"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! October 20th - 22nd, 2023 [closed]

+34 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: Another wonderful Chat! See you sooner than you think!
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
closed by Pip Sheppard

Are you ready for another Weekend Chat, my fellow WikiChatterboxes? If so, then greetings from Cathey’s Creek where we have had temps as low as 39°F twice this week. A cold front moved in, and even daytime temps have been rather low. I am using this as an added excuse to my shoulder recovery to not do any outside work. I love excuses!

On the Home Front: Yesterday morning, I left physical therapy encouraged with my progress report to take to my surgeon who I’ll meet with this morning (which is why I am posting the Chat a bit early). I am pretty sure that my surgeon will also be pleased.

Church business (which seems to take an inordinate about of my time on occasion): I ordered a flagpole (we have a provincial flag for our Anglican province). I also contacted the paving company to get a revised proposal for our parking lot(s). The two will be joined together. Later, I am sure it’ll be my duty to contact another company to paint the lines for parking.

Last Sunday, both our priest and deacon were out of town. It was left to me to lead the service. When neither are there, we do Morning Prayer, and we had a very different version of what I am used to. I collared my 17-year-old trainee into helping. Poor fella, he arrived at church with 15 minutes to go when he found out that he was assisting me. All went well, though.

On the Genealogy Front: I finally did get to do personal genealogy for a change. I tidied up the biography of my grandfather, TA Shepherd/Sheppard, who I mentioned last week. Keeping up with all his names was a chore: Jerry, Bill, plus trying to discover when he made the change to Sheppard. If any of you are interested in the labor movement in the 1920s, some of that is included in his bio.

I found his father, Tom Shepherd, had an incomplete bio. Working the documents, I found some interesting things, including the blue-eye trait in that line. My dad also had blue eyes. G-grandpa was a farmer, brick maker, and house carpenter. I included the story told to me that he eloped with my g-grandmother marrying in a lane. The documentary evidence does not bear this out, but it’s a great story.

Tom was one of those hundreds of Appalachians who left the mountains for the textile economy in Gastonia, North Carolina. He was only there for a short while, but he never worked in a mill. In 1920, his four oldest sons were, though, including my 15-year-old grandfather.

I also spruced up the profiles of two of my dad’s siblings. One, Jackie Jean Sheppard, was born when the family was living in Sylva, Jackson County. My dad once told me a story that I was able to connect with this child. When Grandma was in labor, Grandpa sent dad out into the field. Dad remembered the screaming of his mother. Jackie died that day, premature. He was buried in an unmarked grave in the area, and I doubt that I will ever be able to discover the cemetery.

The other siblings of my dad that I worked on was Hilda Kay Sheppard. Aunt Hilda lived only four days, also premature. According to hear death certificate, she was buried at the a church near Gastonia. No stone was ever placed over her grave. I have asked the church if I could place a stone there in her memory.

I am of the mind that every person deserves to be remembered, to have their own profile, even if their lives were very short. I hope that I have honored well the memory of Uncle Jackie and Aunt Hilda.

I hope everyone is well and flourishing. It is always great to hear from each of you.

Enjoy the Chat!

45 minutes ago (the time of posting) was already Saturday for some folk.  You're going to need to get up earlier!  cheeky

Hi Pip! First, I am so glad to hear of the improvement with your shoulder! You should celebrate by coming to Tucson!

It sounds like the work with the church provides you with a great deal of comfort and feeling of accomplishment! Well done, you!

And your work on 'sprucing up' family sounds very much the same way I feel working on my family profiles. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and a bit of satisfaction knowing that their history lives on in a profile well done.

Pip, I received a renewal form from the drug company to renew my enrollment recertification for the pancreas medication for next year with the drug company. Please keep your Anglican fingers, toes and hands crosses as I do not have the $2K it costs (out of pocket) every three months for this one medication!

You have a great weekend. I hope the family is doing well.
Hmm....Pip leading a sermon. If it were me, I'd have been run out of town with torches and pitchforks. Sigh. What's wrong with teaching people about the greatest Klingon warrior of them all?! The teachings of Kahless should be heard by everyone!

Sigh....Maybe I should go with the Force instead.

I hope your shoulder is doing better, my friend. Keep up the good work. No yardwork for a while, young man.

Nice work on the genealogy front. Good on ya for getting a stone together. Those young deaths are hard to read and I can't get used to 'em.

Thanks for hosting!
Hi Cousin Chris, I would attend your sermons!
Well, that's one person! Let's see if we can get a crowd together. Maybe I can get Whoopi Goldberg and the rest of the cast of Sister Act....
Can you recruit locals, kids or teens to paint the lines on the parking lot?
@Chris, I would too! (Would you be doing it in Klingon?) ;P
@Chris! I would love to sing in Whoopi's choir! Perhaps we could do Aretha in Vulcan!
Great work on the family, Pip, and I'm glad to hear the shoulder is improving! And nice to hear about your church work...it must be a bit overwhelming at times, but rewarding.

I hope you can get a stone placed on Aunt Hilda's grave. My great-grandmother Mary (Jackson) Armistead is buried somewhere at a Baptist church in Monroe, GA. At least we think so, since the rest of her family is there, except her husband. Unfortunately, the old church burned in the 1970s and so the burial records were lost.

I'm sure you did a far better job leading the service than I would have! Happy weekend!
Afraid my Klingon is rusty. Would you settle for Borg binary? All you would need is a simple cortical implant placed at the base of your spinal column. =D

I think everyone would love to be in Whoop's choir. Gotta say, though. Sister Act 2 was probably a little better than the first one.
@Chris...I liked the music in both! I will tke the Borg binary...can't be any worse that an injection or two of cortison in the spinal column!
And That was how the Borg were created. =D
I agree with you about the short lived children should have their own profiles.  I think of the sadness of the mother especially, for these children.  And the fathers who arrived in France during the British deportation of the french from what is now PEI.  Some lost their whole families on the voyage.
You will pardon the chuckle I got from the comment " collared my 17-year-old trainee into helping" - given that in some fellowships (Catholic being one), a priestly collar is part of the normal attire. As I chuckled, I wondered, was that word play intended?

