"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! February 9th - 11th, 2024 [closed]

+30 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

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WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: See y’all in a few days!
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
closed by Pip Sheppard

Welcome to the Wonderful World of the Weekend Chat! And greetings from Cathey’s Creek where the weather has been cool but mild. Two traffic circles are about ready to be built, one at the busiest intersection in our town. We can hardly wait (sarcasm). Maybe it’ll keep traffic moving, I don’t know, but it is going to take a Very Long Time to finish the two projects. Not happy.

On the Home Front: An electrician will finally appear on Monday coming. We have been without our two ovens for about a week and a half now. This is how things go around here… taking forever. I’m hoping the electrician will take a really good look at our electrical boxes just in case something else might be wrong. I think there is, but I ain’t no electrician.

I was able to attend a “clericus” meeting which was held at our church. The annual clericus is a meeting of Anglican priests in our deanery (the Deanery of Appalachia). My mentee (Dutch) and I got to serve at the altar with the dean and sit in on the discussions afterward which was a treat. It was good to see some of the fellas I’ve gotten to know over the years attending various functions.

Dutch was thrilled to get to meet other priests, and he is extremely excited to meet our bishop when he comes for confirmation of three new members, include him… the mentee. I’ve also convinced him to attend our annual synod this fall in Greensboro, NC. He’s thrilled about that, too! He’ll only go as an observer as our delegate attendees have already been pick, Including yours truly.

I’ll be out of the house for a good bit today as my wife has two back-to-back hospital appointments, one of which I have some anxiety about. We’ll see, though the initial exam preceding was good. We are beginning to wonder if it’s Long Covid.

The shoulder is doing well and making great progress, according to my therapists. The range of motion is very good, but there are some moves I won’t do yet. I’m still careful and not taking any chances. Aside from my wife, I have a lot of mamma hens right here in the Chat!

I’m back to reading those deep books which make my brain hurt. The latest is one on the Oxford Movement back in the middle 1800s. It’s a wade-through, but I am learning a lot.

On the Genealogy Front: I’m still working on that Bowie County, Texas, set of Underwood descendants. Slowly but surely, I’m adding them onto WikiTree. I never knew there were so many.

Tomorrow’s anniversary: Mary Patterson Shepherd, my great-grandmother, the one whose mother thought that none of the people in the area were good enough for her kids, the one who eloped, the one who said she’d never be buried in the Shepherd Memorial Cemetery. Yeah, right.

Not much else is going on, so this is short and sweet. I hope all of you are doing well. I worry about some of you (which means I’m praying for you). You are all wonderful people, and I so enjoy reading about the goings on around the world. Be at peace: you are loved!

Enjoy the Chat!

Hi Pip, I am so very glad to read the news from Cathy's Creek and that your shoulder is doing so much better. I am concerned about Mrs. Pip's health issues. 

As to reading, I would rather your brain hurt from reading than you shoulder hurting for rotator cuff problems. Happy anniversary to your kin, Mary. 

Sending you and Mrs. Pip warm Valentine's Greetings! heart

P.S. I am so foggy that I put this response to your post in the wrong place!

Glad the shoulder's doing well. =D
Happy to hear about the shoulder progress! I hope Mrs Pip gets good news today.
Good to hear from you Pip. I just love reading your Post.

Your post resonate with me so much; especially with the electricity. A few years back, our electricity went half out mean that we lost our air conditioning, one fridge, and the stove/oven.  We ended up spending close to 12,000 and had to w=it close to two week to get it fixed, Al thanks to the shifting the driveway.  

Your story about the Bishop reminded me about my one dog. The Bishop was visiting my dad and he wanted to play wit the dog, my dad warned about the dog that he sometimes bites, but the Bishop would not listen. Guess what dog did. He bit the Bispop. The Bishop was ok and all, but it taught the Bishop to listen to me dad.

Glad to hear your should is doing better keep up with the therapy.
Grandview, MO is full of traffic circles; they are accident magnets. Most of the accident reports out of Grandview come from the traffic circles. Even a car going less than 20 mph can get totaled when someone decides you aren't moving fast enough & blow past you pushing you into the 18" curb. That's the wreck that put me flat of my back from 20AUG22 to 23JUN23, my WT Birthday when I started on WT & getting to where I could sit up at all, let alone any length of time. Compression fractures & psoas syndrome are NOT fun!
Today, we are finally having our family Xmas lunch that I posted about and that got cancelled in November.

At the Millcroft Inn, in Alton with many of Robbie’s family. Not only is it a very nice place, it is/was also one of the mills owned and run by Robbie’s family.

35 Answers

+24 votes

¡Buenos días a todos from the Old Pueblo! It is 7am and 38F (3.3C) with an expected high of 58F (14.4C) and overcast skies in Tucson. I am not so fond of this weather, nor is my body.

I will not write this too loudly…the new Dell desktop has been working without incident (thus far). The only issue is that when I have zoom conference calls, it looks like I am sitting in a foxhole and people can barely see me. I add pillows to the desk chair, which helps very little. I either need a booster chair for the desk chair, or a new desk chair that can be adjusted to a greater height. I will have to wait for a bit, though, to save money for a new chair.

Speaking of costs, my utility bills (gas and electric) are skyrocketing, particularly in this colder weather. When these townhomes were built, utilities were lilely quite inexpensive. These past couple of years, though, these costs have really gone up. I got an estimate from a solar company earlier this week. I will be getting a second estimate next Thursday and am contacting another company that installed solar for my neighbor as soon as possible. Everything in my home is electric other than the dual gas/electric Trane unit that is roughly six years old. I chatted with the company that installed the unit (I get the unit serviced spring and fall) and he said the cost of a new all electric unit would not be feasible. Given that I spend most of my time in my office working at the computer during the winter months, I would keep the thermostat at 60F and use an electric space heater for this room. That would keep gas lower and solar would pick up the cost of all the other electric costs, including the electric heater. I also found out that I would get a $3K federal rebate and $1K rebate from the state for adding solar, which would substantively reduce the overall install cost by 35%. With 360 days of sun, solar is a no-brainer.

Speaking of the cold, I firmly believe that the pain is becoming worse in my right flank, fingers of my right hand and, as of Wednesday, severe pain and swelling in my left hand and wrist are likely related to arthritis. I could not use my left hand at all on Wednesday without weeping from the pain. I could barely dress myself, so just spent Wednesday in jammies. I now know firsthand what some of my older adult patients experienced when I was a young nurse. Because of certain medications that I am on, I cannot take aspirin, or NSAIDS (e.g., Ibuprofen) for pain. I cannot really deal with narcotic analgesics, and they do not help anyway. I am stymied when it comes to pain control. I am using various CBD oil and external analgesic products with lidocaine that only take the edge off. I have two appointments next week for massage, which provides some relief for a couple of days. The MRI of the full spine is slated for February 20th and hope that the pain specialist can advise a treatment that will last for two or so months. I got a wrist brace for my left hand and will be back at sourcing this weekend in between working on taxes.

