"Welcome to the Weekend Chat" Happy Halloween! All Members are Invited!! (27 - 29 Oct 2017) [closed]

+28 votes



   New Members Saying Hello (our favorite!)

   Puzzles by Laura Bozzay

   "Today Is" by Dorothy Barry

   Eddie's Picks - Movies & Music

   Where in the World is Steve Today?

   Members Checking in via "All About the Weekend Chat"


Have fun and let others know you liked their posts... click the stars and mark answers you like as "best".  Those posts will be temporarily highlighted by being placed as the first answer in the chat for a while.  Members will also receive email notification (unless they opted out) that let them know you liked what they did.

At the end of the weekend "best answer" will be removed as all answers are equal in the eyes of the Chat.  Click to learn more.

It's ok.... go for it!



The Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to, and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot, and many will enjoy their multitude of reading options.

Weekend Chat 30 June - 2 July 2017

Enjoy yourself and spread good will :)


closed with the note: The Weekend Chat is closed until next weekend.
in The Tree House by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
closed by David Selman
Thanks for hosting David!
Thanks for hosting David!  You are monsterously super!  (That is a good thing!)
Hi David!  Thanks for gHosting!
Thanks for hosting this weekend, David.
Hi David! Thank you for hosting. Sweet regards from The Netherlands.
Thanks for hosting David. Where do you and Keith get all your cool stickers from? Hope you have a great weekend. :-)

Hi Susie, If I tell you the secret then everyone will know, so send me a bank draft and I will email you the answer!! Here is the link to the sticker page. WikiFree Memes Some I have on my computer I upload to my WikiTree Photo's page, Others are just a copy paste from Wikitree. Thanks for the bank draft!!

Thanks for hosting this weekend David. Hello everyone on this weekend chat.

35 Answers

+22 votes
Best answer

Thanks for the invite to the weekend chat, David.

I'm Iain Old, originally from Edinburgh in Scotland and have been on WikiTree for about 18 months. I love the friendly collaborative nature of the site, the willingness of members to help out others and the fact that each person has a single profile. 

As it's Halloween, I should stop and tell the old East Lothian tale about our Rigwoodie Witch..

About three hundred years ago there lived a young and beautiful woman in the village of Spott named Clara Murray. But although her hair was like the ripest corn and her eyes the deepest emerald green, all the neighbours were afraid, for she had always plenty of money, though no one knew how she came by it; and the best of eating and drinking went on at her house, chiefly at night - meat and fowls and Pumpkin wines in plenty for all comers. And when people asked how it all came, she laughed and said, "I have paid for it," but would tell them no more.

So the word went through the country that she had sold herself to the Evil One, and could have everything she wanted by merely wishing and willing, and to spite her beauty they called her "The Rigwoodie Witch.", though never to her face. Clara Murray went out but at night, and then always with a bridle and staff in her hand; but there was never the sight nor the sound of a horse near her house.

A strange story was whispered about, that if a young man drank of her Pumpkin wines at supper and afterwards fell asleep, the Rigwoodie Witch would appear in her true form of an ancient hag. The witch would throw the bridle over the young man, change him to a black stallion, and ride him all over the country, and whatever she touched with her staff became hers. Fowls, or butter, or wine, or the new-made cakes- she had but to wish and will and they were carried by spirit hands to her house, and laid in her larder. Then when the ride was done, and she had gathered enough through the country of all she wanted, she took the bridle off the young man, and he came back to his own shape and fell asleep; and when he awoke he had no knowledge of all that had happened, and the Rigwoodie Witch bade him come again and drink of her Pumpkin wines as often as it pleased him.

Now there was a fine brave young fellow in Belhaven village named Sandy Hay, and he determined to make out the truth of the story. So he often went back and forwards to Spott, and made friends with the Rigwoodie Witch, and sat down to talk to her, but always on the watch. And the Rigwoodie Witch took a great fancy to Sandy and told him he must come to supper some night, and she would give him the best of everything, and he must taste her Pumpkin wine.

So she named the night, and he went gladly, for he was filled with curiosity. And when he arrived there was a beautiful supper laid, and plenty of wine to drink; and he ate and drank, but was cautious about the wine, and spilled it on the ground from his glass when her head was turned away. Then he pretended to be very sleepy, and she said "Sandy, my lad, you are weary. Lie down there on the bench and sleep, for the night is far spent, and you are far from Belhaven."

So he lay down as if he were quite dead with sleep, and closed kits eyes, but watched her all the time. And she came over in a little while and looked at him steadily, but he never stirred, only breathed the more heavily.

Then she went softly and took the bridle from the wall, and stole over to fling it over his head; but Sandy started up, and, seizing the bridle threw it over the woman, who was immediately changed into a grey mare with green eyes. And he led her out and jumped on her back and rode away as fast as the wind till he came to the smithy at Dunbar. "Ho, smith," he cried, "rise up and shoe my mare, for she is weary after the journey."

And the smith was amazed, but he did as he was bid, and shoed the mare with the haunting eyes. Then the young man mounted again, and rode back like the wind to the house of the Witch; and there he took off the bridle, and she immediately regained her own form, and sank down in a deep sleep.

But as the shoes were of iron and immune to witchery, they remained on the Rigwoodie Witch's hands and feet, and no power on earth could remove them and she was unable to rise from her bed.


The young man left her cottage and roused the villagers of Spott. They seized the Rigwoodie Witch and prepared a fire on which they could burn her alive. Then Sandy remembered the magical bridle and ran to the witch's cottage to fetch it and burn it also. But when he arrived at the witch's cottage nothing was left of her riches but a handful of ashes. Sandy turned to the hook beside the door and saw that alone of all the witch's possessions, the bridle remained. He stretched out his hand to take it and then rushed out of the cottage to burn the bridle in the fire.

