Weekend Chat - All Members are Invited! (15-17 Sep 2017)

+22 votes



   New Members Saying Hello (our favorite!)

   Puzzles - Laura Bozzay

   "Today Is" - Dorothy Barry

   Eddy's Picks - Movies & Music

   Members Checking in via "All About the Weekend Chat"


Have fun and let others know you liked their posts... click the stars and mark answers you like as "best".  Those posts will be temporarily highlighted by being placed as the first answer in the chat for a while.  Members will also receive email notification (unless they opted out) that let them know you liked what they did.

At the end of the weekend "best answer" will be removed as all answers are equal in the eyes of the Chat.  Click to learn more.

It's ok.... go for it!



The Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to, and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot, and many will enjoy their multitude of reading options.

Weekend Chat 30 June - 2 July 2017

Enjoy yourself and spread good will :)


in The Tree House by Keith Hathaway G2G6 Pilot (642k points)
I didn't see your email til now. Went fishing. I can take over for awhile

Got a big catfish ! Yummmmmmmmy
Hi Keith, thanks for hosting!
I caught a 14 pound catfish when I was 12 years old and not another since.  We don't come across each other often enough.  We do get bull-pout every so often though... deeeeelicious.  Next time I can try my new cajun seasoning on it.  I try it on everything else.
Just sent you a rice dish to eat with fish ;-}
Thank you for hosting Keith
Wish I had gone fishing! The wife had us out shopping today. How about a picture of the catfish, Eddie?

Thank you for hosting Keith. My email or computer must have a glitch today as I am not receiving notifications by email for the G2G Weekend Chat post like I usually do!
I ate it. Wrapped it in bacon strips and baked it in the oven.
Good day all! Just wanted to check in and say hello. Today is rainy but warm. I have been working on some Un Sourced profiles. I just finished 96 of them for this months challenge!!! My actual goal was 100, but once I got started I couldn't stop. So I am guessing I should have about 200 done by month's end. I need to get a life lol. My husband is at an antique tag sale with his mason brothers hoping to sell some of his.

Have a sparkling day!!!

Sincerely, Gwen ( Edwards-13482 )
Welcome to the weekend chat that as usual lately I am late to everyone. Thanks Keith for host it. As David said my email or computer must have a glitch some of the times as I am not also receiving notifications by email for the G2G Weekend Chat posts like I did.
I am on and off a lot this weekend.   Would rather be on but am in the middle of a lot of things...
Any word on the cool new t-shirts and coffee mugs, Keith?  I am really looking forward to a cool coffee mug.  Love my coffee :-)

35 Answers

+11 votes
Best answer
It is great to see that the weekend chat is still going...

I have been away from Wikitree for a year and made a come back a few days ago and I just found a new Wikitree with all kinds of new things for me to learn.

Before anything else, I will work on my Constantineau family and add all the sources for birth, mariage and death I can find.

Glad to be back.
by Guy Constantineau G2G6 Pilot (388k points)
selected by Living Barnett
Welcome back Guy!! You were missed!! (At least by me anyway))!
Ditto to what Dorothy said. Also welcome back to WikiTree and welcome to the weekend chat.
Welcome back!  This is magnificent news Guy... Cheers!
+28 votes
My DNA test results finally came in!

Turns out I'm.....human.
by Keith Hathaway G2G6 Pilot (642k points)
Haha Good to know! :)

I demand a re-test :)

Human. But can you be cloned ? Do we need another YOU ?
I think the answer is emphatically YES. We do need more people with characteristics of Keith.
WHEW! Now I can rest tonight.
Are they really sure? Is it definite your human? All the test shows that Keith is an earthling.
Congratulations Keith that is a relieved to know Keith.
Congratulations! What you don't show any Neanderthal?
Welcome every one to the weekend chat.
I am not sure what being human means... so many people seem to have different ideas of what that means...   but I am glad you are here with us!  So have you found any surprise cousins among people you know?
+17 votes
You've heard about him. You've talked about him.
Here he is.
by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (709k points)
Good one!

Have Gun Will Travel! Never leave home without one.