I agree with giving short lived relatives space on the tree.  I have two that I have added and have another one planned.  One, was born and died in 1906.  Another, was at a summer job between college (National Normal University, Lebanon, OH) semesters/quarters when he contracted typhoid and died at 23 in the late 1890s.

36 Answers

+20 votes

winkThis Week: A New Parody!  Enjoy!devil

Everybody’s Chatting on the Weekend

  • Sung to the tune of Working for the Weekend by Canadian rock band Loverboy,
  • Written by guitarist Paul Dean, vocalist Mike Reno and drummer Matt Frenette
  • The song was released in October 1981 and reached number two on Billboard's Mainstream Rock chart in January 1982.
    • Parody by Dave Draper

Here is the music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsgBpsNPQ50

  • Click on the link and the music should play, then come back here and try to sing along
    • or open the link in a new window
  • Everybody’s Chatting on the Weekend
  • Everyone's watchin' to see what you will post
  • Everyone's lookin' at you, oh
  • Everyone's wonderin' will you reach out tonight?
  • Everyone’s chattin. They’re not uptight (not uptight)
  • Everybody's chattin' on the weekend
  • Everybody wants to take a stance
  • Everybody's goin' Wikipeepin’
  • Everybody takes a second glance, oh
  • You wanna piece of my heart?
  • We love the thoughts you impart
  • You wanna be in the show?
  • Come on baby, let's go!
  • Music
  • Everyone's lookin' to see just what you do
  • Everyone wants you to come through
  • Everyone's hopin' it'll all work out
  • Everyone's chattin’. They're shouting out
  • Everybody's chattin' on the weekend
  • Everybody wants to take a stance, hey yeah, hey-hey
  • Everybody's goin' Wikipeepin’
  • Everybody takes a second glance, oh
  • You wanna piece of my heart?
  • We love the thoughts you impart
  • You wanna be in the show?
  • Come on baby, let's go!
  • Hey!
  • You wanna piece of my heart?
  • We love the thoughts you impart
  • You wanna be in the show?
  • Come on baby, let's go!
  • You wanna piece of my heart?
  • We love the thoughts you impart
  • You wanna be in the show?
  • Come on baby, let's go!

All 32 of Dave's Weekend Chat Parodies Here!devil

Next Week...I'm on Vacation (text me in the comments below if you want instructions on how to post one of the older parodies.  If someone will volunteer, I will provide instructions how to copy and paste your favorite parody for next week's chat! Thanks!

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
Very cool, David! (You're up early this morning.... I'm off to the doc.)

Just reading over your episode of stepping in at the church! You are the man!  Next week. I'm heading to New Jersey! Im off to work myself. Will post later about my adventures!wink

Glad this isn't a parody of "Every move you make" by the Police. Nice work!
Another good one David!
+26 votes
Good morning from Alabama where we have also had some cooler weather.  

On the personal front I am dealing with car issues and rentals.

At church I am one of the team of teachers for the Ladies Bible Study.  I made a comment to my pastor's wife last Sunday when we had our meeting that everyone needs to have their name remembered and that is one of the reasons I do genealogy.  To make sure all have a voice so to speak.

On the genealogy front I haven't gotten to do much.  I did some cemetery categorizations last week for cemeteries in Kanawha County, West Virginia.  I work mostly in the western part of WV.  I am originally from Mason Co. WV but have family in Putnam, Jackson, and Kanawha Counties also.   I am off today so I am trying to do some RAWKing.

Hope everyone has great weekend!!!
by Sharon Haynes G2G6 Mach 2 (24.5k points)
'everyone needs to have their name remembered and that is one of the reasons I do genealogy.'

Sharon, I like that !

Quote: ...everyone needs their name remembered... I was watching Hollywood Graveyard and that is what the host, Arthur Dark, said.  He was saying something to the effect that when a person's name is no longer spoken, they are truly gone. 

heartYou are my 10th cousin twice removedheart

+22 votes
This is going to be short. I found out yhat our shift at my daughters house will be the week before Christmas so the planning has begun. It has been cold, even for us, this week. I have been organizing stuff for the Jamboree on the Air tomorrow. If that is not enough we are babysitting the 4 young great granddaughters today. Genealogy? who has time for genealogy?
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
Enjoy your special time with the great grands!
Busy as ever, I see, Dale. How did he Jamboree go?
+23 votes

¡Buenos días a todos from the Old Pueblo! It is 7:00 am and 70F (21.1C) with an expected high of 100F (37.8) with sunny skies in Tucson. Mid-October and we are still seeing 100F temperatures.

I finished fall house cleaning last week only to begin again this week. I arranged for the air ducts to be cleaned, a task that had not been done for several years. I had to begin re-cleaning on Tuesday because of all the debris that was blown or fallen from the air ducts! The best laid plans of mice…and cleaning.

Healing Beyond Borders (HBB), an organization to which I belong. is holding their week-long conference via zoom. It began last Friday and ends this Sunday. HBB is a global non-profit service organization for Healing Touch (HT). It oversees the credentialing process for Certified Healing Touch Practitioners, most of whom are nurses. HT is a collection of standardized non-invasive techniques that clear, energize, and balance the human and environmental energy fields to support a person's own inherent ability to heal. HT is a component of complementary, alternative, integrative and holistic practices. The presentations have been outstanding, including research, implementation within the Veterans Administration health care system, and teaching. I maintain a small private practice and the presentations assist me in keeping current. Given that we must recertify every five years (a rigorous process), I must also maintain continuing education units.

