ALL MEMBERS are invited to the Weekend Chat... Come On Down! (10-12 November 2017)

+19 votes



   New Members Saying Hello (our favorite!)

   Puzzles by Laura Bozzay

   "Today Is" by Dorothy Barry

   Eddie's Picks - Movies & Music

   Where in the World is Steve Today?

   Members Checking in via "All About the Weekend Chat"


Have fun and let others know you liked their posts... click the stars and mark answers you like as "best".  Those posts will be temporarily highlighted by being placed as the first answer in the chat for a while.  Members will also receive email notification (unless they opted out) that let them know you liked what they did.

At the end of the weekend "best answer" will be removed as all answers are equal in the eyes of the Chat.  Click to learn more.

It's ok.... go for it!



The Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to, and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot, and many will enjoy their multitude of reading options.

Weekend Chat 30 June - 2 July 2017

Enjoy yourself and spread good will :)



in The Tree House by Living Old G2G6 Pilot (234k points)
edited by Keith Hathaway
Eddie, Today I feel like

Yesterday, I was going over the Jester gedcoms at Gedmatch. A cousin and I are working on seeing how we match to others. We have a core of about 25. And thats the ones we can actually identify the lines too.

So, I'm reading thru the gedcoms for about the 50th time ... there are only about 2000 lines... and I come across one that I know. (actually, there are several I know, the curse of having researched them before, a good memory and having one of her descendants contact me) But this one... Ella Jester age 16 m. Daniel Ford.age 35, in 1879, and in 1880 have a 1 month old son. They are in AR. Ok, two clues right there... Arkansas and Jester.  Gedcom says her father is Ervin S. Jester of AL.  I told my cousin, "This one is wrong. Ella is not the daughter of Ervin, she's probably daughter of Thomas in Little River County."   

So then I proved it to my cousin. We tracked Ervin and his kids. 1900 Census says Amanda, Ervin's wife had 8 children and 8 still living. his daughter Ellie, didn't get married until 20 Oct 1880 and stayed in AL. So now I am working on adding Ervin's children to Wikitree.

All the census that Ella appears in says b. in AR or GA except 1920, says AL.  Her father, the one I believe to be her father, was b. in GA. lived in AL for a while, Is in AL where he is living with his future wife and her mother, in 1860. I'm not sure where they are in 1870, and by 1880, Ella is out of the house.

So my idea that Thomas of Little River County is her father is strickly based on my experience with the Jesters of AR and tracking their migrations and trusting my inutition, genie bones get to tingling.
Thank you Eddie!  Great fun.   I had to wait to get home to see the video as my phone is too full to run them!  My husband and I sent out to start buying food for Thanksgiving.  He ordered the turkey (we get a fresh one not frozen) and I was getting some of the fixings like 4 different kinds of salad dressing, sparkling apple cider I use to make the turkey, olives, pickles, stuff...
Hi Miss Lynette

Hi Miss Laura

I am reading a three volume history of the Russian Empire. Ohmygosh, total 1200 pages ! and every name is completely written out each time the guy is mentioned - like Alexei Michaelovich Federchenko !  And Michael Federovich Romanov ! Ohmygosh, I'm going bug nuts.
Hey Miss Laura, as a musician - I play jazz trumpet, you know - I pronounce and declare Jimmy Cagney to be one of the greatest musicians of all time.
Jazz is my favorite!  Herbie Mann, Diana Krull, modern times...  Duke Ellington, Count Bassie, Frank Sinatra past times.  I also like Classical Guitar. Andre Segovia  My youngest son played Sax.  My husband violin.  We are musically diverse family..  

Russian literature... not generally uplifting stuff.  I love Rutherford's series on various places but the one he wrote about Russia I could not finish...Tolstoy I had to wade through....too much lengthy description of stuff that really made no difference to the basic story.

I've read a few books about Russian history. I thought the worst was "The File On The Tsar" by Anthony Summers & Tom Mangold. I almost always finish a book but I gave up on that one half way through as it was full of conspiracy theories and dodgy conclusions. The Sunday Times wrote: "Demolishes the massacre theory beyond recovery. There is not a dull page." Here in Scotland we would comment (ironically): "Aye! Right!"

The best, IMHO, was The Romanovs: Ruling Russia 1613 -1917 by the late Professor Lindsey Hughes. It's not for the faint hearted, but I thought it was well written and informative.

And if that is too serious, you can always chill out with a bit of Boney M.

"Ooh! Those Russians!"
PS I'm 1/8th Russian. I have never been there although my sister has - on an official delegation. She gets all the good trips while I stay at home and look after the kids! Oh to be young and single again! :-)

They put us up in the Metropol hotel, just opposite the Bolshoï and round the corner from Red Square. That was a strange experience as in 1917, when the Soviet government moved to Moscow, the Metropol became the residence of the leaders of the Bolshevik Party and the Soviet state. The central restaurant, where until recently the elite had enjoyed gourmet food and wines, was turned into a meeting room. The hall witnessed the speeches of Lenin, Trotsky, Sverdlov. Some Bolsheviks – Georgy Chicherin, Nikolay Bukharin, Vladimir Antonov-Ovseenko – settled down in luxurious rooms. Many rooms were turned into institutions: the people's commissariats, commissions, and committees were located there.

