"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! December 1st - 3rd, 2023 [closed]

+30 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: Until next weekend, adios!
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
closed by Pip Sheppard

Welcome to a wintery Weekend Chat, my fellow WikiChatterboxes! And greetings from Cathey’s Creek where we had three days of morning temps in the 20sF.  A friend in a higher elevation said one morning where he lives there were wind gusts up to 25 miles an hour. He didn’t have to work in it, but it was a very chilly walk to his car. I consider winter to begin December 1st (today), disregarding that later date as just too late. I wonder if this is a harbinger of things to come.

On the Home Front: Not much going on here, though I did have a young fella from the church helping in the basement a couple of days. Many hands make quick work, they say, but it’s not as if I couldn’t have done things myself. I just work better when I have someone to work with! And, his family desperately needs the extra money, so another reason to employ him. Fortunately for a talker like me, he presents a constant stream of conversation. Work and talk, though, wear me out after a couple of hours, at least that’s the excuse I make for being tired by the time I must run him home.

I will see my surgeon for the last time this coming Monday, and he’ll release me from his care. My therapist on the other hand says we still have some work to do, getting me up to 95% range of motion. Funny thing, my left shoulder, the one I had surgery on, is doing better than my right, so I guess sometime down the road I’ll have that one worked on.

On the Genealogy Front: The kid who is working for me (well, not a kid since he is 18) knows I’m into genealogy. One of the days I dropped him home, he mentioned it to his mom who promptly gave me her husband’s grandfather’s name, date, and location. And of course, you know me. There is never a rabbit hole I’m not willing to dive into headfirst.

Last night I found the grandfather on FS and began entering this family into WikiTree. Two branches connected. One has deep German roots. However, a surprise is that he has Dillard ancestry in Spartanburg County, South Carolina. I have not been able to make the direct connection of the kid’s Dillard ancestor and mine, but same location, same time period. He was shocked and thrilled to find out that we were distant cousins. Our common ancestor, at least, is George Dillard.

I’m reading a book, The Mountbattens, by Antony Lambton. The founder of the Battenburg line was Alexander of Hesse. Though his profile says that it was “rumoured” that Alexander was not the Grand Duke of Hesse’s son, the information collected by the author indicates that all the royals of Europe knew that his actual father was a von Grancy. While the Grand Duke had to acknowledge that his wife’s children, which she had while they were separated, were his so to avoid scandal, the situation seems to have been know by Queen Victoria, Tsar Alexander II of Russia, the Emperor William I of Germany (and, apparently, everyone else, including diplomats who left memoirs).

The Mountbatten Archives were closed to research at the time the author wrote in 1989 (and may still be), and it appears that Lord Louis Mountbatten, in his writings about his family, attempted to cover up an hint of misconduct in his ancestry. Maybe we can get all those Mountbattens to take DNA tests to finally get to the bottom of this. Intriguing!

I hope all of you are finding new avenues of research or are taking the opportunity to strengthen old research. Lately, I’m just following the tunnels where they go.

Enjoy the Chat!

The same thing happens to me! ..."Can you see If I related to so and so!"  Lots of rabbit holes, lots of people!  surprise 

Hi Pip, I have to leave for a doctor's appointment in about 15 minutes. First, your right shoulder may be 'compensating' for your left shoulder, which is why it might ache more. I have this issue with my left side when I go for massage. It is so much more painful than the right, and it is the right side most affected by the MS. The therapist told me about the 'stronger' side compensating and we need to give both sides attention.

If there is some accuracy to the story about the Mountbatten's, I believe that Prince Philip provided a sample for DNA analysis when the remains of Tsar Nicolas and is family were found. They needed to test for DNA because the family had been massacred, then buried in an unmarked grave. I cannot remember who was head of Russia at the time...oh, wait! GOOGLE! Here's the story:


I am starting to read The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris. It's based on a true story. 

Geo Dillard- father n law to my 7th gr Aunt Mary Lewis.
Glad your shoulders are doing better. Now drop and give me twenty!! Fun fact: I've never really been able to do pushups. Sit ups? Sure. Pushups? After ten I'm done.

Congrats on your finds, man. Keep up the good work! Ahh, the royal scandals of Europe. We could probably fill WikiTree with the Medici scandals. AND the Hapsburgs.

Thanks for hosting!
Chris, you are 9 up on me! LOL! I was in the military & went in when I was 31, so my PT score requirements weren't as bad as some others, but I also have an extra 25 pounds sitting on my chest that most youngsters & no males have to deal with. I really can't even do 1 "perfect" push-up because even with my arms fully extended, my chest still touches the floor & negates that push-up count; only problem is I always touch the floor, so I never got a count of 1! LOL!

Pip, I'm glad your shoulder is better. I don't know what type of surgery you had, but my arthroscopic surgery to remove the bone spurs that were cutting into my muscles that I had in 2009 allowed me for the 1st time to have stability in my right shoulder. I don't know what all they did, but all my ball & socket joints are actually ball & saucer joints. Without the bone cup to help hold the socket in place, the muscles are the only thing stabilizing them in place. My mother called me pig-headed, but she was forever pulling my arms out of socket because she would pull me 1 way & I'd want to go the other; the arms never held up very well in that power struggle.

Prince Philip's DNA is mentioned on his profile here and yes, it was used to identify the Russian cousins when their grave was found.

As soon as I read you were working in the basement, I thought about your shoulder.  Presumably your helper was doing the heavy lifting!  We do not want any backsliding there.  How cool to find you have common ancestors, too.
My contributions for November, I always forget to look at this

Surname Profiles          Edited

BROWN                       13

MCCLELLAN #1 contributor 11

DODS #1 contributor 10

STEELE #5 contributor 9

PAGE #6 contributor 8

TYRER #1 contributor 7

JOHNSTONE #4 contributor 7

LEMON #3 contributor 5

JONES                        5

CARLEY #3 contributor 5

Hey Pip, glad your shoulder is doing better.

The book you are reading sounds interesting. It sounds like the Royals really had a messed-up life like some of our Politian's here.

Well, I guess we will hear if Alabama makes the playoffs tomorrow I here. Everyone says they deserve it. Especially since the SEC has such a strong division, That was one good game. WTG Alabama!

Ohh Pez... Alabama is Going to the Playoffs!!!

