Post here to join us in the New Netherland Settlers Project

+52 votes

WikiTree's New Netherland Settlers Project is our collaborative effort to develop and maintain high-quality genealogy information for the people of New Netherland and their descendants.

New Netherland was the 17th-century Dutch colony in eastern North America (mostly in the modern states of New York and New Jersey) controlled by the Dutch West India Company.  Many New Netherland settlers were Dutch, but quite a few of them came from other European places such as Germany, Scandinavia, France, England, Scotland, and the Mediterranean region; some were enslaved Africans; and indigenous Native Americans were part of their community. The scope of the New Netherland Settlers Project currently includes New Netherland descendants born as late as 1776, if they were part of a community where the Dutch culture of New Netherland was prevalent.

If you are interested in participating with this project, please answer this post to join us. In your answer, please tell us about why you are interested in New Netherland (include names of any specific ancestors or New Netherland surnames you are interested in) and tell us how you expect to contribute to the project.

Project members will receive the New Netherland Settlers Project badge on their profiles.

This project is only for WikiTree members. If you are not yet a member of WikiTree, please join the WikiTree community before requesting membership here. See Help:How to Use WikiTree to get started.

Also, we ask project members to:

  1. Add new_netherland to your followed tags.
  2. After you have been accepted into the project, request to join our Google Group, and include your name and Wikitree ID in your request.
  3. Add the category [[Category:New_Netherland_Settlers_Project]] including the brackets, to your biography.

If you have questions about New Netherland or the project, you may find answers on the FAQ page or the New Netherland Settlers Project page. See our advice on reliable sources on the New Netherland Settlers Reliable Sources page and see additional project resources and sourcing advice on our New Netherland Genealogy Resources category. You may even find your ancestors on our Progenitors and Immigrants of the New Netherlands Settlers (though it is quite incomplete!)

PS - Please ANSWER in this G2G thread.

in Requests for Project Volunteers by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
edited by Ellen Smith
I am interested in joining the New Netherlands project. I am Landsman-55. My Grandmother was Edna Jane Van Benschoten. I found a lot of my Dutch ancestors back to the Vignes due to the efforts of many of you who traced the Van Benschoten (Bunschoten) line and the first boy born in New Netherlands. I would love to learn more and be part of this project. — L Landsman (Landsman-55)
Hello! I would like to join. My New Netherland family that I am researching currently are: Burghardt, Van Hoesen, Van Wie, Van Valkenburg, Klauw, Slingerland, Santvoord, Middaugh, Bergen, and Rapalje. I would like to contribute in helping research not only my families but others as well. I love tying things together and digging into things to solve mysteries and make connections. I am a mom, so I research in bits here and there, but I do love focusing on chunks at a time and am working hard to go back through my chart and document and re-verify everything that I have found or have been given by the previous generation of researchers in my family. I also recently found a New Netherlands connection in my husband's family. ~Sharman Rice (Lutz-3115)
Hello!  I am so excited to see this group and would love to join.  I have only recently found out that our family history reaches back this far, and I have become obsessed learning as much as I can about our roots.  My name is Julena Johnson Doudt, and my ancestors include the Crankheyte, Syboutzen, Ryder, deLint, Pieters, etc.  I have even found out that one of them was included in the 60 or so people who managed to escape the Massacre at Naarden.  (I am humbled by knowing that I would not exist if he hadn't escaped!)
Me please if you don't mind ,
Hello! I’m Laurie Cable Olsson, Cable-115. I was fascinated to discover my Dutch ancestors while researching several years ago. Some of them include Romeyn, Van Dyke, Wyckoff, Haegen, Dirckse, Janse.

I would love to collaborate with others on improving our ancestors profiles.

I am working on processing the backlog of requests that were posted as comments. [Folks: Please post your request by using the Answer this post button.]

A hearty welcome to the New Netherland Settlers project to John Diefenbach, Nathaniel Eaton, Kristin Robinson, Mitchell Wilcox.

You all have the badge now. smiley

More welcomes to new project members Jan Wink, Jared Crayk, Julena Doudt, and Laurie (Cable) Olsson. heart We look forward to your contributions.

Thank you very much, Ellen! Looking forward to participating in this project!
Hello, my name is Dawn Stansell (Harrold)  I'm very curious about this group as I have relatives who were in New York area in the time of this period.  My 9th removed Great grandmother was Elizabeth De Graff, born in 1697, who married my Great grandfather Nicholas Stansell ,born in 1669, in 1710 in New York. Her parents were Claas De Graff and Elisabeth Brouwer.If eligible I would love to join.
Welcome to Dawn.