HERE GOES:  It's a bio I wrote this morning for one of our members newly joined, as encouragement for his very difficult life. As I wrote it I thought this prose more nearly belonged here, because we talk about our lives normally here, not in regular G2G:  If any of you had a very difficult situation (few are able to tell that, I realize), I hope you'll "get something" from mine, a gloss (abstracted and short take) on one small boned single girl-child from a upper-lower class trying to turn her life around. And there's a real gift for your grandkids and maybe your younger, but old kids at the end. 


Dear xxx, Your difficulty with all of the principle details that come out of your story is definitely full of earned high moralism in terms of universal religious/moral values, the ones we humans adhere to regardless of which religion we camp in. Our family roots often have, for want of a better metaphor, some diseased parts. Some gain strength from them, as you seem to have done, bravo!. 

I'll share equally here, in this story from the mid-20th c.: 

Neither of my parents graduated from high school, AND my father was a German immigrant (no English) at 4 years old in 1911--yes, total immersion. His strict German mother didn't speak English either. My mother was an alcoholic and a smoker. My father was not successful in business or in holding corporate jobs, and he had no training in the arts, which he'd hoped for with great intent. Also alcohol and cigarette dependent, he quit both habits cold turkey in his late 60s. (Dad, I'm so grateful!) 

My childhood was, despite these things, normal, California girl. I knew I had to get out of the pattern they'd set up, and so with the free college education California offered and driven about it, I learned how to work very hard, succeeding at using my brain (thank you for that DNA, Mom!) and for growing my gentle nature (I fight when I must tho), dear Dad! 

I got two tuition-free degrees in CA's state college system, saving my own life and future, also by marrying pretty early (20.5) and helping him thru his BA after he helped me and baby through earning mine and then an MA, allowing me the right to teach college English. I earned another degree at 60, an MFA in the fine arts literary world of writing poetry, not in CA. 

My most notable publication, however, is in creative non-fiction: the celebration of my storied life with my 2nd husband (a respected, long term English prof; he left the family in 1978) when we went to Kenai, Alaska, to do gill netting from a 40-salmon boat in Alaska for 8 summers. 

The story of those summers in my 2013 story could have be found on line at Turtle Island Quarterly, Volume 2, issue  4, but today I've had to contact the editor since it is apparent that they are only leaving poetry in their first years' issues. (I'll let those interested know when I find out if I can still acquire it--they say I have the rights to it, so I'm hopeful.)

My life in support of my second son, particularly, involved learning the advertising trade and doing what seemed normal to me then, public relations which req'd writing skills. Inside a yer and a half I started my own cottage industry, an agency, run from my home and all about the fine and performing arts, which I matured into loving. ("Fine arts" include writing and all kinds of museum and gallery arts.) Later, I went into freelance Journalism (newspapers and magazines--a whole lot more fun, and at that time equally paid -- as adjunct faculty in AZ's community colleges; don't ask me to comment on the quality of undergrad writing coming out of AZ's high schools, please!)

Not all of us are so fortunate as I've been, but to all you grandparents out there, I MUST share this: I've been given to understand that California residents are again being offered free state college tuition, and I know with our community of genealogist's "researcher genes," our grandkids and middle aged kids can do this againnow! 

So, to Anonymous and all of us, Keep trucking!!

Roberta, my brother was also a student in the then free college education in CA. In the interim years between the Masters and Ph.D. He worked and saved, then applied for every grant, scholarship, and loan he apply for, and racked up $60G in loans to get that Ph.D.  And he was the first in direct linages to get that Ph.D.  Even our lawyer 3rd ggf read law and clerked for another lawyer, without formal education.

One of my brother's teaching jobs at UCI was to teach ESL and English deficient students to write their tech papers in English. He said that with Chinese or other Asian students, they knew where the grammical errors would occur, because of the sentence structure and translation from one language to another. But with American students... you didn't know what was coming.

One of the first things he asked his students at the start of a new class, "How many read in English for pleasure?" These were the students who had a better grasp on the English language and would generally do better in writing technical papers.

34 Answers

+13 votes
Best answer

Happy Veterans Day, Happy Armistice Day, and Happy Remembrance Day!

How are you celebrating?  Here are a few ideas for WikiTree activities:

  • Join the Military and War Project. There are sub-projects for The Great War 1914-1918 and other wars.
  • Join the Roll of Honor project.  Add profiles of soldiers who were killed in action, missing in action, prisoners of war, or received the Medal of Honor.
  • Create a new profile or improve an existing profile for a family member who served in the military.  
  • Add appropriate military categories to profiles. Add a photo.  Add military-related sources.
  • Join the Military Challenge that was posted today in another G2G post.

by Star Kline G2G6 Pilot (730k points)
selected by Living Old
Those are all great suggestions for this weekend.

Thanks for posting them, Star.