31 Answers

+19 votes

devil  This week enjoy a NEW parody  devil

Sung to the tune of Witch Doctor

  • Released 1958
  • Written and performed by Ross Bagdasarian AKA David Seville.
  • It became a number one hit and held the number 1 spot for 3 weeks!
  • The song's sales rescued Liberty Records from near-bankruptcy.
  • WikiTree profile: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Bagdasarian-1 AKA David Seville
    • Parody by Dave Draper

Here is the music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmjrTcYMqBM

  • WITCH DOCTOR (David Seville) 1958 original version - YouTube
  • Click on the link and the music should play, then come back here and try to sing along
    • or open the link in a new window

*Data Doctor

  • I told the Data Doctors I’d join up with you
  • I told the Data Doctors I didn’t know what to do
  • And then the Data Doctors, told me what to do
  • They said to:
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Find A Grave bing bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Wiki WikiTree bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Family Search, bing bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Wiki WikiTree bang
  • I told the Data Doctors there’s a lot to do
  • I told the Data Doctors sources were not right
  • And then the Data Doctors gave me this advice
  • They said to
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Find A Grave bing bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Wiki WikiTree bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Family Search, bing bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Wiki WikiTree bang
  • Ancestry kept facts from me
  • Just like they were a miser
  • And I’ll admit I wasn’t very smart
  • So I went out and found myself a group that’s so much wiser
  • And they taught me a way to have a part
  • My friends the Data Doctors taught me what to say
  • My friends the Data Doctors taught me what to do
  • I know that you’ll will join when I say this to you
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Find A Grave bing bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Wiki WikiTree bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Family Search, bing bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Wiki WikiTree bang
  • Ancestry kept facts from me
  • Just like they were a miser
  • And I’ll admit I wasn’t very smart
  • So I went out and found myself a group that’s so much wiser
  • And they taught me a way to have a part
  • My friends the Data Doctors taught me what to say
  • My friends the Data Doctors taught me what to do
  • I know that you’ll will join when I say this to you
  • Oh baby,
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Find A Grave bing bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Wiki WikiTree bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Family Search, bing bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Wiki WikiTree bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Find A Grave bing bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Wiki WikiTree bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Family Search, bing bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Wiki WikiTree bang
More of Dave's Weekend Chat Parodies: >>CLICK HERE<<
by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
This is a nice one. =) I had an idea for a version to "I love Rock and Roll." Just some basic ideas, though.
Nice! I worked on Spike Jone's profile this week!

@ Judi: One of Spike Jone's band members, William Widner, married Rhoda Mae Draper whose family were living in McLean County, Illinois, long before I moved here.  WikiTree shows she has 15 degree connection to me, but not a cousin at this time.  They were living in Indiana, and came for a visit to her parents.  On October 27, 1936, They decided to drive into Bloomington, IL for a fun day.  Heading west on Illinois Rt 9, an old farmer pulled on the busy highway without looking, right into the path of their car.  William suffered a severe skull fracture and died before help arrived.  I reviewed their profiles, and both Rhoda's & William's profile need some WikiTree love.

Excellent congrats its a winner. i love that song since  i grew up with David Seville and the chipmunks. Did u know he did all the vocals. To get their sounds  he would speed up the tape to hear Simon , Theadore  and Alvin.

"Hi, David that was good,

That happened to a favorite of mine.

So just keep it up with that creative mind of yours.

 As we enjoy those songs of yours,"

  • My friends the Data Doctors taught me what to say
  • My friends the Data Doctors taught me what to do
  • I know that you’ll will join when I say this to you
  • Oh baby,
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Find A Grave bing bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Wiki WikiTree bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Family Search, bing bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Wiki WikiTree bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Find A Grave bing bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Wiki WikiTree bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Family Search, bing bang
  • Ooo eee, WikiTree ting tang
  • Wiki WikiTree bang
Brilliant, Cousin David! Love the bridge (about Ancestry, lol). Just snarky enough for me!
+21 votes

¡Buenos días a todos from the Old Pueblo! It is 7:00 am and 48F (8.9C) with an expected high of 62F (16.7C) with showers for Saturday in Tucson.


Let’s get health out of the way. I had a blood draw last Saturday in preparation for a visit to the urologist this morning, and then my primary care provider this next Tuesday, followed by the ear, nose and throat specialist on Tuesday afternoon. I still have some strange, sudden hearing loss since having Covid-19 in mid-August. I have my list of questions for these providers, so I do not waste their time and they do not waste mine. After all, I have work to do on WikiTree and finish up the policy paper on night shift health outcomes and costs. I have had pain encroaching on my lumbar spine but cannot get another injection until the end of January given that Cigna screwed up my routine last year until I dumped them in February. My brother, a retired sheriff, told me to find a dispensary and get gummies for the pain. I found a dispensary about two miles from home and purchased a packet for pain and another for sleeping. The sleep gummies don’t do as well as gabapentin; however, the pain gummies do take the edge off the pain…not completely, just a slight edge which is better than the profound pain I experience.


I must share a rather freaky experience on WikiTree earlier this week! I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was working on my sister, Bonny’s paternal line as a Christmas present. Maria Lundholm has been helping a great deal with sources from Swedish records and expanding Bonny’s ancestors from one to several generations. I will be contacting Bonny next week to arrange for a zoom call so that I can ‘gift’ her paternal line for Christmas before she and her family go on a family cruise over the holidays. This will be a Wiki ”Christmas” Tree! I digress. On Tuesday, I decided that I had gone as far as I can on Bonny’s paternal line without mucking up names, locations, and such given that this line is predominantly German, Swedish, and Polish. I knew that I was nearing 1000 contributions for the month of November. Just for the heck of it, I checked my contributions, and it was 1000 on the nose! What a coincidence to complete a line and show 1000 even! I am sure that someone on WikiTree who is adept at maths can determine the odds of ending the work on a tree at exactly 1000 contributions!


I also need to thank and acknowledge M Ross for her virtual vacation last week. She gave us a tour of Canterbury Cathedral in Kent, England…well she gave us great photos of ages old graffiti in several locations on the walls of the cathedral. Importantly and relevant to this chat, her vacay was a reminder of a trip Bonny, my niece Elyse and I took around 2018, which included Canterbury Cathedral. It turns out that I am a direct descendant of William and Mary (Ringeley) Boys (aka Boyse; Bois, Boise, Boyce), my 11th great grandparents from Kent, England. One of their sons, Sir John Boys (1535-1612), and a grandson named John Boys (1571-1625; son of Thomas) have large monuments in Canterbury Cathedral. One John is not even listed on WikiTree and the other John is GEDCOM Junk without biography or sources! Last night, I completed John Boys (my 1st cousin/11xr), who was Dean of Canterbury Cathedral, appointed by King Charles I, from 1619 to 1625. His very large monument, created under the auspices of his wife, Angela Bargrave is located adjacent to where Thomas Becket was assassinated by four knights during the time of Henry II. And quite near this location is my 10th great granduncle, Sir John Boys, MP, who also has a very large monument within the cathedral. I will add Abigail’s profile to her husband cousin John and write a proper profile with sources for Sir John and his two wives over the weekend. After this detour to Kent, I will then turn my attention to the Baldwins of Bucks, England.


