Do you have an interest in outcasts, outlaws and outlandish people? Join the Black Sheep Project! [closed]

+54 votes

Hi, if you are interested in working on profiles of individuals who lived unconventional lives, then the Black Sheep Project could be the place for you!

The Black Sheep project members work on profiles for individuals who meet the characteristics of Black Sheep as defined by the  International Blacksheep Society of Genealogists (IBSSG).   We have about 24 different categories of Black Sheep.  There are also sub-projects devoted to Witch Trials, Bootleggers and Moonshiners, Outlaws, Gangsters, Hatfield and McCoy, Pirates and Spies and Traitors.

If you would like to join the Project leave a message here AND follow the instructions on the Project Page ("How to Join").

IMPORTANT: Please also tell us in your post below what your research interests in the Black Sheep Project are - if possible, let us know if you'd like to join a sub-project too.  Thanks for your help!  We look forward to you joining the project.

closed with the note: This project is being dissolved, but subproject pages and categories are still intact
in Requests for Project Volunteers by Leigh Murrin G2G6 Mach 3 (36.3k points)
closed by Traci Thiessen
I'd love to be a part of this project. So far, I've got no familial connections to black sheep that I am aware of, but I am an avid "fan" of reading and researching about serial killers.
Badge awarded. Welcome to the Black Sheep Project Veronica!
Hi, I would like to join the Black Sheep project. I have quite a few ancestors in all of the categories. I'm interested in researching, writing biographies, sourcing, and contributing in any way I can to help the project and all of its categories. However, I'd really love to join the Witch Trials category. I have ancestors from both sides of the coin from this era -- from the accusers to the accused (Cotton Mather, John and Elizabeth Bassett Proctor, Sarah Proctor, Mary Bassett de Rich, Rebecca Gibson Stearns, etc., just to name a few). Many thanks in advance and Kind Regards, Lea :-)

p.s. sorry for the double post mishap -- I replied in the wrong place after an accidental page refresh...argh!
Hi Lea,

I sent you a private email.



Hi I am interested in joining the back sheep project as well as sub projects bootleggers moonshiners Hatfield and McCoys criminals outlaws Black sheep traders pirates witches. I have a lot of ancestors cousins that should be in each group. Thank you.

Hi Traci,

I just got your message. Thank you for replying. A little disappointed to learn that I won't be added to the Black Sheep project & Witch Trials sub-project until after re-organization is complete but that's perfectly understandable. This is actually my first attempt at trying to join a project on wikitree.

As per wikitree requirements, I have to join a project that involves collaboration on pre-1700's profiles to continue working on pre-1700's profiles. Since I'm currently creating and working on my maternal ancestor profiles from the pre-1700's era, the Black Sheep project/Witch Trials sub-project seemed an excellent fit and well suited to my interests.

My question is this: In order to continue creating & working on my maternal pre-1700's profiles (and others) and since collaboration on a project involving pre-1700's profiles is essentially a requirement, should I just try to join a different project for the time being? Or, will it be okay to continue working on those pre-1700's ancestor profiles while waiting to be added to the Black Sheep project?

Please forgive my ignorance as a relative newcomer to the platform (this is literally my 2nd G2G comment ever). While not a newcomer to writing and working on biographies and wikitree profiles, I'm very new to joining wikitree projects and just as new to interacting via the G2G forum. Just trying to make sense of the situation and to make sure that I'm following the necessary wikitree requirements.

Will I need to go ahead and join a different project in order to continue working on those pre-1700's ancestor profiles? My main concern is continuing to work on those pre-1700's profiles while not being badged and actively participating in a team effort/collaborative project. Thank you for taking time out to reply and any help you can offer.. It's greatly appreciated. Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind Regards,

Can someone please update the page for Outcasts and Pirates - the project boxes are coming up with errors and only the Black sheep project is showing that the project is closed.

Thanks, in advance.
Thanks for the heads-up Raewyn! We're hoping to change the project boxes into stickers very soon. Unfortunately dissolving a project takes time, has many moving parts and requires the input of a lot of already busy people. :D
I'm interested in joining. I'm currently working on fleshing out trees showing how certain gangster/mafia members are blood related.

Also interested in outlaws and the Salem witch trials (I'm related to 2 accused witches who were executed).

Sadly, the WikiTree’s Black Sheep Project is no more.

121 Answers

+9 votes
I have an interest it the Salem witch_trials .. ! Just took lots of photos in Salem...
by Anthony Ward G2G3 (3.3k points)
Sorry for the delay!

You know have the Black Sheep Project badge.

Check out the Witch Trials sub project for more on the Salem Witch Trials.