Our nurse sleep research group had our monthly zoom meeting on Wednesday, and we have two new members. It is a lively and engaged group with faculty from Mexico and across the nation. We discussed topics for our next paper and there are two major topics emerging. One is inflammation associated with poor sleep, and the other is insufficient sleep and greater intake of energy drinks and poor diet (i.e. junk food) that contribute to overweight/obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases. This paper would cover adolescents to older adults.

I went through my emails on Wednesday (diversionary tactic from the pain) and was asked by a member of the England Team to oversee Buckinghamshire (the bane of my existence). I am looking into the amount of work that it would require but will likely accept the invitation given that I spend so much time with the Bucks Baldwins and major clean ups on that Baldwin aisle. Earlier this week I spent some time working on profiles for the Whitten family members from Maine. During the Thon, I worked on profiles in Yorkshire. The Yorkshire folk had had family in Boston (the Jordans, of Jordan Marsh department store). The Jordans led to the Whitten family in Maine. It turns out that Chris is related to these Whittens and I got a very nice note from him complimenting me on the profiles (not that I need any further motivation). I am a cousin to some of this Whitten family on their maternal side. Three profiles from this week fought in the U.S. Civil War from Maine. One of them died at Andersonville and is buried in the Andersonville National Historic Cemetery. He was 4 months away from his 18th birthday. I wept…honestly wept and thought of my Uncle Ben who was 20 when he was tortured and killed during the Soyang River Battle in Korea. Damn wars! I will continue to work on the Whitten family as I take breaks from adding sources to the Bucks Baldwins just to maintain what little sanity I have left.

 Pip, as ever, thank you for leading the Weekend Chat. Another week closer to seeing you! I also want to wish all my WikiTree friends and family a great second weekend of February 2024 and a very Happy Valentine’s Day with chocolate hugs and kisses! heart

by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
edited by Carol Baldwin
Carol, Mike has solar panels all over the roof of his house and barely pays any electric. He actually sells his extra back to the power company! The initial cost is rather high, but over the long run he is saving a ton of dough.

Yep, ol' Uncle Arthur (arthritis). I have it in my left index finger and right thumb. Cold weather sets both off so I have to be careful when picking stuff up.

BTW: Believe it or not, I have to use pillows to raise me up at my computer. My adjustable chair keeps sliding down.

I had an Underwood descended cousin who enlisted in the Union Army in Iowa and died at Andersonville. His mom, much later, got that pittance they gave to widows or surviving spouses.

Pip, can you please find out from Mike which solar company he used (if he was the one to install solar)? I really want to get a good company. Yes, the outlay is significant; however, the return on this investment is even better. 

We are twins (as to Arthuritis and pillows). 

It is ghastly reading of the situation at Andersonville. I wonder who has the Sentinels of Andersonville that I sent to Sandy a while back. You were eventually to get it and I think you would like the story very much. it is nice to read a story of a relationship between a soldier from the North and his captor, a solider from the South. It also provides a glimpse of the horrors of Andersonville.

I am reading Sentinels now, and will pass it on when I'm done. (I read more than one book at a time.) 

I'll check with Mike and see what's up.

In my research of solar, I found many companies are not local and provide poor service as a result. Many companies go out of business. If you borrow $$ for the equipment calculate interest, add maintenance costs and don't forget a raise in insurance. Your property value just went up and so did your taxes. If you take the $$ out of savings, pay your taxes and forgo future income on that $$.  They try to oversell and generate more power than you need and will credit your account for rainy days. If you consistently generate more than you use, the power company the power company sells the power you paid to generate and your left with a bill of goods. I talked myself out of it.
I live in a townhouse, there's only four of us. My power bill and gas is really low. Around 90,00 a month and after a year I was offered a flat rate bill and it's only $56.00 a month for power. I'm in the middle of two of the four houses and it really helps. I've never thought about solar because the upfront cost is so expensive, in time I believe the power companies will have to come down on the price so, families can afford it.  


Hi Carol, I do hope all it well,

I hope your hand does get some relief it is no fun having your to be misbehaving. I also wish you luck with your upcoming MRI. If you have any questions please feel free to ask away I had so many of them I think I can give them to myself now.

I can see the benefits for having Solor where you live, but I am not sure about Ohio especially during the winter. We get very little sun up hear during the winter and the going joke usually is what is that yellow thing in the sky.
I can relate to you about the pain. I broke bones several times as a child and now I can feel the rain coming, even if its 50 miles away.  Yes, I was a klutz!

I have a brother in Phoenix and he is loving the cooler weather. He doesn't have to run his a/c.
+18 votes

laughThis Week A New Parody to Remember and honor Toby Keith!crying

Should've Have Been On WikiTree

Sung to the Tune of :Should've Been A Cowboy

Written and Recorded by Toby Keith

  • AKA Toby Keith Covel (July 8, 1961 – February 5, 2024)
  • Released on February 12, 1993, as his debut single
  • On June 5, 1993, the song reached No. 1 on the US Billboard Hot Country Songs
  • “This highway patrolman who I had met on the trip, his name was John, he jumps up. He was probably 45 or 50 back then, and he runs over to this 25-year-old cowgirl. He was going to show that he could bust a move. She turns him down. He comes over, and said, ‘She says she doesn’t dance.’ About 15 minutes later, a young cowboy comes in — and off they go on the dance floor. Everybody was making fun of him, and one of the guys said, ‘John, I guess you should have been a cowboy.’ ”
    • Parody by Dave Draper

Here is the music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIq1LvzSLsk

  • Click on the link and the music should play, then come back here and try to sing along
    • Or, open the link in a new window
  • I Should've Been On WikiTree
  • I bet you never heard of Dillon Marshall till today
  • Miss Kitty, he married, but not until they ran away!
  • Settling down in Smith County,Tennessee
  • Yeah, I profiled both of them on WikiTree
  • Using Sourcer, only took a minute!
  • But, they never tied the knot! His heart wasn't in it,
  • He just stole a kiss as he rode away
  • He never hung his hat up at Kitty's place
  • I should've been on WikiTree, I should've learned to source and write
  • Back years ago when these folks were around and were still alive
  • Profilin' from the start, profilin' Gene and Roy
  • Helping new members along. Oh I should've been on WikiTree
  • I might've had a profile with a funny name
  • Looking wild through the forum at all the names
  • Ending up on the brink of danger
  • Making profiles of the Texas Rangers
  • Get sources young man, haven't you been told?
  • Genealogy's full of stories to be told
  • Make profiles all night of the Movie Stars
  • With a mouse in my hand and a hot Pop Tart
  • I should've been on WikiTree, I should've learned to source and write
  • Back years ago when these folks were around and were still alive
  • Profilin' from the start, profilin' Gene and Roy
  • Helping new members along. Oh, I should've been on WikiTree
  • I should've been on WikiTree, I should've learned to source and write
  • Back years ago when these folks were around and were still alive
  • Profilin' from the start, profilin' Gene and Roy
  • Helping new members along. Oh, I should've been on WikiTree
  • Yeah, I was on Ancestry
  • Yeah, I should've been on WikiTree

Wikipedia Toby Keith Covel Click Here

devil44 Song Parodies Now! The other 43 are HERE! <<Clickdevil

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (3.9m points)
edited by David Draper
How sad, Keith died just recently. You honor him with your song this morning, David.
This an excellent way to pay your respects, David.  Well done.
What a sad day to hear Toby Keith had passed. He seemed to be so down to earth and loved what he did. I saw him in concert around 2001 and it was great! Truly an amazing singer! He will be missed a lot!! Prayers to his family.

