When "New Ancestry" becomes mandatory, how will I be able to cut and paste sources from there?

+11 votes
Last night, I was "high-jacked" to new Ancestry where I was unable to open up the sources to cut & paste.  I found my way back to old Ancestry but I am afraid that it will soon become mandatory.  Am I missing something?
in Policy and Style by Carole Fisher G2G Crew (810 points)
retagged by Keith Hathaway
This isn't an answer to your question. Have you considered looking to see if FamilySearch has the same record? They are free to access while Ancestry requires a subscription for their collections. Sometimes I just have to use Ancestry but where possible I use FamilySearch.
It might come down to that but all my work is at Ancestry.  I don't really want to change if I don't have to.  I am paying Ancestry for access to all their records. :/
Cut your loses.  Transition out.  Do you want to leave as a legacy a monthly fee your relatives must inherit to be able to enjoy and appreciate all the hard work you're doing for posterity.  The entertainment value of being able to look at interesting things is why is suggest to only transition out.  But the best records for the Wikitree I don't think are the ones that require a subscription to view them.  For me, when I view a profile that has Ancestry.com sources, I just move on.   And for 19.99 a month (if you sign on for a year), I can share with you a list of names of people that agree with me.  :D

I've been trying to 'transition out' of ancestry also. When I first signed on, I didn't realize fully what was NOT a true source, once I did realize, I always skipped those sources.

What I've now found is that some documents don't have full sourcing information on ancestry. I know we don't have to follow common and full formatting structure (like MLA), but book titles, authors, links are a help here in WikiTree. Lately what I've seen on ancestry is that their source information is very vague so it's difficult to use outside of ancestry. The latest is a page from the New England Historical and Genealogical Register with no volume, year, or source numbers listed. That source was a genuine source and page from NEHGS, but I had to search for the title page to find actual source information.

Basically, it seems to me that ancestry is becoming a closed system for much information and is less able to share information that is a hallmark in the world of genealogy.

Like many of you have already stated, the information in my tree is meant for the future - my children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc. I love the focus on accuracy and use of primary (and strong secondary) sources.

The only plus for me on ancestry is that they do have a few (real) sources that I have not (yet) located online (ie: Hinshaw's Quaker Records). Other than that, I'm working my way off of ancestry and attempting to source WikiTree as best I can and make it my new 'home' for genealogy work.

TIP: I've joined the University of Montreal "Research Program in Historical Demography" and genealogiequebec.com (Drouin Records) for my Acadian/Quebequois ancestors, so that takes care of that branch for me. Now for those pesky Quaker resources... :)

Make that $19.59 Vincent, I'll add my name for free. I have access to an ancestry account as payment for my work for transcribing documents for a cousin.

Barbara, I agree with SHARE. I remember the days before Ancestry became a paid site, even before the internet, when we wrote letters and SHARED our info with kindred. Then as the internet started taking off, the 3 biggest users were genealogists, gamers and pornographers. Remember when you had to be careful about clicking on links because it could take you to a porn site or bug-ridden site? I hate to tell you how much data I have lost due to viruses, even with an anti-virus.

4 Answers

+8 votes
I think if you right click & select open in a new tab you can copy & paste.
by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
+7 votes
This is an old question, so maybe you've discovered a way to see the copy/paste version of the source. if not..... when on the image page type the letter s on your keyboard and a box appears on the right, with source information.
by Anne B G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+7 votes
I was told that under your name in upper right corner is a drop down me u that includes a link to "old ancestry".
by Jillaine Smith G2G6 Pilot (924k points)
And if that doesn't work, you can still pull up the source citation for any given image and copy the citation.
+5 votes
There are numerous ways that trees on Ancestry can be preserved; downloaded GEDCOM's can be uploaded to other sites, including familysearch.org, or any software product of your choice (RootsMagic for example). Another way, for Family Tree Maker users, is to 'sync' your trees to the software, all images for the records your tree contains are downloaded too for off-line use at any time; the images can be 'copied' to your computer from the software as well. The fact you can have copies of such things as parish records, immigration records, census records and so on, transferred to your computer through syncing your Ancestry tree to the Family Tree Builder software is avery good reason to buy the software now even though support for it ends in Dec 2016, then leaving Ancestry is made easier.

As for Ancestry, my view is that they tinker with their software continuously causing bugs and glitches which give it's users recurring nightmares at times - there have been some monumental errors caused by their tinkering in my time with them (about 15 years). Their time would be far better spent correcting all the errors in transcription, a far higher proportion than sites like findmypast; getting the location of thousands of individual parish records (Rochdale instead of Royton - it took them well over a year to respond to notification of the error), and entering Christening dates as birthday dates are two examples.

The biggest problem with Ancestry though is, they have the best tree building software available! I tried to leave them but just wasn't satisfied with any other site. So, I have a subscription to findmypast (world) to use when Ancestry lets me down, which is all too often! I have synced all 58 of my Ancestry tree, with copies of all the record images, and downloaded them as GEDCOM's; soon I should be able to leave Ancestry behind. I intend to have my main trees here on WikiTree, but transferring them and adding all the details and sources is almost a lifetimes work. My other trees are for my Guild of One Name studies projects.

I've found that the best source data is from familysearch.org, the other sites just pay lip service to the concept.
by Pete Hudson G2G5 (5.1k points)

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