Ditto to what Iain said Star. I joined Military Challenge that was posted today in another G2G post. I am going to join the Military and War Project also. I am going to add appropriate military categories and going to add military related sources too.

+24 votes

Tomorrow, Saturday 11th November, will be the 99th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice of 11th November 1918 that ended the First World War (1914 - 1918) (see WikiTree’s Great War Project).

I thought we might pause and reflect upon the sacrifice of our relatives who participated in the Great War and in other military conflicts. 

Only yesterday Laura Bozzay and I were contacted by someone whose great uncle had served in the Cameronians, Scottish Rifles along with one of our relatives Captain Robert Philp. He informed us that according to the Cameronians War Diary, Robert Philp was his great uncle's Company Commander during the Capture of Meteren (part of the Battles of Lys) during 19-22nd July 1918. It seems that his great uncle was wounded on 19th July, and died of his wounds on 22nd July. He was posthumously promoted from Private to L/Cpl and awarded the Military Medal.

Sadly, many British service records were destroyed in September 1940 when a bombing raid struck the War Office repository in London, making research difficult and we were unable to add much to his knowledge. But we did encourage him to become a full member of WikiTree, where there are so many knowledgeable and helpful people. 

Both my grandfathers and their four brothers served in the Great War - in the Royal Scots and the Cameronians. However, like most serving personnel, they appear, understandably, never to have discussed their wartime experiences with their families. I do know that my paternal grandfather was twice wounded and received an honourable discharge on 27 November 1918, being awarded the Silver War Badge on 24 December 1918. The badge "was not simply an honour; it also served a practical purpose. At the time, men of military age who were not obviously in military service were sometimes accosted or insulted by civilians who presented them with white feathers - a symbol of cowardice. The badge served as a symbol that the wearer’s duty had been honorably fulfilled."


Silver War Badge


Previous to the war, my paternal grandfather had been an apprentice confectioner. However, a wound to the hand meant that he could no longer carry out the intricate work and so he became a baker instead. He was one of the lucky ones as he returned home to his family. More than 41 million others did not.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.

For the Fallen

Poem by Robert Laurence Binyon (1869-1943)





by Living Old G2G6 Pilot (234k points)
edited by Living Old
Great post. We shall remember them.
Excellent tribute Iian
Iain, a relative of Capt Philp was killed 3 days before the end of WWI.  His profile is at

and that of Capt Philp is at

Capt Philp's mother was born a Penny.  Llewellyn Pennie was born Penny but for some reason his Dad changed the spelling of Penny to Pennie after they left Scotland to immigrate to Canada in 1892.  Lew was born in Canada and died in France.  I have French relatives who visit his grave.  Interestingly, They are on my Grandmother's Dad's line while Lew was on my Grandfather's Dad's line.  So my Dad, who served in the US Navy in WWII was the result of these two lines coming together.  Small world isn't it!

So tragic to see that Llewellyn Miller Penny was killed on 3 November 1918, just a few days before the Armistice was signed.

I think most agree that the First World War was one that should never have been fought and could so easily have been avoided. 

Thanks for posting the correct link to Captain Philp, Laura.

As you may have guessed I've never attempted to embed text on G22 before today - it has been a steep learning curve, but all valuable knowledge. ;-)
Thank you for the service of your family members and the tribute to all the veterans.
Hollywood trivia - the Academy Awards March 1943

Irving  Berlin reading the nominated songs which included YANKEE DOODLE DANDY, a heavy favorite to win because it was super patriotic during a war year, written by George M Cohan. Also nominated was White Christmas written by Irving Berlin. White Christmas won, voters saying they had thousands of letters from GIs in combat zones telling about their last Christmas at home, 1942, and hearing the song.
Thanks for the valuable information Iain. Also for the information on Laura relative also. Also welcome everyone to the WikiTree Fall Veteran Day weekend chat.
+25 votes

Thanks  Iain Old for posting on Armistice and Veterans Day!!

This weekend is a special honor to recognize all our veterans and especially our WikiTree members who are veterans. 


Saturday, November 11th, which is "Veterans Day" in the United States. 


Veterans Day is an official United States holiday that honors people who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces, also known as veterans. It is a federal holiday that is observed on November 11. It coincides with other holidays such as Armistice Day and Remembrance Day, which are celebrated in other parts of the world and also mark the anniversary of the end of World War I (major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, when the Armistice with Germany went into effect). The United States also originally observed Armistice Day, it then evolved into the current Veterans Day holiday in 1954.


A veterans' guide to all the great Veterans Day free meals can be found here: 

Listed are all the popular restaurants and other retailers that are giving away free meals, discounts, and other freebies to veterans on Veterans Day (Saturday, November 11, 2017).

From one veteran to another,  thank you for your service!!  

MSG Dorothy M. Barry, US Army Retired


PS: If you are a veteran from the military or armed forces in another country feel free to share that as well. We want to honor ALL Veterans !!!

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
Thanks, Dorothy!
Thank you for your service, Dorothy and all our veterans!  Enjoy your holiday.  You earned it!
Thank you Dorothy!
Sending big hugs and best wishes to all of our Veterans and their families!  