Much of the week has been taken up with attending these online presentations. To do two (or three) things at once, I have upped the sound on my Android and listened to keynote presentations while cleaning or cooking. I also took time to sit in my meditation garden and enjoy the morning and evening meditations, yoga, and drumming. I had more than usual the number of hummingbirds during several of the meditations that incorporated Buddhist chanting with notes akin to Gregorian chant!

I still have some issues with my computer and yet another Geek is coming later today. I saw a note on Discord as to a G2G post from the PGM group related to an ancestor who was among the first settlers of Windsor, Connecticut. His wife, Sara/h, has incorrectly been listed as a daughter of another early settler. I ended up trying to respond to Comments, email and make revisions using my Android! That was nearly enough to put me over the edge despite all the wonderful meditations and presentations. I sent an email via Android to M Cole to apprise her of my computer issues. I only hope I can upload the missive that I wrote at 6am. I truly think some of these computer issues are related to the fact that it is access via my Arizona State University account. I recently changed my password (required every six months) and seem to have had difficulties since that change. I am going to see if I can re-apply for my old University of Arizona account and do research and publications with them and have access to IT folks who aren’t 1.5 hours from home.

My colleagues in Mexico sent my airline confirmation for my travel to León to teach. I leave on November 1st and return on the 4th. I will be there for Day of the Dead (Fiesta de los Muertos). When I return, I hope to tune into some of the WikiTree Birthday Bash on Saturday. The Tucson Celtic Festival is also scheduled for that weekend. A real boon of wonderful activities; however, I cannot figure out how to shape shift or create a Star Trek-like Transporter or borrow the Tardis from Dr. Who to attend these various activities for maximum benefit! Any ideas, Cousin Chris?

As to genealogy…I have been cleaning up profiles on 18th century distant cousins in Massachusetts who were brought in as GEDCOM junk and need biographies, sources, and some TLC. Working on these Massachusetts cousins gives me a break from the pre- and just post-1500 Buckinghamshire Baldwins (not that these Baldwins weren’t brought in as GEDCOM junk). I can at least find sources for the cousins, which allows me to feel as though I have accomplished something. I spend at least one full day on a Baldwin and end the day feeling demoralized having gotten so little accomplished. I have found some online sites that listed the ‘genealogies’ for several of these pre-1500 Baldwins and now know where some of the ‘problems’ came from. I am going to write up as many as I can for which I have sources, then call on a couple of our top-notch England Team members to review the completed profiles and enlist their aid with the ‘fantasy’ profiles.

Pip, as ever, thank you for leading the Weekend Chat. I wish all my WikiTree friends and family a great THIRD weekend of October 2023.

by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
edited by Carol Baldwin
Hey, Carol, I have always wanted a transporter, think of all the 5 day vacations I could take to places far, far away.

The other technology I want is a holodeck, then I could take Virtual Vacations!

Can you come and clean my house?devil

Ah, I wish I could be there for the Tucson Celtic Festival, Carol. Think of me while you are there. I'll be missing the Charleston Scottish Games this year on the same weekend.
+23 votes
Top of the Morning from Lone Jack, Mo. For the third time in about as many weeks, I said farewell to another old friend.  My 85-year-old neighbor died last Sunday about three weeks after being diagnosed with cancer. He will be missed.

Last weeks Gathering of Old Veterans was well received. We had a presenter whose g g grandfather fought in the battle of Ravines. That was a battle about one month prior to the battle of Lone Jack. It seems a Union detachment surprised a group of Quantrill's men. Quantrill's men fought dismounted and suffered many casualties. The presenter, Tim, had his gggrandfathers carbine that misfired and crippled his left hand. He also had his .44 cal revolver and the original roster of Quantrill's men that was removed from one of the dead. His family bought that at auction. I won't bore you with the rest of the story unless you stop by the museum.

Oh well that reminds me that I need to get ready and bore, I need to be there in a few minutes. We have people that have signed up for the escape room next month and Walk with the Spirits the 28th of this month.
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (381k points)
edited by K Smith
Hi K, my most sincere condolences on the death of your old friend. Sometimes neighbors can be even closer than biological family. I will keep you in my meditations.
Thanks Carol. Charley was an old friend before he was my neighbor for the last 24 years. He lived among my uncles, cousins and family friends while I was young and sheltered from reality.
Condolences to you and yours, K. =( So sorry.
Condolences on the loss of your friend!
Thanks Chris and Margaret for the condolences. Well, I just finished boring 8 people at the museum. Now I think I will go enjoy what looks like a perfect week-end at the lake. Enjoy!

K, you are never boring!  Sorry to hear of your losses! Hang in there!heart

@ David Did Ira have any connection to Mother Hubbard's Cupboard, a terminus ran by Wm Hubbard and his wife on the UGRR?

@K  I have not found that out yet.  If I do It will be in The Book! wink

Condolences, Kay.

Could you explain to me a bit about the "Walk With the Spirits"?
We will have re-enactors from the battle of Lone Jack about the property who will come to life a detail their role in the battle and their role in the community in 1862. Some in the cemetery some on the battlefield. The museums fall function to beg $$ to keep the doors open.
@ David,  Col William Hubbard 1787-1863. I don't think he has a profile. Is a notable and is known for his involvement in the UGRR.
Thanks! I'm going to pass this idea along to our Community Group.
@ K: The names the Iowa Historical Society have researched that may have interacted with my 2nd great grandfather do not include Hubbard.  I can ask about him the next time I chat with them.  They will send me all the information they have on anyone I ask for...but that is the trick! Who does one know who to ask for?
Sorry to hear, K. May his memory be a blessing.

