How or where can I save a list of notable people so I wont forget.

+4 votes
I keep forgetting how many direct ancestors I have involved in the Salem witch trials or notables. When I want to show family members I can't because of my memory problems. Is there any place I can make an easy list so it will be there when I need it? Thank you
in WikiTree Help by Susan Kretock G2G3 (3.1k points)

We should be related more closely than WT says, since I have Acadian Theriaults in my tree.  I took the liberty of dropping some sources in your grandfather's profile, and removed the 'Unsourced' tag.  Your ggf's profile is locked, so I let it be.

BTW, is 'Joesph' the correct spelling?  smiley

Herbert you are right! You don't spell it like that ! Lol Thank you Sir. Lol I have an uncle Herman Tardy and my cousin Gerald in Maine. Thanks again!
Sue, your uncle's family are probably Tardifs descended from Jacques, who came to Canada with Champlain.  Mine are Tarditos, who came from parts unknown and showed up in Spanish Mississippi/Louisiana in the late 1700s.  On my mothers side I have beaucoups Acadiens: Theriot, Bourgeois, Robichaux, Thibodaux, Landry, LeBlanc, etc.
Ah I gotcha. Yup the French from what I heard were driven out. The British looked at them as second class citizens. My father side is mixed with 8Brian. My mothers side did not want my mother marrying a French Indian at all. There is a story about a town in southern Maine that actually told all the French to get out. They drove them out too. Probably related  to me, the ones that drank and fight. Lol
Lisa Hazard is my 10th cousin also  through the Bordens. :)
Wow Isn't that something! Lizzie Borden too? Actress Elizabeth Montgomery after she did the movie on her found she was related to her.
Yes, Lizzie Borden was Elizabeth Montgomery's 6th cousin.  I'm not related to Elizabeth Montgomery however.
I thought maybe you would be. I just found out I am. Long ways off of
I wish I was related to  Elizabeth Montgomery. I really liked her. She connects through a different branch to Lizzie Borden unrelated to me.
Yes I loved Bewitched. It was one of those shows I could watch some episodes more than once. Lol.

4 Answers

+7 votes

I think a Free-Space Profile might be just the thing.

by Living Tardy G2G6 Pilot (772k points)
I see! Didn't know that! I was kind of hoping for a tab on my profile that would list them all just like that. Lol
+3 votes
Here's another thing you could try.  I'm not sure it'll work because I haven't really worked with categories yet, so maybe someone else can weigh in here and let me know if I'm off base.  

Go to the Salem Witch Trials category (  Click "Limit to Watchlist."  That should give you a list of all the people with that category who are on your watchlist.  Assuming you have all of your direct ancestors on your watchlist, and that all of them have the category added to their profiles, you should have a complete list there that will update automatically.

The link in your browser should now be different.  When I tried it, I got this link:  (I'm not positive it would be the same for everyone, though, so check it yourself.)  That should give you a permanent link to the category, restricted to your watchlist.  Maybe try it and see what you get.  If it looks good, copy and paste that link onto your profile page for easy reference later.

If this works, it might be easier than pasting a whole bunch of profiles onto a list on your page.  On the other hand, it's at the mercy of the category system and you have to be on the trusted list for all the profiles.  So I don't really know whether it's practical.  Something to play with, though!
by Lisa Hazard G2G6 Pilot (266k points)
Thanks Lisa, I usually find things really well, today nope. Lol I appreciate it. This whole colonial thing is amazing. Thank you for the hard work! I'm going to give it a go.
+3 votes
If the list isn't very, very long you could put it on the scratchpad on your Navigation Home Page.
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (850k points)
You know I thought about that. No its not too bad, around 5,000. Just kidding. Lol Thanks very much ! Lucy we're 10th cousins once removed!
+2 votes

This is how I did mine.. Charlotte's Notable Relations

by Charlotte Shockey G2G6 Pilot (991k points)
So if I do that will it be automatically on my page or profile? Thanks so much
No.. you'll have to add it to your profile. I linked it on mine. :) See my profile if you are unsure what I mean. :)

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