Gedmatch growing pains

+15 votes

Background: Gedmatch has largely transitioned to the Gedmatch Genesis site. It's still in Beta and it still doesn't always behave the way I think it should, but Gedmatch has stopped supporting the "legacy" Gedmatch site. All old members have been moved to Gedmatch Genesis, our WikiTree ancestral trees that were linked from old Gedmatch are now linked from Genesis, and a growing fraction of Gedmatch members now have the new-format IDs that indicate they joined Genesis, not the old site.

This leads me to ask several questions (for the tech team or for other members who are tuned in to Gedmatch):

  1. Can WikiTreers who have the inside scoop tell us whether Gedmatch plans to move the Genesis content over to, or do they plan to keep it on
  2. The "Beta" One-to-Many comparison feature on Genesis is the only place I can access other people's One-to-Many lists, and currently there's no way to click on a hyperlink to get a different list to come up on the screen. (If I click a hyperlinked ID number, I get a message saying I need to subscribe to Tier One.) The help pages still indicate that the hyperlinked letter "L" will bring up another person's list and that "A" and "X" will bring up one-to-one autosomal and X comparisons, but in fact there's no link to bring up a list and it's necessary to clck on the hyperlinked cM counts to get one-to-one comparisons. Does Gedmatch have restoration of the "List" feature on its to-do list? (Does anyone here know?)
  3. Is Gedcom Genesis set up to support new links back to WikiTree ancestral trees?
  4. How close is WikiTree to changing over to link to the Genesis site (with both ID formats: both the old format of one letter plus 6 numbers format and the new format of two letters plus seven numbers are currently in use at Genesis) instead of the old
in WikiTree Tech by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)

4 is unknown, but you can track updates here.

4 Answers

+5 votes
5. How do I eliminate all the American profiles in the matching process so it doesn't take all day? I'm in Australia and my ancestors are from the UK. The majority of profiles (US or otherwise) are lacking any location data and are useless for ANY purpose, but at least dodging the ones I'll never need would surely speed up the process. I've had three attempts now and the furthest I got was 10,000/108,000 records.
by Robert Judd G2G6 Pilot (136k points)
Nowadays, I mostly focus on people who are reasonably strong matches and have either a Wiki ancestral tree or a Gedcom that I can look at.
Rob, is there a reason why your WikiTree profile doesn't show any DNA test information?
That would be because I'm still waiting for a return mail sticker to be emailed from Dante Labs.
+8 votes
point 2
there is nothing stopping you from noting any number and running the one to many again using any number you want
Yes it's not as convenient as clicking a hyperlink, but it works, likewise the one to one can be run between any kits - just as both could be run on GEDMatch.

GEDmatch/Genesis is free but someone has to pay bills for hosting/traffic etc.
I'm happy to support them by subscribing to Tier 1 and appreciate the convenience of the hyperlinks and additional tools that make my use of Genesis more efficient but many reports are still available for free.
by Lorna Henderson G2G6 Mach 3 (31.7k points)

Yes, there is nothing stopping me from entering that ID, but my concern is about the increasing number of people who are trying to use Wikitree's DNA features and hitting a brick wall -- and are expressing frustration here in G2G, asking for mentor assistance, or possibly just giving up.

Suppose I want to see if I have a DNA match with a person whose DNA test appears on . A couple of the testees there show Gedmatch Genesis ID numbers. If I click on one of those IDs, I am taken to a login page on, and after I log in I see the following error message:

Kit number HD8419681 not found in public DNA database.
Did you forget the letter prefix for your kit number ('T' for FTDNA, 'M' for 23andMe, 'A' for Ancestry.Com)?
If you have just uploaded your data, please allow a few days for batch processing to complete.

Nary a hint that I might have entered a Genesis ID number, and that I ought  to go to the Genesis site. I know that the ID I entered was  a Genesis ID, but not all users of this website can be expected to have that knowledge.

The WikiTree hyperlinking feature gives the impression that it is taking me to a page where I can quickly compare my data with the person whose ID number I clicked on, but in fact the link takes me to an error message. Instead, I need to go to a different website, log in, find the Beta One-to-Many link, type the 9-character ID number that I clicked on back at Wikitree into a box, and hit a button that says "SEARCH."

that particular issue is the WikiTree end and I agree should be FIXED, sooner rather than later

Your point two reads rather more about hyperlinks in the one to many report on GEDMatch/Genesis.
>>The "Beta" One-to-Many comparison feature on Genesis is the only place I can access other people's One-to-Many lists, and currently there's no way to click on a hyperlink to get a different list to come up on the screen. <<

+4 votes

On point 2

When I use  One-To-Many DNA Comparison Result rather than the Beta version, I am able to click on the Kit # and go to that person's list for free. Is this what you were wanting?

My question is where are you seeing our WikiTree ancestral trees that were linked from old Gedmatch are now linked from Genesis?  I don't see them linked anywhere. I've been waiting for those.

by Karen Raichle G2G6 Mach 8 (88.3k points)
For the IDs we manage, there's a one-to-many table linked on the left side of the page that has functioning links to the other people's lists, but that table doesn't include the links to ancestral trees (nor some of the other features from old Gedmatch). And if I want to look at another member's list, I can't enter their ID to get to that table format; i can only use the Beta table.

Ancestral trees are linked from the Beta One to Many table.
Thanks so much for the information.  Maybe eventually some of the previous functions will be returned.
+4 votes
While I'm certainly not an insider with "the scoop," I have been hacking my way through Genesis, using my new Tier 1 subscription.  

1. Although the new one-to-many remains in beta, I am impressed with how easy it makes triangulation.  Thanks to the programmers for that; I'm sure it will only get better with time.  As has always been the case for GEDmatch, very few of the tools are intuitive--but once you hack your way through them, you find how powerful they are.

2.  Yes, to see the Gedcom and Wikitree links to your matches, you must subscribe to Tier 1.  However, I have already found at least one example where the Gedcom link did not successfully migrate from legacy GEDmatch.  I know this because I took the email of the match and put it back into legacy GEDmatch and found a Gedcom, the link of which did not survive the transition to Genesis.
by Michael Schell G2G6 Mach 5 (50.7k points)

I can in fact see Gedcoms and Wiki ancestral trees in Genesis for my matches without subscribing to Tier 1.

But after doing some checking, I agree with you that not all of the Gedcom and Wiki links successfully came over from the old Gedmatch. I've compared my list on the old site with my list on the new site and found several instances where the old site has a functioning Gedcom or Wiki link, but the Genesis site has nothing. I also found a couple of instances where a Gedcom link on the Genesis site takes me to an empty page. In one such instance, I found that the person did not have a Gedcom on the old site. (Maybe he uploaded a Gedcom to Genesis and it didn't take?)

Well that's interesting.  I upgraded to Tier 1 only last Friday specifically because I was not getting those links in Genesis.  Immediately after the upgrade, the links appeared.
Interesting indeed -- not to mention being strange...

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