Shared Photo: Article on Murder

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I wanted to share this family photo of Joseph Wild with the community. Came across this a while ago, and it cleared up on what the whole story was that occurred between the brothers. Location: Flat Creek, North Carolina, USA. Date: 31 Jul 1879.
Click here for the image details page or here for the full-sized version (915 x 1582).

WikiTree profile: Joseph Wild
in Photos by Scott Wild G2G1 (1.2k points)

1 Answer

+7 votes
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Now this is certainly an interesting article. I was reading as fast as my brain could go. Actually speed reading to see what the outcome was going to be. My first thought was John Henry was going to end up killing his mother in a horrific manner. I couldn't believe that someone would really attack their mother mother with an axe . . . but then I thought of Lizzie Borden and the 40 whacks she gave her mother.

What a fast running little daughter Mrs. Wild had.  To run a quarter of a mile to get her brother. She saved her mother's life. She was the hero in this story.

Joseph also was a hero, and a victim. He had to shoot his brother to save his mother's life, but he ended up in court.

I hope that justice was fair to him. In the end is sounds like it was his life or his brother's. And what happened to John's wife? She must have been attacking with the shovel.

Do you have "the rest of the story?"

Thank you for sharing with your WikiTree family.

God Bless.
by Cheryl Hess G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)
selected by Mike Hess
It was family legend for the longest time. This article was the first pure evidence we had of what exactly happened. There was a follow up article written another week after, but its kinda blurry and has creases to where some of it may be difficult to read. The gist of it was to state that Joseph, my 3x great grandpa, had his case dismissed due to what happened. I can upload that too if you would like to see that?

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