417 Answers

+5 votes
I would like to join the New Netherlands project to find help finding more information about "Jan Roelofsen from Norway" that sailed on the 'De Statyn' and arrived in New Amsterdam in Sept. 27, 1663. Hopefully to find a connection with our earliest known ancestor, Marinus Roelofsen Van Vleckeren, married 1702 and appointed constable for the 'Out Ward for the Bowery Division' on September 29, 1709.
by Bill Van Vlack G2G Crew (350 points)
+7 votes

I would like to join the New Netherlands project to learn more about these early settlers.  I descend from Pieter Marcelis who arrived in May 1661.

I enjoy researching and live near the National Archives so could help pull data if that would help in the effort.  

Ken Marsalis

by Kenneth Marsalis G2G Crew (410 points)
+9 votes
Hello! My name is Shonda Feather and I am interested in joining this project as many of my ancestors were part of this New Netherland settlement. My ancestors include Bratt/Bradt, Van Vechen, Bogardus, and Jans to name a few. I would love to learn more as well as  help the New Netherlanders with their genealogy.
by Shonda Feather G2G6 Pilot (429k points)

Delighted to have you in the project, Shonda. smiley

Please get acquainted with the naming conventions and other information on our project page (our conventions may differ from what you are accustomed to), as well as the resource materials linked there.

+9 votes
Hi, I am Chris Guinotte and my mother is Agnes Ryckman.  I have traced her ancestries back to Albert Janse Ryckman, born in Albany, New Netherland.  I would love to know more.
by Chris Guinotte G2G1 (1.3k points)

Welcome to this project, Chris. Albert Janse Ryckman has a profile in WikiTree at It's an interesting profile, but some of the details need confirmation from sources. Working on researching those details would be a good introduction to New Netherland research. smiley

I suggest that you get acquainted with the naming conventions and other information on our project page, as well as the resource materials linked there.

+9 votes
Greetings.  I am BB Sahm and through my maternal line my ancestry extends back into the foundings of Albany and Rensselaer counties.  My shortlist of Dutch settlers include Ostrander, Clute, Van Bommel, Moll, Winne, Barheit, Schermerhorn, Ten Eyck, Konyn, Van Buren, and, my personal favorite, Kool.  At this point I do not believe I have entered all of my branches into the system.  I am filled with the joyful hope that most of my lines are previously covered by the other members of the New Netherlands team, as my mother's family tree tends to have very twiggy branches of children per generation.  My spouse's family traces back to the Stillwells and Van Buskirks of Southern New York and Northern New Jersey.  Those I have already spent time researching for WikiTree and hope my contributions add something for the Cousin-verse out there.
by BB Sahm G2G6 Mach 3 (32.4k points)

I regret that it took me so long to welcome you into this project, BB. Some of your lines most definitely have been documented here (at least in part) by other members, but others of your ancestors are in need of the tender loving care that I hope you can provide. smiley

Please get acquainted with the naming conventions and other information on our project page, as well as the resource materials linked there.

+10 votes

Hi, my name is Jamal Treon Whittaker. I have several colonial settlers in my tree. I’m still working on verifying my connections and learning new/better ways to source information. I’m interested in joining because I’m finding several surnames related to this project: Lewis, Klass (Claes, Claessen, Claeszen, Smit, Golding, Lake), Goler/Goulder (Golder, Golden, Goulding), Lake (Leek, Leuck), Perrine (Perrin Peroyne), Stotholf (Stoothoff). I would like to be able to communicate with members to help with identification/verification, and eventually be able to do the same for others and the project itself. I appreciate your consideration.

by Jamal Whittaker G2G1 (1.7k points)
I think I'm already a member of this project but I can't remember for sure. My tie to New Netherlands is Anthony The Turk van Sallee and Greitje Reyniers.

Welcome to this project, Jamal. I believe we have already met. smiley

Please get acquainted with the naming conventions and other information on our project page, as well as the resource materials linked there. Because you are well attuned to the varying spellings of your ancestors' names, I think you may be particularly interested in learning how we handle names.

Whatever the history, I am glad you are in the project now, Carol. smiley

Van Sallee is one of the more colorful families of early New Netherland.

If you have not done so already, please get acquainted with the naming conventions and other information on our project page, as well as the resource materials linked there.

+10 votes

I am descended from many New Netherland settlers and am interested in sharing/exchanging information, improving the accuracy of my records, as well as contributing to the project in useful ways. I am a member of a few different genealogy and historical societies and maintain an active subscription to an academic library.

