Have you registered for our April 2024 Connect-a-Thon yet? [closed]

+109 votes

imageThe April Connect-a-Thon is coming up! The goal of our 72-hour marathon: bring the world closer together by adding missing relatives to existing profiles.

The event starts Friday, April 12, at 8 AM EDT (12pm UTC) and runs until Monday, April 15, at 8 AM EDT (12pm UTC).

Will you join us?

To register, find the answer for which team you'd like to play for.Then click COMMENT in their section to say you would like to participate on that team. If you aren't sure, comment here with a few words about your location and/or genealogical interests. This will help us assign you to a team.

NewtThere are also two new teams!

Registration will close at midnight EDT on Wednesday, April 10.

Comments below this post will be hidden once they are read.

closed with the note: Registration closed! Have a great Connect-a-Thon!
in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
closed by Azure Robinson
sorry I missed it
Need to update COnnect-a-thon help page
I was too late to register for my usual team as I've just moved house - but will try to do as many as I can anyway!

42 Answers

+41 votes

Appalachia Roots - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
Caught up to here (April 10, 8 pm EDT)
I'm very new to this and would like to participate.
@Michelle -

Are you interested in the Appalachia Roots Thon Team or a different area/location of research?

I somehow jumped to the wrong spot. Sorry
@Michelle - No worries!  If I can help you find the perfect team for you and your research, just let me know.
Hi Stephen!

Are you interested in the Appalachia Roots Thon Team or a different area/location of research?
I would love to join the Appalachia Roots team! I have Appalachia roots on my paternal side.
Thanks Everyone that Joined Our Appalachia Roots Thon Team!

Now that registration has closed, please take a few moments to review our Thon Page and make sure you have access to our Discord Channel.

Have questions?  Leave them on our Thon Page.

Our Connect-A-Thon Links:

Appalachia Roots Thon Team Page
Members List, Resources/Tips

 Our G2G Chat Page - General chat & Q & A

Discord - Instant Help & Fun & Biscuits!

Please look on our Thon Team Page to see if you are listed with a

If you have a biscuit next to your name on the Thon Team Page, then we have received your registration for the April 2024 CaT.

caught up to here (10 Apr 20:27 pm mdt)

Would like to connect with Hambleton ancestors in Pennsylvania and Perry or Parry grandparents Joseph Thomas Hambleton and Gaenor Perry.
+31 votes

Banyan Tree - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Hi, please sign me up. Thanks.
Caught up to here (March 27)
IM In !!!
Count me in please.
Caught up to here (April 10)
Am I too late?
+38 votes

Canadian Connectors - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
Would love to participate!
Caught up to here (April 10)
Hello, I would like to join the team!
Sign me up with Canadian Connectors
I would like to join your team
I'd like to be a Canadian connector
Sign me up! Raring to go for my first Connect-a-Thon. Let's bring it!
Caught up to here (April 10, 8 pm EDT)
hi I would like to try some this time again. In ALBERTA thanks

caught up to here (10 Apr 20:28 pm mdt)

+36 votes

Cornbread Catchers - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
Ok, computer repaired.  Sign me up for the cornbread catchers.
Caught up to here (April 10)
im in?
Sign me up Debi! Hopefully, I can help while traveling.
I'm basically clueless but I'd love to learn and I'm most definitely a "Cornbread "Catcher".

Jamie S. Wall (maiden)
The team page is caught up through here. Welcome back, Marsha, Willodene, and Kelly. Welcome to the Team, Jamie and Karol.
Caught up to here (April 10, 8 pm EDT)
Please sign me up for your team.

caught up to here (10 Apr 20:29 pm mdt)

We've got you on the Team, Sherry.
+34 votes

Flying Dutchmen - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Sign me up

Sign me up for the Flying Dutchmen.