+18 votes
Well I'm shredding away at work again. Today is my last day here before most of us start at the new job. They are feeding us around 1ish which is fine as I had a nice big breakfast. :) Late work day for me to get in as many hours as I can on my very last check since the next work check from new job will not be fantastic to start. :(


See you guys this evening!
by Charlotte Shockey G2G6 Pilot (990k points)
A good breakfast is a nice way to start the day.  I hope they give you an unexpected parting bonus :)
Watch out for the paper cuts, don't want to get them again this weekend.
Hope they are feeding you a decent lunch and not just cheese and crackers! Are those tax documents your shredding and is it legal? Best wishes on the new job.
Wish you good luck with your new job, hope you will enjoy it very much.
HAHA Dean! No paper cuts that I know of! :)

I hope so too Keith on the unexpected parting bonus although he gave us a pre-severance package end of last year for when the time came we closed.

Oooh they fed us lunch which between the two and then eating the last bit of the rolls while shredding I feel pretty full. :)

All the papers that I was shredding were old requisition files out of the time period we needed to hold them and out dated tax and payroll info.

Left work about 10p... after shredding about thirteen 50-gal bags worth! Whoooo! Can't wait til they come in tomorrow and see I got it all done! :D
Good luck on your new job Charlotte. Also welcome everyone to the weekend chat.
Charlotte sometimes changes that look negative end up being positive.  I hope that is the case here for you!
+19 votes

Hello Wikitreers!

Getting ready to head over to Bethlehem Pennsylvania do a little cemetery work. Grab some snapshots and information. Than this evening I get the privilege of attending a party in Bethlehem so I look forward that. Tomorrow I back in bethlehem for most of the day. Gonna be a great day. We been having weather up in the high 70s to low 80s during the day.

Tip: Make sure you add a comment to your profile changes.


I hope to grab a snapshot once I pick out one from my walk this morning. I reckon that will probably come in a tomorrow post.


by Anthony McCabe G2G6 Pilot (387k points)

Good tip... I agree:  https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/143610/what-earth-did-you-praise-for-people-who-explain-their-changes

Have fun at the party Steve, and thanks for bringing the camera. I've not seen Bethlehem before.


Good luck, hope you get some great pictures and gather some information that will help fill in the gaps. Also enjoy the party, that is always an added benefit.
If you pick wildflowers in the cemetery and bring them home, they will keep the evil spirits away.  Only wildflowers. If you take a posey from a grave bouquet, the spirit will follow you to get it back
I know a girl who forgot to get a boutonniere for her prom date.  So she got something from a local cemetery.  Everyone knew but her date and he could not understand why people were saying things like:

I bet people are dying to get a good looking flower like that...  (yes bad humor but it is what happened)...

Recycling is OK!
Temperatures in the 70's and 80's make me almost want to move to the north east. I am sure you will get some great pictures and have fun at your party.
Hello everyone to the weekend chat. Ditto to what Keith. I have also seen Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in 2003 in the fall time around first of October and it was beautiful and pretty I took a lot of pictures on that week vacation trip with my parents that year.
+18 votes

In every war, heroes rise to the challenge.

We could not have won the war in the Pacific without these brave men


by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (709k points)
This was a great show, Tim Conway definitely helped make that show a great one. Don't make them like that anymore.
Love the old-fashioned fake boat in the water cinematography!
My Dad was in the Pacific on the USS Napa during WWII.  He died in 2015 I still miss him terribly.  He died on my wedding anniversary.   He knew no strangers and was kind to everyone he met.  Never heard him say anything bad about anybody.
That is a sweet tribute Laura.  I'm sorry you lost him but glad he was in your life and is still in your heart.
Thanks Keith.  Trying to catch up on the chat for a little bit in the wee hours of Sunday morning!
+16 votes
by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (709k points)
And Roberts last name at birth is philodendron?
Nope!  Common misnomer.  Monstera deliciosa is not a philodendron.  (Note added to bio.)
Is it edible ?  SALAD !
Did you know you can eat cattails?  True. Brown tops cook like corn on the cob and interior of stems asparagus. Good eating.
I did not know that!  I always thought they kinda look like corn dogs.  :)
Sometimes the Ohio tribes have pow wows and have native wild plant foods. In Harding Park in Hubbard, there are about a hundred edible wild plants. The inside soft bark of a pine tree can be boiled to a nice sweet pulp taste like oatmeal

Eddie, you never fail to amaze! 