Suddenly Sandy cried out in pain and dropped the bridle. As he snatched his hand back he could see that across the back of his hand were five deep scratches that started to seep blood. And beside him, on a tree branch beside the cottage sat an enormous black cat, which hissed menacingly. And the last thing that Sandy noticed was that the cat's eyes were the deepest emerald green.....


by Living Old G2G6 Pilot (234k points)
selected by Jerry Owens
What a great Halloween story, Iain!  Thanks for sharing.  I will definitely share it with my 11 year old nephew.
Great story, Iain. Thanks for sharing. I love the imagery of the black bridle actually being her familiar.
Wonderful Halloween Story, Iain, Thank you for sharing it with us. So glad you dropped by the Weekend Chat and introduced yourself.
I love that story, Iain!   Being 25% paper and 57% DNA Scottish it speaks to my roots!
Outstanding tale!
Welcome to WikiTree Ian and ditto to what everyone says Ian. Also thanks for introducing yourseld and dropping by WikiTree Halloween weekend chat. Also welcome everyone to the WikiTree Halloween weekend chat.
What a great classic story, Iain !! --and I'm so sorry your illustration did not reach all the way to Arizona, though it probably tried.

Love these stories, thanks for sharing Ian ! 

In the Netherlands we didn't have Halloween until some years ago people (Halloween fans ;) ) started the tradition here also. 

The story made me curious about where Halloween is coming from, it says:

The name Halloween was first used in 16th century Scotland. Halloween comes from All Hallows' Evening, the evening for All SaintsThe name was used for the first time 400 years ago, but the origins of Halloween date back to the beginning of the Christian era.

Halloween originates from the Celtic feast Samhain. The Celts in Ireland and Great Britain celebrated on 31st of October the Celtic variant of New Year's Day. On the 1st of November the harvest season ended and winter began, and thus the new year. With the harvest in the grain shed and cattle in the stable it was time for a party. To celebrate the end of the year, the Celts had large bonfires and performed different rituals, they probably also sacrificed people. (+ The Cailleach initial mother goddess to fertility, returned to Samhain as a queen of winter. Later this figure decomposed into a coal or witch.)

Besides this, the Celts also believed that Samhain opened the door to the underworld for a little while, allowing for the souls of the dead and other creatures such as fairies to come to our world. In honor of these souls, there where great feasts, where places were kept free for the deceased. Besides the souls of the deceased, on this day,also evil beings could come as demons through the door, for which the Celts had to protect themselves by deterring these evil beings. Probably this is where the tradition to dress up comes from. 

Samhain's feast in the 9th century after the arrival of missionaries in Ireland and Great Britain mingled with the Christian All Saints. All Saints was introduced in 609 by Pope Bonifacius IV to honor all Christian saints. The party was celebrated on May 13th, but this date was changed by Pope Gregorius IV in 835 to November 1st. All Saints will be followed on November 2 by All Souls, on which the deceased are commemorated. This further contributed to the connection of Halloween with the dead and the "scary" image. 

It is not entirely clear where the trick or treat comes from exactly. Both the Celts and the Christians used this a little bit. During Samhain, Celtic boys went by the doors to pick up wood for the bonfires, and food was often given to them as well. The Christians baked soul cookies on the eve of All Saints and All Souls. Groups of children went by the doors to collect these cookies. Every eaten cookie stood for a soul freed from the purgatory and finding their way to heaven.

Not sure if it all is correct but sure is interesting. 

Happy Halloween everyone !


One word Iain...Goosebumps!
Thanks for all the comments

I've changed the image from a pumpkin to the witch cat. ;-)
The witchcat image is not showing

Hi Bea, I remembered that Halloween had to do with All Saints and All Souls day but had forgotten most of the history. Thank you for the history of Halloween!


The witch cat image probably is added to a free space page that has a too high privacy level (Protected Image, it probably says this image is privacy protected.) This will make the image is only visible for those on the trusted list of the free space page or the manager, no one else can view it or they can only see a thumbnail of the image. (tiny version)

Many members don't know this, I didn't either at first and took me quite a while before I knew this or how to share images in G2G, but in short, to be able to share images in G2G they will have to be in an open page/place/site on the internet or inside WikiTree, so if it's uploaded to a freespace page, lowering the privacy level of the free space page (set it to open) will make the witchcat appear in G2G. If you don't want to set it open Ian, you can use my open free space page Granny's Pictures and upload it there, this way everyone can see it ;) And it's a common question, so here I tried to explain how to share images in G2G a bit more clear. 

Cemetery ghost stories!

“Resurrection Mary” from Resurrection Cemetery

“Melody Millie” of Forest Home/Waldheim Cemetery 

“Flapper Girl” of Jewish Waldheim Cemetery

"Phantom Girl" at Woodlawn Cemetery


(Some good cemetery ghost stories, by our new member Barry Fleig)

Enjoy! Happy Halloween, Dia de las Muertos, & All Souls Day!

Thanks to Laura and Bea for pointing out that the Witch Cat image was not visible - I made the assumption that I could see it, then it should be visible to all, but as it wasn't posted on an open profile, this wasn't the case.

Great advice on that thread:

 here I tried to explain how to share images in G2G a bit more clear. 


I thought I had come across Rigwoodie before and was interested to see these references - so good link not only to the witch, but also between the bridle and the horse rope.

Next time I want to insult someone I will call them "unsonsy loun and rigwoidie witch". ;-)

Rigwiddie, -widdé, n. and adj. Also: -widdy, -wyddie, -uidie; -wod(d)é, -wodie; -woodie, -woidie; (ringwoodie). [Sc. form of north. ME rygwythi, rigwethy (1419–20); Rig n. 1 and widdy.]

