Shared Photo: John and Ralph Underwood

+10 votes

I wanted to share this family photo of John Underwood with the community. Location: Houston, Texas, United States. Date: January, 1914.
Click here for the image details page or here for the full-sized version (1058 x 1632).

John Allison Underwood, age 36, on the left; Ralph Sidney Underwood, my grandfather, age 25 on the right.

John was my Grannpa's favorite brother. Grandpa never told me why either of them moved to Texas. John preceded him, and in 1911 Grandpa followed him and lived with him for a short time while establishing himself in Houston. John moved to Alabama and, on Grandpa's permanent return to North Carolina in 1915, he stopped in Alabama to visit again. Grandpa, a church going Baptist all of his life, described his brother to me as "rough-edged," but he loved him none the less. Uncle John died in 1920 at the age of 42. 

I knew Uncle John's wife, Mattie Fisher Underwood. She was one of five daughter of Adam Clark Fisher, all of whom married into some branch of my family. Aunt Mattie lived until her 99th year.

I knew the date of this picture because it was Grandpa's habit to write on the back or front of pictures, dating, locating, and identifying.

I celebrate the memory of both Uncle John and Aunt Mattie.

WikiTree profile: John Underwood
in Photos by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)

4 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer
Thanks for posting this photo of two very nice-looking men along with their histories. Your grandfather sure had nice, wavy hair and the collar is great.
by Robin Shaules G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
selected by Pip Sheppard
That really is a cool collar, isn't it Robin? I want a shirt like that. I'm a clothes hog for the old styles.

Grandpa was proud of that wavy hair. Kept it to the day he died.
My dad's hair was like that when he was younger -- my mom always joked that that was the reason she married him. His wave got less pronounced as he got older, but she kept him anyway!
Haha! My grandparents were married for 66 years. They loved each other. Never heard a cross word between them.
+7 votes

Magnificent Family Treasure ! Exquisite Personas and Generational Fashion Representations .. 

by Stanley Baraboo G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
Thank you, Jerry!
+6 votes
What a fantastic photo of your grandfather and the story and uncle John how sad he died so very young. Imagine aunty Mattie went to be 99 what a high ages.

They both look really dashing,

Thank You for sharing this wonderful photo what a treasure
by Susan Laursen G2G Astronaut (3.1m points)
+4 votes
Very curly hair indeed. What a nice picture of both of the men. You have written a great biography on them.

I really like the way your grandfather's color is so stiff - looks so clean - he reminds me of a movie star. I am trying to think of the man's name from Gone with the Wind.

Your grandpa's brother is not bad looking either. He looks like he could be a news reporter for Washington or a politician.

I love your pictures and would like to thank you for sharing them.
by Cheryl Hess G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)
Thank you, Cheryl!
You are welcome, Pip.  It was Ashley Wilkes from Gone with the Wind that your grandfather reminds me of.  And his brother reminds me of Ben Cartwright on Bonanza.

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