I ate alligator! And a couple years ago, ate ostrich. And I get crayfish (crawdads) at Walmart, good with hot sauce and frog legs yummy. If an asteroid is gonna strike , head for the Grand Canyon. Over three hundred edible wilds!
How come the oddest discussions seem to find their way into a food discussion?!   Who likes to eat on this chat?   EVERYONE
+19 votes

Wheee! We made it through Hurricane Irma. Ever wonder what to pack in an evacuation situation? I took this picture to help my husband in case he ever has to pack for me:


That's my laptop, every removable media device (hard drives, USB drives, and SD cards), the original source binder, and the ephemera envelopes. I also grabbed sensitive documents pertaining to my customers. All of it fit in one water resistant bin.

We were lucky, never losing power and no damage to the safe house or our home. As we waiting on the height of the storm, all the cats were on the mattresses with us.


No tip this week; I'm still trying to get my office put back together. Be excellent to each other!

by Debi Hoag G2G6 Pilot (409k points)
I am so happy you made it through the terrible hurricane Debi,  it must have been terrible frightening.

Beautiful cat you have
So glad you made it through safely!!
Pretty kitties! :) Glad you made it safe and sound. I know I'd have to have several containers to put all my electronics, family photos, etc in.
Charlotte, I didn't try to take all the photos. They're in a hope check and scattered all over the house in frames, etc.

I've been working hard to digitize everything and have the ones I consider priceless done. The only pictures I took with me were the ones that I had scanned during the FGS conference at the beginning of the month. That USB drive hadn't been copied to the cloud yet so I was guarding it and the pictures like a momma bear.

I wouldn't want to lose any of them but, between the dropbox and backblaze, I know that I'm covered if it happens.
Gotcha! :) I've been trying to scan in and then put in archival boxes. Maybe I can get them shrink wrapped to be water proof at some point.
It was great you were prepared and packed your important electronics and folders. I assume you also packed up the kitties and your husband for safe keeping. Your like my wife every time there is a bad thunderstorm or chance of a tornado see packs up and get ready to go to the shelter. I only get my wife, our dog Sarah, laptop and backups along with my wallet everything else can be replaced.
I packed them in to the car but didn't try for the water resistant bin routine with them. Poor husband made four trips in all to the evac house. First was with the generator and gas so that we didn't have to ride with it. Then us and the cats.

When I discovered how many of us were going to be at the house, I sent him back for our 20cup coffee maker and a different litter box. He brought those back along with a twin mattress off the trundle bed.

As I was setting up the coffee pot, I had one of those "what were you thinking" moments. I had to send him back to the house one more time because when I was clearing the counters before we left, I had put the grounds basket in the breadbox instead of in the coffee pot LOL

He topped off his gas tank on the last trip and told me that Walmart and Walgreens were closed and he wasn't going back out.
Welcome to the weekend chat everyone. Ditto to what everyone said Debi.
Charlotte shrink wrapping them destroys the images.   In developing a photography the last stage is the fixer which is water bath with some chemical in it.  Getting a photo wet is not a problem you just need to let it dry completely and if you can get it to a photo house have them do the repair by putting it in a bath and then do fixer again...  (I used to teach photography and darkroom 40 years ago!)   Where does time go?
Oh I know about the darkroom. Did it for about 4 or so years during high school and when I sent to SCAD for a short period. I actually meant shrink wrapping the archival boxes once I put all I can into the boxes after scanning them. :)
Glad you are safe and well Debi!!
Charlotte, glad you are wrapping the boxes and not the prints!   

I am glad many of our WikiTree folks have come safely through multiple disasters these past few weeks... and I pray that each of you and your family continue to heal and that your lives get back to something more normal quickly.    For those who are still offline and struggling our thoughts and prayers are with you.
+21 votes

Today is:

From the Liguria region of Italy, linguine means “little tongues” in Italian. Made from durum semolina flour, linguine is one of the world’s oldest kinds of pasta. Fettuccine and linguine developed around 400 years ago.  While both are thin, flat noodles, linguine is more narrow and elliptical in shape causing it to be a more delicate pasta.  As a result, linguine is paired with thinner, lighter sauces.

