One tree, two tree, red tree, blue tree

+337 votes

On all the other websites
despite the countless trees
they made me feel alone
and asked for many fees

They offered lots of hints
but never gave a clue
that all of us are cousins
including me and you

They kept me isolated
and said I was unique
for only fifty dollars
I could have a peek...

I knew that it was wrong
and not a place for me
I didn't know what else to do
'till I found WikiTree

WikiTree is different
they don't charge any fee
giving everything we need
and all of it is free

The Honor Code is special
in guiding how we act
in bringing us together
as signers of the pact

Nobody is nicer
than here at WikiTree
always sharing positives
and generosity

I learned we're all related
we share the same big tree
we truly find our family
in this community :)

in The Tree House by Keith Hathaway G2G6 Pilot (640k points)
*claps* Bravo!!!!
You wrote this, Keith?! This is fantastic!
Encore! Encore!
WikiTree now has a poet laureate - great work, Keith!
Keith, can I share this on our Facebook page? :)
What's mine is your's Eowyn... always!

Thanks for being so kind everyone :)
That put a smile on my face. Thank you Keith!
Every word in this poem rings true !
Nice.  Thanks.  Anyone embroider?
I love it, Keith!   And I agree with the honorary title that Gaile proposed for you.

I would love an embroidered (or just nicely printed) version for the WikiTree "office" wall and to bring to RootsTech.

I'm gobsmacked! We are not just a family tree community, we are a community of poets and artisans!
Wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments, Keith, and putting it to rhyme is wonderful.
Keith Hathaway is quite profound
He knows how to make WikiTree sound
he is really great
with words that elate
in his poem that today I have found!
Awesome Paul !
.....crossing the Pacific Ocean, the poetic bug is now being reported from Australlia.....Where will it be heard from next?
Ode to Keith and Paul

roses are blue
violets are red
(the effort to rhyme like you
messes with my head)
....Rocket City, Alabama....maybe it wants to go interplanetary....!
Violets are violet

Now I've lost track

I just love the word


Good work all.
....South Carolina?
Transplanted to Oregon.

And I don't consider what I wrote poetry. :)
Sorry Betty but your four line stanza with the A-B-C-B rhyme scheme counts! :D
I'm betting no one embroiders it.

I'm threading my needle as we write, Betty. Did you want Sky Blue, Sunshine Yellow or (my personal favorite) Forest Green?
I'd like invisible thread please.

*wishes she could see well enough to thread her own needle*

So really love it Keith ! So this ones for you ....Applause !!

This whole thread warms my heart.

Yes it's really making all of us smile and a great poem, uploaded the image here , so you can print it now  (if Keith is ok with people using it that is of course) ;)  

You guys are too much :)

If you wish, you are welcome to stop attributing it to me personally and instead put "by the WikiTree Community"
I printed out Bea's image and hung it on the WikiTree "office" wall. It looks beautiful. I also shared it on Facebook and G+. :-)
That's pretty amazing Bea. So now Keith is a published author.

Well done.

Well Keith you deserve all credit , and who knows maybe you become our own famous poet in no time :D , it's already printed, shared and hanging on the Wikitree ''óffice'' wall, and really it was a pleasure creating this image :)
Hear! Hear!
Well done!!
Guess I'm on the slow boat but this is beautiful, Keith.  And to share it with Wikitree members is exactly what Wikitree is all about!  Thank you!
Can we post this in FB and/or Google and share it?!
You are welcome to Ronald... thank you :)
i weite and love poetry. i love your poem and am new to the site. thank you for sharing!
Absolutely wonderful as you are....thank you!
Lovely - my sentiments exactly!
Very good poem, Keith Hathaway.
Beautifully done. Bravo.
I do, I do, I have an Embroidery Machine...
Nice to see your nice poem still going around Keith. Well done.
What a nice poem, Keith!  I am glad someone asked if they could share it on facebook, because I want to as well.  I will definitely give your name, of course (having been a teacher, I know I should).  I use my facebook page to collect cousins, and promote genealogy research with the reluctant ones.  I also post pictures of kitties and the need for coffee.  I have been telling people about Wiki Tree (especially an actual genealogist cousin), and I think this will light a fire under them.  Of course, I have about 4 online trees, and there are other trees which also are a "one size fits all" variety, but Wiki Tree is best!  (I just wish there was a guidebook that gives an tour of the site, because it is overwhelming).  Again, I thank you for the poem, and you can find it on my facebook page because my page is pretty "open":  :D  Have a great day!
Keith, may I adopt you as my son???  You are too cool for school!  :-)
I don't know what to say... other than what's for dinner mom?