We are free because of each of you!  And family support is so important to our veterans and current military too!
Thank you for your service to our country, Dorothy.  And thanks to all the other veterans, too, for their selfless service.
Thanks Dorothy, that is a wonderful contribution.
Thank you for your service, Dorothy! MSG is a tremendous accomplishment that few achieve. Hope you have a great Veteran's Day.
Ditto to what everyone said about you Dorothy. My dad is a veteran. Also welcome to the WikiTree Fall Veteran Day weekend chat everyone.
Thank you Dorothy, and all who have served.
+19 votes

The week’s puzzle is near and dear to my heart as I had 4 wonderful Native Americans in my life and they taught me a different way to think and look at the world around me.  They have all moved into the next world but their presence is forever in my heart.  November is a month of many milestones in Native American history.  Some are sad, some are fun, some are to be remembered with honor.  This is a timeline you may find of interest for November 10 -13

Native Americans have served pivotal roles in both WWI and WWII.  The Navajo Code Talkers are legendary from WWII.  But WWI had its own Native American Code.  And several of the Tribal Nations declared War on Germany along with the USA and Canada.  This link talks about Native Americans and their contributions during WWI.

Native Americans

A top-level project to manage and develop sub-projects according to tribe, event or other area of historical or cultural interest. The geographic scope will be lower 48 states plus Alaska in North America. The time frame will cover pre-colonial until the present.


Leader: Mags Gaulden and a co-leader is needed here! If you're interested, contact Mags

by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (845k points)
You consistently rock Laura... outstanding!
You continue to impress me with your puzzle skills week after week, Laura!  Thanks for another great themed puzzle.
Thanks Keith and Star.  They are fun for me to do!
Thanks for another great puzzle Laura. I've spotted "tribe" and that's about it. I think I need to download this one so I can draw on it. ;-)
There are always clues to be found by looking up the project being promoted!
Thank you, Laura Outstanding!

Thanks to Laura I discovered that the Onondaga Nation, and the Oneida Nation, both part of the Iroquois Confederacy, made unilateral declarations of war during the Great War

Did you know that Jefferson pulled inspiration for our Constitution from the Confederation of the 5 Nations (members included those tribes)...  what I don't understand is how he missed that while their version of our Supreme Court was made up of all women because they would be the ones to suffer if bad decisions were made that affected the tribe...   and then there is the the Elk Council where if you cheated or brought dishonor you were beaten with the elk antler... sounds like fast punishment to me... Congress can take a lesson.....
Welcome to WikiTree Fall Veteran Day weekend chat everyone. Also thanks for the great puzzle again Laura.

Answer key (list of what to look for) is in the answer folder located at

There were 19 phrases or tribes in the puzzle.  

+18 votes
Most of the neighbor's trees have dropped their leaves ... but, we have this maple tree in the front yard that's always the last on the block to drop its leaves.  So, yesterday, I'm out raking/blowing leaves ... but only on half the yard as the other half is still covered in snow!!  And, there are still quite a few leaves left in the tree ... yikes!

Getting organized for 'Thanksgiving' ... in quotes as we head North where my wife grew up and where there's a bit of family and I cook for a family get together on the Friday after the real date.  The family folks all have other family obligations on Thursday.  I don't do the traditional turkey and such as folks have been turkied out the day before.  This year it's short ribs and a pork loin roast in a tomatillo/serrano chile/garlic/etc. sauce with roasted new potatoes ... Thanks Rick Bayless ... lol.  Also appetizers, wine, Prosecco (yumm!), and the wife makes mashed potatoes and a pumpkin cheese cake that's to die for.
by Bob Jewett G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
The weather is getting crazy!  Hat's off to you for raking with snow on the ground nearby.  

As always, you describe food that makes my stomach rumble.  Then the cheese cake tops it off.

Great to hear from out your way Bob, thanks for sharing!
I often heard American friends looking forward to Thanksgiving, but never really understood what it was all about and the history behind it until I saw a great documentary  - I think it was on the BBC - about a year ago.

Your post is making me feel hungry!
Okay, Keith and all, here's a link to the pork loin recipe ...

And for Laura:  Short ribs, done in a pressure cooker:
Can you post the recipes?  If we can't eat with you in person maybe we can long distance!  Wow... maybe we should have chocolate chip cookie day on WikiTree!
Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Fall Veteran Day weekend chat.
Hey, Cousin Iain, I find I spend a lot of tie explaining Thanksgiving to my French and German relatives, now we get to add Scottish!  In explaining what it is and why we do it, we got into the traditional foods that are served.  I discovered that pumpkin pie in a chiffon version is a huge favorite in France so for two weeks pumpkin chiffon and US version of the denser pumpkin pie were traded.  Food is the universal language... I am convinced.

In a tribute to IKE, this is Mamie's Pumpkin Chiffon Pie Recipe

(my half aunt was a driver for Ike when he was in Washington.  Family story is that she was first WAC from Michigan.  She is dead now, but her name was Ruth Pennie (she married a fun man named Bill Tipton).  see profile
Sounds delicious. I don't think I've ever had pumpkin pie. In fact we've only ever twice made pumpkin lanterns that I can remember. The first time, we had a surprisingly delicious soup from it. That was 20 years ago. When I was young, we never saw pumpkins and Halloween lanterns were made of the humble old turnip, or neep.