I do need to get out to darken y'all's doorstep at the museum one day...
I am definitely going to have to stop by the museum some day, K. You peaked my interest in the "rest of the story," as Paul Harvey would have said.
+22 votes
Hails and horns, Wikipeeps!

On the genealogy front this week, I posted about Friends. Well, one friend who I met under umm...strange circumstances. https://allroadhaverhill.blogspot.com/2023/10/52-ancestors-week-42-friends.html

In my defense this was back in 2017 and I was just starting out all over again. Trish and I still talk and yes I sent her the blog. =D I hope she likes it!

In other news, my dad's cousin is going to take me to city hall again so I have to devise some questions to ask. I have some ideas. But, I am running out on that front. There's only so much I an ask. Though, I could start asking about random people. We'll see. If only they'd just let me go into the back where the magic happens.

Azure had me, Frank Santoro, Cristina Corbellani and Danita Zanre record a video for Wikitree Day. What is it? Well, it's a surprise! It's the first of three videos I'll be a part of. The other two are TBD! I hope everyone will like it!

In non genealogy news, I went out to dinner with Bob, my parents and one of Bob's friends who is living in Hawaii and was visiting. Was a great time. =D

I hope everyone is doing well. Thanks for hosting, Pip! Have a great weekend!
by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (786k points)
Ciao Cousin Chris, I just read your blog...very nice! The only thing better than being a friend is being your cousin.

I think I mentioned few year back that I taught with a profesor of history named Paul Tedesco when we taught for the U.S. military in East Asia through the University of Maryland - Asian Division.

I found a wonderful obituary about him and perhaps you might find that there is a family connection (https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/bostonglobe/name/paul-tedesco-obituary?id=2219248). He is one person that you definitely would be proud to be related to. I enjoyed knowing him and his wife, Eleanor, while we taught in Korea and on Okinawa. Interestingly, he did his dissertation on the Baldwin home/family in Woburn, Massachusetts. I am a direct descendant of Henry Baldwin, who first started that home in the 1650's! Oh, and he apparently has written histories, including Haverhill!

Have a great weekend! Hugs, Carol
@ Carol. That is a great obit! But, I dunno if there's a connection. Tedesco is a very common last name. All isn't lost. There is a Tedesco family in Woburn who I am connected to. In fact, my dad, great-aunt and I are all DNA matches of another family of Tedescos who came from San Pietro a Maida and settled in Woburn. So, you have the right area. Just the wrong Tedescos. Great obit, though and it seems like he was a cool guy.  I would be proud to be related to him for sure.  Thanks for sharing!
I'll be doing a live event for WikiTree Day, Chris. It'll be on the Greeters Project, which reminds me I need to get an email out to the project to get a few participants.

"Yes" to a list for city hall. Search through your research. You know there are some tidbits that'll help out somewhere.

Nothing from San Pietro?
+21 votes
I got up early to be ready for a washing machine repair man--this Friday or next week-depending on???.  It has limped along for several months stopping on rinse after spinning the wash water out but not refilling.  I worked around by refilling the wash cycle with cold water and no detergent and then a final drain and spin cycle.  Now it doesn't start at all.  Two of my friends have the same problem one refills, the other got hers repaired a year ago.  Now two more friends are also complaining about less than 4 year old machines giving problems.  Interestingly, when I called the store that sold it to me she asked for the brand name, Amanna, and she tried to tell me to just junk it and buy a new one.  She says over half of owners do that.   I said I would pay the $120 diagnosis call, at 86 I didn't need a new $900 washing machine.  I am temporarily taking my wash to the public laundry next door to my physical therapy building and do a load for $3.00.  I can do many loads for $900 at that rate.  Plus my daughter says she will do it at her house, 12 miles away.  Probably assigned to a granddaughter in a visit.  Plus I think my son has his old machine stored in the barn I can have, I need to check that is not a dryer.  My dryer is 50 years old and has only needed a new tumbler belt in all of that time.

Just for a change of pace I have been doing New York Civil War veterans for Andrew  Simpier's project.  Since it is for three nearby counties I am finding some overlapping families. So far three have been interesting.  One was a family from my husband's ancestors name, who lived temporarily in our area, but I can't connect him to any who lived in my county at the time.  More research (sigh).
Still trying to get all my boosters lined up.  Drug stores no longer do walkins but I have trouble getting phone numbers to make appointments.  I may resort to my nurse practitioner by next week, at least she is only one to two weeks away if you are not dying over the phone call.
by Beulah Cramer G2G6 Pilot (576k points)
edited by Beulah Cramer
Hi Beulah, hang in there with the Amana...it has been known to be a very good machine, the refrigerators as well. I understand cost! I have already spent nearly $12K this year (half my income) on new toilets, property taxes, a new wall-mounted water heater and house/auto insurance. This does not include medications, food and utilities. It is rather cavalier when someone say 'dump it a buy a new one,' which can be $900 and more!

Good for you helping Andrew with the Civil War Project! I kind of have my hands full with a computer that is misbehaving and the Baldwins from Buckinghamshire. You take care!
Update.  The repairman just left.  He says my water pressure is too low so the computer shuts off.  The old ones in the store sell out fast so I have a hold on one for a day or so.
What are we going to do when all the old just fill and run ones are gone?  He says it is a conservation order from the federal government.  I hope the barn stored appliance is a washer.
Hmm, older machines don't have computers and work just fine.

