has his father, some siblings, etc. 

by Susan Keil G2G6 Mach 6 (68.4k points)

I removed the PP on Hiram Berdan. Thanks for improving the profile smiley

If I'm thinking about this correctly, I think once the merge I proposed between Cutler-2009 and Cutler-775 (who is connected to The Tree) goes through, I will have connected Berdan-1 to the Greater Tree! I think this is the first time I've actually been able to make a connection to the tree. (I think when I started out, someone else made the edit that connected me to the tree.) Berdan-1 has been hanging around as an unconnected orphan (0 connections) for over 10 years!
+9 votes
We're in 5th now : ) That's great!
by Jayme Arrington G2G6 Pilot (186k points)
Thank you for posting that. AWESOME work everyone. Each new addition is adding health, beauty and strength to the tree.  Thank you all!!!
+10 votes
I see we are still sitting in 5th! That is wonderful! Thank you to everyone it looks like everyone other than me, have all done at least one! That is awesome. This is such an amazing team. You just continue to make the tree happy, healthy and more beautiful. Outstanding!
by Lisa Murphy G2G6 Pilot (346k points)

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