"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! December 7th - 9th, 2018. [closed]

+17 votes

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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

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Enjoy yourself and spread goodwill :)  The Pipster

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: Chat has been completed for the weekend.
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
closed by Dorothy Barry
Hahaha! You couldn’t, so the abbreviation worked! And that’s exactly how I feel sometimes.
You OK weatherwise, Pip? Heard the reports this morning.
Can't Brain today, I has the dumb!
Hi Doug! My email has been spotty all day due to power outage, but it seems to be working now. Satellite connection since WiFi is out. Our power has been out since 10 p.m. yesterday (12/08). We have a gas generator running to power our freezer and fridge. No word from Duke Energy as to when we’ll get back online. Electric water heater = no showers!

Two very large trees fell on our property from an absentee neighbor’s. Several large limbs and broken-in-half trees, too. Huge! Chainsaw time!

Thanks for asking, Doug. That truly made my day.
Thank goodness you are all safe. Get those chainsaws out later Pip. Stay warm for now!!
If they are huge, this is your chance to take up chainsaw sculpting.
“You are evil and must be destroyed.” (Shirley McLane in Steel Magnolias)

image ... glad to see you're ok Pip!!

Pip needs a 4x4 truck with a snow plow so he can get out. Fallen trees mean chainsaw time and lots of hot coffee.

Firewood!  Unless it's elm.

31 Answers

+10 votes
It is going to warm up here in Ohio Today, They expect a high of 28F and even warmer tomorrow it should get up to 36. I plan to vegitate on my recliner as much as possible today, only going out to run grandchildren to and from work as needed, and catch up on some Christmas Movies we have recorded. I might even get some more work done on WikiTree but my internet has been acting up so we'll see.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
Snowing here now. Expecting one foot tonight. I am soooo pleased. Sour Puss in the recliner ain’t much so!
This Sour Puss pulled a muscle in his back recently and the shoulder I broke 2 years ago when I fell on the Ice don't like the cold so I play it safe when I can. Besides I just found out Our one granddaughter will be moved in with us before the next chat so I am going to rest while I can. I just saw the Rowan Amateur radio club has cancelled their meetings due to the weather down in North Carolina. Our club here in Geauga county Ohio never has a meeting in December, partially due to weather but mostly due to the date we would have the meeting is so close to Christmas, in fact this year it would be on Christmas Eve so no one would show up any way,

I did get off my recliner to make Tacos for dinner. I slopped and mad a mess in the kitchen but everyone seemed to enjoy the meal in spite of me being a klutz.cheeky

Dale, the best meals are usually the messiest. Kinda surprised that Rowan cancelled. Didn’t think the snow want going that far east of here.

I am suprised myself about the cancellation because my daughter did not mention the bad weather, but this was on Facebook

**** NEWS FLASH ****
Mondays meeting/dinner is being cancelled due to the weather. It will possibly be rescheduled to December 17th depend on the caters availability. More information will be forthcoming. Jim W4YF

UPDATE: The Christmas party has been rescheduled to the club meeting, January 14th at 6PM.

Yep. Saw the weather map. Salisbury is “getting it.”
My daughter lives just south of China Grove so she may get hit as well.
Yep, The Kannapolis/Concord area is expected to get up to 11 inches and she lives on the northern edge of Kannapolis just off of 29.
Yeah, she’s gonna get it.
+12 votes

Happy Weekend Everyone,

We continue to have below average temperatures, and actually had a few snowflakes - which melted before they hit the ground.

Didn't do much genealogy work this week, but did answer the 52 Week Ancestors - Winter. Winter makes me think of sitting in Aunt Marian's kitchen with a fire burning in half of her cookstove, and also lots of playing in the snow. And there was lots of snow, growing up near Syracuse, New York. I miss it, but also don't miss it. Syracuse is among the top of the United States snowiest major cities. In 2014, the Weather Channel had it at number 1. Right now the Golden Snowball site has Syracuse at number 1 for this year, and Syracuse was number 1 last year and near the top for the past 10 years.

I did dig out some winter pictures. It is obvious that I grew up in snow. Thinking about this picture, I wonder if it was staged (like the home movie of the kitten climbing the sheet on the clothesline); thanks Mom and Dad for putting the 20 month old out in the snow and taking her picture.


