Is it possible to change the color on search pages to indicate you have already reviewed that profile or link? [closed]

+26 votes
Usually, when you look at a link during an online search the link "changes" color, even if you do another search during the same session and the same link comes up, it is still a different color indicating that you already looked at that site.

Is it possible to do the same thing for profile searches?
closed with the note: Fixed by Chris
in WikiTree Tech by Living X G2G6 Mach 5 (59.2k points)
closed by Keith Hathaway

1 Answer

+16 votes
Best answer
Hi Nae,

What's likely happening is that the link is changing color, as it should, but the color contrast isn't significant enough.

Really, now that I look at it, the difference between our unvisited links and visited links is so small, I can't imagine anyone can tell the difference. (Visited links are about 5% or 10% darker green.)

I agree. We should change this.

by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
selected by Living X
Visited links are now flat black in most cases. It's still not as much contrast as there could be, but that should help.

I never even noticed a change and I just checked the and still can't see a difference there at least.  There doesn't appear to be a change on the Wiki Feed page either.  Although I do see a very, very slight difference when I did a family tree search but not enough to notice if one is outside or doesn't have the best light. 

Thanks so much for looking at this little issue that will make things a little easier, at least for me.  Much appreciated.

Nae, it's likely that your browser has the "style page" cached.

If you want, try clicking here and forcing a reload of that page. Then go back and look at other WikiTree pages.

I tried that, and still no discernable difference.  Do you think that it's my settings?  Or does anyone else have this issue?
Nae, after clicking on Chris' "clicking her" link, my links now change from green to black after viewing. (IE 10).
I was totally excited for a second.  When I reselected the link "Click Here" and then hit on your name link Bobbie, it did turn from green to black!

Then I checked out the volunteer page.  Nothing.  My process for the volunteer page is to select a name, go to that profile, review it, and then go back to the original list and move to the next name.

Then I did a name search.  Nothing.

Any other suggestions?
Okay, maybe it was a delayed response, but it seems to be working now in profile pages.  And I just checked the volunteer page and it IS WORKING!  Thanks!  I will close this question.
For is great, has really helped on the branches where there are a lot of duplicates, I notice when another duplicate is added by a merge.

I am so glad that it is working!  And from what I hear, it is for everyone, so Kudo's to Chris!  cool

OK, so what's it with the red links? Not the red category, which means the category has not been established, but profile links.
Hi Toby,

The red link would indicate that  the linked page doesn't exist.

When you see this, the link should be updated or removed (or the page should be created).


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