That's great that your half aunt was Ike's driver. In addition to being somewhat ignorant of US customs, I'm also rather ignorant about your presidents. I remember once in Paris, again about 20 years or more ago, a distinguished American visitor to our Institute asking me "So what do you think of our new president?" and I had to reply "Oh, I didn't know you had a new one."  (I think it was Bill Clinton).  Amazing how different the world is today - with broadband and 24 hour news we know everything almost before it has happened.
+18 votes

WikiTree Tips

Remember you can add your tips here too!

1.  Getting the most out of your Tree and Tools.  Did you know you can print different tree views?  When you use the Family Trees and Tools link under My WikiTree there are a lot of different views available when you scroll down.  To print them like right click the mouse on Windows and printing comes up.  

2.  Your Watch List is made up of the profiles you enter plus any profiles that you have been added to the trusted list.  

3.  Posting here in the Weekend Chat is a great way to build friendships with some really great people!  Invite others you know to join the chat!

4.  If you know someone's WikiID (like mine is Pennie-22) if you open your profile and replace your id with mine and press enter you will see my profile.  Press Ancestors to see where I come from (I have not added descendants but I do have them)  You can then click on a name in the ancestor list and that profile will come up.  Click on descendants and you will see the cousin branches too...  

by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (845k points)
Good tips. I've found an interesting profile! Have you heard of him? ;-)
Welcome Iain and Laura to the WikiTree Fall Veteran Day weekend chat. Great Tips Laura.

For veterans profiles, Add veteran recognition "sticker" (copy & paste) this :

{{Veteran Recognition 
| badge-image =Military_Badges_and Insignia-2.png 
| nationality =United States 
| branch = 
| start-year = 
| end-year = 
| text = 

replace the "2" in the badge image line according to branch served:

2 (Air Force), 3 (Army), 4 (Coast Guard), 5 (Marine Corps), 6 (Navy), 8 (Navy)

Add branch (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Army Air Forces, etc.)

In text field, you can add rank and wars, engagements, tours, assignments, etc.

Russ I sent you a private email.
+18 votes
Good work in clearing up the duplicate chat question so quickly, Iain and Keith.
by Lynda Crackett G2G6 Pilot (681k points)
Quick, somebody send Eddie the memo!
Thanks to Keith who did all the hard work! All thanks should go to him.
Ditto to everyone. Welcome Lynda, Herbert and Iain to the WikiTree Fall Veteran Day weekend chat.
+21 votes
This is the weekend my husband's family celebrates Thanksgiving.  We decided to change the date of the celebration about 20 years ago.  Most of his family live near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and their family as well as their in-laws expect them on Thanksgiving.  Celebrating earlier gives them the opportunity to spend a full Thanksgiving day with both families.  It also saves us from having to travel during this very busy holiday travel season and gives me some time to relax before preparation for Christmas begins.  

So Happy early Thanksgiving!
by Star Kline G2G6 Pilot (730k points)

I like the idea of moveable feasts! 

Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!


Enjoy the family time and good eats!   It is hard getting all the sides taken care of... so I just invite them all to my house!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Star.
Ditto to what everyone said, especially Star. We have trouble getting together with my sister and my brother in law and brother and sister in law because of my sister and brother's in laws have different time they get together. So at almost the last minute they decide and then we get together. I know when my sister and brother in law is coming which is Wednesday night before Thanksgiving and spending the night and then my brother and sister in law is coming on Thanksgiving Day then going back home on Thanksgiving also my sister and brother in law will be going home. Also my sister and brother in law is going to be bring down with them my nephew the dog, Ollie which is 5 years old and cute as a button and crazy also with them. So I know how it is Star for Thanksgiving and Christmas also. Welcome Star, Iain, Laura and David to the WikiTree Fall Veteran Day weekend chat.
Thanks, everyone!  We arrived in Pittsburgh and checked into out hotel.  After a good night's sleep, let the feasting begin!
So Star, by now you are well fed, had fun with the relatives and maybe even back home.  Hope everyone had a great time!
+21 votes

Hi everyone!! Thanks all for being here again today!  We, in South Carolina are honored to recognize our veterans this weekend and to honor those who gave their all during the Vietnam War. 

Here is a picture of the famed Vietnam Moving Wall, a half-sized replica of the Washington DC Vietnam Wall, that will be on display at Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative on Highway 123 between Seneca and Westminster, in Walhall, South Carolina. It just left Hendersonville, Tennessee this last Monday. The Vietnam Moving Wall will be on display during Veterans Day week from Nov. 9-13.

For the very first time, the famed Vietnam Moving Wall, a half-sized replica of the Washington shrine, will be on display at Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative on Highway 123 between Seneca and Westminster, tells Jerry Dyar, spokesman for the Oconee County Veterans Council.