A. noun. A rope or band running across the back of a draught-horse and secured to the shafts of the cart or carriage to be drawn, a back-band. (a) 1513 Treas. Acc. IV 514.
For xxiiij stane of towis to be thetis, soumes and rigwiddeis;
1565 Rec. Privy C. I 403.
To furneis with all necessaris the said artailyearie viz. of cabillis, sowmis, theittis [pr. cheittis], rigwiddeis [etc.];
1585 Elphinstone Mun. 193/1.
Fyve haling towis and sex rigwiddeis;
1595 Crim. Trials I ii 353.
The said Mr. Johnne … cuttit his plewis and rigwiddeis;
1596–7 Edinb. B. Rec. V 178.
For cutting the rig wyddie of William Mcmaths cairt;
1663 Donaldson Cramondiana 39.
To ane dozen rigwiddies to him, 6 s. 8 d.;
1693 Edinb. Test. LXXX 2.
Tuo cairts saidells and tuo rone riguidies;
(b) 1616 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II 4.
Ib. 52.
Ib. 53.
Takell to be traces and rigwoddeis to the cairt hors;
1625 Edinb. Test. LIII 114.
Ane irne rigwodie and ane pair ear ledderis;

B. attrib., as adj. Only, dyslogistically, in collocation with witch. So too in the earliest example (1698) quoted by SND. ? = ‘wizened and gnarled; tough and rugged-looking; ill-shaped’ (SND), but in early use perh. less specific ? = ill-favoured. 1648 Dumfries Kirk S. 20 March.
The bill of slander … against Jonet McKie in calling the said Jonet rigwoodie witch;
1654 Ib. 5 July.
Margaret callit the supplicant a turner of ridles, a rigwiddy witch;
1664 Gunn Cross Kirk, Peebles 190.
That the man's wife called Janet a ringwoodie witch;
1688 Peebles B. Rec. II 125.
For scandalizeing her and calling her unsonsy loun and rigwoidie witch;


My pleasure Ian and it all looks great now ! ;)
+24 votes

Music music music

An oldie 


and my good buddy Herbert Tardy likes


Where are you, Herb? Herb ?

Somebody wake up Herb !

by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (709k points)
How fun and so time appropriate!
I yelled out the door, no response from Herb.
Yo!  Here!  WC got an early start this week.

Great choice, Eddie!  And thanks for running Ms Smyth and friends!
Thanks for the appropriate music for Halloween, Eddie! Now go out and Mash Some Monsters!!

As admitted earlier this week, I do mash things. Keith was gonna do a King Kong and a car - make it a luxury vehicle , Keith LOL. 

Anyhow, would youse guys pledge bail money ?

Sincerely your pal,

"Kwinachibagin8kw Kagakim8"

(my alias. Keith will translate)

I'll kick in via pay-pal when the time comes
The IRS guy who called this week threatening legal action said I could pay in Walmart gift cards,  Will that work for bail money?

As to recent events ( you know what I mean)

We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender


No surprise you couldn't find Herb since he is always Tardy.  Sorry.  I had to say it.  One of those kinds of days.
I'm not angry, Emma, just disappointed.  Very disappointed.
+26 votes

Welcome to the Weekend Chat!! 

Have you encountered any GHOST??

Ghost Profiles on Wikitree

by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Don't forget, Mags has planned a Halloween LIVECAST on 31 October!!


Thank you for hosting David, you are always engaging and entertaining.  Seems you know everyone!  Cheers from rainy Vermont this morning!


although it has cleared up some since I stepped out last...


Thank you for the reminder, Robynne. The Halloween LIVECAST on 31 October should be fun for all!!

Here in my part of Texas today it is sunny, cool and very windy. Suppose to have a front come through and drop the temperature into the mid 30's and the first freeze for the folks in Texas up north of us. Of course being Texas it will be back into the 70's and higher soon.



I have had two odd experiences.  When my husband and I visited Monticello (Jefferson's estate) we saw a man in period style livery and even said to him " Wow, great costume!  Very authentic!"  When in the gift shop later we remarked to the clerk about how great the costume was.  The clerk gave us kind of a funny look and then told us they have no one in period costume who works there but that others have seen this man in the home before!   He looked very real to us!

When in college we had a haunted building.  Strange things would happen to class projects as if they were being played with at night.  Being the Communications and Theater Department we put up sensor activated cameras and recorded things overnight.  We would not see anyone in the halls but in the classrooms things continued to be moved at night.  There was a radio station on the top floor.  It would play music and we would hear the chair rolling when no one was in it.   Very strange stuff.
WOW!! That is strange stuff, Laura. A lot of nights I am up late (guess you could call me a night owl) I have told my wife many time that someone or a shadow crosses at the end of our hallway from one bedroom into the other one as I can see all the way to the end of the hall when sitting in my chair working on the computer.

Well, I just got a shock. We have a rather famous young woman in these parts. She is known as the last New England vampire and is said to haunt the cemetery where she is buried. I didn't see her on your ghost page but thought surely she would be on WikiTree. It is said that Bram Stoker based one of the characters in Dracula on our local vampire. She wasn't here!

Well, she is now and I will be fleshing out her bio and adding to her tree now. I mean how many times do you get to add a vampire to the tree??!!

Mercy Brown

Woman Vampire on Emojipedia 5.2     Ghost on emojidex 1.0.34


A town near where I live in Loudon, Tennessee named Oak Ridge, Tennesseee there are Halloween tales that was in our Knoxville, Tennessee newspaper. The newspaper is Knox News Sentinel. Oak Ridge National Labatory is where my mom worked until she lost half of her eyesight in her left eye, the bottom part of it and it was her good eye now her lazy eye is her good eye now. She had to go on disability with it. That is where the atomic bomb came from that United States dropped on Japan in World War II. One Tale is John Hendrix the Prophet. This can be checked out at the American Museum of Science and Energy in Oak Ridge, Tennessee where they will show you the proof they have of John Hendrix in that great Institution of Science. Also there is a researcher extraordinaire, who is a newspaper reporter for the Oak Ridge newspaper who can help verify John Hendrix.  The places that was in the article in the newspaper mention John Hendrix himself and about himself and his grave. It is very interesting. Also she mentioned the Historic Alexander Inn in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and also George Jones Memorial Baptist Church and the cemetery beside it that is in Oak Ridge, Tennessee too. Welcome everyone to the WikiTree weekend chat on Halloween weekend. Thank for the reminder David.