Pip, as ever, thank you for leading the Weekend Chat. I am another week closer to seeing you and Mike! I also want to wish all my WikiTree friends and family a great first weekend of December 2023. Saludos a todos!

by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)

I tried to end up with 1000 even one month!laugh  And THEN:  I had to correct a mistake!  Arghhhhh!angry

That's cool about the 1000 contributions exactly when you checked, Carol! It's been fun to add some relatives of Bonny's. We did get one Swedish connection, as you remember, with the merge, and because that part of Sweden is quite well researched here on WikiTree, I would not be surprised if there will be more connections/relations coming.
Hi Maria, I will share that news with Bonny. These would be her biological cousins! Thank you again so much for all of your wonderful help. {{{Kram}}}
+23 votes
From the Lone Blackjack Oak to Cathey’s Creek and around the world, Top of the Morning to all!

Pretty dreary here this morn and the weather seems apropos. Two of my friends have been battling Covid, I’m hoping to escape its attention this time around. Every one else is full tilt Christmas. Me, I’m just trying to figure out where all the time went this year.

On the Geni- Thanks to John Thompson, the WW that he is, I made a connection to several cousins that were members of the Golden Horseshoe Expedition. I was curious as to whether the identification of Cpt Smith was known and John referenced the Category “GHE”. I’m not sure if I was excited to find my answer or to better understand the use of categories.

Anyone else have any 'notable' discoveries last week? When I find connections to these types of events, it never ceases to amaze me the collateral connections that are waiting to be discovered. In subsequent reading, I read Spotswood joined James Taylor in Newport Ky. Thomas Hinde had a connection, I assume, since he named his son Thomas Spotswood Hinde and also settled in Newport.
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (380k points)
edited by K Smith

It is cold rain here today!  The dogs will not go outside! I won't either!surprise bahahahahahahaha!  We have these 3 x 3 dog matts on the kitchen floor by the door.  We bought 8 of them.   Cindy was cursing this morning, which woke me up, so I knew the dogs probably missed the matts!  I about overslept this morning....couldn't sleep last night!

My dog went out in the rain this morning. She is probably hanging out with her boyfriend across the street. He has a 'pad' in the garage. I guess she likes his company better than mine.
She's back. Santa came early and brought her part of a deer carcass. Looks like a hind leg. I know I can't compete with that.
i don't recommend you let the dog have the deer.  We were baby sitting my uncle's dog and he tore the door down and got out.  Came home with slaughter remains from a neighbors  It was hot weather.  The dog died after being very sick and the vet told my uncle the meat had probably spoiled and killed it.  Another aspect that I have only heard is if a dog tastes venison he will start hunting it on foot.  Old wives tale??
It's mainly hair covered bone she carries around like a trophy.
+20 votes

Hi all wiki-end-chatters smiley

We have snow in southern Sweden, and it's getting tricky to cykle around on a bike.

Since I last chatted, I joined a choir that a neighbour sings in. On Sunday we will sing advent songs at two churches during (Lutheran) mass.

I am late with everything. Many neighbours have at least some nice Christmas lights in their windows, but mine are in the attic.

Hope all will have a good weekend when you have time to do something you love. / Maria

by Maria Lundholm G2G6 Pilot (231k points)

My son is an avid Mountain Biker, now age 44, and has a tricked out HUGE transit van to hold his bikes, a bed, frig, water pump system to wash off among other luxuries.  He goes to cycling events all over the USA.  The snow does not slow him down a bit!  You just have to have the right bike, which cost about the same as a small car!surprise

Sounds like your son has a lot of free time laugh, I use my bike to go to and from work every workday. It works to go in snow with a normal bike too. laugh

@Maria, the last thing I would be doing is riding a bike in snow! I would, however, sing in a choir. Years ago, I sang with the Bel Canto Choir in Milwaukee. I recall doing Verdi's Requiem one year and the following year Berlioz's Requiem. We were allowed to keep our vocal music books and I remember getting at least one of the books signed with the four lead singers from the Met. There is great power singing in choir or with a chorus! Notably, we rehearsed every Friday night in a beer hall in downtown Milwaukee. Where else in a town known for Schlitz, Pabst, Miller, Blatz and Gettelman beer labels!?

 I put a 'Santa' hat on the top of my lamp post. That is pretty much the extent of my Holiday decorating.
That is great you joied the choir. Wish I could sing. I would like to be on "America got Talant and sing aa song to Simon "May the Bird of Paradise Fly up Your Nose" by Little Jimmy Dickens. Who I just found out is my 16th counsin)
+20 votes

Hi from southern Ontario, 

Chez moi/at home: what's been happening here? The weather has been alternately miserable with snow, and below zero temps, and then yesterday 8C and sunny. I finally got all the remaining garden work done yesterday, rabbit proofed the roses, some of the shrubs and the blackberry bushes. I wrap those plants with hardware cloth or chicken wire because if I don’t the rabbits eat the bark and the flow of nutrients to the plant is interrupted, a bit like removing your skin and the arteries under your skin. Its supposed to rain from now until Sunday afternoon, when the rain will change to snow. 

I’m doing a presentation on growing amaryllis at the Hort Society December meeting including what to do, what not to do and how to get them to reflower. 

WikiTree and family history: The 3 profile merge that I have been waiting to complete has gone through by default, the mother had 2 profiles and all of her kids had 2 profiles except for one daughter with 3 profiles. all the duplicates created by a Gedcom import several years after the original profiles were created. 

I’m almost done updating existing profiles as needed for people buried at Alton cemetery, I wanted to get that done so I can start with new profiles for people buried there and know that the current ones don’t need work. 

What else: I will have most of my family about 20 people (except my older brother, who will be on his way to Florida for 3 months, and a daughter plus spouse who will be in Jamaica) here for a Christmas get together on the 27th. I am not making a turkey dinner! 

And I’m not sure we will have a traditional Christmas dinner on the 25th either, I might buy a turkey and cook it before, but I’m thinking other Christmas related food. I did the whole ‘thing’ for Thanksgiving and it was too much for one person. 

I haven’t booked our winter getaway yet, I did think of Pip’s suggestion of Costa Rica, but apparently there has been a sharp increase in crime lately so probably not the best idea. 

by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (758k points)
Cold turkey on boxing day is always tastier than hot on Chistmas day (or maybe it's better because there's less pressure).Add a  pre cooked gammon joint and some pigs in blankets ( do you have them in Canada? They're an essential on both days  for my children and grandchildren) Maybe prepare and freeze (or buy) a side of salmon en croute and cook  it on the day;  Jacket potatoes,   pickles , cranberrry sauce and get your guests to help make or bring salads, veggie dishes if necessary, coleslaw etc. Not painless but there would be something for most people.
Yes some people have pigs in a blanket, I can make them.