Thank you for the positive words, it makes my day sunnier :)
That was a beautiful poem, someone is a poet and very good I must say......
Simply put very poetical. Love the flow and content!
It's lovely to see a poet like me who's work and creativity just happens to be free.
That is such a truthful poem. Very Good!

  Carrie Allen
It sings !

Richaed G.
How fun, well-written, and true! Thanks for sharing it!
This is so creative and heartfelt! It gives me a hope to finding my distant family.
Wow, how lovely.  I have also written some poetry but never thought about adding it to Wikitree.  Thank you for giving me that idea.
I’m so impressed!  We are all the same family tree. I love that!


A wonderful poem that made me smile!

Thank you for your Poe-tree! 

Ein 100% Treffer - Sehr, sehr Gut!
What a great poem,  you truly  captured how I feel about Wikitree.
After reading your poem, I checked, we're 10th cousins!

Love it! Very creative, and yes, the Honour Code is special.  Thank you for sharing your poem.

I love it! Despite national divisions, there are both red and blue united into one tree. This is so important to remember.❤

It invariably gets me a-buzzin'
When I can discover a cousin
I'd not known before -
And I'd really adore
It when in one year I'd find a dozen!


Cute, I love it! :)

(9th cousin via Simon Gates-40)

laugh Thanks! I wish there were a WT cousin calculator to work out what cousin degree people have between them. I'm terrible at working it out. I know there's the 'Find your connection' link, but it doesn't show which actual number of cousin you are, like Ancestry does.  Unless I've missed it. That would be really nice to have. 

i love it. good job. and true!
Great way to look at it. THANK YOU

What a delightful poem! Thank you for sharing! heart

What a great poem. Thank you for sharing
You want to use the relationship fiber instead of the connection finder for that!

20 Answers

+49 votes
Cheers for the Great Poet, Keith Hathaway!

"Oh the places you'll go, the people you'll see, the fun that you'll have on Our Wikitree."

Cousin (to the nth degree) Dorothy
by Dorothy Coakley G2G6 Pilot (186k points)
And like a wildfire, starting from the American northeast, the poetic bug is now being evidenced from the American Pacific coast......!
Just a little Boll Weevil, a looking' for a home, Vincent.
Thanks, Patricia, That poem by Keith brought a fun set of exchanges between cousins!
+26 votes
Keith, this poem is so wonderful, can I use it in Facebook? I will use your name of course! Lise
by Lise Rodrigue G2G6 Mach 1 (14.5k points)
Hi Lise,

You are too kind, of course you can use it any way you wish :)

+25 votes
I couldn't have said it better! Cousin Keith!  We all have our talents and blessings, so I think we should use them.  Thanks for sharing with us, and you have just made WikiTree a fun place to be today.
by Deborah Dunn G2G6 Mach 3 (31.5k points)
Thank you Deborah, even for a cousin you are too kind :)
+26 votes
As Sister Sledge so succinctly said We Are Family!
I study family in Philly
you know it surely is a dilly
please don't say I'm silly
cause I have nothing else to do really
by Mike Patterson G2G1 (1.6k points)
Nice one Mike!

I saw Sister Sledge play that song at the Global Family Reunion... good thing they had microphones because we were all singing pretty loud ourselves.