Karen Crumpton Franklin
Another great song David. I don't know how you do it. Keep up that great work.
Love this one!! You are talented
+20 votes


Top of the Morning from ‘Little Dixie’. Home of the World Champion Kansas City Chiefs and world renown villains and outlaws. Some media has recently portrayed our beloved Chiefs as villains. Not that I am overly concerned about the perception of the team or the outcome of the game but, I do wonder if it has to do with location or maybe the water. What makes one group of men be deemed heroes and the other villains? I was raised to believe a man is only as good as his word and your reputation will precede you. Most of what is said about the Chiefs is hype for commercial gain as none have made local news for criminal behavior. As for our historical villains and outlaws, they are often known for their behavour that made them  notorious. You know you made outlaw status when they talk bad of you at your funeral and that’s all history tells of your story.

Last week I may have shared some little known or maybe unknown history on Cole Younger, Kit Dalton and Frank James. It’s fairly logical why they chose to fight for the side they did. The alternative would be to enlist in the Union army and finish killing your family or otherwise impede their well being. Growing up in the same county the likes of the Younger’s lived, I thought I knew most of what there was to know yet, I learn new stuff all the time. Probably the Battle of Lone Jack is the most telling of who Cole Younger was at the start of the Civil War. At eighteen, Cole was a man on fire during the battle riding the line making sure the men had powder, caps and balls. Cole made several passes under heavy fire without sustaining any injury. It is said that Union troops were so impressed that several union troops applauded and cheered his bravery. Towards the end of the battle, Cole was sent into a makeshift hospital to protect the injured Union Major Emory Foster. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emory_S._Foster Foster is said to have been critically wounded and a Cpt or Col was hell bent on killing him. Cole removed the threat from Foster at which time Foster requested a ‘favor’. He asked Cole to return his and his brother’s sidearms and approx. $1,000 cash to his family in Warrensburg. Risking his own personal safety, Cole fulfilled this request.

Another such story is one by Sec of War, Stephen B Elkins who met the likes of Cole Younger, Dick Yeager, George Todd and Quantrill himself. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_B._Elkins.

There was a day when some of Quantrill’s men, led by Cole, descended on the town of Pleasant Hill, Mo. In this event, Younger and his men gathered several town folk and locked them in the church before pillaging the town for needed food and ammunition. No shots fired, no one harmed. If this is challenged I will locate documentation. I believe I read that at the Pleasant Hill Historical Society. Harry Truman, whose grandfather served in the CSA, said of Quantrill’s Raiders, they were men forced to make difficult choices in difficult times, or words to that effect. Much is written about his life and times yet little is known about him except his life after he was labeled an outlaw. Coming out of a war where hostilities were every bit, if not more expressed than before, return to a life on the farm was not an option.

by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (380k points)

Here's the profile of the Boyd who was rumored to have been involved with the James brothers.

Interestingly, he was the son of Colonel Marcus Boyd and the brother of The Hon. Sempronius Boyd who both actively supported the Union.

I could not find Boyd among Quantrill's known men, but I'm sure there is no all-inclusive list. Something that jumped from his bio is his negotiation attempt to annex Nicaragua as a 'home for Southern men' would be in line with the Knights of the Golden Circle which James was thought to be part of. Knights of the Golden Circle in 1854 began talk of secession.
Several of the Boyd brothers were believed to have spent time in Nicaragua with the Filibusters.

To be honest, I'm not sure how much of Rufus's backstory was truth and how much was generated to increase his political popularity.
This whole football thinks gets me so angry. In Cleveland now, they are threatening to leave Cleveland unless Cleveland builds them a new stadium. The stadium they use is not that old it, it opened up in 1999. It was stupid of them not to build a covered stadium in Cleveland of all place. Well now they want it covered and they want it closer to the airport. Ohio is cutting services for poor, and the Browns want Ohio to pay for the Stadium Guess I need to call Scott and Kirk again(I got my Ohio Senator and Rep on Speed dial again. and complain once again. Oh in case you were wondering I call my US Rep and US Senator too.
I look at it about like the WWE. It used to be mildly entertaining once upon a time, I am proud to say they have none of my money. It's been years since I have been to the game so I guess I don't care where they are broadcast from. I used to be a baseball fan until they went on strike. I haven't been to a game since. I always find something better to do than that which makes me mad. Besides, I researched beer for years, trying to figure out they could make something so good so cheap. Go to a game and they try to charge what I think beer should be worth, and that left a bad taste in my mouth so no more research. Go Chiefs!!
Buffalo, New York, is getting a new stadium from state tax money too.  Within the past month they paid fans $20 an
hour to shovel snow out of the seats for a game.  There was so much they ended up clearing the aisles, the expensive seats, and people sat in a foot of snow on a lot of the seats.
NOT me!
The Chiefs and Royals are trying to negotiate new stadiums or contemplating moving across the state line into Kansas. I say good riddance, now lower my taxes.
They always raise them never lower them as promised.
Ours literally doubled this year.
When I was in Washington the elected officials staff used to sort mail into for and against. Then weigh the piles. That is why savvy lobbyists used heavy paper or card stock.they also kept stats on phone calls and now emails and other electronic communication.
+24 votes

Greetings from Interlaken, Switzerland

The weather is as usual too warm. It's cloudy but dry.

Till yesterday our son from Peking was visiting us for 5 days but now he went already back to Asia for a congress in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

So we had our familydinner with all 7 members of our small family in a wonderful restaurant with a view over the 2 lakes next to Interlaken and the Bernese Alps. I booked a table for 7 but the owner noted a table for 4 so they had to arrange a bit. All was perfect anyway.

Last tuesday we attended the funeral of the mother-in-law of our daughter near Zürich. She was 93y 4m and since 1972 widowed. She was a very active woman, the first female church-president (1965) in the town of Dübendorf (protestant), member of the municipal parlaiment and founder of several local social organizations.
Hearing her personal history as told by her son and daughter made me realise how important it is to talk to the people when they are still alive. But now being myself already the 'old' generation - we have to talk to the younger people.
On the genealogical front, I concentrate on increasing my CC7. I follow the challenges, but I just look what's going on, the choice of individuals in the Connection Combat is just a bit too US-'Notables' focussed. Sometimes I think we live in different worlds. I do have connections in Canada and the US, but they are not at all notables as we are also just mainstream citizens. I think for becoming more open for the world outside the US a lot has still to be done (and I see a lot is happening in the right direction). But I do enjoy working with WikiTree, and I think WikiTree is the right home for my genealogical work.