A few names/IDs from my family tree:

  • Banta-169
  • Banta-169
  • Van Voorhees-154

With thanks,

Rhyan Romaine

by Rhyan Romaine G2G6 (9.5k points)

Welcome to this project, Rhyan. smiley I see a New Jersey theme among your New Netherland ancestors, so I expect that you will enjoy collaborating with other members whose ancestors were there.

Please get acquainted with the naming conventions and other information on our project page -- and if you have resource materials not already listed on one of the resource pages linked there, don't be shy about adding to the collection.

+10 votes
I would like to join the New Netherlands settlers..  All my ancestors on my fathers side came from the Netherlands.  Names Van Wyck & Banta's.
by Dianne Semmens G2G6 (7.8k points)

Hi, Dianne. smiley We've met before, and I'm sorry it's taken this long to get you the New Netherland project badge, but I am glad that you finally have it.

It can be a challenge to connect the Loyalist life stories of ancestors like yours with their New Netherland family histories, but I find it interesting to see the stories that emerge when the puzzle pieces get connected together.

If you have not done so already, please get acquainted with the naming conventions and other information on our project page, as well as the resource materials linked there.

+10 votes
I would like to join The New Netherlands Project to learn more about my ancestors.

John Crossman 1630
by John Gibson Crossman G2G1 (1.1k points)
Hi, John. I'm not at all sure that New Netherland is the project you wanted to join. Your Crossman ancestors were in New England, not New Netherland, and overall the last 10 generations of your ancestry looks like it is pretty pure New England. (You and I are cousins many times over, via a number of New England ancestors.)

I am not giving you the badge at the moment because I think you intended to sign up for some other project.
+10 votes
I would like to join the New_Nethrland project please. I will start with my own ancestors and relations and then be glad to help with any other profiles that need work.

Lukas Murphy-26503
by Lukas Murphy G2G6 Mach 6 (61.3k points)
Welcome aboard, Lukas!
+10 votes

Hello, I would like to Join the New Netherland Settlers WikiTree Project. 

I have been researching my Earls family for about 15 years. My oldest known ancestor is Nicholas Earls who first shows up in Corinth NY in the 1820 census. 

My YDNA results at Family Tree connect me to 2 known descendants of Edward Earle (b. 1628) of Secaucus NJ.

I believe I have found my connection to the Edward Earle line through Edwar's grandson Enoch. 

According to the project called:
Settlers of the Beekman Patent

by Frank J. Doherty 

Enoch Earle (b. 1692) who is a Grandson of the original immigrant Edward Earle of Secaucus (b. 1628) came to Fishkill NY in 1741. His first wife (Anna Morris) had passed away in 1734. He remarried in 1737, Grietje (Margaret) Van Der Hoeff.  The Van Der Hoeff family had lived in Albany previously and then they came to New Jersey.  


Enoch followed or helped his Daughter Rachael and her husband Philip Smith. Philip Smith was taxed in Fishkill from 1738 through 1754. Enoch was taxed in Fishkill NY from 1741 through 1757.

Fishkill NY was part of the Rombout Patent and was called Rombout originally. 

Enoch had a son named Joseph who was born in NJ about 1730 and he married Catherine Oostrum on 25 May 1751. The Oostrum family was from Poughkeepsie NY.

Joseph, who was sometimes called "John", was taxed in Rombout NY in 1753 and 1754 and then in Poughkeepsie NY, where his wife’s family lived, in June 1754 through June 1755. He was then in Beekman NY from 1755 through June 1768. 


Glenn Earls

by Glenn Earls G2G6 (8.3k points)

Glad to have you blending your research results with the growing collection of New Netherland genealogy here in Wikitree. smiley

+11 votes
May I please join your project?  I was doing the current connect-a-thon and as I was adding my family a ran into a few profiles that needed adoption, so I adopted them.  Then I noticed there was already a Peter Benjamin Henion, who so happens to be my 3rd great grandfather, but it was managed by the New Netherlands Settlers project.  I asked my leader about it and she sent me the link to the project.  :)  So excited!
by Tabatha Steele G2G6 Mach 2 (24.3k points)
Welcome to the project. Peter Benjamin Henion clearly is a New Netherland descendant, but he was born too late to have the Project as a profile manager. I hope the project and its resource pages can help you connect hin and your other New York Dutch lines back to their roots.

I didn't add him to WikiTree.  I was adding family members when I ran into a file that was already created and it says the project is the manager.  Henion-711   Profile managerNew Netherland Settlers WikiTree Find Relationship private message [send private message]  

Yes, Tabatha. I saw that history. smiley  I made that comment so you would know why I would be removing him from the project.