I will join the Flying Dutchmen again.
Caught up to here (April 5)
Ik heb het plan een heel stel naamgenoten toe te voegen ...
This one almost slipped past me somehow.  Sign me up with the Flying Dutchmen once again!
Caught up to here (April 8)
I'll join the team (last minute)
I will join the team. Thank you
Caught up to here (April 10, 8 pm EDT)
+33 votes

French Fries - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
I'd like to join the French Fries Team again for the upcoming Connect-a-Thon.
Caught up to here (March 15)
Sign me up!
Caught up to here (March 19)
I'm in! Please sign me up.
Caught up to here (March 21)
Guess i'm joining in too
Count me in.
Caught up to here (March 29)
Hi, sorry for answering so late, I will join too. I was Captain last time, I can do it again if needed or I can leave the role to anyone who feels like filling in!
I'm in :)
Count me in too !
Caught up to here (April 8)
+33 votes

Germany Genies - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Caught up to here (April 5)
Thanks for joining us, Stephen!
I would love to join the Germany Genies group please :)
Welcome to the team, Ashley. I hope you know, what you got yourself into there?
I would like to join the Germany Geenies again, if possible, please!
Caught up to here (April 8)

Ich würde gerne bei German Genies mitmachen!  laugh

Caught up to here (April 10, 8 pm EDT)
Wir freuen uns, Bonnie
Would like to join   Known ancestor Johann Beerwort Hessian soldier revolutionary war from German. Ahkrallman@gmail.com
+32 votes

Globetrotters - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Caught up to here (March 13)
Go Globetrotters! Count me in.
Of course I will be participating with the Globetrotters!
Caught up to here (March 17) .... and I'll miss you all this time round!

Going to leave my usual team and join up with the GlobeTrotters this time. 

Caught up to here (March 19)
I would like to join the Globetrotters team for my first Connect-a-Thon!
Hi, I would like to join the Globetrotters team!  Thanks and see you all that weekend :-)
Caught up to here
Add me to Globetrotters please
Caught up to here (April 1)
Please sign me up too :)
Caught up to here (April 10, 8 pm EDT)
+38 votes

Grave Guardians - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Please sign me up for Grave Guardians.

Please add me to Grave Guardians team!  SORRY I just realized I already signed up. LOL

Caught up to here (April 10)
Please add me to the Grave Guardians for this connect-a-thon please
Hi Katrina.  Success!  You are on the roster and Welcome!
Just started filling in siblings on many of my ancestors that add CC7 connections last month... Gone up 60+ already!  Plenty more to do!  Look forward to joining my first team!
Caught up to here (April 10, 8 pm EDT)

Welcome to all of the Grave Guardians!!  Thank you for joining this new team.

Please be sure to check out our Team Page and the Discord Channel. If you would like some ideas for what to work on see the Tips page.

If you are not already on Discord, you can see the invite here.

We're looking forward to working with you all!

~Steve, Karen, and Robin 

Is it too late to sign up? I've been trying since Wednesday.
I'm sorry, Melanie, that you missed the cut-off time for the Connect-a-Thon.  I sent you a PM on 10 Apr with some instructions.  I hope it did not go into your spam folder.

You can go ahead and work on connections that will help the "Big Tree".  We hope that you will try again next time!
+32 votes

Irish Seanchaithe - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Caught up to here (April 5)
Please sign me up again, thank you!
Caught up to here (April 8)
researching McGaughran, thank you
Caught up to here (April 10)
I’m in!
Hi I am new to this and don't have alot of Info.

I am trying to find out about my father's Irish side of the family.

Any help would be appreciated. I would love to join the team

Regards Alison Fulham
Caught up through April 10, 8 pm EDT
Sign me up again please ♥️

caught up to here (10 Apr 20:30 pm mdt)

+34 votes

Kiwi Crew - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Sign me up please :)
Caught up to here (March 29)
Sign me up again please
Join me up with the Kiwi Crew please Eowyn.
Please add me to the Kiwi Crew for this weekend's CaT. Thanks!
Caught up to here (April 8)
Add me to the Kiwi Crew again, please!! Norma Bethune
Hi please sign me up for the kiwi crew.
Caught up to here (April 10)
Oh, rats, I could have done a few on Sunday if I’d enrolled. I wish it autoenrolled people on their projects - I think I did two or three profiles by accident during the last one
+37 votes

Legacy Heirs - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
Caught up to here (April 1)
I am having cataract surgery on 4/10, but I will give it a go!

