Want a FREE WikiTee? Better hurry! [closed]

+26 votes

Win a custom embroidered WikiTree Genealogist T-Shirt




Answer with one sentence stating clearly that you love WikiTree and why


From those who answer, at least one will be selected to receive a custom embroidered WikiTree T-shirt similar to the one shown above.  All costs will be taken care of; there is no charge to you.  Winner(s) will be announced Monday morning after the Weekend Chat has concluded.


closed with the note: giveaway concluded - time expired
in The Tree House by Keith Hathaway G2G6 Pilot (642k points)
closed by Keith Hathaway
An amazing act of good will, Keith.

Lynette; about talking to dead people (I want to ask for real or on paper but will go with this instead)... I have a joke for you.  How many dead people are there in a cemetery?? They are ALL dead !!! hahaha

And I know every one of them on first name basis!!  But you forgot the genealogists and cemeterists who are documenting them.
Drum roll .. and the winner/winners is or are....

Who won, inquisitor minds want to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I'm late on announcing; selecting was a tougher process than I thought it would be!

I'll be ready later today :)
I know Keith won't post this because he's afraid it will look like advertising, so I will: https://sites.google.com/site/hathaway1200/

You're terrific, Keith. I'm psyched that you're the member of the week. We're going to find a way to plug the t-shirts in the mention in the newsletter.
Ordered! Can't wait! How much is shipping to the UK Keith? :D
Hi Susie, I should be able to find out the shipping cost within a day or two... I just need to go the post office and have them weigh a shirt and tap in the zip code.  I'll let you know pronto!

Thank you for your trust and friendship :)

@ Chris - Thank you sir!
Yay! I'll plaster it all over social media when it gets here. Thanks Keith! :-)

44 Answers

+14 votes
Because at Wikitree I've found an online family that's passionate about the same geeky things as me, like finding the photo for a great x 3 grandfather, seeing a relative on a passenger list from the 17th Century, or working together as we get excited about breaking through brick walls.
by Susie MacLeod G2G6 Pilot (305k points)
Thank you Susie!
I love that comment, Susie. Count me among the geeks.
I know, right Susie?  When I post this kind of stuff on Facebook I get total silence but for the sound of crickets.  Those friends/family just don't get it!
I literally laughed out loud at that Emma. I can SO relate to the crickets...
+13 votes
I love Wikitree as it just goes to show, we really are just one big family!
by Deborah Smith G2G6 Mach 1 (12.2k points)
Thank you Deborah!
+14 votes
I ♥ WikiTree because we are all family here, and treat one another accordingly.
by Vicky Majewski G2G6 Mach 9 (93.0k points)
Thank you Vicky!
I love that phrasing, Vicky. We treat each other as family. I'd say we ought to make that into one of our informal rules somewhere -- like Don't WikiTree While Angry -- but with the way some people treat their families...
+12 votes
I love WikiTree for the amazing family/friends you meet and make relationships with.
by Charlotte Shockey G2G6 Pilot (990k points)
Thank you Charlotte!
I heartily agree Charlotte ;-)
+12 votes

I love WikiTree because it is a free genealogy website that not only allows me to create my family tree but to connect it to the One World Tree and add sources to prove the facts about a person. I love WikiTree because it has brought me so many new friends and we all volunteer and work together as one TEAM to insure WikiTree stays free for every one. The Integrators Project is a super project to belong too as are the Greeter, Mentor and Rangers (actually all the projects on WikiTree are super). Now go ahead send me my Tee shirt!!! 


