Should Martha Cilley-3 be merged into Martha Blaisdell-24; Unknown Clough-53 into Jane Sanders-45 or Blaisdell-24?

+3 votes
There is no information listed in the profiles for Clough-53 or Cilley-3.  John Clough had two wives, first Jane Sanders-45 and, after Jane died,  Martha Blaisdell-24.  One of Martha’s husbands was Richard or Thomas Cilley/Sealy (and other spelling variations). Martha Cilley is undoubtedly the married name of Martha Blaisdell.  Unknown Clough could represent either wife.
WikiTree profile: John Clough
in Genealogy Help by Gretchen McDevitt G2G1 (1.5k points)

2 Answers

+4 votes
Gretchen,  My 2 cents is that unless you are certain on a merge, DON't.  Everyone here is looking for accuracy and guessing or making an assumption throws us all off.  I have a couple of names like yours, but am refraining from a merge, until I can find some documented reason and am sure.  

I check the orphans but most often leave them to the experts.
by Joi Gee Collins G2G Crew (320 points)
+2 votes

Anderson says Martha’s  maiden name was Blaisdell, dau of Ralph. And that Jane’s maiden name was unknown. 



Until there is more recently published research, that’s what we go with. 

Does Unknown Clough have children ? If so determine which mother is accurate — Jane or Martha — and merge accordingly. 

Thanks for catching this.  

by Jillaine Smith G2G6 Pilot (923k points)
Gee Jillaine we should coordinate. The extra wives have no children attached. So merge Unknown Clough-53 and Martha Cilley-3 into Blaisdell-24.

Jane's surname should be changed to Unknown. Ask the managers to change it.

I've added to John's profile information from Anderson
Even funnier. I just realized you answered this four hours ago. I've had the question open on my desk longer than that. duh!
I was Between planes. Just landed California.  Stuck in traffic but I don’t care Because I Am In California.  Did I say California?

I Just Put On My Shades.
Stay away from mudslide areas, but enjoy the sunshine.
This was my first G2G question so need a little more education on the process.  So who will do the merge that Anne B. has suggested?  Also, just to clarify, none of my comments were related to the validity of Jane's surname.  Sanders was already on the profile when I first looked at Clough-7. Will one of you ask the PM to change Jane's surname to unknown?
Yes I figured Sanders was there when you got there. Ok I will take care of this.

Congrats on posting your first g2g question.

Anne B and I co-lead the Puritan Great Migration project at wikitree.

My apologies for being irreverent. I blame it on the Pacific ozone overdose I received yesterday. Oops more irreverence...

Seriously, we very much appreciate you bringing to our attention challenges on PGM profiles that need attention. Please keep up the great work.

Anne, thanks for handling this.
Thanks for everyone's help.  It definitely takes awhile to learn the system.

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