Legacy Heirs, please.
Yes, I would like to join Legacy Heirs for the April Connect-a-Thon.
Caught up to here (April 5)
I might be able to fit some into my schedule that weekend. Count me in! (Legacy Heirs)
Caught up to here (April 8)
I know I missed the last one. I want to join this one. I am getting better. It has been 8 months since my husband passed. I think I can do this now.
Hi, Linda

So sorry for your loss. We've got you set up with Legacy Heirs for the marathon.

Have a good weekend.

Azure Rae
Hi Linda, I just wanted to let you know I just met a lady yesterday at the post office who recently lost her husband, is staying with her friend who also recently lost her husband, so you're not alone. Hugs to you, remember that even doing one thing helps and matters, and thank you for participating. We can do this!
Thank  you
+30 votes

Little Team on the Prairie - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Caught up to here (March 17)
I'm in for this!
Caught up to here (March 21)
I'll come back to the team for the April event.
Caught up to here (April 1)
I am new to this but it sounds like fun. Have no idea of what to do but please add me so I can learn. Thanks.
Caught up through April 10, 8 pm EDT
I believe I've been added to this team! I'm excited! Thank you!
We are checking with the coordinators because it appears you might have missed the cut-off which was 8:00PM ET yesterday.
Sorry, Bryanna, did you not get my message about needing to sign the Honor Code so that you could participate? Azure Rae
+32 votes

Mid-Atlantic US - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
yes sign me up please

I would like to participate with Mid Atlantic. Thanks.

Caught up to here (April 8)
Please add me!
Please sign me up, team mid-Atlantic
Caught up to here (April 10)
Registering with the hope that my tax return prep goes quickly!
I'll add a few.  Please sign me up with any team that's low on members.
Count me in, please!
All entered
+40 votes

Mighty Oaks - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Caught up to here (April 5)
I would like to be on team Mighty Oaks again
Yes please, sign me up
Caught up to here (April 8)
This is my first time doing this I need a hand to hold and walk me through
Yes please Count me in..
Caught up to here (April 10)
Please sign me up for Mighty Oaks
All entered
Please sign me up. Kind regards
+31 votes

Musty Dusty - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Sign me up for Capt. again.
Please count me in!
Caught up to here (March 15)
I feel both musty and dusty (pollen season)… May I join the team? :)

Caught up to here (March 21)
Sign up me up to be on team
Caught up to here (April 5)
I would like to sign up for Musty Dusty this time. Thanks.
All entered
+36 votes

NEWT Team - comment here to join

Comment below to join the team.

More information is available at the NEWT team page.

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
edited by Betsy Ko
I'm so excited about the NEWT team ... sign me up!
I've no idea what I'm doing - but I'd like to join the NEWT Team!
yes ma'am.

I would like to join this team because I DO know what I'm doing!wink

For you new ones, it is a good time to download Sourcer and start working with it.  Getting the settings adjusted is a bit tricky. Learning how to find sources, and then build the sources for you with an AI introduction to each source is also a short learning curve. I'm available to show you how, especially in advance of the event!

WikiTree Sourcer

Awwww, Cousin Dave, it’s nice of you to help the newbies out!!
David, it'll be wonderful to have you sharing your WikiTree knowledge and know-how!  


Caught up to here (March 13)
Excellent Karen!
Yes Kathy! You've encouraged me to dig in, I figure it's time to dive in a little further.
Count me in -- I've never done a thon before, so it'll be a good learning experience.  Thanks for creating this new team, Betsy!
Caught up to here (March 15)
I just learned about NEWT last night and that's my category (here for a while, major confusion) so I will do my best at the "thon"
returnee to wikitree after a stroke please sign me up
Caught up to here (March 16)
how do I know i have been signed up sorry
I have just seen the reply email sorry for wasting your time
I think I'd better join this team, as I'm still new here!

Kimberly, check our connection! I think we are also 10th cousins! The work you did on Frances Rosalia (Price) Latta (1906 - 2003) is some of the best work I have seen on WikiTree.  

