Another repetition compulsion, it would seem.

+6 votes
Must be my night to discover whack-a-doodle situations. I have never seen so many duplicates in one family! What I get for reading "most connected unconnecteds" at bedtime. I can't imagine tackling this through normal means, though I see one brave soul has tried.
WikiTree profile: Agnes Cox
in The Tree House by Sandi Wiggins G2G6 Mach 7 (71.2k points)
Sandi, you scarred me j/k :) Is that profile like what Red Skelton used to say " I will kill you a million times". Guess that would include " Mommie Dearest"
Wow! But better you than I.
Someone with a lot of time and patience is going to have to work this...
Looks like somebody's gedcom import went wrong.  Maybe a screwed-up gedcom.  The disease might also afflict other people in the gedcom who aren't called Hodgart.  Maybe thousands of profiles - the import logged as 4,000 contributions.

That was 5 years ago and the PM has rarely been back.  Unless he wants to do them all himself, I think it needs a bulk orphaning or bulk adoption.  They can be sorted easily enough except for the approvals palaver.  I'd do them now but I'm not prepared to hit the PM's inbox with hundreds of emails.
Anne Hogdart's lowest number is Hogdart-52..  The others are 378, 153,302, 203, I found two with this number), 178, 327, 228, 126, 353, and 249.  Can they be merged into 52 easily?  I can do the same thing for the other names if so desired for merges.
I know I made merge requests for all the Davids and Williams, but I didn't work on anyone else. I don't mind doing the rest of the family.

Edit -- nevermind it looks like someone else got to it first!

2 Answers

+1 vote
Holy . . . . I can't imagine how that happened. I don't suppose he added them all; it would be completely redundant. All that needs to be done is to merge all of them.
by Rosie Blanckenburg G2G5 (5.6k points)
0 votes

Isnt the sadness the activity of the uploader?

  1. 4000 entries uploaded 2 aug 2011
  2. Merge request received 16 nov 2011
    1. Merge profile still junk with two bio sections two sources
  3. New merge request rejected 1 jan 2012
  4. After that a few activities and 1 activity 2016
Question: Has someone tried to understand why people don't stay on Wikitree or are more active... 
Is it 
  1. Time
  2. User interface
  3. Think Wikitree just as a gedcom backup
  4. Problem working together with other people
  5. .....

Looks like there is some junk in the tree

by Living Sälgö G2G6 Pilot (303k points)
Many people use WikiTree as just another site to put their tree out on.

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