“The United States lost over 55,000 heroes in Vietnam, 21 from Oconee County, and the presence of the Vietnam Wall has served as a steadfast memory and a sense of healing among so many of our Vietnam veterans over the years. With the Vietnam Wall on display for five days, it is the hope of all Oconee County Veterans, Oconee County Government and citizens... that those who have never been privileged to view this historic monument will take advantage of a tremendous opportunity this coming Veteran’s Day week.” 

by Sandra Davidson G2G6 Pilot (190k points)
Thanks Sandra. I was invited to a conference in South Carolina many years ago (I happened to meet the organiser in a lift in Japan), but I changed subject and so never had the opportunity to visit.
Thanks for the information. I have saw that in Athens, Tennessee when I was in High School and I also so the real think in Washington when my family went camping on the way to Washington, D. C. one summer when my dad went to work up there on business and we also made a family vacation out of it and while my Dad was work rest of us my mom, sister, me and my brother toured Washington, D. C. and my dad got to see some things on his time off working up there and at night. We enjoyed it a lot. Welcome Sandra and Iain to the WikiTree Fall Veteran Day weekend chat.
+19 votes

Greetings, W'Treers!

Many thanks to our veterans this weekend for their service and sacrifice.  We salute you!

We have enjoyed an incredible run of outstanding weather here in New Mexico.  60s daytime and 30s at night, not even particularly cold despite the ultra-clear skies. 

This week's random unthemed origami:

The office origami bandit is taking a strategic timeout, after narrowly avoiding apprehension last week.  I have concocted a plan of misdirection.  One of our tenants is closed today for Veterans' Day.  When no tiny paper creature appear, I can cast suspicion upon the absentees.  They are secretive government contractors and quite snooty and standoffish (with a couple of exceptions).  A bit of trolling will do them some good, I think.



by Living Tardy G2G6 Pilot (773k points)

Fantastic piece of origami, Herbert. Thanks for posting I love the tusks! 

One of my friends in Pavia, Italy used to fold up bits of paper into tiny squares then put them all together into a swan. 

Ah, I've found a video on YouTube that shows how to do it.

How to make a 3D Origami Swan (Tutorial by KleinerChaotBerlin)

I think I'll challenge him to make a peacock:

3D Origami Peacock Tutorial

Head on I see an Elephant... side view...must have gone on a diet!

Love what you do... Maybe you should ask the receptionist for help folding a paper airplane... say it is for a child who is coming to visit you...  

If you need help doing that, how could you do all of these great visions!
Thanks, Iain!

I neglected to mention, the elephant is another Jo Nakashima creation.

Thanks for the swan video, too.  It's amazing!  I believe it's an example of 'modular origami,' which I have yet to try.  The models I've posted here were all folded from single sheets of paper.
Thanks, Laura!  The receptionist will play a key part in my misdirection scheme.  When I leave this afternoon, I'll casually ask whether any new pieces have showed up.  When she says No, I can say, "Hmm.  And who's not here today?"  :D
Great work of art, Herbert.
Thanks David!
Dittto to every one and Herbert you are successful every time and getting better at it also. Welcome Herbert, Laura, David and Iain to the WikiTree Fall Veteran Day weekend chat.
Thanks Linda!
+19 votes
Since tomorrow is veterans day let me think about relatives who served,.  Well, I am a Viet Nam Vet, though I was back in the camp rather than out in the field.  So it wasn't any more dangerous for me than living in Chicago these days.  My dad was training in the SeeBees at the end of WWII so he didn't see any action either.  My uncle Bob on my dad's side and his wife Rosemary were in the Army. My uncle Bill on my mom's side was in tanks after the Korean War. and my brother Richard was going to be a navy pilot after he graduated from college until he was ironically killed in a plane crash.  

There are also a couple of notables I'm cousins of who were in WWII. Gen Jacob L Devers was a lifer in the Army and retired as a 4 star General.  And well known SF writer Robert Heinlein was in in the army and his experiences colored a number of his books.

As for genealogy this week, I'm working on a variety of families. I'm mostly picking of the families of the spouses of my cousins.  I figure they are more likely to lead to interesting connections.  By next week I'll probably be back to sourcing my unsourced and finding more sources for profiles I haven't worked on for a year and a half.
by Living Dardinger G2G6 Pilot (446k points)
Thanks for the post Dave. Our local County Ranger was ex-SAS and had been in Korea. He taught us a lot of interesting survival techniques.
My Dad's uncle 2 sons served, also my dad did, also my mother's uncle which is my great uncle served and also my mother's brother served and was still in when he developed cancer and died and also his wife my mothers sister in law served in the army also,  and also my mother's sister's husband my uncle served also. Also there were Fines, Romingers and other Leonard's that served also for our country. I have a lot on mom side of the family that I know of. Welcome Dave and Iain to the WikiTree Fall Veteran Day weekend chat.
Dave my Cousin served in Viet Nam too.  Thank you for your service.
+21 votes

This is the first weekend of my fortnight birthday celebration. We'll begin with a girl's night out for the Orlando, Florida, stop of the Imagine Dragons tour.

