"Welcome to the Weekend Chat" Happy Halloween! All Members are Invited!! (27 - 29 Oct 2017) [closed]

+28 votes



   New Members Saying Hello (our favorite!)

   Puzzles by Laura Bozzay

   "Today Is" by Dorothy Barry

   Eddie's Picks - Movies & Music

   Where in the World is Steve Today?

   Members Checking in via "All About the Weekend Chat"


Have fun and let others know you liked their posts... click the stars and mark answers you like as "best".  Those posts will be temporarily highlighted by being placed as the first answer in the chat for a while.  Members will also receive email notification (unless they opted out) that let them know you liked what they did.

At the end of the weekend "best answer" will be removed as all answers are equal in the eyes of the Chat.  Click to learn more.

It's ok.... go for it!



The Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to, and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot, and many will enjoy their multitude of reading options.

Weekend Chat 30 June - 2 July 2017

Enjoy yourself and spread good will :)


closed with the note: The Weekend Chat is closed until next weekend.
in The Tree House by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
closed by David Selman
Thanks for hosting David!
Thanks for hosting David!  You are monsterously super!  (That is a good thing!)
Hi David!  Thanks for gHosting!
Thanks for hosting this weekend, David.
Hi David! Thank you for hosting. Sweet regards from The Netherlands.
Thanks for hosting David. Where do you and Keith get all your cool stickers from? Hope you have a great weekend. :-)

Hi Susie, If I tell you the secret then everyone will know, so send me a bank draft and I will email you the answer!! Here is the link to the sticker page. WikiFree Memes Some I have on my computer I upload to my WikiTree Photo's page, Others are just a copy paste from Wikitree. Thanks for the bank draft!!

Thanks for hosting this weekend David. Hello everyone on this weekend chat.

35 Answers

+18 votes
Hey David!  I hear that Samuel Jackson, Bruce Willis, and James McAvoy will be in your area next week to begin filming a new movie at the old Allentown State Hospital.  Any chance you'll get some pictures of the filming?
by Star Kline G2G6 Pilot (727k points)

Hi Star, I am several thousand miles from  Allentown, Pennsylvania. So I guess the answer is definitely a no!!  Not sure I would go to the trouble of taking pictures of the rich and famous unless the money was right. Allentown State Hospital was a psychiatric hospital located at 1600 Hanover Ave. in Allentown, Pennsylvania. I am not there yet but getting closer to needing psychiatric care!! 


Love the Halloween meme, David!

Thank you, Star. Did you mean Allentown, TX near Lufkin, TX or Allentown, Pennsylvania?


It's in Allentown, Pennsylvania. I was born on the West Side of Allentown, the old hospital is on the East Side (divided by the Lehigh River). Very spooky, creepy place. You could hear the patients screaming in the summer time. Should make a great location for a movie.
When I visited New England in the fall of 2003 and when we visited Allentown, Pennsylvania I read and heard that there was spooky, and creepy places at that time of the year. Also welcome every one to the WikiTree Halloween weekend chat.
+20 votes
With Halloween comes November and colder weather this is why I prefer Easter :)

More seriously, this weekend I am visiting a friend that I've never seen.  She is on Internet everyday. She is a Wikigenealogist and a great one.

I named Danielle Liard.  She is the coordinator for the Quebecois Project and since I just recovered the leadership of the project, we will have lunch together and talk about Wikitree life.

Have a nice weekend everyone.

Note: it is always the weekend for me :)
by Guy Constantineau G2G6 Pilot (386k points)
Bon Chance avec votre travaile!  Did I say that correctly?  Good luck with your work?!   Glad you are having a face to face collaboration!  Fun!
Have a nice lunch and visit with your friend, Guy. Always nice when you drop by the Weekend Chat. Congratulations on taking the leadership of the project again.
Ditto to what everyone said Guy and what you said. Also Guy, David and Laura welcome to WikiTree Halloween weekend chat.
Back from my lunch with Danielle.  Very nice lady.  

We know we're on the same track about Wikitree and about the Quebecois Project.  

Thank you Danielle. I really have enjoyed meeting you and our discussion. Hope we can get the changes we talked about.