When we got our new drier last year we refused to get one with all the newest bells and whistles, neither do I need to sync my appliances with my non-existent smart phone.
+22 votes
WET!.....it's been for the last few days......must have put out a few fires by now.
by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (364k points)
A few fires less would be a very good thing!
I hard that the fire season is over in Canada, John. Are there still a few fires burning?
M and Pip, I checked the internet, for the latest news on British Columbia Wildfires, and could not find any useful information to report.......my own fire recently went out, however, by rubbing sticks together I am now smokin' it again.

laughlaughlaugh John, you so funny. You brighten my day.

+23 votes

Hi from Interlaken, Switzerland.
The weather is now changing from warm sunny late summer to rainy and windy autumn, but still too high temperatures for the time of the year.


Our family life changed this year: our youngest son returned to Switzerland after 24 years Australia, where he lived and worked and married in the Sydney and Blue Mountains area. So now we meet very regularely in Interlaken and quit often our daughter from Davos will join also. Now are we waiting for a comeback of our eldest son from Beijing where he is living and working as an associated professor for informatics for now about 8 or more years. He wrote he can't arrange a christmas visit in 2023 but maybe 2024. But than he also got an invitation for my sisters 80th birthday next March, and he is planning to come to the family-reunion in the Netherlands where my family comes from.


Yesterday I had an operation to remove cataract from my right eye. Now hopefully I will have a better sight.


Working with WikiTree is very enjoying, because I see the increase I manage. More CC7 (now over 3000) more edits (now over 10'000 in 9 months). I did also a first challenge which was very helpful for learning more und understanding more about the quite complex world of WikiTree. My basis is my own RootsMagic Database with 475'000 'profiles', I won't copy them all, but it's very supporting - it leeds to the places where I can find more. My interest is to connect the loose ends, so I tried to connect all Schregardus people within WikiTree that were no yet connected. All people with this familyname are decending from my 7th ggf Henricus Schregardus a Frisian medical doctor and dutch reformed minister from Dokkum. He studied both sciences and made his doctor in medicine with his thesis 'de tremore'.
My own familyname is just too common to concentrate on, when I meet other Dutch people called Jansen, I just say we are surely not related. But the 3 other grandparents have unique familynames as far as the Netherlands is concerned. Mullender is also British and American, Bügel is also German and Middle-European, but ten Hoor is unique.
So, now I go further, it's dinner time in Western Europe.

by Klaas Jansen G2G6 Mach 5 (50.8k points)
Hi Klaas!

Congratulations to having one of your sons back in Europe so you can meet him more often!

How did you ever manage to collect that many persons in your RootsMagic database?? How many years did that take?

I started from scratch on wikitree in 2016 and my CC7 is just over 2000.

Greetings from Sweden!
Your CC7 is moving along nicely and sure sounds like you’ve got a great database to work from!

Enjoy the visits with your children. Hope your other son makes it to the party in March.
Great progress on your WT journey.

There are lots of fascinating things to learn and also some tech things I have yet to understand.

Hi Maria,

I started at 16. My granduncle Antoon showed me a small handwritten table about the ten Hoor family. I was right away enthousiastic and went to visit old familymembers I didn't know before, not even heared off. So I was taken or 'lost' and now after 60 years I still are active and focussed.

 Greetings from Switzerland

Really nice to see all those international connections here and now, and in the past. You're doing great here!

Thanks for your reply, Klaas! smiley

+21 votes

Hi from southern Ontario,

Chez moi/at home: what's been happening here? I’m heading into a very busy few weeks, the Horticultural Society annual general meeting is November 14th and all the reports financial and otherwise need to be finished and ready to be presented to the members for their approval. 

I am stepping down as society president, and will continue as past president for at least 1 year. Meanwhile I need to make sure that the new co-presidents know everything about everything. 

As I mentioned briefly last week, the family wedding we went to was a Star Wars theme, with light sabers on the place cards, and a light saber as the base for the bride’s bouquet, Star Wars music during the ceremony and instead of ordinary congratulations from the officiant, she said ‘May the Force be With You’. It was quite the occasion. 

WikiTree and family history: the cemetery project continues I’m now up to 587 profiles in the category out of 1472 total in the cemetery. It always surprises me how many people don’t have a headstone or don’t have a their name included on another headstone. 

The death records for some time periods include the burial location and date, and their obits in local newspapers also include the burial location, date and time, but they have no headstone/ memorial. Which means my records don't match the Find a Grave entries. 

I was contacted through Ancestry by someone who lives in California, her ancestor David Smith is/was the uncle-in-law of my husband's great aunt and uncle, David’s brother Alexander was the father in law of my husband's great aunt and uncle.

The Smiths settled on the property immediately south of the land Robbie’s 3 x GGP, and the Smiths are connected to almost everyone in Cemetery. There are I think 7 connections between Robbie’s ancestors and the Smiths and that doesn’t count when an in law descendant married into another in law descendant family, I lose track of all the names.

Other: I have found some time to work on the fall garden tidy up, there is a lot more to do. 

We finally found time to take 6 boxes of books to the Mississauga Symphony book sale drop off location and to sort household stuff, that resulted in donation of several boxes of winter clothes and 4 tents to a group that supports the local homeless population. 

by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (762k points)
I can imagine the Star Wars wedding was fabulous especially if John Williams was the music composer!
@M...Your work on hte cemetery project is to be commended! I don't know how you do all that you do with this project, the horticulture group, etc. PLUS the Virtual Vacay! I haven't donated books; however, I have a shopping cart of goodies and I need to contact the Habi-Store (Habitat for Humanity) to pick up these items (too much and too big for my car...so truck pick up).
Carol, I'm not good at just sitting, unless something that I'm watching is absolutely fascinating.

