The call for help (from me)

+10 votes
One thing I have noticed since the dawn of last year is the growing number of individuals on here from different corners of the globe reaching out to me regarding information either for 1) a relative of theirs who is related to someone I either had been or have been working, 2) a relative of theirs who I had been working on through the association of a project and the individual is inquiring to find out more 3) wishing to contribute information to a profile or 4) advising that they were working on their own tree, found a duplicated profile and requesting a merge

Since I joined wikitree 2 years ago, I always thought that I would remain as close to "off the radar" as possible (kind of naive though considering that I had a hand in tidying up the profiles of the royals! or with the number of projects I am associated with (more than the number I'm a member in))
in Appreciation by Richard Shelley G2G6 Pilot (249k points)
retagged by Dorothy Barry

2 Answers

+10 votes
Best answer
It is awesome that you are answering the call for "help"! That is what collaboration is all about. Way to go Richard!!!
by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
selected by Sandra Davidson
Thank you Dorothy!

AND... upon going through my emails, found a request (a help request) from someone in Australia who appears to a direct cousin
+4 votes
Richard, you exemplify the very spirit of Wikitree. I’m glad to hear about folks like you. You’re one of those “turn to” kind guys that have helped a newbie like me. Your efforts are appreciated!
by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
First of all, do I address you as Reverend Sheppard or is Pip okay?

I'm asking this, as I believe this is the first occasion we've crossed paths. I don't spend a lot of time on here know - study is taking up all the time (Information Technology Degree majoring in Programming)
Aye, Pip is just fine! Not big on titles. And boy do I know about how the studying will eat up your time.  Now that I’m not in that grind, I work in genealogy between property projects here at home. Retirement helps; so does rainy days (here in the southeast US, remnants of he tropical storm). I wish you much success in your studies.

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