Can someone explain how to add found trees with DNA from Gedmatch

+11 votes
I really need help learning to add Gedmatch trees I find either by listed ancestors or where the tree app connects to my DNA matched source provers who have linked their trees.

How do you add this information so that it connects to your tree?  I understand that if there is no Wikitree profile you research and create BUT it’s the ones that are already created that I want to confirm a connection with.  

*Beauchamps is just an example of several generations that came up in my surname search today.  

Is there an easy to follow video you recommend? I want to learn how to add these connections
WikiTree profile: Elizabeth Turpin
in Policy and Style by D Goulet G2G2 (2.2k points)
Doris thanks for asking this question. I've been meaning to get around to doing the same but I'm glad I waited because you you did a better job. Cheers
The proper way to cite a dna connection is the citation as detailed below  If you don't have the informstion to create a citation in the biography field you can creat a subhead called ===dna===   then under that explain the matches you have found.  Something like:  Upon running the GEDMatch 1 to many report i see this person and i match at 36c.
I want to add some additional thinking to my prior answer.  Since none of the trees in GedMatch or other dna sites have sources what you are seeing should be considered as hints.  You can create profiles from them but you will need to find sources to verify them.
Thanks for saying so, I do think many of us struggle with knowing how to applying them especially with trees already created.
You can always sk for help findimg sources in g2g   We have an experienced and active sourcing group.
Thank you!! I didn’t even know that.

3 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer

The steps of connecting to the profile, and of adding that you confirmed it with DNA, are different.

If the profile already exists, you can connect to it the same way you'd connect to any existing profile, by adding it as parent, spouse, or child of the other person.

You're absolutely correct that you should note the DNA confirmation. If the DNA evidence meets WikiTree's requirements (more in a second), go to the child's profile and select the "confirmed with DNA" button for the mother or father. If you do that, you'll need to add a "DNA confirmation citation", to explain the DNA evidence for the connection.

For example, one of my father's first cousins tested his DNA, and he and I match as expected. That confirms all the connection between me and that cousin (me to my father, my father to my grandfather, my grandfather to my greatgrandfather, my match's connection to his mother, and her connection to my great-grandfather). So, on each of the five profiles (mine, my father's, my grandfather's, my match's, and his mother's), I've selected the correct "confirmed with DNA" button, and added a DNA confirmation citation.

The help page for DNA confirmation ( explains all the details.

Because working with DNA is complicated, not every match reported on Gedmatch counts--matches with small amounts of shared DNA may not even be real matches, and if they are, identifying the correct shared ancestor can be complicated. When does shared DNA count as evidence? That's still controversial and not completely clear. The Help page explains WikiTree's requirements. 

Greg Clarke's DNA Confirmation Citation Maker app will help work through the details: 

If you still have questions (and I suspect you do!), please ask them. 

by Harry Ide G2G6 Mach 9 (94.1k points)
selected by A. Murphy
So if I have a DNA match on Ancestry or My Heritage and they have a WikiTree page (I will use my half sister as an example), how does that get noted on her wikitree page?


You need more details to be able to write the citation. The app will walk you through the details and write the citation for you. Also, the help page has samples. The sample for Ancestry is this:

* Paternal relationship is confirmed by an {{AncestryDNA}} test match between [[Whitten-1|Chris Whitten]] and his second cousin. Their most-recent common ancestor is their  are their great grandparents, [[Bartlett-4|Hollis Bartlett Sr.]] and [[Storrs-2|May Storrs]]. Predicted relationship from AncestryDNA: 2nd Cousins, based on sharing 150.3 cM across 9 segments; Confidence: Extremely High.

Does that help? If you have questions about how to apply that to your situation, either use the confirmation app, or please ask about the details you have questions about.

No it doesn't. I am not using the DNA match to prove a connection. I know how to do what you suggested.

 I am asking about a family member that comes up in my match pile who already has a WikiTree page. Noting them as a DNA match/relationship.

I apologize--I'm obviously not understanding what you're asking. The official WikiTree way of noting DNA connections is the citation in the help page/generated by the citation app. If you're looking for something else, can you just make something up, perhaps using the citation format as a model?

Hello Bonnie, DNA Painter is a free way for you to note your DNA matches and their relationship to you.  See: 



Okay let me give you an example

Say you come up in my DNA matches on Ancestry. And I want to note that on your wiki tree page (outside of using you to verify a connection). How would I do that?