I have no idea what the husband has planned for me but do know it will have to wait until after the birthday because his company is in the middle of inventory. Beginning on the 17th, he is all mine until Dec 1. I expect to be away from WikiTree for a bit during that time but, as the WikiAddicts thread members can attest, it's a hard habit to overcome LOL Especially when you don't think it is a problem.

Happy Birthday, US Marines!

by Debi Hoag G2G6 Pilot (409k points)

Sounds like you are going to have a fun birthday celebration, Debi!


Happy Early Birthday, Debi! Enjoy the night out with the girls and the Imagine Dragons tour.

Ditto to what Iain and David said Debbie on your birthday. Welcome Debi, Iain and David to the WikiTree Fall Veteran Day weekend chat. Debi everyone of your daughters look like you especially the very first one. Are all the girls in the picture your daughters?
Debi hope your birthday week is fabulous!
Thanks, Laura! So far so good, and it got better last evening when I made arrangements to met Cindy WIlliams Lesure for breakfast this morning. WikiTree Conspirators Unite!
+21 votes

Happy Veterans Day....this is a pic of my Dad & the crew of the B 29 City of Trenton in 1945 on Guam.

Pilot Lt Jesse Dillard (back left) standing with his Crew

by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Thanks for the great photo Doug. My aunt's husband was a navigator in the RAF. I think he flew in Avro Lancasters if I remember correctly. He was the one who researched my paternal line way back in the days before the internet.

Thanks for sharing your Dad & the crew of the B 29 photo with us. Our next to oldest grandson just finished basic training after joining the USAF.

Yes thanks for the marvelous photo Doug. Welcome Doug, Iain and David to the WikiTree Fall Veteran Day weekend chat.
+19 votes
I have just been told that access to Military Records is free on Find My Past this weekend:

This is the UK site, but I imagine their other sites will have similar open access.
by Living Old G2G6 Pilot (234k points)
I know I have just been told about the same access. Thanks Iain for the information and also welcome to the WikiTree Fall Veteran Day weekend chat.
+23 votes
So the dialogue in G2G (I'm substituting Biblical names so people don't recognize themselves)

Mr X asks "What proof is there that the son of Abraham was Isaac?"

Mr Y answers "Genesis 22 in the Bible"

Mr X replies "That's not a Primary Source.  I think we have to detach Isaac until we find a Primary Source. You can't believe anything those ancient genealogists wrote. "


(Okay if you click down votes.  ;-p )
by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (710k points)
"I'm Brian and so's my wife!" ;-)

Anyone wishing to become pre-1500 certified should know this book by heart. ;-)


I'm  "Kwinachibagin8kw Kagakim8" 

(Name Keith Hathaway gave me- I think it mean big ugly smartass - I'm down wid dat, he my main dude ;-b )

NO NO NO I am screaming....  sigh...  just because it is printed does not make it true..... ok, pre-1500 fellow members.... can we say not a good source!

Eddie, you remember your deleted joke!! 


Well, as usual, I have done it backwards again, Iain. Now I have to go get the book and read it.
David ! David !  I was sitting here eating my lunch which was spaghetti squash  with BBQ sauce and chicken wings with sour cream and email beeps and KH being writing I'm all gone !  And it's snowing and everything ! David, I think some of these peeps had a martini lunch !

Another book to avoid for pre-1500 research.

"While as indicated above, careful research is required, a definitive media exposure is usually also needed to topple hoaxers such as Terence MacCarthy and Michel Lafosse. While there had been intermittent media coverage over the years, a fairly thorough exposure of the spurious claims of Michel Lafosse aka 'Prince Michael of Albany' appeared in the Scottish Sunday Herald of 2 April 2006: The article deals with the false birth certificate and the irregular naturalisation certificate, mentioning also a passport obtained using questionable documents and a diplomatic passport issued in the name of the 'Sovereign Order of St John of Jerusalem'. It is understood that the Home Office initiated proceedings against Lafosse in relation to the false documentation presented in support of his citizenship application, and that charity regulators were also investigating his fund raising activities. In late July 2006 it was reported that Lafosse had fled Scotland and moved back to Belgium to live with his mother (Sunday Mail, 23 July 2006), and his website was taken down. Thus appears to have ended the remarkable decades-long hoax of Michel Lafosse, the so-called Prince Michael of Albany, although it remains to be seen whether the Belgian authorities will want to take proceedings in relation to forgery of vital certificates issued within their jurisdiction."

