Washington: State or DC?

+7 votes
I notice that there are different conventions in the categories for referring to Washington State and Washington DC.  In the Migration categories, Washington refers to Washington DC and Washington State refers to Washington State.  In the Name Studies and the United States of America categories, a different convention is used.  Washington refers to Washington State and District of Columbia is Washington DC.  The migration category of Washington already has in it migrants to Washington State. Can we see this tidied up? Please use an unambiguous convention and use the same convention across WikiTree.
in Policy and Style by Living Cowan G2G6 (9.5k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
It should always be fully spelled out as to which Washington is the subject .. especially for the benefit of we foreigners (even those of us who live in the US) .. so, yes, please use the same convention in all places.

(By "fully spelled out" I don't mean it is necessary to put "District of Columbia".  Just using "Washington State" and "Washington DC" removes the potential for misunderstanding.)

1 Answer

+5 votes

The US History project uses "Washington" to represent the state, and "District of Columbia" to represent DC. So in either case, Washington DC should be spelled out as "Washington, District of Columbia".

If you are seeing Washington, District of Columbia (or any other variation in the migration structure), it is incorrect since we do not go to City levels in that structure. The lowest level you should see is Migrants to District of Columbia from ... or Migrants from ... to District of Columbia.

by Steven Harris G2G6 Pilot (762k points)

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