I knit while watching, I WikiTree while watching, I work on Hort stuff while watching, I sort old photos and slides and many other things such as old travel brochures while watching.
@M, same here (except for the knitting). I have the telly on now, but am working on profiles. The Geek was here and the computer is working (touch wood). I even read while watching, or iron while watching. The only time I'm sitting and not watching is when I am in my Asian garden meditating!

M, you must have a large garden that I thought, what with all the work needed. smiley

Pip, it's not a large space, but only about 20 % of it is lawn, all the rest is planted garden.

There is a lot of cutting down and trimming back to do before there is any significant amount of snow, plus rabbit proofing the garden. Which means putting hardware cloth /chicken wire around and over plants and shrubs that other wise will get eaten by the 'killer bunnies' over the winter.

If I don't wrap plants like blackberries, roses and some other shrubs, there will be no flowers and or fruit next year.

It needs to be done by the beginning of December so I still have some time.
+20 votes

Virtual Vacation! 

When we went on holiday to Ireland, then Scotland, then England in June 2022 we travelled south from Edinburgh to York and then took a daytrip to “Heartbeat Country”. 

For those of you who are not familiar with Heartbeat, it is a British police drama set in the 1960s in the fictional town of Ashfordly and fictional village of Aidensfield, much of the program was filmed in an actual Yorkshire village called Goathland. 

Other local scenes in the program are of the Yorkshire Moors and the fishing town of Whitby. 

This photo was taken on the drive across the moors from York to Goathland. 


The program ran on British TV from 1992 until 2010 and has been on various TV stations as reruns ever since. It is a very different police program in comparison to many current day offerings, and you either love it or can’t stand it. 

We have watched Heartbeat as first runs and reruns since the mid 1990s.  

When we decided to visit York there was no discussion about if we would do a daytrip to Heartbeat country, it was a must do. 

The opening scenes take place on the village common where several sheep mill around a wooden bench. I do have a picture of me on this bench about 10 minutes after this picture was taken, but the sheep had wandered off.


The church of St Mary was built between 1894 and 1896, many scenes in the program were filmed in the churchyard. This pic is from Wikipedia. 


The pub is called the Aidensfield Arms in the program, but is really called the Goathland Hotel. We went in and had a drink, it does look just like it does in the program, apparently scenes were filmed in the hotel for several years, but it became too difficult so a set was built off site. 


This is the car park at the left end of the pub, with the Aidensfield Arms sign still on the end of the building


In the program the local gas station/ garage was also a funeral directors/undertakers, so we went in to take a look, it is now an ice cream shop/ craft/second hand shop, it gets lots of customers. 


Some of the houses on the main road.


This is a much older house with the metal figure 8 shaped reinforcements on the front of the building to stop it falling apart, and of course a sheep wandering along the road.


by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (762k points)

Again, Thank you for sharing these great pictures!  Sheep in the cemetery? Never seen that before!surprise

David, the sheep are free range, they are on the village common, the graves are in the churchyard which is walledwink

Hi M, I love these types of towns throughout England, Ireland, and Scotland. We visited several while on tour in Scotland, Wales and England back in 1987. I recall being stopped for quite a while because cows and sheep had the right of way on the road that we were on! I loved it!

More recently, we made several tour trips to Alcock wher many of the PBS specials are filmed because there has been very little 21st centure 'stuff' to muck up scenes for Jane Austin era novels.

Do you have any idea about when the church of St Mary was first built? Might it be 13th century-ish with renovations since then? I am curious because several of the churches in Buckinghamshire look similar and their 'roots' are 13th century.

Thank you for a wonderful virtual vacay! You are second and third a Tardis, or being 'beamed up' by Scottie!

According to Wikipedia

'"The grade II* listed Church of St Mary, was built between 1894 and 1896.However, a chapel has existed in Goathland since at least 1521, being supplanted by a church in 1821.Stone and other materials from the 1821 church were re-used for other buildings in the village. At that time, dressed stone was quarried locally and was in short supply, this being 15 years before the railway arrived in the village"

This site has much more information and some great pictures.


Britain Express has marvelous photos and information about almost everywhere in Britain.

Sheep were often used to keep the grass and ivy in  churchyards under control.  They still are in some places but there are sometimes objections. Personally, I'd rather see a bit of sheep poo than the long grass, brambles and ivy  that cover the graves in the older part of my local churchyard  

M, Have you seen this  1999 one off ?  Nick Berry started a new job as a Canadian  Mountie. More beautiful scenery but I don't think it translated very well. https://youtu.be/wpxYICncvV0?feature=shared

The churchyard is walled and gated, when we drove past it there were no sheep around.

I just looked it up on Google Street view and you can see sheep wandering around on the grass verges all along the road.

Yes, I saw the Canadian episode.

Have you seen the 2 episodes shot in Australia?

They were part of the last season, I didn't know they existed until I just looked up all the episodes

DS Dawson and PC Mason go to Australia to find out what happened to Rosie. They are joined by Carol Cassidy who wants to search for her brother whom she has never met. Dawson and Mason locate Rosie's and Mick's last employer Mrs. Patterson. She sacked the young couple after Mick beat up Rosie in a row, and nobody has seen the young girl after she left town on the bus the following day. But Mason has a feeling that not everybody is telling everything they know. Back in Aidensfield Sergeant Miller has some questions for Mick who is still in the area. Meanwhile Carol finds out that her brother is called Daniel, and she puts an ad in the paper. This puts her in contact with a Doctor Cunningham who claims to know Daniel, but the doctor also has ulterior motives.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGS0oMiwYtg and


Of course the area does have another minor claim to fame. 

The Goathland railway station was also used as a filming location for the Harry Potter films, it was Hogsmeade Station.


+19 votes
Good morning and hello. It's foggy again in Everett, Washington. Leaves are being tracked into the house.