Cheer !
+15 votes
I am finally on. I have had a quite of a Barnett family get together at my sisters house that I have been talking about in Jonesborough, Tennessee. We had invited my dad's sister in law.She was my dad's brother wife that lived in Johnson City, Tennessee. He did have another brother that lived in Charolottsville, North Carolina both of his brothers are dead. Only my dad the only living in that family like my mother and her youngest sister is alive and her two brothers are dead and her other sister is dead also. We had a good crowd because we had his sister in law, nephew, and niece. The other 2 nieces didn't make it. One which was younger than my sister is like an hermit doesn't like crowds. I remember when we were kids and we visited with them that she would stick back from everyone plus for some reason she would stick around me for some reason. The other sister had to work because today was usually the busiest day. The nephew's wife always every year at this time would do something with her daughter so they were doing that so she didn't make. The nephew has cancer. My dad's sister in law has alhazimers and my dad has vascular demetia  so we thought we should get together because we felt that she and my dad wouldn't remember us or history and stories of the family next year. Plus my mother invited her widowed sister over also and she was there and then she invited her sister in law but her day was planned well in advance so she didn't come. We made it Barnett and Leonard family get together. Then my dad had a friend from the army that about 6 or 10 years got back in touch with each other so mother thought that we could killed 2 birds with one stone so she invited him and his wife over too and they came. So we had a good time today.
by Living Barnett G2G6 Pilot (505k points)
Hi Linda sounds like you had a great get together with your family. Have a good weekend!
Sounds like a great get-together, Linda.  I hope you got some good Army stories since your Dad's Army buddy was there,
I didn't but I should I've and also some of him and his brothers also but I didn't  them except one of his brother that was married to his sister in law that lives in Johnson City, Tennessee. I was busy helping my sister we got their hour later than we planned. Plus I was taking pictures also. I do have good pictures of the family and plus him and his army buddy also. This morning mom said that she was going to look at the website for the house that my brother in law wants mom to get and see about if the price for it has come down anymore and she might get with the people who built it and see if the can build one like that with some different things different that she wants. It takes about 2 to 3 hours to get up there to Jonesbourough, Tennessee and 2 to 3 hours to get back here to Loundon, Tennessee. It was a long day and also long drive and my dad and mother was very tired after we got home last night. So I think that she thinks it will be better if we live up there closer to all of them and it wouldn't be so tiresome of a trip then for them. Also I don't think he said a lot because we mainly got together so my dad and his sister in law could swap tales and give us kids of dad and his sister in laws kids information on his family and tales of him and his 2 brothers before my dad and his sister in law forgets everything since she has alhemizers and he has vascular demetia. The army buddy was invited so he and my dad could swap tales also before my dad forgets them and my mother thought it would be better that way and we could kill 2 birds with one stone. Also this way his army buddy got to see my siblings and mother side of her family of the ones alive and my dad's side of the family also.
+16 votes
Hey everyone! I got some bad news yesterday. Found out one of my Aunts passed away. She was number 5 out of six children. Just a year younger than my mom, she had turned 60 back in September. Passed from natural causes.  I'm still in shock and it's all unreal. She and I were the most alike. Big on genealogy and meeting new family. Cranky if we aren't fed. Just a lot of fun. :) Now just waiting for Uncle Ken to make all the arrangements and see when I might need to take off work for her funeral.

On a lighter note though a few WikiTree friends/family and I are going to undertake the Nanowrimo starting Nov 1st to the 30th (unless I get lucky and finish before that).  Nanowrimo is where you write 50,000 words in that month. Basically write a novel.  I'm nervous as with this full time job I hope to get it completed. I also put Scrivener on my iPad so I could try to work some during my 30 min breaks each day. Fingers crossed!

Hope you all are having a great weekend!
by Charlotte Shockey G2G6 Pilot (985k points)
Sorry to hear one of your aunts passed away at such a early age. Wishing you the best on your writing.
Thanks David! I just think it's crazy she was 2nd youngest on mom's side and a few years prior the 2nd youngest on dad's side passed. :/
Thinking of you and the family hon.