There must have been a lot of snow in 1961. I'm guessing that my aunt (5'11") and uncle (6'4") came to help my mother, a widow, shovel the driveway.


And now we all know why Beulah goes to Florida for the winter!

by Kay Knight G2G6 Pilot (607k points)
Kay, those are the most wonderful photos! And snow as high as the car. I’ve never seen anything like that. Spending my entire life in the South, east of the mountains, it just doesn’t snow much.

Thank you, Kay, for sharing these photos with us! Last I heard from Pip his power is out due to the snow and weather. You know you had fun being outside in the snow. If your parents did not put you outside you would have thrown a fit to get to go outside and play in the snow!! smiley

Thank you for sharing the photos Kay!  One of my favorite family 'snow' stories was the year a freak snow storm hit the night before Easter. The family was staying in a camp trailer so the dad could see the kids on Easter morn. When the mom woke up and saw the snow she shrugged, opened the door, and tossed the whole basket of eggs out in the snow for the kids to 'find.' The memory still makes me smile!laugh

Aren't you a little cutie at 20 months old in the snow.  I love it when little ones look like puff balls and can't move for the clothing.
Mindy - hahaha, love the family story, that is so funny.
I wondered what happened to Pip.  Well if he mentioned the power may go off and then we have Chris with a voodoo doll.  Not hard to put 2 and 2 together.
Too funny Nicole. Yes, his power went out. No word on when it returns yet.
I put the doll away the second I was found out. Not my doing, your honor! I plead the 5th! You got nothin' on me, copper!!!!
is that James Cagney?

Sorry Chris, don't believe a word you say cheeky

+11 votes
Been decorating the tree today. Perhaps it's too gaudy. Been remembering the 1940s tree, real, of course, kept in the front room where it wouldn't be in the way! (We only used the front room on special occassions). If we were in luck there'd be a lot of cotton wool to make snow, and we had REAL candles in metal clip-on holders, only lit on Christmas Day. So lovely. Granny had somehow acquired a pot of silver paint which we daubed on sprigs of ivy. And, of course, we made paper chains, had to make our own glue out of flour. Simple and Christmas was two days. Everyone was back at work on the 27th unless it was a Sunday and New Year's Eve parties lasted until about 12.05 as people had to work on New Year's Day. Gifts came from all over, wrapped in brown paper.
by C. Mackinnon G2G6 Pilot (338k points)
Hey, CK! We strung popcorn for our trees when I was little. Also, the tinfoil was real tin, not the plastic stuff sold now.

Thanks for sharing your Christmas story!
+14 votes
Sorry ya'll about the snow :-(

... and at the same time :-) because snow is great at Christmas.

Here (Spain), it is cool at night but everyone is still walking around in shorts.
by SJ Baty G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
edited by SJ Baty
Since we’ve been talking about snow, SJ, I have to say this is a very “cool” photo. Beautiful setting!
Great picture
Wonderful family photo and setting, SJ!  Thank you for sharing it with us.

Pip had so much snow today and late tonight his power is out, bet he is bored and has a hot cup of coffee in his hand.
What a great photo SJ! I have to remind myself just how much of a 'global' site this is. I sent a nice winter greeting in my December newsletter for the Portugal Project and one of the members reminded me that it is very hot in Australia at this time. I'd love to borrow some of your warmth.
Wonderful photo my dear cousin what a delightful photo of you and your family, I can se Alex has grow since we saw him in Spain.

Is the photo taken in Alicante?

Thank You for sharing this wonderful photo makes memories come back from where we meet
Playa Arenal about 1 1/2 hours up the coast (twice as far as Benidorm).
+10 votes
Here in New Zealand, the sky is blue and the pohutukawa (NZ Christmas tree) has just started to flower. After 3 weeks of rain and stormy weather, summer is here. Today the predicted temperature is 27C.  Understandably not a lot of genealogy is happening. I have discovered though that one one the European founders of my town was not on WikiTree. His daughters were all here, and it’s been worthwhile creating his profile and building some bios of his extended family.
by Fiona McMichael G2G6 Pilot (211k points)

Hi, Fiona! So warmer weather on the other side of the world! I’m not suffering yet, but I will be about January. I can take it right now, and our first snow is beautiful! Thanks for joining the Chat!

Someday I'll get back to see the pohutukawa bloom again. My wife and I spent a month in NZ quite a few years ago and the trees were almost done blooming. Enjoy them for me.