Now that's an amazing story Laura, pretty spooky eeh and thanks for adding Mercy Brown Deb !

 Linda, you made me curious of course so looked for John Hendrix, it's a great story, not sure if he has a profile already at WikiTree (there are quite a lot John Hendrix profiles) if not, perhaps you should create one for him and his family also  ;) 

He's in the tree now, Bea. Just added him. ;)
That's great thanks a lot Deb ! :D
+24 votes

Movie ! ! Movie !! 

There was no one like the great Vincent Price. So for Halloween, one of the Master's best



by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (709k points)
Another winner, Eddie.  Well done, sir!
Thank you, Eddie, for the movie. Vincent Price and Alfred Hitchcock are two of my favourites.
He was from St Louis, MO.  His father was treasurer of a candy company my ancestors owned.  So we claim his as part of our extended family!


Eddie's Picks Image

Saturday's movie in case I sleep in (or decide to watch football all day and ignore you guys,)


One of my favorites is Phantom of the Opera!

There are some great Phantom productions on YouTube to watch, and it is a great soundtrack!

+22 votes

Dorothy is not with us this weekend, so on her behalf, here is "Today Is"

We have more than one thing to celebrate today...

1.  NATIONAL AMERICAN BEER DAY  There are more than 2,100 breweries that manufacture beer in the United States. They range in size from industry giants to brewpubs and microbreweries.  https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-american-beer-day-october-27/

2.  In honor of Halloween today is also  


Don’t be superstitious! October 27 may be National Black Cat Day, but it is all about celebrating the beauty of these sleek creatures.  https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-black-cat-day-october-27/

National Frankenstein Friday on the last Friday in October recognizes author Mary Shelly, the novel Frankenstein, her characters, Dr. Frankenstein and the monster.  Dating back to the 1800s, Frankenstein’s monster is one of the best-known horror characters of all times.  https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-frankenstein-friday-last-friday-in-october/


Navy Day is observed annually on October 27. It is a day to salute all of the women and men who have served, both past and present, in the United States Navy.  https://nationaldaycalendar.com/navy-day-october-27/  Thank you for your service.  


National Breadstick Day is observed annually on the last Friday in October. This is a day to enjoy those tender, delicious, dunkable pieces of pure enjoyment.

by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (843k points)
Thank you, Laura, for filling in for Dorothy today. It is appreciated!
Thank you Laura! Mmmm, now breadsticks are on my mind :)
Ditto to both David and M, Laura thank you very much for filling in for Dorothy putting something for the Halloween weekend. Welcome Laura, M, and David to the WikiTree Halloween weekend chat.

Guess what!  Today the 28th is https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-chocolate-day-october-28/   NATIONAL CHOCOLATE DAY!!!!!!!!!

Today is also,  https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-make-a-difference-day-fourth-saturday-in-october/  NATIONAL MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY

Talk about a FEEL GOOD DAY!

Oct 29th is :

NATIONAL CAT DAY  https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-cat-day-october-29/

NATIONAL OATMEAL DAY  https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-oatmeal-day-october-29/

WORLD STROKE DAY https://nationaldaycalendar.com/world-stroke-day-october-29/

and this one is funny... they want you to post it on social media and then go be a recluse!  NATIONAL HERMIT DAY  https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-hermit-day-october-29/

+20 votes

Halloween Riddles Are Our Puzzle This Week!

The Answers will relate to Halloween

  1. A feline that reflects no light.
  2. A cleaning supply owned by someone who likes to spell.
  3. Something a baby might say.
  4. An octopus does not have any of these.
  5. Vlad is a famous one.
  6. Robbers and Halloweeners have this in common.  (2 possible answers)
  7. Mexico, Spain, and Latin America call it: 
  8. Many ancestors rest there.
  9.  Shared with Thanksgiving in the USA
  10. Man made of plants wearing clothes
  11. A type of story or writer.
  12. Kind of horses that go out on Halloween
  13. Ghost’s favorite pie
  14. Dead but alive
  15. You can win an academy award for this
  16. The name of the Celtic festival held at Halloween
  17. A phrase associated with act of going door to door
  18. Godzilla is one
  19. This country claims Halloween started there
  20. Knock Knock is not a sound on your door
by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (843k points)
Another great Puzzle from Laura. Thank you for your contributions to the Weekend Chat.
Thanks Laura, you are quite busy this weekend eeh :D
Thanks for another wonderful puzzle, Laura!  Your creativity is amazing.
Ditto to what every one said Laura. Welcome Laura, David, Bea and  Star to the WikiTree Halloween weekend chat.

Answers are in the Answer Folder at 

A pdf and a docx version are available at:  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rqo8mt2eobujwgd/AAAzB3IGNHqNKXBfdE985NBZa?dl=0


+22 votes
I have been busy this week!!

Finally was able to add the Waltons TV Star Michael Learned to the Global tree - https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Learned-201

Was also able to add the Australian Singer Helen Reddy to the Global tree as well - https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Reddy-195

I purchased Helen Reddy's biography earlier this month and finally read it this week. I was shocked to discoover that Helen's daughter was married to Michael's son - so I just had to work harder to get Michael connected. Her profile previously was private despite having the PPP project and Notables templates on it. I have finally been added to the trusted list so I can get her connecetd!!

Of course, you cant see anything right now because these connections were only made today so the connections should go through overnight.

Oh and I found Richard Carpenters wife - he married his first cousin!!



I added in several members of the Rudolph family. The only reason I cannot connect Mary to Richard is because I am not yet on the trusted list for Richard Carpenter. And yes, I have mentioned to the PM that Richards wife is now on the tree and perhaps they should be connected up.