Excited to be doing NaNoWriMo with you! :-)
Charlotte you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.  If you don't have a topic for your novel, maybe you could write the story of her life and what it meant to you.  It might help with the grieving process and you would be able to do a lot of writing without research and sources except for the genealogy part.   But your stories of what you remember doing together and how sharing those with her made you feel.. well that is all coming from inside of you.  I find celebrating the person's life is the best method of dealing with their move to their new life.  Having been one of those who had what they call a near death experience (serious car accident), there is no doubt in my mind we move on.  She will be with you whenever you need her.
Ditto to what everyone said Charlotte. Also David, Charlotte, Susie and Laura welcome to WikiTree Halloween weekend chat.
I'm so sorry for your loss Charlotte. I'm sure your aunt's death was quite a shock for your family.

Good luck to you, Susie, and others who are undertaking the NaNoWriMo!  Let us know how it goes.
Thank you Star! It was quite a shock. Ended up being natural causes which to me means heart attack.

And thank you for the Nano.. I'm not sure if I'll accomplish the 50,000 word goal but sure going to try my hardest. :)
+18 votes

Good morning, everyone!

It's mostly cloudy and 48℉ (9℃) here in beautiful Newport, Rhode Island.

Sun Behind Large Cloud on Apple iOS 10.3


by Deb Durham G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
I waved to you from Vermont but Mass is in the way
Mass is always in the way. lol
Yes but Einstein tells us energy overcomes mass....
Welcome Deb, Laura and Keith to the WikiTree Halloween weekend chat.

This morning it was 35℉ windy and sunny, warmed to the upper 50's this afternoon here in my area of Texas. I could wave but you would not see it as the Smoky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains are in the way.

Darn geography, always making things difficult. <Waves at everyone anyway.>
+15 votes

See if you can solve this:




by Keith Hathaway G2G6 Pilot (640k points)
The hawk stumped me for a bit, but I got it!
Welcome Keith and Star to the WikiTree Halloween weekend chat. Also great puzzle Keith. I am stumped but I think I have it.
I can't figure out the first picture or the bird.  I have birds, soars (sores), flies, glides and none seem to work...  nor does up or sky

And for the first one I have stack, coins, change, and none of those seem to work...
for the bird... it could be one of the one's you listed.

the first one is a common icon.
Ok the colors threw me on the first one I have it now...

Still the bird is stumping me...  I am one and it is still stumping me...
rhymes with 4
I solved the puzzle!! If you want the answer send me a private message.
I got it... sent my answer to Keith  I am on some serious allergy meds and my head is fuzzy.... not my hair!  Duh... I am so dullllllll
+14 votes

Here is another:




by Keith Hathaway G2G6 Pilot (640k points)
Can't get your first one but this one seemed a bit easier ... thanks
Got this one right away but still working on the first one...
Got this one, still working on the first one!
Welcome Keith, Bob, Laura and David to the WikiTree Halloween weekend chat. I do not have a clue on either one Keith.
I agree with the others - this one was a bit easier, Keith.  Nice pictograph puzzles.
+14 votes
Happy weekend WikiTree'rs

The weekend sure has crept up fast! Its been a nice week here. I did attend a local Genealogical Society meeting this week. As a guest at my first meeting, I wasn't too vocal, but did get a couple of people looking at WikiTree.

As fall continues and Halloween approaches that means it is the start of the college basketball season. Yippee! We've had women's season tickets since back when the team was good and lost in the national championship with 5 women moving on to the WNBA. There's a new coach this year, a graduate of Tennessee and former WNBA player, so maybe there will be a turn around.

So on WikiTree I have updated/created a few profiles to try to finish off capturing some of the research I had done. I've finished the Whiting, mostly done the Cornish/Crane, and only have a few Sands left. Then I will start researching other lines. I'm anxious to get those done as I can make some more connections to the tree.

I've continued to look at unsourced profiles. There are a few that can be used for 'sprinting', but many have blocks you stumble over. I found one family that truly looks like an Escher drawing! I found another, unrelated, who were early settlers near where I grew up, started the Woolen Mill, served in local government that really deserves a biography.

Have a great week!
by Kay Knight G2G6 Pilot (606k points)
Kay welcome to WikiTree Halloween weekend chat. Good going and thanks for the interesting piece on what your are doing on WikTree.
Hi Kay, Sounds like you enjoyed the Genealogy meeting and a chance to recruit a couple new WikiTree members. Enjoy the basketball season. Thank you for all the contributions you have made in adding your family/ancestors to our One Shared Tree.
+16 votes

Happy Halloween All!  This is one of my cats...Smoochie.



by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
What great pictures of the black cats and pumpkins. Very Halloween! Happy Halloween, Doug.
Great picts.  Thanks for sharing!
Ditto to what everyone said Doug. Also Doug, David and Laura welcome to the WikiTree Halloween weekend chat.
+18 votes

Here are a few amazing Halloween light shows that people have done at their homes.  Enjoy!