Enjoy your summer Fiona!
+10 votes
Hi, Pip, and all.  Greetings from Everett, Washington.

I've been working on local profiles this week, local as from Mukilteo.  I want to get all the 40-odd profiles up in the Mukilteo Pioneer Cemetery category, even the ones I have no clue how to connect, like the three Japanese and the Norwegians and the French Canadians.  I have due on the 10th a magazine article on Mukilteo History which is just about written, about Chart Pitt, a poet, lighthouse keeper, and state legislator.  I will have to look up all those categories.

I keep plugging away at adding profiles from my PAF database.  Many were copied off old family group sheets and pedigree charts that were unsourced and sent to me by distant cousins.  Sometimes I find a connection to a spouse or an in-law already on Wikitree. I find I am really slowing down due to searching for sources.

Tomorrow is quilting day at Project Linus.  I don't have time or space to accept any more scraps.  I am trying to finish a retro 1930s with embroidered Chihuahua heads.  I call it Jesusita and her Chihuahuas.  I grew up on mariachi music and have made a few Mexican-themed quilts.

My son's Christmas cactus is blooming brilliantly with magenta flowers.

My daughter is really unhappy with Fallout 76, the Bethesda online game set in a post-apocalyptic West Virginia.  It was rushed out before it was ready, and now Bethesda is compounding the problem with poor customer service and GameStop won't give refunds to those who opened the package.  I was hoping I would enjoy commenting on the landscapes and geography, but it's to the point that she'd rather play something else.  Don't even mention Infinity War around her.  I as Mom just try to calm her and her brother down about their frequently heated opinions of video games, etc. and just try to keep them on schedule.

We went to Mass this morning for the feast of the Immaculate Conception.  Too bad my husband had to work and couldn't be there.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (325k points)

I bet the service was beautiful. I love liturgical services.

For the gaming issues: maybe you oughta get hold of Chris Ferraiolo. He appears to be the master! laugh

Connecting the Mukitwo Cemetery folks (a worthy project!): create the profiles and message G2G with a “connectors” tag and see what happens.

Glad you made it, Maggie! I was waiting for you.

After adding the unconnected Joseph Radley profile to the Mukilteo Pioneer Cemetery burials, I tried to add an unconnected Japanese profile and no matter how many times I pressed "add new person," nothing happened.  So I don't know what else I can do except wait and try again.  

"Maggie"?  Ah, Pip, I nipped the bud of all nicknames in my youth because I did not want to be called Maggie, Margie, Peggy, etc., and now nobody calls me anything but Margaret.
I dread to think what happened to the ones who DID call her "Maggie". Less I know the better! See nothing and hear even less!!!!

Hi Margaret. I'm also working on local history with an emphasis on the Palouse as well as Everett. Here are a series of Everett Herald articles from 1911-1912. My great-grandfather Alex Keay was the treasurer of Everett and he embezzled the equivalent of $500,000 (adjusted for inflation) and disappeared forever.

Keay Scandal of 1911

Sorry, Margaret! Old habit to give everyone a nickname. A cultural thing around here!

Did you ever get the Japanese profile to work?
Yes, I did get it to work.  I entered it a piece at a time and it's up now as [[Okamura-8]]

The article I was going to send to the magazine was twice as long as the editor wanted (a habit of mine going back to school days), so I sent one half the length.
+10 votes
Made the profile for Arthur Soterakopolous. Need to add the bells and whistles. Like categories: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Soterakopolous-1
by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (778k points)
Haha. I knew that would come bite me in the end. Just didn’t think it would be in the same day! Though technically it is Sunday at 12:24 am as I type this. Don’t worry. I am gonna crash in a sec.

I think I added Arthur to the Greek category. Not sure. I did check my cousins’ trees for info on him. Still not sure where in Greece he came from. Can I say Mt. Olympus? For laughs?

Someone totally needs to make a Greek Roots project. And Japanese while we are at it!
Amen to that.  Fortunately I knew the locality where the Japanese unconnected person was born, so I used the category, but it just locked up when I tried adding him.  I tried again with just the Find a Grave reference and still nothing doing.

Chris, you could start a Greek Roots project. After you add a category to a profile and it is in red click on the category to add the profile to that category.