None of the Carpenter, Tatum or Rudolph families are connected to the global tree yet!!

Still have another 3 hours to go before my weekly chat with my family back in NZ.
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Thank you, Robynne, for your adding the profiles of Michael and Hellen and profiles for the Rudolf families to WikiTree.
Great work connecting these Notables to the tree, Robynne!
You were busy!   Thanks for your hard work!
Have done my family chat. They have glorius spring weather down under today. We have grey clouds.

In fact my mother was saying that they expected a heatwave over the weekend - for anything over 24 degrees (Celcius).

That is NOT a heatwave. Here in Toronto 24 degrees is nice and warm. A heatwave is usually anything above 32 degrees.
Robynne, ditto to what everyone said to you. Also welcome everyone to WikiTree Halloween weekend chat.
Too funny, Robynne! But of course this low desert US quick-reader read it as fahrenheit.
+24 votes



Happy Halloween my friends and fellow WikiTreers!

by Keith Hathaway G2G6 Pilot (642k points)
Hope you have a "SPOOK Tacular Halloween", Keith! Be careful and do not eat too many Tricks or Treat candies.
Luckily I get all of the stuff that has peanuts, peanut oil, made in a factory where a guy once heard of a peanut, etc.  My wife is very allergic and our kids don't risk it.  I'll eat it happily but I have to treat it with great care, containment, and cleaning.
Love the image and what it says, so true !  Same from the Netherlands for everyone !
Great new meme, Keith!  I like the Halloween flair.
I see a lot of circles in a tree

Made to hold pictures of you and me

Because we know we are all one family!
Nice, Laura!
Ditto what everyone said Keith and what you said also. Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Halloween weekend chat.
+23 votes
Tips of the Week.  A place to share learning about WikiTree!

1.  Do you have any profiles who are put together like a Frankenstein monster from all kinds of mismatched pieces of information?  Inserting Headings for each section in your biography area can make it more understandable, easier to find specific information, and just cleaner.  

2.  Do you have any Zombie profiles?  You the ones that are missing pieces and just have no life like those missing sources or biographies? Here is a great list of sources courtesy of WikiTree  https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Source  Any one can add a list of great sources here.  (I have several I need to add) and we can help each other by having better sourced profiles

3.  Do you have any Ghost profiles? Those  that are missing dates?  Take a few minutes and see if you can do at least an estimate to the century and decade.
by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (843k points)
Thank you, Laura for the tips. I think all of us have one or more profiles that could use some tidying up or better sources added. I have been trying my best to get a member who is new to add locations and sources to the profiles she is creating. Have even sourced a few for her that I found locations for.
Wauw that's great Laura, I'll look if we can add the Dutch ones there as well :)
Bea if you find thinks on the chat that you think members are missing out because of the difference in language, feel free to translate them!

Scottish Research URLs

(side note: ADDITIONAL List from WikiSources is at https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Sources-Scotland)

http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/sct/   This is the definitive group of sources from the Scottish GenWeb site


https://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIr9ODy4CN1QIVT2p-Ch1ZQAEbEAAYASAAEgIwOvD_BwE  this is a pay site but the amount is small.  It has all the Old Parish Registers of births, deaths, marriages, census records, wills, a definitive source for researching in Scotland

http://www.electricscotland.com/webclans/cairney/195.htm  Electricscotland has a lot of well researched articles but some are not as accurate as others.  So make sure to double check things but it does at last give you answers that are hard to find. 

















https://www.englandsimmigrants.com/search/results?keyword=Scotland&startDate=1300&endDate=1600&col1=name&col2=nationality&col3=date&col4=origin&col5=residence&page=1  lists immigrants from Scotland to England before unification


Thanks everyone with the tips especially Laura. Also Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Halloween weekend chat.
+24 votes

"Everyone is invited, especially new members!"  With an invitation like that, how could I resist?  Day 2 of my membership and I'm happy to be a part of such an expansive (and noble) project!  I only had to add 4 generations to graft my branch on to the "One Tree".  Happy Halloween everyone!

by Tom Barnes G2G2 (2.0k points)
Welcome, Tom!


Welcome to WikiTree and the Weekend Chat Tom... nice to meet you!

Good work on the branches.  We'll get even more connected as time passes.

Cheers from Vermont!


Welcome to the WikiTree family, Tom! Great, you were able to connect your tree to the One World Tree only after adding 4 generations.



Welcome to Wikitree, Tom and congrats on the 4 connections!!
Thanks, Herbert, Keith, David and Robynne!  Interestingly, the connecting person was an orphaned profile - not any more!
Welcome Tom! And Happy Halloween to you as well.
Welcome to the WikiTree family, Tom! And thanks for stopping by to chat this weekend.  I see you are well on your way to adding your family members to our one family tree.  It's great to see that you are already connected.  That's a lot of progress in only two days!
Hi Tom,  Welcome to WikiTree!  2 days and posting profiles we are proud of you!   Lots of great help here on the chat and in G2G.  As you continue to post your tree you may find that you connect to people who are here and that is great fun!
Great to see you here Tom! Hope you will love it here as much as I do.


(Psst (dutch sound meaning hush! :D) , do not feel wrong at asking, asking, asking! if needed. We all were once new here! :D Most of us remember and love to help!).


Happy Treekend!


Welcome to the family Tom :-) I will never forget my 'graft' day. I was like a kid in a candy store I was so excited. Really glad to have you here and so pleased you are enjoying yourself. Give me a shout if I can help you with anything.

Ditto to what everyone said Tom. Welcome to WikiTree and the WikiTree Halloween weekend chat. Also to everyone else welcome to WikiTree Halloween weekend chat too.
+29 votes

Boo, Y'all!