Web page:


by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
But I caught a nice cstfish this morning !  Doesn't go with pasta !

 Well I am going to eat Lasagna Alfredo with Broccoli and mozzarella myself!! That's close enough!!

AKA:  Bob Jewett Day!

I understand he is an expert at authentic linguine dishes.

Well, we had fried chicken, chicken fried steak, homemade mashed potatoes, creamed fresh corn and home made bisquite and gravy for lunch today. We had lunch at  Babe's Chicken Dinner House in RoanokeTexas today. But fresh caught and fried catfish does sound good, Eddie!

I am more the spaghetti and with meat sauce type but like most types of Pasta.
Hmmm might be a day late and do this tomorrow. Think there might be some frozen... or, not. who knows! LOL What's tomorrow? :D
Charlotte, today is National "Cinnamon Raisin Bread" day!! https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-cinnamon-raisin-bread-day-september-16/
Oh nice! Sadly they didn't have any at Huddle House this morning as that's what I always get. :(
How about tomorrow's? :D LOL

Tomorrow (Sunday) is Monte-Cristo Day !! 

A Monte Cristo is a fried ham and cheese sandwich. It is a variation of a French sandwich called a croque-monsieur. The Monte Cristo is also sometimes called French Sandwich, Toasted Ham Sandwich, and French Toasted Cheese Sandwich.


According to a restaurant by us this is National Cheeseburger Weekend and they are giving a free cheeseburger when you order an entree.  Yum...

Yes it was Double Cheeseburger day Friday according to https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-double-cheeseburger-day-september-15/

Along with National Linguine Day which was also on the 15th. https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-linguine-day-september-15/

+22 votes

Member of the week profile image Well its been a busy week for me, starting with finishing up the Data Doctor challenge of correcting simple, common errors with reference tags. I was "neck to neck' with Susie MacLeod on that. We both did over 2,400 a piece. So between the two of us we cleaned up around 5,000 profiles last week. 

Then working on our team page The Southern Super Sweepers https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Southern_Super_Sweepers for the  Fall Source a Thon, coming up at the end of the month, co-leading with Mary Richardson. We also have a g2g page at: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/461014/southern-super-sweepers-team-chat

I was honored to be featured on this weeks "Meet Our Members" by Eowyn. If you haven't seen it go here: http://www.wikitree.com/blog/ . 

I hope your week went well; and if you were affected by "Hurricane Irma" our thoughts and prayers were with you and continue to be, while the clean-up efforts go on. Thanks all for being a part of our Weekend Chat!!

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)

I joined the Sweepers after Mary nearly broke my arm. In case you missed the comment I made....

I'm joining the Southern Super Sweepers under Dorothy Berry and Mary Richardson. I wasn't going to join in this years contest, but if you ever seen an arm wrestling contest between a Texan and an Arky... well Wikipeeps, this one was not pretty at all. Mary had me on the mat with my arm twisted behind my back, knee in my spine, before I even knew what happened.  And there I was beating my free arm against the floor screaming "I give up!!! I'll join!!! I'll join!!!!" Actually I need a break from the rabbit hole. Alice wasn't there and the Cheshire cat didn't have enough in the hookah to make every one talk backwards.

This got me remembering a tale by Utah Phillips... In case you don't know Utah, he was a folksy old gent in the vein of Will Rogers but sometimes a bit more risque. 

The Moscow Hold... You might not want young ears listening. Its not bad language, but kids have a tendency to do things they see or hear... and you don't want the kids doing this.  





Beautiful smile Dorothy :)

Reference Lynette's comment:

image image

Thanks Keith!!
Beautiful photo of you Dorothy you look stunning and what a beautiful smile you have.
Thanks Susan!
I joined the Legacy Heirs for the Source-a-Thon. Should be fun!! I agree with Keith that you have a beautiful smile and the picture of you is great.
Thanks David!!
Welcome everyone to the weekend chat.
Nice write up Dorothy!  Looks like you have been busy! I need to remember to take some time off work and plan for the upcoming Source-A-Thon!!  