Haunted House

This is Halloween

Feel It Still

by Star Kline G2G6 Pilot (727k points)
Thank you for sharing the video's with us, Star. Would be hard to pick which one is best.
How does anyone have that clean of a garage?  

Lots of fun and there are a bunch more on the side when you click on the links above...  

Thanks for sharing!
+15 votes
Hi All,

First of all I want to thank David for hosting this weekends g2g chat. It has been some time since I have been able to get out and take some pictures. I having some issues that keep me from enjoying the spoils of the internet but I hoping that to be over soon. I been working little bits on finding information on my biological side and so far I reckon I been having success. I will let you know when I can share more but that will be all.

Thanks for choosing wikitree.
by Anthony McCabe G2G6 Pilot (386k points)
Hi Steve, thank you for dropping by the chat. Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Welcome to the WikiTree Halloween weekend chat Steve and David.
+17 votes
Hi, I'm Lori. Just joined the chat. Without getting too wordy, I will give my intro. I started my tree last November. After blundering through for quite some time, I believe I have the hang of this grand adventure. I am literally blown away by how much my tree has grown. I am finding myself getting highly annoyed when I find someone hasn't included sources on profiles (can I say FamilySearch?) I can spend an entire day editing and deleting profiles. When does it end?!! I am very pleased to join and look forward to meeting (reading) all of you.
by Living Harlan G2G6 Mach 1 (16.4k points)
Welcome to WikiTree and the Weekend Chat Lori, it's WikiTree worldwide and.. it (hopefully) never ends ;)
Welcome Lori!  Glad to have you join the chat.
Welcome to WikiTree and WikiTree Halloween weekend chat Lori. Ditto to what everyone said Lori. Also welcome to the Halloween weekend chat Bea, and Laura.
Hi Lori, So glad you dropped by the Weekend Chat. It is very nice to meet you. Thank you for your contributions to WikiTree. Yes, it is perfectly OK to mention Family Search and to tell the truth sources are just one of my pet peeves along with creating duplicates and merging without cleaning up after the merge. I do understand on some profiles it is difficult to find quality sources but some do not even attempt to source their profiles. There is a weekend Sourcerers Challenge you might like to join.
Welcome Lori,

I've been here almost 5 years and my head still explodes realizing all the possible abilities of WikiTree! Just so amazing to learn new things every day!
+14 votes
Congratulations to Charlotte Shockey who breezed past 300,000 g2g points several days ago!! You are awesome :-)

She's had a rough week so I am sending her extra hugs.  

Nothing about me.
by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Congratulations Charlotte for the 300,000 g2g points. You are awesome and great. I am also sending you extra hugs. Also welcome Emma to the WikiTree Halloween weekend chat.



Thank you, Emma, for recognizing Charlotte's achievement.

Congrats Charlotte and hugs from the Netherlands also (or a knuffel as we say in dutch)

+9 votes

Just in time for Halloween, Dia de los Muertos, & All Souls Day!

Cemetery ghost stories!

“Resurrection Mary” from Resurrection Cemetery

“Melody Millie” of Forest Home/Waldheim Cemetery

“Flapper Girl” of Jewish Waldheim Cemetery

"Phantom Girl" at Woodlawn Cemetery


Previous G2G post, where more WikiTree members have added more cemetery ghost stories: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/490191/cemetery-ghost-stories

(The website & blog is by one our newest WikiTree members, Barry Fleig!)


by Russ Gunther G2G6 Pilot (104k points)
edited by Russ Gunther

In today's DNAinfo, a new but well read print and electronic media in Chicago. The website count spiked big this morning:


Quirks And Mysteries Of Chicago Cemeteries Explored In New Blog


+8 votes
Looks like everyone had a wonderful weekend!

I've been continuing my work on the Arizona Cemeteries Project.

Amazing find this month was discovering that I have cousins living here in Arizona. Discovered they migrated here while I was working on our family tree. I spoke with one of them and look forward to getting to know and eventually meet more!
by Russ Gunther G2G6 Pilot (104k points)

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