The family standard Christmas dinner is turkey, roast potatoes, breakfast sausage, peas, carrots, parsley based stuffing, carrots, green beans and gravy.

Followed by traditional English Christmas pudding with hot custard, trifle without the dead cake, with strawberries or raspberries, whipped cream, cold custard, with grated Cadbury flaky bars and Christmas cake and individual mince pies/tarts.
My brother’s family on Thanksgiving and xmas get togethers always serve pigs in a blanket or pigs wraped up in . It’s always on the appetizer table. Happy holidays  to everyone. This is my first weekend chat. Chilly here in northern Ohio with all rain after the  10 ins of snow a few days ago.  Crazy lake front weather  pattern here.
Hi M, your Virtual Vacay last week urged me to check on my Boys ancestry. One of the Boys, a Dean of Canterbury Cathedral named by King Charles I did not even have a profile! He does now (Boys-843). I will be adding his wife in a bit. The other Boys, another notable, has a profile but it is predominantly GEDCOM Junk. I will be working on him later tonight. I need to thank you for reminding me of this family line. It also keeps me foot-dragging over clarifying and sourcing the Bucks Baldwins.

I have no idea how you can work in your garden in such cold weather! I whine about it being cold when it is roughly 17C in Tucson!

The upside of being the only family member living in Tucson while the remainder of the family are in Wisconsin is not worrying about preparing a meas for the holidays!

My sister and her brood are taking an island-hopping cruise in the south Atlantic...Bermuda might be one of them. Do you want me to get more info from Bonny about this? The most you would have to do is book flights, and pay for the cruise. No major planning.
17Degrees Celsius in cold? Today it was in the mid 50's F. and everyone had no coats and some people were riding around on there motorcycles. I was also putting up a few of my inflatables. Then again, I live in Ohio and it was warm for us in Ohio.
Hi  Chris

i’m in east side of Cleveland.. U r right about this crazy weather everyone is having. how much snow did u have last week. Crazy weather everyone is having this yr!!!

It must be climate change. !!!
We had no snow. I think I saw a few flakes. I have to go to the Cleveland Clinic tomorrow with my sister. I was thinking about stopping at BJ Sweetie's on the way home.
Chris if u r going to the main campus or to one of the branches? I haven’t bern to Sweetie’s since 2019.  u. Take ur time driving up from Canton. The is forecasting  sleet in some areas tomorrow.   Gl at the Clinc and enjoy the candy shop.
We are going Main Campus. Thanks for the warning. I will have to keep my eyes on the weather.  I always enjoy the candy shop especially the ice-cream soda in back of the store.  The ice cream sundae they make are to die for. I just don't tell the doctor that.  What happens at Sweete's stays at Sweeties.
+22 votes

Virtual Vacation!

Adventures in Washington State!

In late August of this year while we were ‘out west’ we had to detour through Washington State because we could not drive through southern British Columbia because of the many fires. The diversion was not well planned as it had to be done quickly, I booked accommodation and then looked around for places to go and things to see along the route. We also couldn’t take the most direct route to the west coast because of fires in northern Washington. 

It seemed that a visit to Grand Coulee Dam would be interesting, so after crossing the border off we went, 5 hours later after a rather complicated route along the Columbia River with many diversions we arrived at Grand Coulee Dam just as the visitor centre was closing! It is spectacular and it would have been better to have more time there. 

This is the Columbia River.


This the Grand Coulee Dam, it is huge.


Along the sides of one of the roads we drove on there are lava bombs, lava that was thrown out of volcanoes maybe a million years ago. 


Two days later while travelling west we visited Roslyn, Washington better known as Cicely, Alaska and made famous by the TV program Northern Exposure. The sign on the side of this building was in the opening credits and is a must take picture here location. This picture is us and was taken by another tourist and then I took their photo. 


The local gift shop was the location of the medical office of Dr Joel Fleishman, you can’t see it in this picture but on the front window it still says Dr Joel Fleishman. 


This picture is the Roslyn grocery store run by Ruth Ann Miller, a constant character on the show. 


I was so pleased we visited Roslyn, after having watched all episodes of the program it seemed like a place we already knew. The town is a lot bigger than the parts shown on the program. 

by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (758k points)

The Wall mural picture: Roslyn Cafe: Just a beautiful hand painted mural!  I love it!  But the sign artist was an amateur, although a very good artist.  He/she made the mistake no sign artist can make!  Notice the words at the bottom: "An Oasis"---look at the "A" They made it backwards!  The thin stroke of the capital letter "A"  ALWAYS goes on the left side, and never on the right in a hand painted sign.wink

The sign has been there since 1985, painted by an artist not a sign artist, it's just a little quirky in a very quirky place The building was built in 1896.,
You r so  to visit Roslyn . i loved  that show. Great pics that u r showing us. Fantastic !!!! since its going to be crappy this weekend  here why not have a “Northern  Exposure” binge.!!!

Hi M, thank you for these lovely photos taken in Washington State. My daughter lived in Seattle for a couple of years and loved it...her favorite place to live, albeit very expensive. 

I love the photos of Cicely and think the one of you and your husband in front of the mural is adorable. The mural is beautiful and I am wondering if the artist made a 'mistake', if it was a 'mistake', on purpose because the thickness and shape of the A is consistent with the thickness and shape of the O on Oasis and the C in Cafe. Maybe s/he decided to violate what everyone thinks is proper billboard lettering for his/her visual preference and for visual interest. I really like the 'lava bomb'. I have seen these; however, never knew what they were. I learn something (usually more than something) new every day.

I have heard of Northern Exposure, but never saw the show. I think the only TV show I watched somewhat faithfully as an adult was MASH

Hey Carol, you can probably find Northern Exposure on line somewhere, it is really worth watching in a weird sort of hippies in the middle of nowhere place.
+21 votes
Hails and horns, Wikipeeps!

Thanks for hosting, man! I wish I could say I was operating at peek efficiency. I have contracted the uncommon cold. I should be fine. I probably got it while we were waiting for the bus to take us home from the airport last week. It was kinda cold out there. All the more reason to still wear a mask!

On the genealogy front, I posted a blog about a real troublemaker in the tree. No, it's not me. But, it's good to know where everyone's mind is.: https://allroadhaverhill.blogspot.com/2023/11/52-ancestors-week-48-troublemaker.html

I also created a category for San Pietro a Maida's cemetery. I asked some cousins for confirmation on who is buried there and I have three so far: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Cimitero_Comunale%2C_San_Pietro_a_Maida%2C_Catanzaro

I created the cemetery on Find a Grave and I accidentially left out the GPS coordinates. Whoops. I went to the help email and they sorted it out.

Meanwhile, I talked to a cousin in San Pietro and he said he is going to take pictures for me. So, those should be coming any day now. I was going to ask him if he can find some Coppolas. But, I wasn't sure how to go about it. I am thankful for his help, though.