Hi Bonnie,

I've only done it using citations modelled on the examples. I think the information in them gives important information for interpreting the DNA connection. But if you don't want all the information, could you just say something like this?

Harry and Bonnie Day have shared DNA.

I guess the key question is how much information you want to include. Oh. Of course, one reason you might want to note the connection without using the preferred format is if you don't know what the connection is. Then I might say something modelled on the confirmation citation, for example

Harry Ide and Bonnie Day have an {{AncestryDNA}} test match. Their relationship and most-recent common ancestors are unknown. Predicted relationship from Ancestry: First to Second Cousin, based on sharing 498 cM across 21 segments.

You could add more information (for example, whether Ancestry thinks the connection is maternal or paternal), or less information, depending on your reason for wanting to note the connection. 

I don't know of a preferred format other than the confirmation citation format. (Of course, I might just have missed it!) If no preferred format exists, you can make up your own, based on your reason for including the information. 

Does that help give you some ideas of how to do what you want? 

Yes! That is exactly what I would like to do!


smiley That's great!

Thanks for creating this example
You're welcome. I do really recommend the DNA confirmation citation maker--it walks through the process step-by-step very clearly! If you have problems figuring out what to do, please ask!
Linking trees is confusing. Are you creating a ‘dotted line’ between two trees because you don’t know the missing people ?. If you matched at say 104 cM, you could be as far as 4th cousins. Is the number of segments relevant ?. I have a lot of ‘cousins’ at 100 cM or more across three DTC companies, so it could get quite complicated. If you are a paying subscriber, the DTC companies often offer a plausible people link between distant cousins which may be supported by a DNA match.
+10 votes

If your match on GEDmatch does not have their ancestry and GEDmatch ID listed on WikiTree, then invite them to join WikiTree. Encourage them to add their GEDmatch ID to their DNA information in WikiTree, along with their ancestors, in the hopes of establishing connections to your shared ancestry here.

Here is a relation you can confirm by using the DNA Confirmation Citation Maker App: (for a SIMPLE DNA MATCH)

However Elizabeth Turpin lived too many generations ago for autosomal DNA.

by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (716k points)
edited by Peter Roberts
Peter this is very useful information. Thank you.
I thank you for your response but it’s not very helpful for adding

1) linked Wikitree families with multiple generations via Gedmatch

2) this example with TURPIN is far back BUT there are multiple people who I still to add and if DNA is what brought me to discover the the matches and its supported via other DNA match platforms am I supposed to just say ok then?

It’s a request for help from those perhaps who do take advantage of discoveries and KNOW how to explain the process.

I wish I could justify asking others to join Wikitree, it’s been easier to write tedious profiles than to find connections
Please give an example of "linked WikiTree families with multiple generations via GEDmatch."
Well I do believe I gave an example with the initial question.  

I’ve found several over the last year, and I just gave up on them because I didn’t know how to connect them.
Your initial question lists Elizabeth Turpin.  Which of her descendants in GEDmatch have her as their shared most recent common ancestor and match each other on a segment over 7 cM? Thanks and sincerely,
+1 vote
Hi Cousin Doris

Here is how I do it.

I look first at where those matches come from (did the person test at ancestry or my heritage) if they did then they are likely already in my match pile there.

Next I look to see who has a family tree or WT link and look at them. If I recognize names I work on building a floating tree inside my tree and work until I find a connection. WikiTree will give a path based on you our information and the information entered by other users and give a path based on that. It's not always a direct path, but it's a path.

I have many DNA matches I can connect and many I cannot due to either one of my three brick walls or the match hasn't built out their trees or they copied incorrect information from someone else's tree.

Being adopted and the fact that I have intermarage between my lines also doesn't help.

How I denote DNA matches on a profile:

=== DNA Match ===

(Insert first name of match) and I are DNA matches. We tested at (insert company) our results show we match on my maternal or paternal side and we share (insert the CM or % of DNA).

by Bonnie Day G2G6 Mach 1 (15.8k points)
Thanks Bonnie

Maybe I’ll figure out this bloody app one day.  Tried adding an ancestry match to my cousin with whom our great grandparents are directly related and the app is telling me there’s no relationship. Ugh!! . I’ll have to revisit this again. Someone did make edits, perhaps relationships were broken some how?  Try and try again they say

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