You won't believe the damage done in "Hilton Head" Island and through the Charleston area from the storm. The flooding was worse then when Matthew hit!
+17 votes

Here is the Puzzle for our Volunteer Coordinators Project


"Members who help other members get introduced to projects and collaborations."


Leaders: Julie RickettsSummer Orman

Word docx and pdf can be found at:



Word Search 

Words are comprised of Project Names




click puzzle to enlarge


by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (844k points)
Another great puzzle Laura. Thank you!
Welcome to the weekend chat everyone. Ditto to what David said Laura.

Thanks!  The word list is on page 2 in the Answers fold at the dropbox link 


+15 votes
The communication nets for the recent hurricanes are winding down so I have had a little more time to work on profiles here. The bad news is I have found some information that puts several family members profiles in serious doubt such as my great grandmothers LNAB. her birth record shows her name was Docherty but her death record shows that her father had the LNAB of McDonald. I guess I have a lot to figure out with my "extra" free time, sadly all of the actual records are either in Scotland or Ireland.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
73 and thanks for your emergency coordination support!

I'm not very active, but guess I need to add a tag.

Kay, Just like on WikiTree even a little bit helps in the big picture.

Best of luck on discovering the correct LNAB for your great-grandmother. Thank you for helping with the hurricane relief.
There is still a need for help in Florida, There is a potential need for Amateur Radio operators to provide communications support in the Florida Keys. Volunteers will need to bring a dual-band HT with earphone/headset, external (gain) antenna, spare batteries, chargers.  While food & beverage, sleeping quarters and showers are available, responders need to be self-sufficient for other personal needs.  Deployment requests will vary as will the served agencies.  DO NOT SELF-DEPLOY.  These missions will be filled through the State of Florida EOC, ESF2 liaison.
Hams interested will need to register at https://www.volunteerflorida.org/irma/ .  Select the “Casework/Recovery” option under the type of work on Step 1, and under “Step 3”, “Volunteer Skills”, select “Amateur Radio”.  Once requests are made to the State, you will be notified of the mission and can accept or decline the assignment.  THESE ARE VOLUNTEER ASSIGNMENTS.  Non-compensated.  You may be required to pass a background check.
Steve Szabo, WB4OMM
NFL Section Manager – ESF2 State Liaison

David, Since the birth record has the LNAB as Docherty I  think we should stick with that. I am wondering about the McDonald name on her death record. One possibility is that her mother was pregnant and married a different man prior to her birth and gave her the name of her husband for whatever reason. I recently talked to my only living aunt who was a granddaughter but that did not help because she never knew her actual grandmother. Her grandmother had died and her grandfather remarried before my aunt was even born.

My dad grandmother mother had her and  2 other kids by a man who's last name was Yelton. But they weren't married because he was already married and had kids by the woman he was married to. So my dad grandmother had her mom's maiden name. But her mother did finally marry some other man. Welcome to the weekend chat everyone. That could have happen to Docherty. That could be someone who married her mother and adopted her or could be a man she married, David and Dale.

Welcome to the weekend chat everyone.
Linda, the record I have found lists the mothers LNAB as Kelly but has a Patrick Docherty as her father. The death record has both names for the mother as Unknown and the Fathers name as Unknown McDonald. My biggest roadblock is that the oldest living relative was not born until about 10 years after she died and originally even Find A Grave had the wrong cemetery, I caught that and fixed it. Maybe next week I will visit her grave and check out some other family members buried there. It might help to go sideways a bit but I do not remember any of my grandfathers family living nearby, we always traveled to Ontario for visits with his family.
+15 votes
Went out shopping a bit ago and was surprised it was comfortable, almost cool.  Maybe our two weeks of fall are here in the Valley of the Sun.  

