FREE NEHGS Webinar: 1/25/24 Writing a Register-Style Sketch

+6 votes
in Genealogy Help by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
I strongly recommend this course.

Writing for NEHGR was one of the best ways I experienced to strengthen my research skills.

And even if you never intend to publish an article with them, learning HOW to do so will really be beneficial.
Thanks for the notice!
Hi Jillaine! Thank you for your feedback! I took Boston U's genealogy course, which included 'proofs' (sketches), and took a semester long course in writing proofs and sourcing. I totally agree with you that actually writing and learning HOW to do so is extremely helpful. Thank you for all that you do!
@Michelle, you are welcome. I have signed up as I can never get enough learning as to sketches and proofs.

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer

Writing Register Style NOW on YouTube.

Title is the link.Review - review -review.  P.S. I've been "Registered" by Helen Ullman so can answer some questions.

by Robert Gerrity G2G6 (6.6k points)
edited by Robert Gerrity
+5 votes

"Writing a Register-Style Sketch

Thursday, January 25, 3:00-4:00 p.m. ET

Presented by Kyle Hurst

Do you have notebooks, digital files, and family tree programs full of information you’d like to write up for your family? Whether you just want to write about your grandparents, write an article, or compile a whole book, the Register style is a widely used genealogical format that has been used for more than 150 years. Moving from the past toward the future, generation-by-generation, the basic building block of the system is the family sketch—treating a couple and their children in an organized and interesting way. "

This looks very interesting! Thanks for posting, Carol!

by Anonymous Paulien G2G6 Mach 3 (33.2k points)
Thanks much for the feedback Anon. I am looking forward to this particular presentation.

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