Request for help translating from 1700s German to English: Jung-1134

+5 votes

The linked baptism/birth (?) record may further confirm that Johann Leonhard Jung's birth name was Cramer.  He was the adopted son of Johannes Jung and Marianna LeBlanc. Record for Joh. Leonhard Cramer, later Jung

WikiTree profile: Leonhard Jung
in WikiTree Help by Morgan Campbell G2G6 (9.8k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

1 Answer

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Hi Morgan, I could not read the place where her husband was a secretarius, but the rest should be okay:

Eine fremdte person, so sich Susanna Maria

genennet ist bey uns den 18. 9bris ins Kind-

bette gekommen, _______, daß ihr Manne ein

Secretarius sey zu ______ u. heiße Joh. Leonhard

Cramer, das Kinde, so sie gebohren, ist ein Knäblein

gewesen und gab solches Johannes Jung, bey welchem

sie im Hause gewesen, solches aus der H. Tauffe ge-

hoben und ihme den nahmen Joh. Leonhard gegeben?

So geschehen d. 22. 9bris

A stranger, who called herself Susanna Maria, entered childbirth here on 18 November. [She said] that her husband was a secretary in ____ and his name was Johann Leonhard Cramer. The child she gave birth to was a boy and she gave it to Johannes Jung, in whose house she was. It was baptized and given the name Johann Leonhard. That happened on 22 November.

Kind regards - Heike :-)
by Heike Blumreiter G2G6 Mach 4 (45.9k points)
selected by Morgan Campbell

The first missing word is "Fürgebende" (= old German for "behauptend" = claiming).

The second word, as the missing Place, reads most likely "Dreßen" or even "Dresten", but it will be hard to find a clue which place is meant by that. The occupation of the father hints to a larger town. "Dresden" comes in mind, as the capital of Saxony, but this would be quite far away.

All other things I would read exactly as Heike did, exept the last part, that I would read as: "... und hatt solches Johannes Jung, bey welchem sie im Hauße gewesen, solches aus der H. Taufe gehoben, und ihme den nahmen Joh. Leonhard gegeben."

This changes the meaning into that Johannes Jung was the sponsor (godparent) of the child. This would put him in charge if something would happen to the parents.


Hello Heike,

Thank you so very much for translating the script - my German is not good. Unfortunately, my uncle clipped the edge of the document so some words are missing.

Johannes Jung and family lived in Lützellinden (near Geissen) prior to emigrating to Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1750.
Thank you Danny; although it is not known what happened to Leonhard's parents, Johannes Jung adopted him and Leonhard started his own family later in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.
Thank you Danny, that makes much more sense - one more proof that cooperation is a wonderful thing :-)

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