Gee, thank you!  I have just finished that biography of my grandmother.  I'm looking forward to finding out how we are related, David!

You're all registered; welcome, Kimberly! smiley

This is the team for me.  I looked at wikitree 4 years ago and was overwhelmed.  Want to figure it out and enjoy the collaboration.
Hope I'm doing this right to join the NEWT Team for the Connectathon. I've been a Wiki Tree member for about a year, but I've only recently started to put effort into my part of the tree. I think this will be a great opportunity to develop my skills and to make more connections to the tree. I see ancestors out there just not connected to them yet.
Hello, I am a complete newbie and would love to join the team to learn more!

Wonderful, Ronda.  I'm so glad you signed up and it will be great to have you on the team.

Hi Arlene,

Connect-a-Thon is a perfect time to fill in the gaps on your branches.  Welcome to the NEWTS!

You're all set, Joanne.  Looking forward to being teammates!

Sign me up!  This will be my first Thon and I'm excited to learn more.
Hello, team Newt! Is there room for one more inexperienced amphibian?
I would like to learn more about participating in Connect-a-Thons, so being on the Newt team seems like a good place to start!

Merrilee Guzzetta

Welcome, N.  Great to have you on the team!

Hi Anne--I see that you just joined WikiTree; welcome!!!  I'm so glad you signed up for the team.  You'll hear more from me soon.


Excellent, Merrilee.  You're all set and I look forward to meeting you soon!

Hi! I am still fairly new and have never done a Connect-A-Thon. Please add me to the group!
Looking forward to learning many Wikitree things.....
Hi Candra,

We're so pleased to have us you with us on the NEWT team; welcome!  You'll hear more from me soon.

Thanks for joining us, Susan!  Looking forward to being teammates.  You'll be hearing more from me soon.


I've been a member for several months, but I'm having trouble understanding how it works. That's why I haven't used the platform yet.
As I should be available during the weekend of April 12, I would like to try to better understand how to navigate to find information on my ancestors and add the information I have.
Thank you
I'd like to participate on the NEWT team.

Tom Atkins

I'll give it a try! Count me in.
I am not "new" to Wiki, but have never tried a 'thon before and it seems like it could be a lot of fun. I would like to to join the NEWTs if there is room. Thanks.
Hi.  I'd like to join the NEWTs. :)
I am interested in joining the NEWT team.
I'd love to be part of the NEWTs. (Pretty sure my first comment was in the wrong place, so I definitely need help getting started!)
ahoy fellow newts! I would love to join the challenge.
Welcome, Amanda!!  You're all set for registration.  Please look for an email from me soon.
Welcome, Helen.  It's great to have you on the team with us!
Hi Donna,

You found the right place and I have you all registered.  Look for an email with more details from me soon.

Thanks and welcome!

Hi, I have signed the honor code as instructed. I'd love to join. Please let me know the next steps.
Hi KC,

Fantastic.  Please look for an email from me (most likely tomorrow) with more details.

Welcome to the team!

I am new to WikiTree and to genealogy. When my mom recently passed, my sisters and I took on the research that she had started prior to developing Alzeimer's. I have so many questions, but potentially have a lot to add to the Global Tree!
I hope to find time to join and learn more about wikitree.

Greetings from Belgium
Just starting  out and love the idea of a "thon" to help me navigate Wikitree. Count me in!
Welcome Melanie, Ludo and Erin!!!  You're all registered.  Please look for an email from me with more information soon.

Count me in, Betsy!
Fantastic, Pat!  I'll send you the team welcome email in a minute.
I would like to join this team.  I have been registered on the site, but have not had chance to actually use it.  I will only be available on the weeknd.  But I look forward to learning more from all the experienced users.

I feel I had better take the plunge and this seems the best team to start with! Sorry missed the pre-thon=session, but looking forward to joining you on Friday - will need some instructions to get started I think. Still trying to get time to sort my profiles for adding from huge pile of papers and photos from Mum's cupboard.
Hi Anonymous,

Thanks for replying and we'd love to have you with us.  Please look for a private message from me (just sent).  You'll receive an email alert.