I hope everyone is doing well. Have a great weekend, everyone!!
by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (784k points)
Grandpa Felker. I'm sure we all have one somewhere down the line. I read somewhere Daniel Boone's wife had a child by Daniel's brother. This is not reflected in his profile nor is it mentioned in most information related to him. I have a brick wall that coincides with the Civil War. I am inclined to believe that the pregnancy could very well be the result of rape or incest. The truth may never be known. For that matter, one of my 7th gr grandfathers is thought to be base born.
Oh, there's no doubt we all have a guy like that in the tree somewhere. I kinda wonder if the relationship he had with Martha was consensual or if it was....something else....Then again I might be better off NOT knowing, know what I mean?
Back in High School I had a friend who had black hair. His brother had blonde and another red. His only sister had red. The oldest and youngest were the redheads. I'm not sure but, I think it was the second redhead that may have started the rift in the marriage. Both parents had brown eyes, both redheads had blue. I'm not a geneticist but, what are the chances of that?
Chances are pretty good that there was no outside genetic contribution.

Speaking as a person with red hair and with some genetics courses in my background.

Red hair is a recessive gene. What colour hair did the parents have?

You can have red hair and your parents don't. Both parents could have brown hair or black or blonde hair and carry the recessive red hair gene, statistically there is a 25% chance of having red hair when creating offspring with someone who also has the recessive red hair gene.

 And it can not show up for several generations if only 1 parent has the red hair gene, and are not procreating with someone with the red hair gene, their kids will not have red hair.

Neither of my parents had red hair, and their oldest 2 kids have red hair.

My dad's grandmother has red hair, but no one else.

There is no known red hair on my mother's side but her niece has red hair and so do I.

My younger brother has 3 kids, the oldest has dark brown hair, another with red hair and her twin has mousy brown hair.

Eye colour is a very complicated genetic topic, with multiple contributing factors.

Think of it like paint colours, that might get masked if they are mixed with a strong colour.

If you could separate a red from 2 mixed colours and put the 2 reds in a separate container you would get red paint.

Neither of my kids have red hair, their father's dark brown is a dominant gene and they have brown hair.
@Chris, I enjoyed your blog and send kudos for your hard work on the Cemetery! Well done!

@M Ross, thank you so much for the DNA information. These recessive genes are very interesting when they appear. My sister, Lynn, has two daughters. The eldest has dark hair and eyes almost black. The younger is a blue-eyed blond. My sister, Lynn, and her husband, Ken, have dark hair and both have hazel eyes. Hmmmm...Well, on our side, my mum and dad had dark hair and brown eyes; however, her mother was a blue eyed blond, and my dad's mother was a blue-eyed blond. Ken's dad was a blue-eyed blond and his mother had light brown hair and hazel eyes. My eldest niece got the dominant dark hair dark eyes, while her younger sister got the recessive blue eyes, blond hair. M Ross - does that sound correct?
@ Carol: Thanks! My cousin in San Pietro sent me a few awesome pics. And the stones have pictures in them. Pretty cool. =D
When I went to university my original choice of study was a BSc in genetics, after my first year I changed to Clinical Psychology. Now I think I should have done a Botany degree!

Hair colour isn't usually as simple as the genes that determine if you have red hair, which is caused more by an absence of a pigment, which is also why redheads don't go gray.


Up to 16 different genes can be involved in determining eye color in humans

For more information on eye colour, this Wikipedia article has a lot of information, it is complicated.


Or there's this one


The end of today's genetics course.
@M! Thanksfor the mini-gene course. You are a joy.
That was an interesting gene course. I have alerted Azure to this post all about gingers. =D
lol We red heads must stick together. I got it from, my grandfather on my mom's side and grandma on dad side talk about the recessive gene.  understood that real good when they talked about that in high school and college.
Chris, my older brother and myself are the 2 oldest kids in my family and we both have red hair. The next 5 kids have brown, dark brown and almost black hair.

My dad was medical officer on an RAF base when we were born. The other kids were born after my dad left the RAF.

Neighbours on the base had said ' Where does the red hair come from?'

And my mum had quipped 'I don't know it must have been the milkman'. I don't think she knew that my dad's grandmother had bright red hair when she was younger.

One day the milkman came in to the kitchen with the milk, saw my brother and then me in the cradle, and then said ' Oh I have 6 kids at home with that same red hair!'

Did the neighbours know the milkman had children with red hair?
Other than Azure and a couple other Wikitreers who are gingers, I only know a few other redheads. Mostly ladies. =D No one in my fam has red hair that I've seen. My cousin Jen comes close with auburn hair. But, straight up red? Nope. Unless they dye it of course!
+22 votes
Howdy folks! Greetings from a windy and dreary central Oklahoma USA! We got a little over a half inch of rain last night which was badly needed after a dry November. They say El Nino is supposed to bring us a lot of moisture, but so far I'm not impressed. I should watch what I say or a big ice storm will show up before we know it. Snow I can live with. Ice.........

We spent Thanksgiving in Murphysboro, Illinois with cousins on my Dad's maternal side, mostly because my sisters and I are about all thats left on the paternal side. We had such a great time! My sister, Julie, and her husband came down from northern Illinois and made the whole trip that much better. Thanksgiving Day was nice enough to eat outside, hang out, eat, drink and be merry. Friday was the Siefert Cousins Winery Tour, and Saturday was the Siefert Cousins Brewery Tour. So much fun!

We got home Monday night around 2100 hrs, and it was nice to be back in our own bed. Tuesday the weather was perfect, no wind and around 65F, so I took advantage by putting up the outdoor Christmas lights, including the leg lamp from  A Christmas Story in the front window. (It's a major award!) Brook was happy with the results, so I will call it a success.

Genealogy wise, the trip to Murphysboro was a gold mine, but not how I envisioned it. My cousin, Don, walked me through our Bolling/Bowlin line back to Pocahontas. It all looks good except I haven't found sources for anyone past my 4th great grandfather. I was worried because I had run across a Rodney Bolling/Bowlin who was disproven, but, luckily, he was not either of my Rodneys. My Bolling/Bowlin line is going to be a lot of work! The real surprise was my sister found a large picture album that belonged to our Grandma Vaskie, that she didn't even realize she had. An absolute goldmine!!! She let me take it home so I can scan everything and make copies. Genealogy wise, it was a hell of a weekend!

Thanks Pip, for being the host with the most, and I hope everyone has a great weekend. Please cheer on my Oklahoma State Cowboys tomorrow as they take on the Texas Longhorns for the Big 12 Championship! Go Pokes!!