Thank you Susan!
+9 votes

Ooooh HELL YEAH!!! I know I have to have witches in my ancestry, it can't just be me 'n my daughter. laugh My pendulum says there are. lol But I can't find them!! crying

+9 votes
Black sheep, absolutely!! Witch Trials? I'm Pagan.  Outlaws? Distant cousins with several! I'm in!
by Tess Valli G2G Crew (680 points)
You now have the Black Sheep Project badge.

Check out the Witch Trials sub project for more on the Salem Witch Trials or the Outlaws sub project.

+9 votes
Please add me to the project. I have a person to add. His name was Kenneth Kitts (Kitts-201). He was an uncle by marriage and a bank robber by trade.

You now have the Black Sheep Project badge.

Check out the Outlaws sub project for more on Robbers and Outlaws.

+9 votes
I would like to join the black_sheep project. I have a person to add to the list of bank robbers - Kenneth Kitts (Kitts-201). He was an uncle by marriage and spent time in Alcatraz.


Ron Haggett
by Ronald Haggett G2G2 (2.0k points)
+9 votes
I would like very much to join The Black Sheep Project! I have a few interesting boos in my closet. I’m interested in Salem witch trials as I have a lot of family there.

Thank you, Kelly
by Kelly Kersey G2G6 Mach 1 (13.2k points)
You now have the Black Sheep Project badge.

Check out the Witch Trials sub project for more on the Salem Witch Trials.

+9 votes

I would like to join the Black Sheep project for my ancestor Thomas Dexter, who was added to BSGS around the year 2000; and the Witchcraft Trials project, as my ancestors include one "witch" and several persons involved in the Salem trials.

by Deb Gunther G2G6 Mach 2 (23.6k points)
You now have the Black Sheep Project badge. Could you update your tags to include Black_Sheep?

Check out the Witch Trials sub project for more on the Salem Witch Trials.

+9 votes
Please add me to the project; I have particular interest in the witch_trials subproject.

Thank you,

Clyde Perkins
by Clyde Perkins G2G6 Mach 1 (12.6k points)
+9 votes
I'm obsessed with this project already. I haven't even been chosen. I'm going for it because this is my destiny. Lol. I also like the witch_trials and outlaws
by Angie Lindsey G2G1 (1.2k points)
Hi Angie - you are all set with the Black Sheep project. Definitely check out our Witch Trials and Outlaws subprojects.

+9 votes
please sign me up and add sticker to my profile
by Arthur Samel G2G6 Mach 1 (11.2k points)
+9 votes
I'm looking forward to volunteering for this project and sub-projects witch_trials and outlaws
by Angela Lindsey G2G1 (1.4k points)
+8 votes
I would love to join the blacksheep project, can you send me my badge
by Melissa Jamison G2G6 Mach 5 (50.7k points)
+8 votes
I would like to join the Black Sheep Project. I have some ancestors that were black sheep. I'm interested in joing these 3 sub-projects too: Hatfields and McCoys, Outlaws, and Witch Trials.
by Greta Moody G2G6 Pilot (201k points)

You now have the Black Sheep Project badge. Could you update your tags to include Black_Sheep?


Hi Susan! I added the tag and thank you for the badge. I look forward to working with this Project
+8 votes
Yes I’d love to join this project. I’m interested in the Salem witch trials and the people that were affected by it. I have relatives on both sides of it and am interested in finding out about their lives.
by Alice Glassen G2G6 Mach 6 (62.2k points)


You now have the Black Sheep Project badge. 

Check out the Witch Trials sub project for more on the Salem Witch Trials.


+8 votes
I am interested in this project, especially Witch Trials as I descend from the Ballards of Andover who infamously were involved in the witch hysteria. I am a beginner, but willing to learn.
by Todd Murray G2G6 Mach 1 (10.5k points)


You now have the Black Sheep Project badge. 

Check out the Witch Trials sub project for more on the Salem Witch Trials.


+7 votes
Hi there ! This project sounds fun. I haven't found any relatives that fit the label yet, but I'm still looking.
by Christina Mckeithan G2G6 Mach 1 (14.1k points)


You now have the Black Sheep Project badge.


+8 votes
would like to join this project. Nancy Ann Hatfield being my 5th great grandmother
by Justin Mills G2G3 (3.6k points)


You now have the Black Sheep Project badge. 

Can you please add Black_Sheep to your tags? 


+8 votes
very interested in this project and joining subproject witch trials
by Jacs Sykes G2G Crew (710 points)
Hi Jacs,

Are you still interested in joining our project? Now that your account is confirmed, we're happy to add you.
+8 votes
+7 votes
I would like to join the Black Sheep Project. I have an amazing story to tell about my own Father. Who was on the "FBI's most Wanted" list. I'm interested in helping.
by Norma Ray G2G4 (4.9k points)
Welcome to the Black Sheep Project Norma! I've added a badge to your profile! See the project pages for further direction.

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