Welcome, David!  I have you registered.  Please look for an email from me later today.


I'd like to join this team. Need to do some more learning
I'd like to join the Newt Team! My sister, Merrilee Guzzetta, is already on the team. Guzzetta-657
Would love to join!
Welcome Melissa,

We're so glad you joined us and how fun to have sisters on the same team!  I'll be forwarding you some emails later today.


Hi Sarah,

It's great to have you on the team and welcome to WikiTree!  Please be on the lookout for some emails from me later in the day and you'll also hear from one of our NEWT coaches Kathy.


Would love to participate. Only added a few people on my tree so far and very new to this but loving it
New, learning, and curious to see what the connect-a-thon is all about. Sounds like this is the team for me!
I'd like to join the team.  Time is very limited this weekend due to work commitments.   I've been on WikiTree before a few time but I am interested in learning more about WikiTree and my family history as well.  Thanks for the invite.
Welcome, Kate!  Look for some emails to catch you up.  They'll probably come later today.

Hi Rob--"Thons" are my favorite weekends of the year.  So glad you decided to sign up.  I'll catch you up with the team emails that have already gone out later today.


I'd like to join for this weekend. This is my first thon! That's a new noun for me.

Hi Rick,

Yes, you'll find "thon" in the WikiTree dictionary.  wink

Great to have you on the team.  Look for some emails from me later today.



I would be interested in joining. I have been on WikiTree for a while now but never have taken the time to go through the learning curve. Hoping the 'thon will help out with that.
Could I join this team?  I am very new to this
Welcome, Laurel!!  It's great to have you on the NEWT team.  Please look for some team emails that I'll forward to you very soon.

Hi Jeffrey,

We have to have you sign the Honor Code first.  I'll send you a Private Message with all the details.


I'm interested in the newt team. I'm new to wikitree and would like to learn more
I would like to join. I am fairly new go WikiTree and have a lot to learn!
Hello! I’m a newbie to WikiTree, and would love to join your team! I’m so excited for my first thon! I can’t wait!!
+36 votes

Nor'easters - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
I'd like to join Nor'easters for this event please!
Would love to join the Nor'easters again for this event!!
Caught up to here (April 8)
Sign me up please!  With over 400 years of New England roots, I am excited about making connections.
Sign me up for the April Connect-a-thon.
I'd like to join Marathon with your team as most of my ancestors are in the Northeast.
I would like to join this group for the upcoming 72 hour connect a thon
All entered
How did our group do?
As of 7:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time USA, Nor'Easters Team had created 633 profiles by 17 participants.  Not bad! -NGP
+34 votes

Nordic Noir - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
I want to join the Nordic Noir team in the Connect-a-Thon April 2024
Caught up to here (April 1)
I'm in!
Nordic Noir for me please!
Count me in!

Let’s connect connect connect!
Caught up to here (April 10)
Sign me up!
I'd like to join for my first Connect-a-Thon!!
All entered

So excited for the upcoming connect-a-thon! It's nice to see so many familiar people on the team and the addition of some new people to the team. If you have any questions about the even don't hesitate to ask. We'd love for you to join the team chat on Discord or here on G2G. Tell us what you're working on and cheer on other team members during the event.

Our Team page is here: Nordic Noir

The team page will have more information on the Thon and has links to our 2 Discord chats.
Our G2G chat is here: G2G chat

Looking forward to adding profiles to the tree this weekend with everyone!

+36 votes

Northwest Terriers - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
I'm in! WOOF!
Woof, I’d like to join.
Caught up to here (April 10)
Sign me up please!
Sign me up for the connect a thon for this weekend please I would like to be in northwest terriers
Kim, Sarah, Doug, Ravelle and Shawna are all registered.
Thank you!

WOOF!!! WOOF!!! Welcome to Team Northwest Terriers! Team page and chat groups for our team below:

Team Page: Northwest Terriers
Team G2G WOOF Chat: Northwest Terriers
Discord WOOF Chat: Northwest Terriers

All entered
Registration is NOW CLOSED. See you in a couple of days! WOOF!!

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