Until next time......

by John Vaskie G2G6 Pilot (224k points)
edited by John Vaskie

You were only 227 miles south of me! A short 4 hour dive one way!wink

My Mom and youngest sister live in El Paso, IL smiley

Congrats on your treasure trove of family memorabilia. My dad could/did throw out boxes without wondering what was in them.

My son Steve lives in El Paso, but is moving to California at the end of December!  He works at RIVIAN head of one of the IT departments. Tell your mom and sis He lives just west of El Paso where that huge Cubs logo is on the barn.wink They will know the place!

Ahhh that ever-winning leg lamp. A few years back we had a ugly lamp competition for the fair. Unfortunately. I tried dropping off my stuff a day late, and I was unable to enter my lamp. I know stupid not reading the directions. My mom had just died, and I got all mixed up that year. That was a good movie. They used to have tours of the house that was used for the movie up in Cleveland but the house was recently sold. Not sure what is going to happen now.

Hi Chris!

In Chickasha, OK, which is about an hour south of me, they have a 50 ft tall leg lamp as part of their Christmas celebration. Mine is about a foot tall. laugh

+20 votes
Finally changed my photo on Wikitree's Discord server today. Yeah! I'm not technology challenged, but sometimes, it's not as easy as it should be. Its the difference between a server and a profile photo that tripped me up.
by Judi Stutz G2G6 Pilot (344k points)

I had to laugh!  I changed my profile picture last week.  I choose a dozy!surprise

Thats sounds like a great idea changing  photos in and out of several cousins and of course myself. tyvm for the heads ⬆️
Maybe I'll have to do that too!  I finally have a picture I like and know where it is on my computer and that's three-quarters of the effort.
+18 votes

Bonjour et bienvenue aux prochaines étapes que j'ai visitées lors du 15 Nation Global Tour. Cette semaine, parce que la fin de l'année approche, je vais parler deux langues différentes afin de pouvoir commencer l'année prochaine à diffuser les langues des pays de mon Projet Global. Pour cet article, j'écris en français qui est l'une des nombreuses langues parlées au Cameroun. Le Cameroun abrite au moins 250 langues. Il s'agit notamment de 55 langues afro-asiatiques, deux langues nilo-sahariennes, quatre langues oubangiennes et 169 langues nigéro-congolaises. Le Cameroun était une colonie allemande puis a été envahi par les Britanniques et les Français. 

Sur mon Wikitree, j'ai baissé ma liste de surveillance de 55 pour atteindre 5276. Ce mois-ci, je me concentrerai sur la mise en place et le fonctionnement des pages nationales de mon projet mondial, donc je n'aurai probablement pas beaucoup de travail à faire sur ma liste de surveillance.

by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (457k points)

when i post info on my French relatives profiles i try to post in both French and English I read French pretty well writing and speaking and hearing are not near as easy as reading.  

Europeans are so much better at multiple languages than most Americans I try but don't get enough daily practice to make it stick.  Because I get a lot of emails from my French cousins reading has gotten much easier.  

Bonjour Darren, vos langues de la tournée des 15 nations ajoutent vraiment à la diversité de notre chat du week-end. Merci beaucoup d'avoir encouragé les autres à « élargir leurs horizons » sur WikiTree. L’une de mes expériences les plus précieuses a été de vivre en Asie de l’Est pendant trois ans et d’apprendre quelques notions de coréen et de japonais. Passe un bon weekend.
+17 votes

Tere ja tere tulemast järgmistesse peatuspaikadesse, mida 15 Nation Global Touril külastasin. Kuna aasta lõpp on lähenemas, räägin sel nädalal kahes erinevas keeles, et saaksin järgmisel aastal alustada oma globaalse projekti riikide keelte levitamisega. Selle postituse jaoks kirjutan eesti keeles, mis on Eesti keel. See on üks neljast Euroopa Liidu ametlikust keelest, mis ei ole indoeuroopa päritolu. Kas keegi oskab ülejäänud kolme keelt?

Siin Uus-Meremaal on nüüd suve teine päev ja ilm on mõnus ja soe. Võib isegi rajada väikese suplusbasseini, kui mu lapsed seda soovivad. Mu sünnipäev on tulemas teisipäeval ja ma ei tee selle nimel palju.

by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (457k points)
Soome, ungari ja malta keel?
Tere, Darren! See lihtsalt ei oleks minu jaoks nädalavahetuse vestlus, kui ma ei vastaks teie Eastonia vestlussõnumile kasvõi lühidalt. Täname teid veel kord, et mitmekesistasite meie vestlust ja meie kollektiivset puu!
+17 votes

Checking in From A Chilly, somewhat dreary, Bloomington Illinois USA!

A word from Rod Serling: 

 Hi Wikipeeps! I've been dead since 1975, so everyone thinks, but the Twilight Zone has some dark corners where life finds a way!  As you know from past Weekend Chat posts, Dave has been writing a novel of historical fiction on the adventures of his ancestors in the 1800's.   As all first-time novelists, his balance of research, meditation of story line, writing and editing is like a gyroscope spinning out of control on a course for disaster. He was worried about writing 566.6 words a day, which is totally unrealistic.  I told him: "It's quality, not quantity you seek." He is becoming so absorbed in his novel, the lines of what is real and what is fiction are blurred!  His research on minuet points of history is bogging his overall process down.   He doesn't realize that his searches in Find A Grave, Family Search, Wikipedia and YouTube are about to take a dark turn into the library in the innermost regions of the Twilight Zone. 

 Enjoy this trailer on next week's chat:

Opening scene: Normal, Illinois, USA.  Carl Hospital, 3rd Floor, Psychiatric Ward.

Dr. Pip enters the room.  "How we doing today, Dave?"

"We have to stop him! NOW!  Cornwallis is going to shoot grapes into the battlefiled!  It will kill everyone, including his own British troops! He's crazy...like me or worse!"

"Dave, look, that is the parking lot below filled with cars, not munition wagons, and the zero-turn mowers are lined up to cut the grass today, not cannons!  There is nothing going on out there!"

Dave bolted out the door, down the stairs, and out the door right into the March 15th, 1781 Battle of Guilford Court House!  He found himself situated between the Continentals and the British, with both sides pointing their guns straight at his face!   The fear in Dave's eyes were similar to the new picture on his WikiTree page!

Enjoy next week's story, THE BOOK by Dave Draper!

And, a final note: Next week's parody could be "They're Coming To Take Me Away!"

Twilight Zone music plays:  Do do do do,...do do do do.....