Tomorrow I'm driving the 2 adult kids to Bellingham for the Bellingham ComicCon. They have bought me a ticket. Not sure what I will do there. There will be a lot of vendors and comic books and artists, and a costume contest. I worked on my daughter's costume, a white lab coat, onto which I sewed Umbrella Corp. patches. Today I am due to press the coat with a cool iron.

I have changed my mind multiple times about the settings for a Dresden Plate quilt with yellow 1930s retro fabric flowers. It needs white in it to make the colors pop. I am changing colors in my mind.

I am waiting for a merge to go through, after which the profile of actor Conrad Veidt (think Casablanca) will be connected. Also I have been pruning my watchlist, but it's still over 5500.

Last night husband Chris and I had dinner with a couple of friends from Toastmasters. We are in the process of shutting down our little club and maybe transferring it to a new organization that another member has founded. Trouble is, our friend doesn't want a role in the new organization. Anyway, it was good to get out of the house and not have to cook dinner.

I will be working on Snohomish County profiles today.

You all stay well. I hope all goes well for Pip.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (330k points)
I'm waiting for 4 merges to go through, all duplicates in the same family, with other duplicates in the same family to be done after this 4.

I have had to wait the 30 days for other merges with the same PMs
You, Margaret, are a very busy woman. (I sometimes wish I was a bit busier myself!)
+21 votes
Hello Hello everyone! Nothing much to report. Weather has been beautiful, cool not cold at night and warm during the day. We still need rain though. I got the last of my tomatoes  and all those plants have been pulled. I still have a few peppers coming in and got some beautiful mixed greens last week. I hate I didn't plant more. The mums and fall decorations have replaced the summer flowers on the porch and this weekend I will put up more pumpkins and halloween items.

We got the extra bedroom/junk room cleaned out last weekend and I'm proud to say about 80% got tossed. I've vowed to stop hoarding so much. It really felt good and allowed me a space for my pictures and family tree papers, you know the important stuff.

I joined a new Melungeon group on FB that is very active and I hope to get some of them to join WT. They are very helpful and while there don't seem to be any connections to my Melungeon line I found some of my husbands Mullins family information. My Melungeon is more in the north/central part of NC. But it sent me down my brick wall rabbit hole once again. Plans were canceled for this weekend so I think it's going to be a full blown genealogy workshop weekend for me. Glad to see you all and have a wonderful Wikiend my WT friends!
by Teresa Willis G2G6 Mach 5 (50.6k points)
What is your husbands ID#- you gave me grandma Willis' # 1049, I believe.
Willis-14787 is my husbands, sorry I did that.

Hey cousin! ( 14th cousin)  I read your profile page and the note about leaving your profile page just the way it is when you are gone, got me to wondering how much gets changed to a profile when someone passes?  Some things would have to be re-written in past tense?  Well, I have the same situation with my profile.  I even have a plug in there for the WikiTree Store!surprise   I don't want my profile page changed either, but some of it wouldn't make sense after I am gone! 

Teresa, if you're interested in extending your vegetable gardening year, look for a book called

The Year-Round Vegetable Gardener by Niki Jabbour, she harvests vegetables year round in her Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada garden. USDA climate Zone 5a., average minimum winter temperature tends to range between 8.6 and 19.4° F (-13° and -7° C) across the region.

She also has many videos on YouTube.
Cousin David, It's just to encourage people to leave it as is. I know it might get changed at some point.
10c1r , thought we might be closer.
+18 votes
Greetings fellow Chatters! It's been a week among weeks of life's ups and downs. On the Upside: I had received a phone call to appear at the local housing authority. It seems that after two years of being on the waiting list for a senior living apartment, I was finally next in line! How exciting! My granddaughter had me believing that I would sign the lease and receive the keys at the appointment. Super exciting! Alas, this meeting was only what I call Round Two of Qualifying. There was more paperwork to sign, and if I passed the background check, THEN I would be assigned an apartment and get my precious keys. *sigh* I was crestfallen, I tell you. Totally crestfallen!

On the genealogical side of things, I was working diligently to connect one of my unconnected profiles to the tree. I went up, up, up her first husband's tree, (because his name was more common), adding more and more relatives as I went. The same thing happened when I tried connecting her through her second husband. This went on for almost two weeks. I must have created twenty more profiles, but she was still not connected to the tree. I was getting tired, but not discouraged.

Then, on Wednesday, I added her father to her line. Still no connection! After taking a break I went to add his father (her paternal grandfather).  Success!!!! He was already on Wikitree having been added just a few months ago. His profile was very sparse, so I emailed the PM to ask if I could add more information. Thankfully, she agreed to let me fill in the profile.

The story doesn't end there, though. I received a very nice email from the PM thanking me for the work I did on the profile. She said that she was a recent member of Wikitree and that she was learning as she goes. I've got to tell you, she "gets it". She's made some good profiles. I did offer to help her if she had any questions.

So, that's how it is in my world!
by Candyce Fulford G2G6 Pilot (123k points)
Oh, Candyce, this is great news! Do you have any idea about the possibility of moving in the near future, like did they give you a date or anything?
No ate yet, Pip. But surely before Christmas. Maybe even before Thanksgiving.
Oh, I sure hope so!
+18 votes
Good afternoon from Texas where our weather has been much nicer that all those 100F + days of the summer. We even had a couple of nights in the high 30's. This weekend, alas, will be in the low 90's before cooling off again.

After my endoscopy last Friday, it took several days to begin feeling more normal; I was left with a sore throat and some medication left me feeling headachy. I am feeling much better now and have been plugging away with some genealogy.