Cheers from VT!
+31 votes
I love this Keith and it's soo true too! While I have found a couple distant relatives on Ancestry nothing beats what I have all gained on here. Just earlier this week I almost cried when I had a lady contact me because she saw the profile of my 2nd GreatGrandmother while she was researching her Grandparents. Just to reassure you guys this was a good thing. It turns out her GreatGrandmother was one of the sisters to my 2nd GreatGrandmother and she has a picture of them. My 2nd GreatGrandmother or as I will now refer to her as Lydia died when my GreatGrandmother was 6 so my family doesn't know much about her and we have only 2 photos of her. The one bittersweet thing about this was the lady was wondering if I could tell her more about Lydia because all she knew was the circumstances of her death, it was from the a huge outbreak of influenza in 1918, and that it was always hard for GreatGrandmother to talk about. I shared the little I could remember being told off the top of my head and will share what my mom remembers being told most likely after the SAT. I hope she can help me fill in some blanks in that side of the family or at least tell me what they were like. I know though that without WikiTree I would never have had this opportunity and I'm so grateful for it.
by Amanda Frank G2G6 Mach 5 (56.7k points)
Thank you for sharing your experience Amanda... it is heartwarming :)
What a great anecdote. I love it when those kind of things happen. Thanks for sharing!
+16 votes

laughHumorous, truthful, hilarious, detailed, and uproarious.  Awesome.  heart 

by Jim Martinez G2G6 Mach 2 (21.0k points)
+13 votes
That's wonderful, Keith.  Thank you.
by Mark Weinheimer G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
+13 votes
Perfectly said, I love this!
by Laura DeSpain G2G6 Pilot (433k points)
+14 votes
I liked the poem. Great job. Original post was several years ago but it's still a good read. Also, nice hat tip to Dr. Suess.
by Luther Brown G2G6 Pilot (565k points)
+18 votes
The message in your poem is one that's very true,

Unless you pay a price there is no help for you.

Wikitree the only place to offer a service that is free,

Their mission is to connect people just like you and me.

I've learnt alot about my history, discovered many things,

Answers to my many questions i have found this site brings.

My ancestors that I  discovered through this wonderful site,

Its made me view lots of things in a different light.

Through featured connections I found my family was once a royal line,

And I also have ancestors, the magna carta they did sign.

England, Scotland, France, places that my family once have reigned,

All this information that thanks to Wikitree i have gained.
by Samantha Latimer G2G3 (3.5k points)

Good one! laugh And so true. 

+11 votes

This is magnificent Keith Hathaway!  Love it heart

by Susie Officer G2G6 Mach 3 (39.0k points)
edited by Susie Officer
+11 votes

Your poem are words of truth...nothing but Wikitree for me...and yes we are also related - 11th cousins once removed on the Logsdon line of my family tree.

Thank you for your true and creative words.
by Randi Zurcher G2G6 Mach 3 (32.2k points)
+9 votes

11th cousins, 3x removed

by April Hyde G2G Crew (470 points)
+7 votes
Amazing poem, thank you for sharing.  So true.
by Sally Stovall G2G6 Pilot (129k points)
+7 votes

Oui nous sommes effectivement "TOUS" Cousins et Cousines de branches familiales identiques et cela depuis la nuit des temps ; de Pères et Mères ( et j'insiste sur le mot mère car sans nous les femmes : il n'y aurait pas de Généalogie et on l'oublie TROP SOUVENT à nos propres dépends Laissant au sexe masculin la place D'HONNEUR  smiley  !

Alors Haut les coeurs les amis de Wikitree

 Nous descendons tous du même noyau familial ! 

Nous nous retrouvons TOUJOURS et c'est ce que j'aime dans la généalogie ; ainsi que la partage de données sans équivoque et méchanceté sur le Wikitree !


Votre amie de généalogie Marie Christine dite Cricri 

by Marie Christine LEGRAND épouse DENEUX G2G Crew (410 points)
+7 votes
I like to do "random acts of kindness" favorite is searching for newspaper articles and posting or sending them to the profile managers so they can have them.  I have found many people related to me this way.

Shout out to my cousin Susan Anderson!  She is the best profile writer I have ever seen.  What a talent you have with words and documents.
by Randi Zurcher G2G6 Mach 3 (32.2k points)
+7 votes
Love the poem!

Joe Kellogg
(14th cousins, once removed)
by Joe Kellogg G2G1 (1.9k points)
+5 votes
Love you brother ♥️
by Marta Anderson G2G Crew (940 points)
+2 votes
very well done, love your creativity
by Kiera Funk G2G Crew (380 points)
+1 vote
I pledge thank you
by Miss Keeley Chadwick G2G Rookie (230 points)

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