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
Excellent story. Lov” Twilight Zone” seen most of them. Live the writing and urs also. keep it up
Did you know there is another song he did called "I'm happy they Took You Away?"
+20 votes
Last week I found a copy of a 2014 e-mail, in our archive room, from a special friend who was re-establishing contact after retiring, with his automotive assortment, to the Okanagan, British Columbia, to enjoy the climate and  the boating.  Then, Kathy received a message, from his wife, that he had just passed away (his remaining kidney, from a motorcycle accident, in his youth, was slowly failing).   We met in '67, when his father retired and moved his automotive businesses to the Sunshine Coast of B.C. and I noticed he was both very outgoing and inquisitive.......we proceeded, through the years, with many automotive related adventures.   Shortly after meeting him, when I was returning on the weekends, from working out of town, I found him and his friend dating 2 new, young nurses and upon asking who another new, young lady was, that I saw walking to the store, he instantly reached for the phone and dialed, by memory, and arranged a date for me, with her, for that very evening.......and, when I married her, after her graduation in '68, he was best man (at my first wedding).   He always "threatened" to write a book about my life's adventures and it has kept me busy making sure the facts are kept accurate, just in case.......gotta go and catch up to him......I hear a typewriter.
by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (362k points)
Sorry to hear that!  Sounds like you two had quite an adventure at one time!  Thanks for sharing!
Hey John, condolences for your old friend, my friend.
David, at the time we met, it caught his attention that I was racing a Sunbeam Tiger at Westwood.
K, it is slowly sinking in that we are progressing on our journey.
Last weekend I met three old co-workers for libations. After a couple three, it dawned on me that the last time I met three friends there, I am the only one still drinking. Or breathing. Like old Rapid Ron always said, you might as well do what you want, nobody will do it for you when you're gone.
On the way home we drive past a corner pub and I mis-heard Kathy ask me if I wanted some booze and after much confusion I realized she had said Boost (to keep up my energy)......again, after some discussion, we both agreed that ale, Guinness Stout or Glayva would be the popular choice.......just have to stop at the pub some day and pickup some "Boost".
What a beautiful story about your friend, your wife and your lifelong connection.

Boost=booze for old people?  LOL
Thankyou Cindy.   Also, it occurred to me, as it is now the season for impaired driving road checks, not to reply "just Boost" if asked if I've had anything to drink.
I'll drink to that, just don't tell my Dr., she's trying really hard to keep me alive. "Here try this pill, go see this Dr, stop doing that, don't eat this and whatever you do, DON"T DRINK THAT!"

Is confusion the manifestation of need for a beer or the result of treatment? I get confused often about halftime.
Let's have a stout, shall we, and chew on it.
What a splendid notion. Have one at the ready next chat, say 3pm your time, and I shall do the same. All those who care to join us, set your clocks accordingly!
Well, it's almost 3pm...........
B double e double r u n, this cub scout aint prepared today.
+22 votes
Hi Guys from Melbourne Australia. It was the first day of summer yesterday and it's been raining on and off for days. There is flooding in parts of our state - so much for summer.

The rain is causing what they call potential Asthma storms. Thankfully today is listed as moderate. I don't get asthma but it's akin to hay fever which apparently I do get as well as sinusitis - so have to stay indoors working on WT (shame about that).

I'm trying to complete my 45 for 15, not sure I'll get it done but it's keeping me busy. Also started a One Name Study for my Irish McEntegart's not sure how to tackle it but it's a branch of my family that hasn't been added to WT before so it will keep me occupied as well as the sourcing/connecting I usually do.

Did WBE have another update? I suddenly have a box at the top of the profile to add to a second watchlist. This will be great to go back to an existing family I may be sourcing, the next day.

Sorry I think I'm rambling. Don't think I've posted here before
by Amanda Myers G2G6 Mach 6 (60.4k points)
edited by Amanda Myers

Rambling? No such word in the Weekend Chat dictionary!wink Actually, we love getting to know you and what you are up to!   You can always edit and add more!  Thanks for posting!

Thanks David think I've edited this post 3 times already lol
me 2
Welcome to the chat!

I thought all countries celebrate the seasons changes on the same day. I learned something new.  Does that mean your eggs balance on spring and fall like our do?


Hi Chris

According to My. Google 

Melbourne heats up December to February (summer), cools down March to May (autumn), chills out June to August (winter), and warms up again September to November (spring)

Unfortunately our weather seems to be gradually shifting. When I was a kid the hottest time was our summer holidays - January but as my nieces began school the hottest days seemed to be in February when they started school.. I don't think I've ever known the weather to be as weird as it has been in the last couple of years.

It has been weird too. I have heard that the magnetic poles have been shifting and that might explain the weather changes.
+20 votes

Hi all!

On the genealogy front, I missed the RAWK reveal because I had an increase in my seizure activity & was not seeing anything that was in front of my face; a condition I deal with on a daily basis, but some of what is on the written page gets through while about 73% is just not in my purview. This was an increase of about 20% to there I was only seeing about 7% of what was written there. Oh well, such is life.

I sent an email to Rhonda Hill-55016 & told her what I experienced during her RAWK. 1st of all, she's my 8th Cousin, but I did not choose her because of that; I didn't even realize that she was until some time later (that only seeing about 73% of what's in front of me).

I chose her because despite her already high CC7 of 1,032 she also had NUMEROUS brick walls, both single & double. She was also 1 of 2/3(?) in the US. I can only research what is open to me so Canada & Whales was beyond me. She was also 1 of 2 in the Appalachians, but despite the lower CC7 on the other Appalachian, her tree was tidier with less brick walls.

The 1st thing I noticed that was odd, was that as Stephanie's CC7 rose, so did mine. When I went to look at her profile, DUH! 8th Cousins! Her from Appalachia & my family migrating to/from it figures we would have connections, it just didn't register at first.

Her interesting family stories that I found in the RAWK was more interesting misses than hits. There was 1 guy in Utah, I think, that raised stallions & jacks & that was all really that stood out. The rest were farmers & soldiers.

There was 4 interesting misses that I came across while looking for someone else. The 1st was a woman, with the same name I was looking for, that had been indicted for having a "disturbing house"; a house of ill repute.

The next was a man who was wanted for escaping prison. Evidently he was never found by the authorities as there was no more mention of that. The 2nd guy got blown up on a ship that was patrolling the western sea board during WWI from a boiler explosion. And the 3rd guy had been murdered but his murderer was acquitted because the guy that got killed was shot while coming into the man's house through a window at night.

On another genealogy topic, my brother got his DNA kit on Wednesday, so we'll see how long it takes him to get it back. He is still looking for the Brunson book to send me so I can copy it & upload it to the Tree.

On the Spiritual front, I find that having forgiven my brother & opened doors for prosperity, my Spiritual Journey seems to have been shifted into overdrive. The anger, resentment & hatred of past transgressions from people who I hadn't been able to forgive, has suddenly become irrelevant & meaningless. Those negative feelings are just sliding away leaving an effervescent vitality in their wake. 