Have you read Alison Weir's book Britain's Royal Families? My god, the errors in it are many many
Eddie the Bible should be a good source because it is God's words and what he says is the truth so it should be a very good source to me. Thanks Iain for that recommendation of  the book and also Julie to use to become pre-1500 certified. Welcome Eddie, Julie, Iain, Eddie and Laura to the WikiTree Fall Veteran Day weekend chat.
Iain, thanks for the first laugh of the day !
All you guys and women just kill me. (emoji)  These were Laugh out Loud entries, not lollygag entries or live over learn entries. I loved 'em. THANKS!!
+16 votes

The Dowager Countess of Grantham and I have a question:

by Living Guthrie G2G6 Mach 8 (88.9k points)
The best answer I can think is two days of minimal stress, usually accompanied by extra time with the thing people label as "bed", and "home"
When we trade paid work for unpaid work around the house....
I do not know! I work 7 days a week on what you might ask? On Genealogy (WikiTree) of course!
Welcome, David, Laura, Richard, Iain, and Julie to the WikiTree Fall Veteran Day weekend chat.
Is the Dowager Countess entered in WikiTree yet? I can't find her profile

Fact is always stranger than fiction. Believe it or not, the Dowager Countess _is_ here on WikiTree!


+16 votes
I'm here. Done the family chat.

Havent done much else this week. I have been looking for and adding relatives for Richard and Karen Carpenter trying to get them connected to the global tree - but no luck so far!!

I was able to finally get Richard linked up with his wife. He married his FIRST cousin. Which means they have HALF the same family tree since both of their mothers were sisters!!

I purchased my copy of A J JACOBS new book on the GFR (Global Family Reunion) which was released a few days ago. The book is called "It's All Relative"

Eowyn did quite a lot of work on the book and for the GFR as well.

I really enjoyed the book, so if you haven't won it in a giveaway or purchased it yet, then you should get out and buy it.
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

Good luck. It can be frustrating at times trying to make connections. I tried to connect French author Marguerite Duras to the tree. I got nowhere with her paternal line, but managed to research her maternal line back to the 800s.
Still no connection though!

Thanks for the recommendation. I was looking at A.J. Jacobs' website yesterday.
Thanks for the recommendation Robynne I will try to find it and might get it. Welcome Robynne, Julie and Iain to the WikiTree Fall Veteran Day weekend chat.
+14 votes

Good Weekend to All


I just got an email from my son showing me a table he made. I had no idea he had an artistic side,


by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
That looks fantastic. Does he take orders? ;-)
That's beautiful!
Ditto to what Iain and Herbert said Doug. Welcome Doug, Iain and Herbert to the WikiTree Fall Veteran Day weekend chat.
That table looks amazing!!!
What a beautiful table!
You son does excellent woodwork and craftsmanship.
+13 votes
I am here on time for a change. There hasn't been anything going here this week again except my dad decide either on Saturday or even Sunday night to sleep in his recliner because his back was hurting him a lot. So he didn't sleep and use his CPAC machine one night and he started talking crazy and silly. But his doing better since he decide to sleep in his bed since that night. Plus our box for our cable in my parents living room went crazy and the picture on every channel froze and so my dad couldn't watch or read what was going on and it was very frustrating up till this morning when my mother called the cable company and have them reset the box. Now things are back to where there should be now. Life can get and be very frustrating to deal with some of the times especially when you have elderly parents that you live with.
by Living Barnett G2G6 Pilot (508k points)
We used to have four TVs. My sister took away the old one in my room as I never used it. Then another two broke down, and finally my father knocked the last one over and we were down to no TVs! Having to buy a new one has not been a bad idea though as they now have FreeView and are finding a lot of decent documentaries and dramas on the UKTV viewer. It certainly beats the One Show and Eastenders. And if you don't know what they are, you want to keep it that way. ;-)
Linda, I admire the cheerful attitude you always express to everyone on the
chat while maintaining all of the stresses you have dealing with your life and those around you.  They are lucky to have you in there pitching for them.
And we are lucky to have you being the unofficial greeter for the weekends.
Great job.
+14 votes
Happy weekend everyone!

What a difference a few days makes. We took the RV and stayed near the oceanfront for a couple days. Monday was 80 and sunny and we took a walk on the boardwalk. We might get a frost tonight. It was nippy outside the basketball arena; the team lost in the preseason WNIT.

I heard from a first cousin today. We don’t talk much, but it seems we tend to touch base around Thanksgiving. The family always gathered at her house.

I did get an email from someone who had seen a WikiTree profile for his grandfather (who was my father’s 3rd cousin), and was interested in finding family.

I’ve continued to do a bit on WikiTree, sourcing some random profiles and working on a few nth cousins not yet added. It was difficult to do much from an iPad with a poor cell signal at the campground. I saw a couple of new unique sources—one was “Ancestry DNA Circles” and the other actually cut and pasted the examples from the right frame in the edit page.
by Kay Knight G2G6 Pilot (614k points)
Thanks for the information on your trip Kay. I hope you have a good trip and also a safe one. Welcome Kay to theWikiTree Fall Veteran Day weekend chat.
Our “trip” was strange..11 miles to RV storage, home to pack, then 15 miles (passing storage spot) to campground. We did listen to the sound of freedom in the flight path for Oceana Naval Air Station as the F18s practiced touch and go.

Glad to hear things are looking good. 

There always seems to be something to do on WikiTree. I keep looking at profiles that I think I've completed only to something to add, or even some that need biographies. And that's even before starting to add any new people.


Hi Kay, so you finally made a trip and sounds like you enjoyed your self. Just getting away for a few days and close to home can be more relaxing than a long trip. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

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