Awesome thank you.
+11 votes
I'd like to join the New Netherland Settlers Project. Thanks!
by Ann Risso G2G6 (6.8k points)

Welcome to this project, Ann. It is wonderful to see how you have been bravely working to improve some problematic New Netherland profiles. heart

If you have not done so already, please get acquainted with the naming conventions and other information on our project page, as well as the resource materials linked there.

+11 votes

My name is Joseph Dorn. I was born and raised in the Hudson Valley. I lived in both Hyde Park and Poughkeepsie. My paternal family tree has the names Dorn, Newkirk, Bogart and Vermilyer. I look forward to learning from this group
by Joseph Dorn G2G1 (1.6k points)
Glad that you are here, Joseph. Between your local knowledge and the research resources that project members have, I expect that your involvement will enhance both the project and your genealogy.

Please get acquainted with the naming conventions and other information on our project page, as well as the resource materials linked there.
+11 votes
My name is George C. Bagnall a descendant of Paulis Jurckse born 1630 Texel Noord-Holland died 1682 Kings, Province of New York.  I believe that I may have other ancestors that were born in the Netherlands.
by George Bagnall G2G2 (2.4k points)
edited by George Bagnall

I'm delighted that you are joining us, George. Paulus Jurckse is Jurckse-1. It's great to see that your ancestry has been linked back to him here in WikiTree.

That Jurckse-1 profile exists, and it is project-protected to protect the LNAB, but there is plenty that needs to be done to improve it and other profiles for the family. Please don't be shy about adding info and sources, reconciling discrepancies, etc.

Yes, you probably have other Dutch immigrant ancestors to discover -- and possibly other New Netherland immigrant ancestors who came from other parts of Europe (not nearly all of our "Dutch" ancestors from New York and New Jersey were actually Dutch).

Please get acquainted with the naming conventions and other information on our project page, as well as the resource materials linked there. Those other resources may help you find more ancestors.

+10 votes
Hello Im a descendent of Cornelis Andriesen-7. I have checked DNA of several dna relatives and we matched. Im from the Sarah Elizabeth Anderson wife of Thomas Gordon side. Thanks Bryan Murphy
by Bryan Murphy G2G Crew (500 points)
+10 votes
Hello my name is David Ploughe, I have been doing some Genealogy research and have discovered a relation to a few New Netherlands Settlers. Ploeg-43, Ploeg-42, Albertse-14
by David Ploughe G2G Crew (500 points)
+10 votes
My name is Jo-Ann Cook and I am interested in the New Netherlands Settlers Project as I am a descendant of the Vliet/ van der Vliet/ van der Bilt lineage whose families established in Independence Township New Jersey.  Thanks you!
by Jo-Ann Cook G2G Crew (500 points)
+10 votes
Thomas Pettit and Christian Mellows(es) documentation roadblock. My father was able to trace our genealogy back to Increase Pettit of Hempstead, LI b 08/25/1726 d12/29/1795 married to Martha Eldert b 05/11/1729 d 02/28/1805. I have picked up where he left off and searching for documentation to prove the connection of Christian Mellows(es) B:Abt 1611 Boston, Lincolnshire, Eng D: 09/02/1665 Newtown, LI marriage ~ 11/1629 in County Essex, Eng to Thomas Pettit b~1609-1610? Hertfordshire, Eng D: 1668 Newtown, LI.  I am also searching for documentation to prove connection of  Christian Mellows(es) to her parents Abraham Mellowes~1570 and Martha Bulkeley.
by Kristen Kemper G2G Crew (500 points)

Hi, Kristen. You are a Guest member of WikiTree. To be a meaningful participant in a project like this one you need to upgrade your membership to Wiki Genealogist (don't worry -- it really is free to do that!). If you upgrade, I will be happy to give you the badge.

Thomas Pettit and Christian Mellowes have WikiTree profiles at and Stop by and see the progress that other WikiTreers have made with them -- and their discussions of mysteries and controversies.

+11 votes
I would like to learn more about my Dutch Heritage, and may family and people, Van Etten, and Van Eaton from Etten Noord-Brabandt.
by anonymous G2G Crew (530 points)
Hi, Brian. You are a Guest member of WikiTree. To be a meaningful participant in a project like this one you need to upgrade your membership to Wiki Genealogist (don't worry -- it really is free to do that!). If you upgrade, I will be happy to give you the badge.

There are lots of Van Etten profiles in WikiTree. Do join us and connect your recent ancestry with some earlier Van Ettens.

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