Lying doggo, keeping a low profile, trying to stay out of trouble.  Meanwhile, I folded my first semi-successful dragon:

And here's a bonus Jack-o-lantern!


Both designed by origami genius Jo Nakashima.


ETA:  Also, I've been doing an 'origami bandit' number in my office building, surreptitiously placing models in random places.  Last week I left a T Rex in the break room.  Last night, I put a skeleton hand on a side table in the lobby.  The cleaning lady is on to me, but I swore her to secrecy.  Muwahahaha!

by Living Tardy G2G6 Pilot (772k points)
I love these!   You are so talented!   I am all thumbs when it comes to this stuff... but I really love what you are making!
Thanks, Laura!  (Deep, Japanese-style, bow.)  :)
Herbert you are a master! The first time I tried origami I made a dolphin that ended up looking more like a squashed banana. These are brilliant. :-)
Susie, thank you, you are much too kind!  I am barely a novice, and I'm not being humble (not really in my skill set).  Search Youtube or google, and you will see things that just don't seem possible.  Mystical magical stuff.  The true masters not only fold the models, but work out what, where, and when to fold to get there.  What kind of brain does it take to do that?
Keith, I think you made the Dragon Egg because everyone knows the dragon hatches from the egg!
The fact that you even understand that Herbert means you are halfway there. I have astigmatism which might explain why my folds come out all wonky! lol

--Uh , done with fingers or toes??
Keith, I'm still laughing.

(yr White Dragon will tickle me all day!)
Ditto to what everyone said Herbert your are a master and your are very successful in it and also talented. Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Halloween weekend chat.
Thanks, Linda!
+22 votes

Thanks for starting the Weekend Chat David ! 

It's going to be a great weekend, tomorrow I'll be heading by train to the 'far away' Amsterdam (for Dutch people, Amsterdam, from where I live is far far away, it's about 2 hours and twenty minutes or something by train). I'm going there to meet some of my Dutch Roots Team members for the first time, we will visit the archive and have some fun of course ..woohoo Amsterdam here I come. 

It's been a while since I went on a trip by myself without husband and kids, (it's the first time in I think about 28 years now ) my husband is ok he knows I'll manage, but the kids....waauw... so spoiled with a mum that's always there when they need her eeh, they were flabbergasted and stunned and totally like WHAT ?? Mum are you crazy ?? And where did you say you were going AMSTERDAM ?? Soo funny how they all now are acting as if they are the parent :D 

The kids were creative this afternoon, here's their pumpkin 

Happy weekend and Halloween everyone !


by Bea Wijma G2G6 Pilot (314k points)

Here's the happy team, standing at the entrance of the Amsterdam City archive, our 'happy heads' tell it all eeh ;)  

Astrid which one are you and which one is Bea and who are the other two in the picture. Also welcome everyone to the WikiTree Halloween weekend chat.
Hi Linda, not sure if Astrid is around, so from left to right it's ...B.W.J (Be), Astrid, me (Bea) and Margreet. :)
We had a wonderful time David thanks, still smiling thinking of it ;)
Phantastic Photo, Y'all !! So full of fun.

Were you all based in Europe?

to make next year's I'd have to fly across the US and then the Atlantic, then go from whatever airport to Netherlands or wherever We'd meet. But what fun!! -- and much easier in imagination.

So that's 5+ hours for the first part and about 8 hours for the crossing of the Atlantic, Add on 2-5 hours to get to the meeting point, and then collapse a while. Air travel is not a delight any more. But I keep saying I want to travel. Hmmm. But I'm still with it.

(It is 2 hrs and 20 minutes on a good travel day from Phoenix to Tucson, both in Arizona, desert all the way.)
Good looking group!  Looks like everyone had a great time and got work done too!  Thanks for sharing!
Thanks everyone, we had so much fun together and yes we would love to meet you Roberta (David, Laura, Linda, Star, Herbert, Maria) and all our WikiTree friends of course in Amsterdam, that sure would be amazing and fun !! Who knows what future will bring eeh, maybe someday ... :)

We all live in the Netherlands, for me, I live in the (far ;) ) east (Overijssel and near the German border) it was the longest drive (about 2 hours and 20 minutes or something) but it was soo worth it :D
Great Picture of the four of you, Bea! Looks like you are all having the time of your life.

Paying for my wonderful day off and just today working on housekeeping and reports for work I wasn't online at WikiTree today. But the day, that diamond day yesterday!!! was sooo worth it!! Not complaining at ALL!!!

@ David. Your wishes worked! TY sooooo much! What a big, fat, amazing, funny, joyable day this was!! TY!!! Made so many wonderful memories that warms my heart, it makes me smile for the next weeks! 

@Linda. Bea already gave away who is who! :) (Bea is always very correct and asked permission for posting and sharing before she did. So just joking!) I am the oldest there! lol :D I took care of the three WikiTree Babies! :D Hahaha! Not at all. The youngest B.W.J is living at Amsterdam. Besides being such a gentleman to all of us at real last Saturday as he was the only male joining he had to open all doors and order all our drinks and food and he did!!, he guided us through the city, he is the best at the province of Zuid-Holland and our best connector. 

Again from the left to the right. B.W.J. our connector at the DRP and guide last Saturday. Always helping and finding out how our unconnected profiles can be connected. He is a star at that. Then me.......... The Joker at the WikiTree family. Trying to keep things light as much as I can. But also love to help where ever I can and just love to pass on the help I received as starter from many at WikiTree I thought a Jungle. Then Bea, our wise and ohhhhhh - soo patient - always helping everyone - and very pretty!!! - leader. She is such a gem to the DRP, Finding people/teaching people/connecting people that are adds to the DRP and to WikiTree. She hardly is able to work at WIkiTree on profiles as she is typing answers. I think even in her sleep! Just to answer everyone. Then Margreet. Not so long with us at the "dedicated"-team but very straight and doing wonderful work. Very accurate and very to the topic. She is a great add! to our team! Fully adopted and completely in our midst.