I decided to work on finding all my 3rd cousins and entering them on WikiTree.  Since 3rd cousins are the most distant ones which can be marked as confirmed by DNA without triangulation, it will be nice to have them in.  After a G2G post, a reply and checking it out, I decided the easiest way to find them in my offline trees was to print out Outline Descendant trees from my 2ggrandparents to the 5th generation and then mark those in that generation who are true 3rd cousins, i.e. aren't my siblings, first cousins, 2nd cousins or the like.  I found there were 163 of them although many lines haven't been completed so I'll probably get to 300 or so by the time I finish, if ever.
by Living Dardinger G2G6 Pilot (446k points)
It was in the upper 90's hear today. Sounds like our going to be really busy adding all these new profiles.
Ditto here to what David said but it going to be about 88 from now to next next Monday. Welcome everyone to the weekend chat.
+16 votes
I am having a disturbing day and will not go into details here.  But I am doing things to keep me occupied so I don't worry too much...   I just saw this on an email list I belong to and am posting it here.   What do you all think?

by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (844k points)
Very interesting article, not surprising that they have been able to prove historians wrong. Many have been proven wrong as science gets better and we open are minds to different thoughts.
Sorry, you're having a bad day Laura. It is a wonder they did not find out this information way before now that the Viking Warrior was a woman and not a man.
Just because of all the emails I got to my private email.  I live in St Louis County.  not St Louis City.  They are two very different government structures but we are all affected by what is happening in our city. What really upsets me is that most of the violence appears to be coming from paid agitators who are not even from this area.  We could use prayers.  .
Welcome everyone to the weekend chat.
+18 votes


Hello weekend chat.
Hope you are all doing good this weekend.
I had a big surprise Tuesday, someone send me a mail throw wikkitree from England.
I was so happy, my grandfather Boile Christiansen who emigrated to China, as a young man had a brother  name Just Christian Christiansen that emigrated to London, I knew very little about him only he got a job  in a hotel in London.
Well the man that send me the very kind mail was Just Christian  Christiansen grandson.
He wrote a amazing mail. Telling me about  his grandfather Just and his family.
He told me he emigrated to London 1907 from Varde,  Where he got a job in the hotel Russell, Bloomsbury, London as a staff manager.
Just Christian Christiansen also had a son Daniel Joseph whose nickname was Jum. He Joined the RAF in 1941 but was regrettably killed when his Dakota flew into a Italian alp whilst air-dropping supplies to partisans.
Well I send a reply to Geoff, my grand cousin that has send me the mail, and then I receive lots of photo of my family, as you can understand I was in heaven.
And so excited about his kindness. He told me only yesterday he had some stuff he could not e mail, but would send it by post.
Most surprising was there was a photo with my mother on one with my family,
when she was very young.
What would I do with out wikkitree I found my Chinese family meet them in May,  and now my family that has emigrated to London has found me throw wikkitree, what and amazing side. I really feel so spoiled.
To end this perfect day, my husband came home after a great lunch with his work mates, he went to a nice restaurant with two different shoes, his only reply to his work mates was,  well I have a pair exactly the same at home.
Wish you all and amazing weekend.

by Susan Laursen G2G Astronaut (3.1m points)
WOW! What a treasure you received in the mail. Thank you, Susan, for all you do.
Thank you David!
It's always great to hear stories of people learning more about their family. And yours is definitely an interesting story, I hope you are able to continue learning more.
Thank you Dean, for comment on my story  yes I am going to learn more, I have been fortunate that my grandfather brother grandson has send me a lot, and mail something on the post.

I find it so fortunate you probably do to when something new about relatives are found. Like win the Lottery
Susan so glad that you received such a wonderful gift.  Family stories are meant to be shared.  Thanks for sharing yours with us!
Thank you Laura, for reading my story you are right about family story they should be share, I like to read everyone's family story always find them so

Oh, that is wonderful to hear, I'm moved by reading it! So happy for you Susan!
Thank you Maria, happy you like my story, you probably have some great stories about your family too Maria.
Ditto to what everyone said Susan I wish I had stories like that. Welcome everyone to the weekend chat.
Thank you Linda for your sweet note
+16 votes
Happy weekend everyone! Hope you all had a good week. It was cooler in Virginia Beach but has gotten warmer and humid again. Just fall.

I'm still in the mode of doing nothing but genealogy.... So, I took some research I already had done and probably stomped on some Data Doctors by adopting a couple of profiles (great great grandmothers siblings) and filling the biographies and adding references.

