How to download your DNA results from MyHeritage?

+6 votes
A friend of mine asked me to help her upload her DNA results from My Heritage to GEDmatch. But it seems that it is not possible to download from My Heritage anymore all links end at the Helpdesk. Does anyone know why or can help us?
in The Tree House by Ole Selmer G2G6 Mach 4 (42.6k points)

4 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer

Hi, Ole. This recent G2G thread describes, in part, what's going on at MyHeritage.

The ability to download matches came back at least briefly a couple of days ago, but it doesn't surprise me that raw data downloads are also now temporarily suspended. There was a member post to the MyHeritage Facebook page on October 31 about raw downloads being unavailable, but that post seems to be gone now.

The 23andMe data mining issue has all the testing companies scrambling. AncestryDNA just announced this morning that they will make two-factor authentication mandatory in the near future. That will no doubt be jarring to folks not used to using 2FA.

MyHeritage is dealing with dual problems: reacting to the 23andMe fallout (which the press and even some attorneys general are still clambering over) while at the same time being literally in a war zone. The Gaza Strip is just a few dozen kilometers from their offices, so it's unsurprising that both advance communication about services and available support are minimal right now.

I think the best we can do is be patient for a bit, and hope that all features--including data downloads--resume as normal.

by Edison Williams G2G6 Pilot (452k points)
selected by Ole Selmer

Thank you, Edison. Sorry, I missed the thread blush

Does not the MyHeritage site now reside in Utah? That's the address it gives me at the bottom of my home page?!

Their headquarters are located in Israel at Or Yehuda, 3 Ariel Sharon Blvd. MyHeritage's privacy policy notes their headquarters at the top of the page: They have branch offices in Lehi, Utah (2975 Executive Parkway, Suite 310), Burbank, California, and Kyiv, Ukraine. They had two smaller offices in Tel Aviv as of 2016, but I don't know whether or not those were subsequently consolidated.

In early 2021, MyHeritage was acquired by the private equity firm Francisco Partners, but the company's headquarters remained in Israel and founder Gilad Japhet remained as CEO. It was a few months after that acquisition that MyHeritage in turn acquired Filae, the French-based genealogy company.

They have about 530 employees in total, most of whom are in Israel. The DNA lab work for MyHeritage is outsourced to Gene by Gene in Houston, Texas, the parent company of Family Tree DNA. Gene by Gene and FTDNA were, themselves, acquired in 2021 by Australia-based myDNA, Inc.

Thank you very much for all that information. I did have some idea about what has happened with MyHeritage over the past while. I did have a conversation this morning after my post with a MyHeritage employee in Israel (working from home) about my subscription so that was confirmed to me as well that way.
+2 votes
Not sure if this will help you -
I had the same problem. I contacted the official MH Facebook page using FB Messenger directly.
MH responded a day later via FB messenger asking for more details about my kit number which I then provided to them.
A day later they sent me a FB message to log out of MH and log back in and check for download access to my raw dna results which were then available for download from MH.
Hope this helps and good luck.
by Lindsay Steyn G2G1 (1.2k points)
Thank you Lindsay

Still doesn´t work in Denmark, it could be because I didn't test at My Heritage myself but uploaded results from FTDNA. But it is also not possible to download segment data although it is shown in the curser window and can be taken from here.
+3 votes
I just checked and was able to access the download DNA form the manage DNA Kits page. I was also able to see matches to others as well as see triangulations with those matches.  All seems right in the world again!
by Ken Parman G2G6 Pilot (123k points)

Thanks for that update, Mr. Parman! smiley

+2 votes
My Heritage is based in Israel so it is quite possible that parts of it have been destroyed. Two young men on the staff were killed very early on in the war.  I don't know what the position is at the moment but it wouldn't surprise me if contact is lost or intermittent.
by Christine Frost G2G6 Pilot (155k points)

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