We have a great active dedicated team at the DRP of about 6 to 8 WikiTree-ers. Two were not, and we all felt so sorry, able to join. After a few years of just mailing it was just such great fun - and it felt so comfortable - to spend a day together! Amazing..........

@Roberta. We all live in The Netherlands. Feel free to visit us!!!! Two of us at the image only live about 5- 12 km's from the main airport. We can pick you up and give you room to rest from your travel and after we show you around here. It would be a/our pleasure. I already proposed to Julie to organize the WikiTree ......... umm.......... meeting/congress at Europe. 

Many of you have your roots here at Europe or even at the Netherlands. Great, but sometimes also a painful history. It is what it is: H i s t o r y. None to blame at this time. Just hope we can join, enjoy! and have fun at meeting. 

@Laura. We looked forward of course to this day. It looked far away but it is already over now!!! Grrr!! :D Never thought it would be such a blast. I laughed soooooooooo much!!!! From the first moment it was just fun!!! So much fun! Meeting at the piano at the main entrance hall of the main trainstation of A'dam which is such a beautiful building. From the same architect as our Rijksmuseum at Amsterdam both build between 1882 and 1890.Saturday - Amsterdam overcrowded............ no place to step. :) 

We were lucky at the city archive, we did not know but so lucky -as there was a special exhibiton at the Stadsarchief. Because of Amsterdam's birthday at the 27th of October - oldest doc Amsterdam named is of 742 years ago -celebrating and sharing the oldest document Amsterdam ever was mentioned in - by Earl Floris the V-th in 1275 about toll privileges for citizens of "Amestelledamme. The document is only showed three days a year because it is so vulnerable. We were just the happy ones that  were able to take a look at it. Besides we had a peek at some books we re looking online in. Loved it. There is 50 km of archive. A lot online but to get it all digitale it will take about 100 years more. We will not be able to add sources to all that. Not only laughing.............  

@ Laura. Thank you! lol TG we're not the beauties of our homeland. But we re the best at the DRP at WikiTree nowadays taking things serious tho! :D

Thank you folks. I just like to share how much fun it is to meet at real with WikiTree mates. Take care. Do not trust all at meeting. Bea and me were called back on the appointment by our children as we raised them up with te rule never to make any appointment with people you met at the internet. LOL!!!! AND WE DID! :) Even children thinking we re organizing a secret appointment with a lover Hahahhahaa! Yeh we are still good looking for our age. But we re WikiTreeers! So no time for a third lover besides our hubs and WikiTree!!! Hahahaha:D 


Recommending live meetings to active groups! 







Astrid and ALL! -- thanks so much for your long, long answer!!!!! In such our personhood (yes I make up words) is implied.  I somehow will make it to see you all, even though my aging is a daunting problem. I'll nevertheless have at least some of you to visit with and a whole lot of big smiles and care to give!! I feel so wonderful after reading your message. But I must go now. the next three weeks or so are taking me away from Wikitree, but it's really "just a moment."  Laughs and HUGS!!
+19 votes
I know some of you have young children and grand and great grand children. here are some free Halloween stories you can read to them.

Hello Kids Halloween Tales: http://www.hellokids.com/r_142/reading-learning/tales-for-children/halloween-tales

More for the teenager and adults at Scary Halloween Stories: http://americanfolklore.net/halloween.html
by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Thanks for the stories, David.
Your welcome, Star!
Sent the link for the little ones on to my sons and daughterinlaws.  

Thanks for sharing it!
Ditto to what everyone said to you David. Welcome David, Star and Laura to the WikiTree Halloween weekend chat.
Thanks David my son loves spooky stories :D

Cemetery ghost stories!

“Resurrection Mary” from Resurrection Cemetery

“Melody Millie” of Forest Home/Waldheim Cemetery 

“Flapper Girl” of Jewish Waldheim Cemetery

"Phantom Girl" at Woodlawn Cemetery


(Some good cemetery ghost stories, by our new member Barry Fleig)

Enjoy! Happy Halloween, Dia de las Muertos, & All Souls Day!


+18 votes
Winter keeps sticking its head in the door around here.  Wednesday was record warmth, in the 80's, and then the next day we get snow and 20 degrees Thursday night ... warmer this weekend and then in the high 30's for Halloween.  Guess we're lucky that the Rockies didn't make the World Series ... lol

Made soft boiled eggs for breakfast this AM ... I always laugh about 3 minute eggs around here ... they take like five and a half to six minutes.  Googled up a chart about water's boiling point versus altitude and it says 202 degrees at 5000 feet.  I've used a candy thermometer (ain't they accurate?) and gotten 197 degrees.  Anyway, it's a challenge ... boiling pasta has a similar increase in time.
by Bob Jewett G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)

Hi Bob, No snow here as of today, usually get one or two short snow falls. This winter is predicted to be mild here. I like my eggs hard boiled, no soft or runny center. May go out for a late breakfast/brunch this Sunday so the lady of the house does not have to cook.


I always liked to visit my aunt, who lived at about 8000' in Colorado, she made the best raised doughnuts! Said it was much easier to do than when she 'lived back east'.
Bob yesterday we too had the 80s today high was in the 40s they say windchill tomorrow could be in the 20s...   Mother Nature must be enjoying Octoberfest and not watching the temperature gauge...oh yeah, today is National Beer Day....
+19 votes

Are you ready for Halloween?  Still haven't carved your pumpkin?  You may be able to get some help from your backyard "neighbors" - check out this video.

by Star Kline G2G6 Pilot (729k points)
That was a great video! We have the squirrels now all we need is the pumpkin!!! They are very destructive critters around here.
Welcome David and Star to the WikiTree Halloween weekend chat.
Wauw that's amazing, my son also loved it, but we don't have the squirrels around here, thanks for sharing Star it was fun to watch !
+17 votes
Well I admit that having no kids we've let Halloween (or substitutes) go by the wayside.  Some years we get candy for trick or treats but we're tryingt to avoid high sugar foods and if you buy for others, you tend to end up yielding to temptation.  

