I created Profiles of my daughter's family, now one of them wants to join.

+3 votes
I created the Profile of Sylvia Sanders on my genealogy website as well as all of her Sanders family, my daughter's side of the family. Sylvia Sanders tried to join Wikitree, and could not join due to the fact that I had already entered her name and had a Profile number on her which is Sanders-7946, Sylvia Sanders as well as others in her family. I want to allow here to merge my Profile page with her new Profile page, so she also can work on Wikitree. But I am confused on how to enter the ID's of mine and hers she tried to create, I do want her as a joint person with me, and I don't want to lose all my own data I created. How do I merge her name with the one I created, do I put my Profile ID# in the top box of bottom box, I am not good on merging and I don't want to lose my data I created, but I want her to be able to access what I have on her and her Sanders family.

Dona Floyd Kimmons
WikiTree profile: Sylvia Lacy
in Genealogy Help by Living Floyd G2G6 Mach 1 (10.3k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
Hi, Dona. I removed your email address from the question -- WikiTree doesn't like to help spammers.

Do follow Maria's advice on inviting your daughter!
okay, thank you, I didn't know you weren't supposed to put your email address on this.

Thanks for the help

3 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer

Go to your daughter's profile and click the Edit tab.

Above the "Save changes" button there is a field to add her email address. 

"When you add/replace an e-mail address for a living family member they will be invited to join. E-mail addresses aren't used for spam."

and she can use that invitation to join.

by Maria Lundholm G2G6 Pilot (231k points)
selected by Ellen Smith
Everyone seems to have answered this question from the viewpoint of Sylvia being Dona's daughter. Are we sure that is what she meant? I understood that she was trying to add someone else with connections to her daughter, so possibly an in-law.
+5 votes
Do as Maria says, and Sylvia should be able to establish her own account.  But you don't want to merge profiles -- each of you should have your own individual account, your own ID, and your own profile, and you would link to each other as mother and daughter.  Once Sylvia is a member, she should become the manager of her own profile, and you may want to add her to the trusted list for profiles of other family members.  Please post here again if you have any problems.
by Dennis Barton G2G6 Pilot (567k points)
+2 votes

If she has already joined WikiTree and in the process has already created a new profile, which is a clear duplicate of the one that you created for her, then either she or you will have to merge the two profiles together. Make sure that you are both on the trusted list for both profiles to make the merging go smoother.

Use this link to merge the two profiles: https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Special:MergePerson

Enter the higher profile number (the one your daughter created when she signed up) into the box for ID #1 and the lower profile number (the one you created for your daughter) into the box for ID #1. Then follow the rest of the instructions on that page.

by Richard Ryker G2G6 Mach 4 (49.7k points)

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