مساء الخير، مساء الخير، ليلة سعيدة، صباح الخير. أينما كنت في العالم، اعتني بنفسك.
masa' alkhayri, masa' alkhayri, laylat saeidata, sabah alkhayri. 'aynama kunt fi alealam, aetni binafsika.


by Living Brunson G2G6 Pilot (103k points)
Forgiveness is a good thing when you are carrying bad feelings about it.  It heals the forgiver.  I'm happy for the healing you have now.
Hi Pat,

I went through that Spiritual Forgiveness front as well, about 8 months ago. I was actually driving in the car to church and God was started talking to me about forgiveness, after watching a video. God was telling that I really need to forgive the people that harm me in the past. He stared bring up people that mentally beat me up in the past, the work place bulling that I experienced actually gave me PTSD. I thought about it and said yes God I can forgive them, since then I don't get upset with people, I just let it go.
+20 votes
I went grocery shopping this morning since the roads were bare and the temperature is in the 40s.  We had a rain, turn into snow storm, this past week.  Yesterday I had neither computer or tv so I just listened to the radio.  The storm came from the southwest and both dishes, (I have no cell service here) were covered with snow and ice from facing into it.  I used to be able to sweep off the tv dish by opening the bathroom window and using my broom.  With different windows and a new satellite position which required a different cant from the replacement dish it ruined that. When my health was good I sometimes tromped through 3-4 foot snow drifts to sweep.   I don't dare tromp around behind the house in five inches of snow and slop with my bad leg.  When we went to Florida it didn't matter.  It got
too expensive, I can't handle Washington, D.C. traffic, and my friends have moved or died.  They now cater to the drinkers not golfers.
I have a question for computer nerds.  My son bought me a oon, brand tv.  They required a wifi address to run it, they would not, or could not, connect straight to my Direct tv package.  Ever since I am getting from 10-20 advertisements every day on my e-mail page.  I never got them before and I do not shop on line so I am pretty sure
they are selling my e-mail address.  If I click off a bulk list of 10 as spam they refill the page before I can get to read my morning wiktree notes.  Designating them as spam only stops about half of the from repeating immediately and most of them reappear with a day or two.  I only get about four other emails a day because I deliberately only have 12 friends and relatives on facebook.  How can I get rid of the spam?  oon. has been scolded at least ten times to stop selling my e-mail address but there is no opt out place that I can find.
by Beulah Cramer G2G6 Pilot (575k points)
edited by Beulah Cramer

I only have one email account!  I check it 6 times a day and delete the spam and junk.  Cindy has 2 email accounts.  one catches all the spam and she never checks it.  It always has 2000+ junk emails in it!   The other account is strictly for her private use.  You might try setting up a new account and use it only for your loved ones and friends.wink

+20 votes
Hola, como estamos ahora? It is a bit rainy here in Everett, Washington, not frosty as on several mornings this week.

On Tuesday I exchanged the Pfaff Performance Icon 5000 for a little Pfaff Passport 103.0 and so far am delighted with the purchase. The new sewing machine is much lighter, has no annoying electronic interface, and so far is able to quilt without dropping stitches. I have been working on the St. Thomas Aquinas rice sack quilt for my drinking buddy (gave a speech about it on Toastmasters Wednesday). Also yesterday I sewed several pieces of batting together, by hand, for the Perkiomen Valley quilt top which has been wanting some love. You eastern Pennsylvania types know that Perkiomen quilts are split nine-patches.

Sad news that our archivist for Mukilteo Historical Society is now receiving daily radiation for aggressive prostate cancer. MHS has had board member resignations this year and we need to find some folks who are enthusiastic about local history and have the time to devote to our wonderful archive.

On Wikitree, I continue to build out the unconnected branch for California Angels outfielder Leroy Stanton. Getting close to 100 profiles now.

I have not been to Roslyn for some years, nor to eastern Washington. Thinking about travel, though, renews my desire to see Oregon again. Today I am wearing my University of Oregon gear. I am willing to take derisive looks and comments from the locals, as I did last time. Today the championship of the soon-to-be-defunct Pac-12 is on the line. This time, I'm a little more divided in my loyalties, but would be happy if either school wins.  

Walla Walla bing bang to you, David.

As ever, may God bless y'alls endeavors.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (328k points)

Thanks Cousin Margaret!  I just about missed this! Leroy Bobby Stanton  Thanks for posting!

+16 votes

On this day:

1640: Portugal gets its independence from Spain and João IV becomes King of Portugal

1768: The SS Fredensborg sinks

1986: The Musée d'Orsay is opened

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)

I choose Richard Pryor!  Richard was born 35 miles west of me in Peoria, Illinois on December 1,1940. He was raised by his grandmother who ran a brothel in Peoria's "red light" district!

On a sad note, my wife's mother died December 1, 2013.  This has been a hard day for my wife, Cindy, whose mother was Gloria June (Runyon) Russell   Because of WikiTree, we found we are related to many of the British Royals through the Runyon and Russell families!laugh

heartCindy is Pip Sheppard's 7th cousin through Gloria Russell!heart

Hi Jelena! I will go with the opening of the  Musée d'Orsay today for its beautiful exterior and all of the beautiful art on its interor! 

+19 votes

Good evening from cold Germany,

where I (aka my place) will be tomorrow the whole day in the freezing temperatures. Brrr, good that we don't have to go out tomorrow. If you want to have a look on a map where it will be snowing tomorrow the whole day, it is roughly a line from Freiburg im Breisgau via Stuttgart and Nuremberg to the border between Germany and the Czech Republic south of Chemnitz and Dresden. South of that it's snowing already now and it won't stop at all. (Here is a link to a current weather radar picture, under "Zeit" you can move to the current CET time).

The weather made us stay at home the most possible, so that the week was rather eventless.

Genealogy-wise I did my typical hop around: A bit of Polish Prussian categories formatting, a bit of German categories cleaning, a bit watching videos of WikiTree-day (German location categories is a must, yay, so I can go around and where I see a German profile, I can give it at least one location category). And I started to transcribe the letters of my grandma to her sister.

Oh, I also disconnected a "son" from his mother. The mother is a direct descendent of Martin Luther, but the "son" isn't. At least he isn't in the book about the descendents of Martin, which I have, because one of my gg-aunts married into that family.

Have a nice weekend!

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
+19 votes

Currently, it's 6˚ C and raining in Fort Erie. We actually had snow that stuck earlier this week, so the snowblower got its first workout of the season, but it warmed up the next day and the snow melted, so I could get up to the storage locker and get the winter tires.

After some reorganisation in my office, a couple of pepper plants ended up sitting on a bookshelf in front of the window. One of the peppers turned yellow, so the light of my life and the delight of my eyes put it into my breakfast. (In the last week of November!) Now, another pepper is starting to change colour.

With it being the first of the month, I did a quick tally of the surnames I've been working on in November and the ones I plan to work on in December. I plan to put out the reports over the next few days.

by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (695k points)

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