I'm done with my 1000 for the month, so I'm trying to get my leftover unsourced profiles cut down.  I'd like to find more connections to other lines, but they don't come easy.  It's probably only once or twice a month that I link into another line, but maybe I'll go check and see I've connected to any other presidents recently.  

The weather here in the Phoenix area is nice but still fairly hot.  We've walked a few mornings but decided to try our WII fit for a while.I did get a new record in the short run yesterday (I mostly do the long run, but I'm out of shape and need to get some conditioning in)
by Living Dardinger G2G6 Pilot (446k points)
Welcome to the WikiTree Halloween weekend chat Dave.

Hey there Dave, I'm in Phoenix also!  (32nd St & Indian School)


+20 votes
Hi WikiTreers,

It's been a busy, technologically challenged week around here. I gave my first WikiTree presentation for the local Genealogical Society. It was well received and I know several of the audience have signed up.

Technologically challenging because I've had two motherboards go out, one on the desktop and the other on the laptop. That one, of course, happened between home and the library where I was presenting. The slides for the talk were in DropBox and the library had a loaner laptop so it all worked out but ... WOW!

My tip of the week: No tips this week; it's Halloween Week so treats for everyone!
by Debi Hoag G2G6 Pilot (408k points)

OK, so I fibbed; I do have tips for you:

  • Keep documents in multiple places. If my slides had been only on the laptop, the presentation would have been a no go
  • Have a backup plan in place and USE it. The few files which were only on my laptop are already on the new one thanks to BackBlaze.com and their continuous, in the background backup. 
  • Do not do WikiTree as you adjust to new medications. You might nod off while ....................
Absolutely with you on that last point... :p
For really important things I do a tertiary backup.

1 on the computer, 2 on a fob or external hard drive, 3 in the cloud or dropbox.
Ditto to what everyone said. Plus welcome Debi, Susie, and Laura to the WikiTree Halloween weekend chat.
I presented WikiTree 2 weeks ago to a group of genealogists at the LDS Family History Center in Phoenix, and it was interesting. Very friendly and welcoming diverse group, mostly older, but diverse religious faiths. Great resource and some of them have started helping me research some of my brick walls.
I do the same Laura. Plus with Dropbox, files are automagically replicated to the other computers in my node. So I have laptop hard drive, desktop hard drive, husband's hard drive, external hard drive, BackBlaze, and DropBox in the cloud. If I lose a file, something went wrong before the copies could be made.

Russ, are you a member of the Presenters sub-project of the Ambassador's Project? https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Project:Ambassadors#Presenters If not, consider joining us.
+20 votes
It's cold and rainy. A dark and stormy night. I'm watching YouTube videos. I could be down at the YMCA exercising. But, honestly don't you think it's better for me to stay curled up on the sofa, snug and warm, enjoying hot cocoa and eating raisins?
by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (709k points)

Enjoy your cocoa, Eddie.  Add some marshmallows.

Yes, it is a windy and stormy night, but with no rain here!! Just finished a hot cappuccino. Thanks for the picture, Star.


Just get off the couch and do the YMCA song, and call it aerobics...  back to chocolate...
Miss Laura, could I just wiggle my toes and my ears to the music?
Now Eddie a few arm gestures and a wiggle or two will do you good... not sure wiggling toes and fingers will count as aerobic!  But they definitely are in vogue with the season if you are playing at being a witch (nose wiggling, fingers twitching... feet tapping....  )
Ditto to what everyone said. Also welcome Eddie, Star, David and Laura to the WikiTree Halloween weekend chat.
Eddie did you miss that Oct 28 was National Chocolate Day!   Go back and see the "Days" post above with the additions for the 28th and now the 29th.
I asked permission just above, Miss Laura,to ignore all you peeps and enjoy my hot cocoa and raisins and Dave said ok but you wanted to DO STUFF !!

And then I had to torture Donnie Blackstone because it's in my job description. SEE ? This paragraph right here on my wikitree contract ? "Torture, annoy and pester the following people " and there's a list of people?
Eddie I thought you would want to DO STUFF with CHOCOLATE!

I made sure to eat some yesterday in honor of the day. It was delightful!.

Some dark chocolate pieces, some hot cocoa, one Klondike bar.  Yum!
But I have to admit I have not eaten any oatmeal today...  I am not a big fan of oatmeal...  besides my husband brought me some cinnamon rolls and they were already to eat and glistening with icing and calling my name.....so I did not honor National Oatmeal day.... yet....  have to see if there are any oatmeal cookies around....
+19 votes

Need some Halloween dance music?  I recommend "Let's Do The Time Warp Again," from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

by Star Kline G2G6 Pilot (729k points)
Thanks for the music, Star! I never saw the show Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Haha, thanks, brings back fun memories of Rocky Horror Picture Show experiences in college and later!
+18 votes
Good afternoon from warm and sunny New Zealand

How.many of you drink Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc? This weekend is Marlborough Anniversary Weekend which commemorates a province abolished in 1876! (Very strange - each old province still has its own long weekend.) The grapes will starting to berry up. On Monday, Race Day will be held at Kaikoura in Southern Marlborough. The trotting track is right by the sea and it's spectacular on a fine day. The news is that State Highway 1 destroyed by the Nov 14 2016 earthquake will be open to traffic before Christmas so the two halves of Marlborough will be joined again. Have a fab weekend wherever you are in the world, everyone.
by Fiona McMichael G2G6 Pilot (212k points)

Thanks for the update from New Zealand, Fiona.  I think it's great that each old province still has its own long weekend.  The more holidays the better!

It is great the hwy will be open before Christmas, Not much of a wine connoisseur but when I do drink a glass it is usually a Moscato.

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