This Aussie is related to Barack Obama too!!!

+7 votes

Relationship Trails

1. Barack is the son of Stanley Ann (Dunham) Sutoro 
2. Ann is the daughter of Stanley Armour Dunham
3. Stanley is the son of Ruth Lucille (Armour) Dunham  
4. Ruth is the daughter of Gabriella Clark  
5. Gabriella is the daughter of Susan C. Overall 
6. Susan is the daughter of Louisiana (DuVall) Overall 
7. Louisiana is the daughter of Gabriel DuVall 
8. Gabriel is the son of John Miles DuVall 
9. John is the son of Jacob DuVall 
10. Jacob is the son of Mareen Duvall III 
11. Mareen is the son of Frances (Stockett) Duvall
12. Frances is the daughter of Mary (Wells) Yate 
13. Mary is the daughter of Frances Elizabeth (White) Wells  
14. Frances is the daughter of Richard (Whyte) White  
15. Richard is the son of Richard White  
16. Richard is the son of Katherine (Strode) Whyte 
17. Katherine is the daughter of Elizabeth (Courtenay) Strode 
18. Elizabeth is the daughter of Philip Courtenay 
19. Philip is the son of Philip Courtenay 
20. Philip I is the son of Philip Courtenay 

This trail tells us that Philip is the 18th great grandfather of Barack.

1. Susan is the daughter of Barbara (Trenerry) Cox  
2. Barbara is the daughter of Vivian Roy Trenerry 
3. Roy is the son of Herbert Stafford Trenerry 
4. Herbert is the son of Alice Vining (Stock) Trenerry 
5. Alice is the daughter of Edward Stock M.R.C.S. 
6. Edward is the son of Harriett Bromfield (Spry) Stock 
7. Harriett is the daughter of Harriett (Bromfield) Spry 
8. Harriett is the daughter of John Trenchard Bromfield  
9. John is the son of Ann (Trenchard) Bromfield 
10. Ann is the daughter of John Trenchard MP 
11. John is the son of Thomas Trenchard M.P. 
12. Thomas is the son of Thomas Trenchard M.P. 
13. Thomas is the son of Ann (Speke) Trenchard 
14. Ann is the daughter of Elizabeth (Luttrell) Speke 
15. Elizabeth is the daughter of Andrew Luttrell  
16. Andrew is the son of Hugh Luttrell 
17. Hugh is the son of Elizabeth (Courtenay) Luttrell 
18. Elizabeth is the daughter of Philip Courtenay 

This trail tells us that Philip is the 16th great grandfather of Susan.

in The Tree House by Susan Scarcella G2G6 Mach 8 (81.0k points)
Wow, thanks for the minus vote, whoever you are. I was just excited to find I was related to these guys.
I gave you an up vote to negate it :) I don't think down votes should be a part of wikitree anymore. They are negative, judgmental, and often, as is clearly the case here ... outright mean and unjustified. Doesn't make for a friendly place to be eh!

Congrats on your find Susan! It's cool making connections like that ....
Hey Susan , we are 20 th cousins based on the wikitree relationship finder.  Though the Courtenay's.  Based on that you should have a relationship to a few more American Presidents , Jimmy Carter for one.  Maybe a couple British Prime Ministers.  I just saw some of your previous posts .  I see you are related to more.
Excellent - Genie Happy Dance time!
Down votes aren't always mean. Sometimes they simply convey disagreement. In this case, probably somewhere in between. We're in the midst of a highly charged political campaign here in the US and emotions are running high. Don't take the votes too seriously.
thanks, Nicky. I was flabbergasted that someone should do that. I have seen many other people put up similar questions and not get negged. Thanks for your positivity.
Hey, cousin!!!! Yes, I found Winston Churchill last night. I presumed we would be related but the relationship Wikitree found was not one of the families I expected. I think that once you hit a good line of landed gentry in England, you tend to be related to many other families by marriage, so that means you are related to others who descend from the same lines. I do like being related to Ralph Fiennes. hmmm. I also got a nice one to Kyra Sedgwick, wife of KEVIN BACON.
Yep...not bad for an Aussie with four convict ancestors. LOL

@Jillaine ... oh dear .... so someones political feelings in the US could possibly be a valid reason for anonymously publicly down voting someone who is buzzing about their latest genealogical find? Good grief :/ Perhaps rather than suggesting one should not take the down votes too seriously (even though they are personal) US citizens should keep their political views out of wikitree threads started by folk from other nations. 




agreed, Nicky. I also got on on being related to Thomas Jefferson too. That one I can't understand at all. Why should there be any political problem with Jefferson?
Yup, it's real weird :o

Last down vote I got was in a thread asking for suggestions for a new name for the Correction Officer. I suggested Twig Tweaker. Aparrently that was not on, and I got a downie. So I hid my answer and never again will I ask or answer a question in g2g. Now I stick to comments/replys only! I'm just not into the down-buzz lol

I just did the relationship finder and I too am also cuzzy bros with Barak via a common Courtenay grandfather, with Mr Jefferson via a common de Ros grandfather, and with George Washington via a common Bonville grandfather ~ pretty cool! I think my biggest buzz here though was finding out I'm a 17th cousin of Elvis' :) Probably one of the reasons I love blue suede!
Susan ,  Sir William Arbuthnot has a list of some British Prime Minister on his profile page. Arbuthnot-53.  You can find them in one place and do a relationship  check.  At the bottom of his page you will see my name and a list of the Presidents I'm related to.   I'm related to  all but 4. Also I am related to alot of their wives.  I would think you may be to. Like I said.  To work of the list on his page is pretty easy.  You may find a big cousin connection if you check out the descendant list of the common ancestors the three of us share.
Thanks, Trudy Roach. I shall do that.

1 Answer

+2 votes
Susan I don't give down votes.  But I'm listed as giving them.. when I scroll on my Kindle sometimes I accidentally hit them. And when I give up votes I enlarge the box , sometimes if I don't I hit the down vote.  I am related to many Presidents who's politics I don't like .  We can't help our relations.
by Anonymous Roach G2G6 Pilot (200k points)
My sister in law, Wendy Boland is also a distant cousin Of Barack Obama through his  mother’s ancestry.   She is actually related to him twice as her great great grandparents were second cousins to each other and had to request permission to marry.  Both the bride and groom are second cousins to Barack Obama’s ancestor.

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