Other than that I went off on a tangent bringing in a couple of years worth of research on my grandmother, her parents, and her siblings and creating some new profiles. Some statistics to boggle the mind. In 30 source records, we have found 12 different spellings for my grandmother's first name; in 17 source records there are 12 different spellings for her father's last name. Her name is different on each of the birth certificates for her four daughters born between 1915 and 1920, and one of them actually gave my aunt the wrong first name. For my grandfather, we've found 65 sources that have 18 different spellings for his last name (only four of those were the names commonly used by him and his descendants). Anyway, I did learn to do a Wiki table to put all that in the profiles (Toepelt-1).

Don't you just love a good puzzle? I was researching this week and for not the first time ran into a unique name that I thought would be easy. Right! Turns out that Collingwood Rodney Duroe wasn't as easy as he first appeared. JJ Duroe named his son Collingwood Rodney after his father Collingwood Rodney. Ok, not so bad. JJ's son Edwin named his son Collingwood Rodney. JJ's son Collingwood Rodney named his son Collingwood Rodney who named his son Collingwood Rodney. Of course, they all lived near each other. Fortunately they married women with different names, so I have it figured out.

See you later on the tree.
by Kay Knight G2G6 Pilot (612k points)
I love your Collingwood Rodney story, Kay!  There have been times when I think my ancestors must have chuckled at the puzzle they were leaving for us.

Untangling one branch of my family involved sorting through no less than seven men named Joshua Pitman Trefry, and a couple of Joshua P thrown in for good luck. I think I have them right now, like you I followed the women.

Yes, we had a good week and hope you also have a great weekend. I am still trying to find the time to look at the profile(s) you sent me links to (Toepelt-1 and 2).

Ditto to what everyone said Kay. Welcome everyone to the weekend chat.  Also that was a very interesting facts Kay.
+17 votes
Headed North a couple days ago to the wife's old stompin' grounds and to take care of her parent's old house.  So, here's something you can put on your list of things to do if you're ever driving through central Wyoming ... make sure you drive from Shosoni to Thermopolis (or the other way) through Wind River Canyon .... note that the WInd River becomes the Big Horn River at the north end of the canyon.  The canyon is just beautiful.  And, for you history buffs, you'll remember that the Little Big Horn joins in way up in Montana before they both join the Yellowstone.

Good news up here ... it's raining both here and up North ... hopefully that will help some with the wild fires.  The clouds lifted a bit this PM and you can see fresh snow on the Big Horn Mountains ... gotta love this place.
by Bob Jewett G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
I understand that it snowed in some places in Montana yesterday. Sounds like great drive with wonderful scenery.
There are definitely some beautiful areas to see up in that region. I miss driving through them.
We drove from Mount Rushmore to Colorado through Wyoming.  It was in a terrible storm.  We got to Colorado and I turned on the TV to get the weather forecast.  There was a shot of our car coming out of what the weatherman was reporting as a mile wide tornado.   Never knew we were in a tornado and have no idea why we were able to drive through it.   That is my memory of Wyoming!   I did want to go back though and see things that we passed that looked interesting.
That sounds very interesting I hope to get out there. That is on my bucket list of things I want to do before I die. Welcome everyone to the weekend chat.
+17 votes
Weekly chat to my mother and sister are done.

Not a lot has been happening. We were talking about my brother in law who turned 50 last week and how he was already a grandfather. My sisters oldest son is 30 and is still not married. His step brother - the BIL's son - is almost 25 and has 2 daughters already.. This means my mother is a step-grandmother. and my sister is a step-grandmother. I guess that makes me a step-great aunt!!

We were reminiscing about how cute the nephews and nieces  were when they were younger and my nephew is already 30 years - he turns 31 next month!! My own son is still just a teenager!!

I think I mentioned a possible 7th cousin in Wales on one of the G2G questions this week. Someone asked what was the furtherest relative we had found, and I mention this 7th cousin in Wales. She wrote back to me this week and said that one of the names in her tree may be wrong, which means she is not my 7th cousin. Oh darn!!