by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Thank you David!
+11 votes
I really love Wikitree--we get to chat weekends--away from our "self-delegated duties," most often happily and pithily, even when we must negotiate paths around illustrated jokes about "farts" by our male chattors.
by Anonymous Burnett G2G6 Mach 3 (30.1k points)
Thank you Roberta!
+11 votes
I love WikiTree because I can collaborate with my genealogist cousins worldwide to create our one family tree that is well-sourced, accurate, and freely available to everyone.
by Star Kline G2G6 Pilot (730k points)
Thank you Star!
This is comprehensive yet concise, Star. I like it. Actually, now that I think about it, it's almost our exact mission statement. :-). This must be why you fit in so well here.
+9 votes
I love Wikitree because no where else can you learn with friends, work as one, have fun together, work collaboratively, meet friends and family to become united, work towards one common goal, chat and listen, work for the betterment of one tree and win prizes and badges all for free.
by Nicole Boorse G2G6 Pilot (896k points)
Thank you Nicole!
Nice, Nicole.
Thank you Chris !
Oh, the badges!! I forgot to mention the badges and how I  love love love them!! Glad you brought them up Nicole :-)
Emma - when i read your post i thought you were going to pee your pants about those badges (Doug talked about farts so I can say pee)
I really do love them that much Nicole!  (I had a very deprived childhood. Making up for it now!)
I can sure tell that Emma.
Jon.  But how? ;-)
+8 votes
I love Wikitree because I can collaborate with so many like minded people who share the love of genealogy and the fact that I can connect with cousins that I didn't even know that I have
by Cindi Clark G2G6 Mach 2 (20.6k points)
Thank you Cindi!
+9 votes
I love WikiTree because I've finally, found my family!

(( I've been trying for years with no success, and today, yes, just today, I've found a great portion of my family hiding in this website, right under my fingertips the whole time, I can't thank you enough))
by Carla Mateus G2G1 (1.0k points)
Thank you Carla!
Congratulations on finding your family!!!

That must feel awesome :)
Thank you! It really is, not even lying when I say that I had a few tears when some photos came up along with their names and information. Trully, posivitely overwhelming.. now trying to find out how I can contribute too with the info I have already and other things! I'm over excited about this haha.
Carla, I know how that feels and how special it is. Thanks for sharing, it's got me motivated to work even harder!  :-)
Thank you, Carla, and welcome!

Stories like Carla's and responses like Susie's are why I love WikiTree.
+6 votes
I Wikitree because want preserve my family history for my children and grandchildren...Well also, I get to chat and meet some really cool people and learn a lot of interesting things.
by Dean Anderson G2G6 Pilot (797k points)
Thank you Dean!
+6 votes
I love Wikitree because of its collaborative approach to genealogy and its wonderful, talented community of members!
by anonymous G2G6 Mach 3 (37.2k points)
Thank you Amy!
+6 votes
Wikitree has helped me find answers, ancestors, and a better path to accurate sourcing -- through collaboration!  Hooray!

PS Just found another cousin from several hundred miles away -- YES!
by Janine Barber G2G6 Pilot (236k points)
Thank you Janine!
+6 votes
I love Wikitree because the the money I have (or don't have) doesn't impact my ability to enjoy genealogy - that's extra helpful as a student!
by Gillian Wagenaar G2G6 Mach 1 (19.8k points)
Thank you Gillian!
+6 votes
I love WikiTree because everyone is so helpful and kind!
by Crispin Reedy G2G6 Mach 4 (46.5k points)
Thank you Crispin!
+7 votes

I've had this quote from a new volunteer on my profile since Dec 15.   It works for me too. 21/12/15 - In Wikitree I seem to have found a site run by people who care about accuracy and respect.

by Maria Maxwell G2G6 Pilot (190k points)
Thank you Maria!
+6 votes
I love wikitree because of the dedicated mentors/leaders, and project teams of sorcerers,  bio builders, data doctors who inspire us to make complete sourced profiles with one profile per person.
by Karen Lorenz G2G6 Pilot (134k points)
Thank you Karen!
+6 votes
I love wikitree because I can correct and source my ancestors and connect to others doing the same.
by Aaron Gullison G2G6 Pilot (191k points)
Thank you Aaron!
+6 votes

WikiTree connects and reunites families from all over the world and just is the best place to be for genealogists, not everyone struggling alone and working on only his or her own family, not hundreds of one and the same profile, no one WORLDWIDE tree trying to connect everyone and show and prove we all are related and (trying to have..we'll get there some day) just one profile for every person.

 And ..of course I love Orange being Dutch and all :P 

America meets the Netherlands...  long lost cousins finally reunited thanks to WikiTree !!

by Bea Wijma G2G6 Pilot (314k points)
+4 votes
I love WikiTree because it makes genealogy a community effort. Plus because of this I have made some great friends.
by Amanda Frank G2G6 Mach 5 (56.9k points)

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