Thank you Pip for hosting week after week the Weekend Chat.

by Klaas Jansen G2G6 Mach 4 (50.0k points)
Same here, Klaas: WikiTree is my go to place for preserving my family's history, including all the old stories I heard from my elderly relatives growing up. It's great advice for younger genealogists to get as much information from the living while who I can direct my questions.
Hi Klaas, your comment regarding U.S. notables focused is well taken. The England Team and related teams are doing a great job of advancing connections not only in England, but Wales, Scotland, Cornwall, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia and elsewhere, including adding Notables information about various of their profiles (e.g., Oscar Wilde, Florence Nightingale, James Joyce). As you work on your family journey on WikiTree and come across Notables from Switzerland that you might add to the Tree.

Here are a few from Notables from Switzerland on WikiTree:

Carl Jung: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Jung-608

Jacques Rousseau (whose Notable profile could use some work): https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Rousseau-444

Angelica Kauffman (another Notable profile that could use some work) https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Kauffmann-256

There are several others! Here is a Swiss Notable, who need a profile on WikiTree: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Escher

Thank you for taking note of the need to expand our notables!
Hi Carol, I am not so on notables, and I have the impression, to become a notable in Switzerland, the level is a bit higher overhere. I have noticed your list and I think these people are Swiss notables, except for Angelica Kauffmann, she is Austrian, only born in Chur, but not really related to Switzerland.

Carl Jung is a very nice example of the American/English accent of WikiTree. Carl Gustav Jung has no middle name, Carl Gustav is his first name. And to add II (the second) is not used except for royals etc. Well Carl Gustav is only 26 degrees away from me and he is my wife's 16th cousin - so I should work on his ancestry!

Further is Alfred Escher my wife's 9th cousin 3 times removed.

My main issue is still working on the mass of non notables who also deserve to be recorded and respected.
Klaas, I agree with the strong US focus. A lot of the members are US-based. I am Canadian so at least I often know who the US notables are. The Canadian team often suggests Canadian notables. Hopefully the Global project started by David Randall and other work will help to ensure WikiTree becomes more global-focused.

I so agree. heart 
In the last couple of years I have been recording my parents talking about their lives. When my father died 18 days ago, I listened to the recordings - and my God, am I glad I made them now! To hear his voice is so wonderful. A photograph is great - but an audio recording, even better. 

Frances, in German we would express our feelings after loosing beloved family with my Kondolenz or wir kondolieren, as your family-in-law is from Wiesbaden, you will understand. My parents went already a longtime ago in 1985 and 2000, and independent of age it leaves an emptyness in our life. I think the idea to keep spoken reminiscences of them is very important. I missed it to collect spoken recordings of them, so at least I will try to find my only radio-talk in 1977 to keep this as a part of my biography.
+23 votes
Hello from my very noisy apartment! The housing folk neglected to inform me that the door to my apartment is a fire door and therefore very, very heavy. Too heavy for me to wrangle open while using my walker. After a month and a half of explaining to the building manager that, no, I simply could not come down to the office because the door was too heavy, they ordered that an automatic door be installed. Hence the noise - the workmen are here putting it in. I must say that I am very, very grateful for this. I would never have imagined that the government would foot the bill just so I could get in and out of my apartment on my own!

In other news, we had two days of beautiful sunshine on Wednesday and Thursday. Not so today. Once again it's overcast and very humid. Our temps right now are just a few degrees below Carol's!

While I know that it's frustrating, Pip, I am very proud of you for hanging in there and taking the time to heal properly. And I'm sending positive vibes that your wife's appointment go well today.

P.S. I can't wait to read Chris' blog and to "hear" our newest parody from David!
by Candyce Fulford G2G6 Pilot (122k points)
Well, that IS good news to hear, Candyce, the new door AND you not having to pay for it.

We had sunshine for several days, and like you, today is cloudy but no rain predicted. It's 47°F here, and that is fine with me. Hope your weekend is a wonderful one!

Hi Candyce, good for you 'going to the mat' for a door that you are able to open! What would be the point of a 'fire door' that a person cannot open in the event of a fire!??? They should foot the bill as it is about safety for you and everyone else. Once the work is done, things should quite down. You take care and Happy Valentine's Day! heart

So happy that your apartment is being made more accessible for you!
It is great news that they are fixing you a door that you can manage, and the Government should that for you. After all you did pay a lot taxes for all those years.
+23 votes
After finding many profiles that were sourced in Dec. 2023
not being removed from the New York unsourced lists,
wikitree may be solving the problem after its Dec. improvements.   It will make my life easier to not look for sources and come to find out it had sources from three months ago and they had removed the unsourced category but wikitree had not followed through on the lists.

I have been working on a graduation gift of a quilt for a granddaughter.  She made a doll quilt at about 8 years of age and decided sewing was out of any interest for her, in fact, detested.  She had two sisters make their own quilts and one who has continued by making something every summer with me.  I think she likes the one on one activity, being the youngest and lost in a lot of divorce activity in the past few years.  The graduate has asked me to make her something over the last ten years but I have not done so.  She has OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder, and has been very set in her ways for years.  Every thing is black or white and she seldom will concede her opinion for the truth.
Since the divorce and the mental health instilled because of her father and his family's actions, she has received medication that has helped her tremendously.   She recently saw a charity quilt I had made, made up of around 500 small strips of material in a zig zag pattern.  She asked me again to make her a quilt and I offered her the one I had just finished.  No, there were about ten small strips out of the top she thought were "funky" and that ruined it for her.
I had her go through my material supply and pick out about 30 pieces of material she liked and I have made simple large squares put together for the top.  She is delighted I am making it for her graduation and college gift but has not seen it.  She assures me she will love anything I have made just for her.  I hope she is right.
by Beulah Cramer G2G6 Pilot (574k points)
What a wonderful gift! I sure hope she loves it.
Your granddaughter will so surprised and thrilled! A family heirloom. I've always wanted to learn how to quilt, hope to in the future.

When you are done with the quilt will you take a picture of it and share it with us. I would love to see it. I used to help hang up the quilts for the county fair and I just love to look at them. They are amazing. I would love to quilt as well. She is going to love it.

Hi Beulah I admire your ability to make a quilt. I could knit, crotchet and even did some embroidery but never learnt to quilt as much as I would have liked to. These days I doubt my eyesight is good enough. As Chris said I'd love to see  the end result. I'm sure your grand daughter will love it.
+22 votes

Hi from southern Ontario,

Chez moi/at home: what's been happening here? Number 1 topic is weather, that is winter weather, yesterday it was officially 5C, 41F but on my back patio in the sun it was 10C, 50 F, today the forecast is 10C, (at 10 am it is already 10C) and on the patio it could easily be 15C or 60F or higher in the sun. We have no snow, what little there has been has melted, we have above normal temps forecast for the next 10 days. I can go out on the patio without a Toque!

The one bonus of the warmer than it should be weather is that the rabbits are eating the grass not the bark off my trees and shrubs. Normal temps at this time of year are daytime high below freezing at about -2C, night time low about -16C. February is usually the snowiest winter month, with about 15 cm of snow, though last year we were breaking records with 17.5 cm on one day. 

Later today we are going to ride the new bikes to Osprey Marsh and back, about 6km round trip. 

WikiTree and family history: The Gooderham family of Alton are now complete. 