I am currently working on finding sources to get my side of the tree ontp wikitree. The same family that used to connect me to this girl in Wales. It's not all up there yet.

Otherwise, not much else is happening to or with me - not socially, politically or genealogically.

Speaking of Hurricane Irma, I am glad that noone here in our Wikitree community had any major damage or loss, that we are aware of.

by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Hopefully, after you get your side of the family created you can connect back to the 7 Th cousin.
Ditto to what David said. Very interesting information Robynne. Also welcome everyone to the weekend chat.
+19 votes


This day commemorates the day the Mayflower set sail for the New World on September 16, 1620, with 102 on board, some seeking fortune, some seeking religious freedom – were to be later known as pilgrims. 

At the time, William Bradford, the separatist leader whose journal is often referenced for Mayflower history, recorded dates according to the Julian calendar.  At that point in history, both the Julian and the Gregorian (the calendar most often used today) were both in use. There is a 10-day difference between the two calendars, accounting for the different dates across historical accountings of the Mayflower’s departure from Plymouth, England. 

The colonists’ intended to land at Virginia. However, after 66 days at sea, storms and winds blew them off course and they ended up near modern day Cape Cod, Massachusets on December, 21st.

Web page: 



Don't forget WikiTree has a project for this: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Project:Mayflower

The Mayflower Project currently covers the passengers of the Mayflower, their descendants for two generations or born before 1700, which ever is more inclusive. The project was originally concerned with cleaning up the profiles of the passengers and merging duplicates. 

As a practical matter for profile clean up, and for consistency, the various wives of the passengers were added to the original project. Many of the wives were also passengers on the Mayflower. In the future, the project may be expanded to cover the first 5 generations from the passengers.

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)

Outstanding Dorothy!

Check out this cool tote-bag I was considering giving out at events:


A standard image of the ship should probably be added.  Still working on it :)


That would be kewl Keith!!
Soon I'll be connected on wikitree to my Mayflower ancestor, Stephen Hopkins (Hopkins-373). There is a break in the chain about seven generations back with Priscilla Norcott Loveland. She has two duplicate profiles, one with her parents and siblings, and the other with her husband and children. I've been working on the merge.
That is great! Thanks Kari for your hard work getting your family ancestors connected.
Thanks to Michael Spencer for completing the merge for Priscilla Norcott Loveland! Now I'm connected to my Mayflower ancestor on wikitree. Stephen Hopkins is my tenth great grandfather.
Ditto to what everyone said and very interesting details. Welcome everyone to the weekend chat.
+16 votes

Happy Saturday Morning to All!

Just checking in, having disappeared a big plate of hash browns, a couple of eggs and a pot of black coffee.  Ahhh.  

Nothing much genealogically to report, as making a living continues to interfere with doing important things.  Seems like the new GEDCOM process has generated some drama.  I haven't tried it yet, so enough said.

Shaking my head at people whining about Crayola's new color name.  It seems far too many people believe the purpose of school is to eradicate children's imagination and creativity.  To the devil with them, I say.  It's a bluetiful day in my neighborhood, exactly the kind of cool, clear, sunny, almost-fall day that requires such a fantastic word to describe it!



by Living Tardy G2G6 Pilot (772k points)
I agree, people just have to have something to whine about. The new crayola name is just the newest thing for them. There has always been wild and crazy names for the different colors, so what is so bad about this one. Let the kids have some fun.
Haha.  That's a perfect name for a bluetiful color!  Did you drink the entire pot of coffee Herbert?  If so, this could explain a few things about you.....;-)
A smallish pot, Emma, a quart or so.  I usually stop when I reach my target heart rate.
LOL Herbert.  Coffee actually calms me.  I wonder if I have ADHD because when I was a teacher we were told to give coffee to our ADHD kiddos when they got to hyper.  I can drink coffee right before bedtime and fall right to sleep.  Mind you, I don't drink mine super strong.  But I do drink it black. And I don't actually drink coffee, I drink espresso.  I like the flavor 100 times better than drip coffee.  But I digress :-)
Ditto to what everyone said. My mom says I am  hyper a lot of times. Welcome everyone to the weekend chat.

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