Help:Personal Categories

Help:Starting a Project

I got it to work, finally, and created the bare bones of [[Okamura-8]] and will be fleshing out the profile.
Doesn't it need to get official permission from the higher ups? Not to mention a snazzy banner.
Chris, Anyone can start a Freespace project, I did for ham radio operators, but if the project gets enough attention and volunteers to go mainstream then it would become "Official" and have actual leaders added along with other Officials. I am not sure what happens then because my project never got that big but yours might.
Basically...If you build it, they will come. Alright, I'll do it.
Ah yes just like Field of dreams.
Exactly, you start with a free space/anything page and when you get enough members interested and to join you on the free space project then you ask the Team Leaders for it to be made into a project. Then Leaders, co-leader, project coordinators are chosen and the project pages are then created and it is listed as an official project. A bit simplified but the basics. You will find the info for starting a free space page and project in the help pages.
+5 votes

I hit a snag on one of the profiles I am working on this morning. It seems that there was more than one William H Graham born in 1892 in Mississippi. I do not know the parents name but of the ones I found only one matches the birth month on FAG in the 1900 census so I think I am going to use that one for the parents. I hope I am right because he is attached to a woman in a family I am working on and if I am wrong that could become a big mess. The other options would be create profiles for all of the people who could match or ignore the whole thing. I don't like either of those choices, so it comes down to Do or Do Not.wink

by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
So Yoda Dale has become. Hmmm....
Since Star Wars first came out, Yoda I have liked.

Edited see my comment at the start of the chat. This is one of those days where the only room I can be sure of why I went into it is the bathroom.
Hmmm. Perhaps you need a day to recoup? Sounds good to me. Hope ya feel better. We all have CRS sometimes. Some more than others.
I added one more profile but I think I will flesh out some others before I go to far.
+6 votes

This year passed far too quickly for me! It doesn't feel like it should be winter yet. I've been skipping around on my branches, as well as helping others, and just couldn't settle on one section this past week. I had some down time and worked on creating surname images for profiles I couldn't find good 'free' pictures for. Instead of my usual 'you edited the ....' on my contributions page it looked like this *grin

After the nice break for my brain, I got back to business. smiley 
Sometimes you just have to do something different. 

It's a frigid 29 degrees today in Kentucky. I thought the highs would be in the twenties but they keep changing the forecast. It says a high of 41 (F) for tomorrow. Any of you in those warmer countries please enjoy that warmth for me and my family.

by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)

I did work on a few profiles for the Secret Santa exchange. What a wonderful gift to be able to give!

I can't wait for people to work on mine. I'm waiting for my week so I can work on someone's. It's only fair!
It's exciting isn't it Chris? I'm working on others each week, but I hope someone adds to Theo's family. Some of them have sat untended for a while now.
Yep. It is exciting! I really wonder what they'll do with the profile I put in. =) When my week comes up, I'll work on someone's profile.
+9 votes

Good morning from cold Texas!! I have spent the past week only dabbling in genealogy while getting the Christmas decorations in place. I did take a day to visit the Dallas Library where I came across the mention of an immigration record from the 1600's for someone I was not actually researching. It caused me to take a close look at that particular line on my tree where I discovered that I had it wrong. So now some pruning is a must. I hate it when that happens but at least this is a twig and not an entire branch!!

by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
Virginia, I am constantly adding and removing profiles from my watchlist along wit making sure relationships are correct and fixing them when they are not. That is the life of a genealogist.

Welcome to the chat.
Oh how well I know!! On two successive trips to SLC a number of years ago, I had to remove two different branches - one each trip. I commented to my cousin that if I continued to go there, soon I would not have a tree!! At least I had not added this most recent twig to my Wiki tree.
Welcome to the chat Virginia. I agree, at least it was just a twig. Hopefully not too hard to fix. And it's cold here in Kentucky as well, brrr
+9 votes
Good job on the weekend chat all. Happy to see everyone still communicating and sharing their WikiTree progress as well as personal events. There really are some wonderful people here.

by Keith Hathaway G2G6 Pilot (640k points)
Welcome back, Keith!
Welcome back, sir!

Glad to see you back interacting on wikitree yes

Keith I am so delightful to se you are back, what a wonderful surprise we really have miss you on wikkitree

Wauw Keith ! soo happy to see you laugh, we sure missed you around here !

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