And now I’m going back to the Morris family, one of the most complicated and conflated families I have run into, not on WT but definitely on FS and Ancestry. Immigrant ancestors for one branch are Edward Morris and Elizabeth Hughes both born in England. There are at least 2 Morris families in the Alton area, perhaps 3. And of course, they all have the same first names. Edward, Joseph, John, with Martha, Mary, Margaret and Elizabeth added just for fun. And of course, some of the wives have the same names as their mothers in law. 

I researched the Edward Morris and Elizabeth Hughes descendant branch about 18 months ago. She was born in 1780 and married in 1811, died in 1870 at 90. There are baptism records for 4 children all baptised on the same date 21 April 1833 in Mono, Ontario, with WowWee their birth dates, from 1819-1826, sponsors their parents and a sister Mary. Those baptism records prove they were in Canada in April 1833. There are baptism records for possible other children born in England after their marriage in 1811, they may have died young or may not have accompanied their parents to Canada as they might have been married with their own families at the time their parents emigrated. 

Some of the ‘other’ theoretical children were born long after she was 40. The first Canadian census was in 1851, the record for the parents does not include their children which makes sense as all of the children shown on the baptism records would have been adults and no longer living with their parents. There are census records for people who could have been children of Edward Morris and Elizabeth Hughes. Unfortunately, other records such as marriage records in the 1840s for those children do not include parent’s names, this is not unusual for the time. It is going to take quite some time to make any progress on this family. I might put it on the back burner and work on other family groups. 

Plus many thanks to Cindy Cooper for connecting my grandchildren's paternal grandmother  https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Beaulieu-1106 to her Acadian ancestor https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Goguen-10 and his ancestor https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Hudon-88, born about 1620 in France, and reducing my unconnected list by 1 profile!

What else: Tucson holiday plans are progressing with a possible/probable meet up with Carol Baldwin and Cindy Cooper. 

Summer trip: I have to check on ferry schedules and am hoping the summer schedule is now available. 

by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (756k points)
Sounds like you are going to have some fun this summer. I would like to go to Johnstown PA to visit my parents at the graveyard, and visit my aunts and uncles (on my mom's side) none of them are doing well, and it would be good to see them.

M, we have had ZERO snow this year, but I still have hopes. No snow since2021-22 winter. Until then, we have had at least a little bit of snow.

"And of course, they all have the same...' This sound all to familiar. In my area is seems there were two Beaty families, and I can hardly tell who belongs to who. (I usually work it out, but it takes some digging.) James, John, William, Robert....

+22 votes

Virtual Vacation !

In 2010 we drove from home (northwest of Toronto, Ontario) to Yellowstone National Park and back again total distance about 6500 km. after rounding the south shore of Lake Michigan we drove to Cordova, Illinois then to Dubuque, Iowa following the Great River Road to La Crosse, Wisconsin where we turned west. The road is almost completely flat, farms on both sides of the road with red farm houses, black and white cows and fields of sunflowers 

These are photos I took along the Great River Road. 


This overlook is on Hwy 52 Guttenberg, Iowa, on a wooded bluff above the Mississippi River.



Parts of the river were almost stagnant in September.


This is the dam at Dubuque, Iowa with apparently one of the world's largest rolling flood barriers ( the red things) in the world in 2010.


And then after about 700km you arrive at the Missouri, west of the Missouri where everything changes, yes the land is still farmland but really it should be called prairie, and might be called prairie by area residents, as soon as you cross the river, signs on the road say ‘free range cattle no fences’ the ground is rolling and not quite so straight. And there are beef cattle everywhere.


by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (756k points)
edited by M Ross
Are there fences to keep the cattle off the highways in more populated areas or are you on your own?

I know this place!  Looks like I remember it!  Thanks for sharing!yesyes

I don't remember seeing fences of any significance except around intersections that have gas stations and fast food places.

Just looked at it on Google Street view and some sections do have those flimsy wire mesh fences that are about 30" tall, and any beef cow could just push it over if they wanted to.
Thanks for sharing, beautiful pictures!

Have you ever been out east?
Yes Chris, Eastern US, yes to South Carolina, North Carolina, Cape Cod, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Upper New York state, Cape Hatteras, the outer banks.

Eastern Canada, yes, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland.

This summer we will be spending 3 weeks in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, the Gaspe Peninsula and Quebec City.

That's why I have to check on ferry schedules from St John New Brunswick to Digby Nova Scotia, last time I checked a few weeks ago the summer schedule was not yet available.
But not near me :( Unless you swing by Ohio. I loved PEI it was great.
It's about 4hrs drive from my house to Toledo, much closer than the 14 hours to New Brunswick from home!
+19 votes

Checking in from Wonderful Bloomington Illinois!...where I might have to mow my yard!surprise

Home Front:  Party planning for my 15 year old High School graduate is coming along...O.K. sort of!  Everybody nerves are on edge.  Family arriving this weekend and mid week so we are cleaning the house and stocking the fridge !

Next, I start my new great retirement job MONDAY! Now I have two great retirement jobs (3 if you count trying to write a book)  

Review: I work for my son, walking wealthy neighborhoods hanging door tags to generate new window cleaning jobs. It's sounds bad, but it is really kind of fun and I get a lot of walking in, which makes my doctor happy, but I am laid off until March. This marketing really WORKS!  

Then, a gentleman starting a new sign shop tracks me down and finds me on WikiTreee...which is scary. He wants to buy some of my old equipment and put me to work getting his new shop set up!  This actually may be full time for a few weeks, right at the time when family are coming in to visit for the party!  And because it is also our 50th wedding anniversary, this is probably bad timing!sad

When the dust settles, I might be working two part time jobs and I'm thinking: retirement is supposed to be fun. right?  At 71, I can still get around pretty good, so we will see how it goes over the next month.  That being said:

The Book:  Didn't write one new sentence all week!  I have been polishing the first 3 chapters.  I'm asking for "Beta Readers"  to give me critial thoughts if the 1st three chapters are captivating enough to want more!  I am writing the novel in a program called Living Writer!  But the "Beta Readers" will read it on WikiTree Free Space pages being set up.  1 free space page for each chapter.  I will put them on the "Trusted List" and they can read at their leisure and post their thoughts at the bottom of the page of each chapter.  No time limit.  I won't know who says what, good or bad. The goal is to get the book completed by May or June.  

Writing the book is actually easier than finding a publisher.  Self publishing is even worse as one generally has to spend 14 hours a day promoting it through every social media platform.  Writing this book is on my bucket list, and I will finish it, if I live long enough, and if nothing ever comes of it, you can read it on WikiTree!laugh I have to be creative.  It's in my nature!  NO, never stops me...when it probably should!  

Oh, Beta Reading should start around March 1st, anybody and everybody is welcome...it doesn't pay...at all!surprise Sign up by sending me a private message.

Genealogy Front:  Couldn't sleep last night, so I clicked on "Random Profiles" in the wee hours of the morning and found dozens of profiles without managers and updated them with bios and sources.  I'm now in the February 1 K Club!  I'm going back to bed, now!surprise

Enjoy the chat!  Thanks PIp for hosting!  I read everybody's posts, but don't always leave a comment...but I enjoy every one!heart

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (3.9m points)
edited by David Draper
Sounds like you are going to be busier than ever with your 3 jobs.

