Fam Info on Mary Alice Mackey born around 1913 in south dakota or surrounding area.

+5 votes
Mary Alice Mackey went by the name of Alice. She later married John William Schmit and they had a son, John Schmit Jr. and another child. They eventually lived in Omaha. Mary Alice Mackey had a daughter before she married John, and gave her up for adoption. Her daughter's birth name was Josephine Mackey, but when she was adopted, she was named Georgia Baker.
in Genealogy Help by Lexie Khalefah G2G Rookie (290 points)
Mary's birth year, marriage year, and death year would help narrow down the search. Do you know the year Josephine was born and was it in SD? Do you know when she was adopted as Georgia Baker?

Specific year of events and specific location of events would help a lot. Location would be state, county and or city if you have the information.
Josephine was born in Sioux Falls, South Dakota 1/25/1922. She was adopted as Josephine and later renamed.

1 Answer

+3 votes

Hi Lexie,

Is this her?

Mary Alice Schmit

It says that she died in 1986 and was buried in Calvary Cemetery in Omaha.

Do you know where else she may have lived, besides Omaha?  Any possible parents' names?

Do you have any info on John Schmit? (birth year, death year, birth place).  Sometimes if I get stuck on one person, searching for their spouse or children will get results.

by Vicky Majewski G2G6 Mach 9 (92.2k points)
This one was very tricky for me. My grandmother always knew she was adopted and eventually wrote her mother a letter (she was living in Omaha at the time it was written). Her mother basically told her that her husband didn't know of my grandmother's existence and would divorce her if he found out. She mentioned his name was John Schmit in the letter, and that she had a brother with the same name. She also said there was a new baby (gender wasn't mentioned) and asked her not to contact her again. She did mention that she didnt remember the fathers name. I don't have any info beyond that.

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