Can we create an option that would drop middle initial from "Long Name - Private" in appropriate cases?

+5 votes
There are a couple of cases where the automatically-generated "middle initial" on private people is unhelpful or incorrect. One, which has been previously asked about, is the case where the person uses the middle name as preferred. Another is when the preferred name is initials, which is my case. It's frustrating to see my profile give my full name as "JD D.", and this seems like the kind of edge case that an option to suppress would be useful for. Also, this ambiguity can cause confusion: for example, I was welcomed to WikiTree under the name "D.", twice.

The "trusted list" message says that someone on it can view my "full middle name, D.", which is technically true but also applies to my first name. In the case where the middle name is preferred, this message is completely wrong, as it tells people they can view the full middle name that they actually already know (and does not indicate that it is the first name which is hidden).

I recognize that names are complicated, the current setup is a compromise, and that too many options can be an interface problem, but this seems like a simple enough fix and a historically common enough situation that it would justify adding an option or two. We already have a toggle for "no middle name"; I think that could be expanded into a hidden "middle name options" menu, or failing that, two new options for "prefers initials" and "prefers middle name" could be added, since both of those configurations encourage people to enter information incorrectly in order to achieve the correct display result (e.g. I could put my first and middle both in the first name field, but that would be wrong from a data perspective). Two options would be better than a "drop middle initial" option, which would not be intuitive from its name and therefore prone to accidental misuse.
in WikiTree Tech by JD Cowell G2G Rookie (260 points)
retagged by Jamie Nelson

2 Answers

+4 votes
Hello JD,

my suggestion would have been to enter both names as the proper name and the initials or the middle name as the preferred name – which you consider as wrong from a data perspective.

The Germany project recommends to enter all given names as proper name for German names (as the middle name does not fit to the German name rules).

So it is already practice to leave the middle name empty. I think, it is acceptable from the data perspective. Other platforms come completely without middle-name possibility.
by Siegfried Keim G2G6 Mach 5 (59.0k points)
[[Help:Name_Fields]] is pretty clear that middle name fields should be used in cultures that have middle names, such as the United States. So it is wrong to enter a middle name in the first name field for these places.

you mention the help page: Help: Name Fields:

"Please don't be intimidated by the rules. They are the ideals. No profile is ever perfect and complete."

"Middle initials should generally not be included in the Preferred First Name. If a living person wants to do this they should leave their Middle Name blank. Otherwise some name displays will duplicate the middle initial."

That's exactly the solution. So don't hesitate.

Leaving a profile intentionally incomplete (or incorrect) to avoid a display bug is a counterintuitive compromise, and that recommendation is unavoidably intimidating. It's fine as a stopgap solution, but this is clearly something that should be improved, and that's why I'm suggesting that an improvement should be made. Carefully documenting software quirks in a help page isn't really best practice, and I missed it because I was looking for that information in the "middle name" section, which is where I perceived the error.

Also, the quoted help page section should be reworded to more clearly indicate that it applies whenever a preferred name includes any form of one's middle name (whether as an initial or otherwise). To use the given example, if "David John Schmoe" prefers "John", his name will show up as "John J. Schmoe".
It's life to make reasonable compromises.

Name and name display problems are known since years. But such a platform has to serve the names of many people from many regions, cultures and epochs.
Sure, but this isn't a reasonable compromise.

Clearly, this website is not serving the names of many people from many regions, cultures, or epochs adequately. I think the fact that two people from other regions commented saying "well, it works just fine for my region if you ignore the way this feature is designed" is stark evidence. It sounds like it's not working very well for a lot of groups of people!

Are there any other means by which to suggest site improvements?
Updating how names are stored/displayed is something that will be worked on eventually, but it won't be done anytime soon.

WikiTree has no full-time staff so improvements don't happen as quickly as people would like.
+4 votes
Within the Dutch naming convention the middle name also isn’t used at all. And this is common in a lot of European countries. So we don’t experience the problem as described.
by Margreet Beers G2G6 Pilot (153k points)

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