I’d love to write a book also but I can’t seem to come up with a good idea or plan. I think that I need to just start writing more in general. I do read.
Back in the days of letter writing, my aunt kept telling me I should write children's books.  I was an elementary school teacher.  I never had any good ideas or the inclination to believe her.  After reading your trials with such a better idea and modern facilities I can honestly say I saved myself a tremendous  amount of hassles.
Did you know that if you run the Bio Check app and pick How to find profiles "Check random profiles" that you can keep yourself busy for hours.
Wow the 1k club. That is great!.  Best of luck with the book. I am not much of a reader and I am lucky to get through nonfiction books. What is the book about?
David, my sister does exactly like you, for her son, in British Columbia.  She gets her steps in by hanging door tags to advertise their services, which in the fall, was hanging Christmas lights.
Hi David Wow 1 K already. I'm struggling to get 300.

What is you book about?
Is it fiction or instructional?
If it's fiction is it in a modern or historical setting?

It seems quite a few are getting curious about the story I am attempting to tell.  I think the best way to explain it is to write a trailer on a Free Space page and post the link on my profile page.  I'm asked by several," What is the book like?" If you have seen the movie: News of the World with Tom Hanks, who is trying to return a young girl to realiives, after being kidnaped by Indians, the emotional trauma the little girl is going through is similar to what my 2nd great grand mother went through, but the issues of slavery and the underground railroad all mixed in with a gun battle and a chase, the irony of be in the right but breaking the law at the same time....this is one complicated story!surprise

*Historical Fiction

Western action adventure (Revolutionary War to the end of the Civil War.

*Family History

*Underground Railway"

*Slavery, abolitionists fighting with the Knights of the Golder Circle"  

*A romance story between my 2nd great grand parents.

*Struggles with depression. anxieties, PTSD and all the trauma of a little girl being orphaned at age 9 and taken away from her siblings.  How she gets though it!  

Oh, yeah, forgot about the slave rebellion on the plantation, how she (2ndGG) helps a runaway slave to escape, but he is the one who gets the blame for "kindnapping" a white girl...then the chase to meet up with a wagon train full of Quakers heading to Indiana.....Oh, this is a fun read!wink

Yeah, I would do everyone a service by writing a trailer.wink

Wow!  There's a lot happening in that book!

Good for you.
+24 votes


Well, it finally happened. After three years avoiding the human malware, I got Covid. My three year streak came to an end. What happened was my dad went to a meeting and came back with microscopic friends. So, now I am laying down and relaxing. 

Obviously I don't have a blog this week. Maybe once I feel better I'll post one for this week and next week's 52 Ancestors just to catch up. We'll see. The symptoms are really weird for me. Like I don't feel stuffed up or "sick". Just icky and really tired. I have coughed a bit and have been taking medicine and drinking fluids. The weird thing is that it's hard to stay sitting up for a while.

But, I should be okay. I do have some genealogy news though.

I woke up the other day and got a photo hint for Antonio Gatto, a guy whose birth doc I haven't been able to find in San Pietro a Maida. My friend Vanessa may have unknowingly found him in nearby Nicasto (later Lamezia Terme).

She has the Antenati link and everything:


Odds are good that it's the same Antonio Gatto.

Anyway, how should I rate this bug? -15,000/10. Would not recommend.

by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (783k points)
Chris, I hope you feel better very soon.

We, DH and me are the only adults we know who haven't had Covid, some friends have had it several times and they were vaccinated.

We have had 5 vaccinations and so far it's working well, or maybe it's because we don't and haven't usually in the past gone out to crowded places.

heartTake care, cousin!  I can't imagine a world without your blogs!heart

I really hope that you feel better soon Chris! Keep up those non-caffeine fluids. I’ve had Covid once, brought home several years ago by my son who works in a grocery store. I had one really bad day then I was mostly just tired for a while.
Get well soon! God forbid, I'm going to get COVID at some point in my life and it will wipe me out of commission. So far, my husband and I haven't gotten it...yet. Drink lots of tea.
Get better soon, bud. We exorcised the demon a few weeks ago. The wife was sick as a dog, but I was asymptomatic. That was the third time we've had it.
Thanks, everyone! :)
Hope you feel better soon. I had the bug twice the second it reboundedand came back on me again. Nasty  bug.
Yeah. Pretty sure I can taste the number blue.
Update: Feeling better tonight. Trying not to push it.
Hey Chris Sorry you're not well. Glad to see you're feeling a little better. I'm the only one in my family who hasn't had it. Mum was the first at the height of the pandemic in hosptial with something else. She tested positive but didn't feel a thing on the other hand the nieces all got it at different times and got "decked"
We haven't had it either - but we decided not to go for the experimental mRNA therapy, and neither did my elderly parents-in-law, whom we care for.
All those I know who have been jabbed have had the lurgy several times, or have been weakened in their immune system; an uncle died, a brother-in-law has been permanently injured with myocarditis, and my sister also has heart issues. Excess deaths up everywhere in countries with a large 'vaccine' uptake. Big elephant in the room. Insurance companies are very worried.

Do hope you feel better soon, Chris. x
Chris, I am so sorry about your and Uncle Covvy meeting up. I met him about a year and a half ago, and it was not a pleasant meeting. It was less pleasant for my wife, who may have the long version of that. (Her CT scan came back all clear on Friday!)

It ain't the same without the blog!

@ Pip: I'll see if I can get two blogs up to catch up. I like writing and I have a lot to talk about. =D

I hope your wife feels better now. Not a fan of Uncle Covvy. Might have to have him meet Uncle Wade.

+20 votes
Howdy folks! Greetings from a mild central Oklahoma USA!

The weather has been 60s and 70s during the day, which is awesome, and it's supposed to stay that way until Sunday. Depending on what meteorology site you look at, we could have anywhere from a dusting, up to six inches of snow. Then back in the 60s by Tuesday. Meh.

The only problem with the snow, is we are traveling to Durant, OK to the big casino so Brook can attend the executive meeting for the OK Emergency Managers. The conference is next month, so they are meeting with the casino folks and vendors, getting things ready. The casino is putting us up for the night on Sunday, so we get to watch the Super Bowl while we are there. Hopefully the snow won't be too bad.

Tomorrow the grandgirl and the others are coming over, and I am so excited as we haven't seen them since Christmas. I'm making my great grandma Rosie's cabbage rolls. I haven't made them in a while, so I'm looking forward to that.

Today would have been my Pop's 80th birthday. Sure do miss that guy.

Pip, I'm glad your shoulder rehab is going well, and thanks for being the host with the most. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Until next time.....

by John Vaskie G2G6 Pilot (223k points)
Wild ride on the weather there, John. We've had the same swings in temps but without any snow, just lots of rain (not everyday).

How is it that Brook is always on the move, and you and I are usually just sitting at home doing whatever?
+17 votes
Sitting at my daughter's house in Laramie, Wyoming.  Daughter and son-in-law went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras.  So, we're here taking care of our grand daughter and a couple of dogs until Wednesday evening.  Grand daughter has several basketball games this weekend back where our house is ... so, we're driving back home after school lets out and hang out there for the weekend.  Then, Sunday, it's back to Laramie for the school week.  Just an easy 75 mile drive unless it snows ... the road goes up over 8000 feet or so.  Ah, the things we do!!

