Is it possible to NOT create a profile for someone who's already been loaded into a GEDCOMpare Report?

+6 votes
I'm new to WikiTree and am using GEDCOMpare for the first time. As was suggested, I kept my GEDCOM small (20 individuals). I am wondering if I am now committed to creating profiles for all of them, or if there is any point in the process during which I can create profiles for some of the individuals, but NOT create profiles for others in the GEDCOMpare Report.
in WikiTree Help by Pamela Mason G2G Crew (970 points)

1 Answer

+9 votes
It does not create any profiles automatically. If you press the "Add" button for a person it will create a profile (the Add button only shows up after you have rejected all matches). Or, if you accept a match, there will be an "Edit" button that allows you to merge in info from the GEDCOM to the matched profile.

So, if you don't want to do either of those for a person in your GEDCOM just don't do either and the person will have no effect on the WikiTree tree.
by Rob Pavey G2G6 Pilot (219k points)
Thank you. One follow-up question: if you've already pressed the "Add" button for a person, is there any way to de-select them, so that a profile is not created for them?
It has been a while since I did it but as I remember, when you press the Add button, it takes you to the normal WikiTree Add Person screen. If you proceed with that and see an actual profile created then that is the point where a profile is actually created on WikiTree. Anytime before that you can back out.
Okay, thank you!

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