How can I link my name/DNA to the tree without becoming a member?

+6 votes
I do not want to help on the tree.  I only did this for my sister. And I would like any questions to go to her. What can we do.

in WikiTree Help by Tom Lewis G2G Crew (340 points)
retagged by Maggie N.
and I have an even MORE difficult situation:  Tom is able & willing to get a little involved.  I have 3 DNA relatives who are all in nursing homes & sometimes able to do email but not clear enough to be HERE.   OTHER SITES  (My heritage for sure) allows someone to SWEAR they've been given permission to enter a relatives DNA)   I have legal access to 8 DNA kits & am acting as 3 different WIKItree people, myself & 2 of my sisters!  I've used several different email accounts to upload DNA kits which I then make that email a trusted member etc etc whatever so that person/email account does NOT have to do anything.   

I WISH WIKItree could come up with a simpler way to let younger relatives handle the DNA of aged or disinterested relatives.  ( I DO understand European rules may be different from the USA)

4 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
I do believe that a "Free" membership is required and really does make sense as to the various features that may/might not work out for non/guest members.

Being a member doesn't need/require an individual to contribute to everything (like the G2G Forum, the ***-A-Thon's, etc...). She would only take care of her own profile as that would be the only profile she would be the PM for.

First, have your sister create a WikiTree account membership and then have her connected to her specific profile (or you can assist her if she's not very technically inclined).

Once she has a that done, don't forget to go through the process of going from a Guest Membership to a "Free" full membership.

Then the following process can be accomplished...

Take a look at the following WikiTree Help Page links that are specific to your question....

... But in short, you don't just simply upload it to WikiTree itself as WikiTree utilizes a (trusted) 3rd party that links the applicable DNA information via the following GEDmatch link (registration there is required and its Free).

You then just follow their instructions to upload your DNA file and then you just have to add your GEDmatch ID info within the WikiTree DNA Tests page to link them.

Issues regarding GedMatch is not managed by WikiTree, but GedMatch themselves.

If the above links nor GedMatch is helpful at all, the following answer provided within a similar/same question (asked within the WikiTree G2G forum) is probably your best bet to figure out what's going on.

I hope that I was able to explain the above information okay via text... :-)

I do wish you the best of luck! :-)

~Brian Kerr
by Living Kerr G2G6 Pilot (334k points)
selected by Living Kerr
+4 votes
The easiest way would probably be to add your sister as a Trusted List and then Manager to your profile, then she can do it :)
by Dennis Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (581k points)
Right now Tom is only a guest. Wouldn't he need to become a family member first?
that is what I am wondering too
+5 votes
Tom, this is easier than it might sound. First, if your are now a Guest,  go ahead and Upgrade to Family Member (all free). After you have upgraded add your DNA information - just the company you tested with and your kit number if applicable. Also the kind of test. The place to do that is on the upper right of your page - click the Add button and just follow the instructions. Once you have done that, you can add your sister to the Trusted List for your profile and then you can make her the profile manager. You do not need to upload your DNA info to GedMatch unless you want to. Your sister can actually do that by going to GedMatch and clicking the box that says she has express permission to be adding your information.

I hope this helps and thanks for doing this for your sister and your family.
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Thank you Edie for the Best Answer Star - I really appreciate it.
+7 votes
This is such a common issue.  Typically there is one m-a-y-b-e 2 people in a family that digs deep into the genealogy and DNA encouraging participation and buying and giving DNA kits as presents or when asked.  Because I am most interested.

No one in my family is interested in creating logins.  Of course they may think it cool to have their DNA attached to a tree but lack any interest or motivation to do so.

If there were a way to provide documented approval to handle someone else's DNA for them it would make it so much easier to make better progress with these efforts.

I manage at least 8 kits myself.  For wikitree my husband asked me to set up an account and take care of it for him.  Common request.

I have written step by step instructions with illustrations so many times and rarely does anyone bother to act on them.  Sometimes I just have to travel 500 miles or so to sit down with someone to help them document a kit and then attach it.  

There has got to be a better way.
by Laurie Angel G2G6 Mach 1 (16.8k points)

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