Was alerted to the standardization of Succession box formatting.  I had several lists of Canadian politicians (premiers, mayors, etc.) whose profiles used an old, non-standard entry.  So, I spent several hours/days converting them over to the standard form.  Turned out to be not so hard and they do look much better.
by Bob Jewett G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
Hi Bob "standardized Succession box". I've done quite a few of those over the years for premiers of different states of Australia. I hope they fit the new standard. I haven't hear anything.

Quality time with the grand daughter is always a good thing. And you sound like a good grandparents. Have fun
Ah, Bob's back to traveling, watching better sporting events that can be found on TV. Good for you, Bob. Enjoy your trips!
+18 votes
Hello and good morning from Everett, Washington, where it is warm enough that frogs are singing in the marshes.

I was considering working on a quilt this morning, but, Beulah, I too have OCD and it feels like every scrap I look at can't just be slapped together with any other, but must be saved for project xyz. When I look at an improvisational quilt in progress, I often change my mind due to something that doesn't look right. That and the issues with the looping on the underside has really slowed me down from quilting.

Wikitree, on the other hand, goes much faster. I saw that I had passed the 300K G2G points mark over a week ago, and today, thanks to Dieter, all kinds of congratulations. I am still finding ways to increase the CC7.

Yesterday I met with a Historical Society board member who has expertise in engineering and we discussed cemetery maintenance. I wrote an article, about 500 words, about the grave marker that needs TLC the most, and could be fixed in a day or two by a crew that just needs to mix up some new mortar and replace the old mortar on the marker. The marker presently moves like a loose tooth. We are also looking for funding to replace the gallery deck on the lighthouse tower. Scaffolding will have to be erected, which really drives up the cost.

On Sunday I am going across the water for a game night with my "drinking buddy" and her grown children, who will role play while I am listening to the Super Bowl on the radio and taking a nap from all that wine...

Wednesday is Ash Wednesday AND Valentine's Day. I'm thinking of giving my husband a candy heart that says "Remember U R Dust." I'm the hostess of a live public speaking club meeting that day and we're all supposed to distribute Valentines.

Pip, keep slogging through that Oxford Movement stuff. Read Cardinal Newman.

We are thinking now of taking our dog Billy with us when we visit Oregon in April. On Tuesday daughter and I took him to Silver Lake Park where he had a good time and met another dog. But today he didn't want to go to the end of the block. Just getting him used to going out and seeing new places is helpful. We've asked around  the neighborhood for dog sitters, who own other members of his family, but no one can help us.

Recently, scanned and digitized copies of the Everett Herald (1901-1907 and 1915 through the 1920s) have come online through Newspapers.com and husband is eagerly going through them for any mention of Mukilteo. He shared these with the assistant police chief who was the speaker at our meeting last night. He also gave him a PowerPoint history of the Mukilteo Police Dept.

Back to the creation of profiles for connecting the Super Bowl heroes. Stay warm and well.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (328k points)
Margaret, are your bobbins the right size for your new machine?  I bought a new machine because my 60 year singer 403 would not hold tension any more.   My new one has to have a different bobbin, taller than the old ones.  The directions give a bobbin full of holes but solid clear plastic ones came with the machine and do work best.  Plus the bobbin thread comes off backwards to the normal way and I have to be very careful threading it. I know you are too experienced a sewer to not follow directions but if it is a used machine you may not be aware of this.  Mine has the printed direction maps on the body of the machine as well as in the directions.
It is so annoying that every manufacturer uses a different size bobbin. I m using the one that came with my brand new Pfaff, solid clear plastic ones.
Then I wonder why the underside loops.  I know how frustrating it is for you.  I had my old Singer in the repair shop
several times before I gave up. I still miss it.
Margaret are you referring to Cardinal Newman. John Henry Newman CO 21 February 1801 – 11 August 1890?

My dad's first cousin Marie B Rowlands born 1932 and still living was Emeritus Research Fellow and former Head of History at Newman University, Birmingham, England studied the cardinal's life and history and has written many books about religious history in England from the 1500s to the 1800s.

I got a new sewing machine a few years ago, maybe this summer I can learn to sew again.I didn't know they used different types of Bobbins. guess I got a lot to learn.
Chris, some of the chain stores (Joannes is one) sometimes run sewing lessons for beginners.  When you have future time you might find one.  It used to be that the store that sold the machines always seemed to run one but times have changed.  You might also check, if you live in the United States, if your state has a Cooperative Extension unit.  They also do run a lot of teaching sessions for a lot of subjects.
They have free classes at our libraries, but they are the ones to fill up first.
Margaret, I am going to do just that: Find stuff written by Cardinal Newman. I have come across some of Edward Pusey's writings, but only quoted in some books I have. I'd like to see if I can also find some of his publications.

I've already set myself up for Lent and am looking forward to Ash Wednesday, and our weekly Stations of the Cross. The version we use is one where the focus is on Mary's reaction to all the events along the way. It is beautiful.
+17 votes
Hello from Ottawa, Ontario! The weather has been unseasonably warm lately. We should have a ton of snow but we only have a couple inches in the backyard and we are expecting rain tomorrow.

It’s almost my birthday (59th) so my daughter and her boyfriend are coming up from Kingston tomorrow to visit me and take me out for supper. Then on Monday, my actual birthday, my son is coming over and will likely take me out for supper. (He has to work while my daughter will be here.)

One of my friends has a birthday the day before me and her kids are throwing her a surprize party tonight so I will be going to that.

Genealogy: I’ve been busy working on a couple of things. I have 10, soon to be 11, items done for my 16 for 16. I have spent some time RAWKing, and I have been working on cleaning up profiles from a 2010 GEDcom. It’s so old that the AGC is unable to clean up the junk so I have ended up deleting all of it and starting the biography from scratch.

Have a great weekend and upcoming week everyone! (((Hugs)))
by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (402k points)
Happy Birthday Liza hope you have a wonderful day. Having 2 different suppers makes it last longer.

Congratulations with 10 almost 11 tasks for the 16. Well done. Are you going to do Rootstech task? A colleague asked me yesterday if I was and all I thought was "What do I have to do" - guess I'll have to have a look. The old GEDcoms can be a pain but I'd often rather start from scratch.
Liza, my wife's b-day is one week after yours. Our eldest daughter contacted me yesterday and wants to surprise her mommy with a visit. Hard to keep a secret ut I am going to try my best. I will have to turj down all of my wife's suggestions for activities during the weekend. Happy birthday to YOU!
+18 votes
Pip it is always so good to hear from you. I can commiserate with you, we have a major road project that has gone on for at least 1 year and likely be a year yet to finish.  Like you said is very much needed.  I am also involved with another major project we want the city to address by one of our High Schools. With traffic and school buses, it is difficult for many people to get on the main road. They need at least a 4 way stop, but a light would be preferred.

That is very interesting about your church and the meeting of the Priests. Thank you for sharing.

Glad the shoulder is doing better. Yes take it slow and easy and it will get there.

Took my brother for an echocardiogram yesterday, thinking he may get stints. After the echo, they did three additional tests. Yes, you guessed it, at least a triple bypass is being scheduled.

Earlier this week one of my friends who I am his Mental Health Caregiver, tested and has slightly worsened.  It has been the week for doctor appointments.  Mine for the sciatica was to be yesterday. It was canceled and rescheduled for 2 more months, due to the doctor's family emergency. That set me off big time. I have so much pain at times I can't do anything, and I hate pain pills.

I keep busy with the genealogy, it is great for the mind. I was able to get into WikiTree Academy again so reviewing some of the things I have forgotten.

Have a great weekend everyone. Hugs to all.
by Alice Thomsen G2G6 Pilot (248k points)
Hi Alice sorry to hear about all the health issues you are your family are having. I understanding about road construction they always do that here, except during the winter. On the bad day swe see the salt trucks and on the warms days we see them fixing all the holes they created with the salt trucks.

In the summer that is when we see the road construction crews out except in Green where they keep on making those stupid Round Abouts.  They almost have one at every intersection.

I hate when doctors reschedule appointments; especially when they don't tell you about the change. Don't you just love doctors?
Thank you, Chris. Yes, It makes me mad when they do these reschedule, especially since I know there is a surgeon-partner.
Oh no! Alice, I am so sorry to hear about your brother!! Keep me poste4d on this. I'll have my church praying for him.

I'm with you on pain pills. My back went out a few days ago and had to take 1000 mg of Tylenol. I lay on the floor for about 20 minutes until I could get the courage to make the attempt at getting up and making it to the medicine cabinet. I really hoe you can get that sciatica taken care of. I feel for you.
+16 votes
Pip glad you are feeling bettr sending prayers for yor wife.  I have two close friends with long covid  I have several links to studues on it let me know if you want them
by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (842k points)
Laura, I would really like to see those studies if you have the links. It'll help me to understand it better. I think I have a very light version of it, but my wife is really suffering with it, we believe. She's calling her GP tomorrow to set up another appointment. The CT scan came back clear!
Will send to your direct email
+18 votes
Hello WikiTree Cousins!

We've had "false spring" almost all week here in north Georgia with mild temperatures and sunshiny days. Today is still mild, but the sun is behind the clouds. Rain, which we need, is forecast for the weekend.

Not too much exciting going on in my personal life. We got our tax returns prepared yesterday and I got my RSV vaccination this afternoon. Because I haven't had internet access I've done some reading for pleasure. I'm currently reading "The River We Remember." It's a novel set in 1958 in Minnesota. I'm enjoying it so far.

As mentioned, internet issues have persisted this week. I've read my provider is doing some maintenance. This has prevented me from working on genealogy as much as I would have liked. One good thing happened, though, and that is that I made a connection between a profile I created and one which already existed which caused my CC7 to jump by 37 at once.

Hope you all have a happy weekend!
by Nelda Spires G2G6 Pilot (576k points)
Hi Nelda Well done done on the connecting and an increase of 37 at once is fabulous.
Our weather matching again, Nelda. Same temps and our rain started yesterday and lasted through today.

We are still waiting for all our tax forms to come in, so our preparer's appointment is not until March. I'd rather get it done earlier than later, but there's no pushing it.
+19 votes
Well I managed to connect up a lot on unlinked profiles this week and connected a Wikitree Family Member to the main tree. Unfortunately I couldn't connect her to her Grandparents who were already on Wikitree due to privacy settings in one way. She got connected via her other grandparents though.

I am also having success with the 16 for 16 Mission challenge with 6 people having completed 16 missions so far and receiving the sticker
by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (455k points)
Great job on the connections!

Six people are finished already! Wow! I thought that I was doing well having 10/16 completed so far.
6 people already done? Wow I am barely got started. How is everyone getting so much done so fast?
If people are regularly sourcing profiles or working on cemeteries for examples they could do some missions very quickly.

We had a few get completed missions for Connect-a-thon, trying out the WBE (Wikitree Browser Extension) or Wikitree Sourcer or doing stuff on their personal profiles or creating a Free Space page.

There are Easy tasks and Hard tasks that are relatively to people's usual Wikitree experience. The first claimed sticker person did a variety of tasks.

What is important though is improvement in the tree which happens no matter how fast or steady a person may work.
Hey Chris I'm one of those 6. I'm running a monthy connectors challenge this year and found that a number of the tasks fitted in with what I'm doing so the first 16 was easy. I found that anything I do normally will fit into one of the tasks it's just a matter of remembering to log it

Hey Darren I thought I'd give myself 3 months for each of the first 2 sets of tasks and 6 months for the last as most third tasks are twice as long. Turns out the connectors challenge cut down the time for first set considerably.
+13 votes

On this day:

1513: The Portuguese explorer Pedro Mascarenhas discovers the Mascarene Islands

1861: Jefferson Davis is named President of the Confederate States

1874: The French Historian Jules Michelet dies

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)

I will take Jefferson Davis!  But, what you didn't know:

heart1st wife Sarah Knox (Taylor) Davis 1814-18350 is my 12th cousin!heart

heart 2nd wife Varina Banks (Howell) Davis (1826 - 1906) is my 18th cousin!heart

Sarah Knox Taylor 3c5r

Wow! K!  You can go to family dinners!surprise

I don't know, they might have been less impressed by grandpa marrying in than they were with old Jeff.
Late Friday night, when I finally found some time on this busy weekend, I read up on Jules Michelet. Thanks, Professor!
+17 votes
life here is quiet as we wait for super bowl fun.  Go Chiefs!  

On a happy note, my grandson got his cast off and is now back to normal little boy ambulation.  Waiting to hear if my granddaughter got her cast off today.  We have been a family of wounded.  One broken leg and one vroken arm.  Winter ice was not kind to my littrle loves.  I lent my wheelchair to my grandson who loved being able to be wheeled around.  Gave my granddaughter Hogwarts game.  She loves it.  Gave her something she could do with one hand.  Healing over Holidays is a bummer per my grandchildren.

snow was in forecast for Monday but it is all clear now.  I hope we are done with winter.  It is 67 right now and overcast.  I will take 67 any day.  Much bettewr than the negative wind chills we had in January.  I will take heat over cold any day.
by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (842k points)
Hi Laura Ouch for the grandkids at least it sounds like they're both on the mend. I like the sound of the Hogwarts game.

Sounds funny to say I've never seen real snow. We decided once to drive up see see some up in the hills years ago but by the time we got there it had melted so I still haven't seen it in anything other than pictures.
snow is generally fluffy and you sink in when you walk on it  ice is hard and slick and unforgiving
I bet your wheelchair was a new toy for your grandson, Laura. IO would have thought so at his age.

Heat over cold.... yes, for both me and my wife!
Yep great fun to have Grandpa push him fast. They did the Stl zoo one of top in the world. And he had The map and would tell Ron what he wanted to see next. He called to tell me about the cheetahs and the baby orangutan and they dropped off cards he had made for a sick giraffe and the baby. Orangutan to the keepers. So it was was a fun day despite not being able to walk

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