I have almost finished the Black Cemetery in Rapides Parish, Louisiana. There are almost no headstone photos there posted to their memorials.  So, in November we will be going to South Louisiana for a friend's 90th birthday and on the way back north, my husband is dropping me off in the community where this cemetery and several more are located. I will stay with a third cousin for a few days and we plan to take photos of that whole cemetery plus some that are missing from FindAGrave in our large family cemetery there. I am really looking forward to the trip.

Meanwhile, I am still learning about the workings of the Louisiana Project and enjoying every minute. Here and there, I am still searching for the answer to a couple of Brick Walls - not sure they will ever be solved!

Have a glorious weekend everyone!
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Ginny, we won't see anything close to the 90s for at least until June of next year. We had about 3 days of 30s in the morning, but nothing higher than the high 70s in the afternoon.

I'm going to want to all about your trip to Louisiana when you get back.
And, I will be anxious to share!!
+17 votes

Checking in from Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois, USA!  

So, that is where I live, Just FYI >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Very pretty fall day today, and the leaves are starting to change.

Genealogy:  I continue to play "Draper WikiGames" with me, myself and I.  Cleaning up profiles, adding biographies, adding sources and connecting those people to new profiles.  Just doing that a little every day has already shot me past 1640 contributions for October! This will make 25 months straight, with no gaps, that I have made it in the Club 1000! ( I spend way toooooooooooo much time on WikiTree!  

The Book:  I have not acquired book writing software yet.  I still can't decide which learning curve I want to suffer through.  So, I started a new Free Space page to make an outline.  Every time I think of something that needs to be added in the book, I insert it the proper place in the free space outline. I divided the book into 4 Acts.  I am ready to write Act 1.  I have a book that is teaching me how to write a book: Save The Cat Writes A Novel.  Re-reading chapter one of that book, I see I have left out some very important elements in my outline.  When I get the outline perfect, I can start writing.  This will save hours of re-write time.  Thank WikiTree for Free Space!laugh Thank Jessica Brody for writing a book about how to write a book!yes

Vacation! Next week, my wife and I are off to New Jersey to see my son, his wife and two grandkids!  I have 11 grand kids, but these two are the only ones that live 12 hours away!sad

Heads Up:  Next Friday, you will have to copy and paste a Song Parody in or write a new one you have created!  Pip starts the Weekend Chat at about 8:30a.m. central time (today he was really early) wink  

The Laptop:  It is fried!  I spilled coffee in it last week! arghhhh!  The tech said he could save the files off to a new external hard drive!  laugh

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
David, my own version of personal Wikigames is going back over my watch list and finding old profiles from when I first joined. There are still quite a few that I really need to neaten up.
+20 votes
Hey all! Had quite a week. Ended up being transported back to the hospital, because my liver levels were really high at my post op appointment this week. I've had so many needles stuck in me these past 2 weeks I feel like a human pin cusion. But, I've been feeling better, my incision is healing well, and my levels are steadily going down. Doc says I can go home sat, or sun at the latest as long as my levels keep going down. I will be so glad, I think I've seen enough of the hospital for a while. When I get back, I'm going to sit outside and soak up some sun.
by Chandra Garrow G2G6 Mach 7 (71.6k points)
My dear Chandra. I will continue to send healing thoughts your way and hope that you get better soon. It's great to hear that you ARE feeling better. Enjoy as much sunshine as you can.
Dear Chandra, I'm also sending healing and happy thoughts to you. Glad to hear that your incision is healing well, that they're keeping a close eye on you, and that you are making progress on the road to recovery.
Chandra, I am so sorry you have had all this happening! I hope and pray you are completely healed very soon.
"Sit outside and soak up the sun." You do just that, Chandra. No need to rush geting back into things. Your health comes first!
+20 votes

Hola y bienvenido. Escribiré mis mensajes en el idioma de los países que visité durante mi gira global por 15 países. Esta semana estoy honrando a dos países que visité en Argentina y Panamá.

Lamentablemente parece que mi país, Nueva Zelanda, acaba de eliminar a Argentina de la Copa Mundial de Rugby con un marcador de 44-6. En materia personal fui a ver una banda tributo a Queen con mi hija mayor quien lo disfrutó muchísimo en detrimento de mi saldo bancario. 

En el frente de Wikitree logré conectar a Freddie Mercury con el árbol principal a través de su esposo Jim Hutton. Finalmente también estoy trabajando principalmente en los perfiles que creé durante el Connectathon de enero. Sólo quedan 220 perfiles más.

(Edit fixing a translation Gender issue)

by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (461k points)
edited by Darren Kellett

Estimado/Querido Darren,

Muchas gracias por su mensaje. Voy a México con frecuencia para impartir dos clases para el programa de educadores en diabetes de la Universidad de Guanajuato, León. Una clase trata sobre la promoción de la salud del sueño y la otra sobre prácticas complementarias y holísticas. La gente de Guanajuato son la familia de mi corazón. Me va bastante bien hablando español, mejor que comprensión. ¡Saldré en dos semanas para enseñar y estaré allí para el Día de Muertos!

También he viajado a Argentina, Panamá, Ecuador y Cuba principalmente para conferencias de enfermería. ¡Me encanta la cultura!

¡Muchas gracias por su trabajo en WikiTree, particularmente por conectar a Freddie a través de su esposo, Jim! ¡Un fuerte abrazo!

Hey Darren,

you were able to connect Freddie Mercury? Well done! Yesterday I still said he's (for me) too complicated to connect and now I read he is connected.

Yes Freddie Mercury has been connected for about a week. I still need to do improvements to the connecting profiles but they are minimally sourced. Is he on a free space page listed as unconnected?

Hola carol

Lamentablemente hablar español no es algo que pueda hacer. Normalmente puedo captar algunas palabras pero no puedo mantener una conversación. Admiro a aquellos que pueden hablar dos o más idiomas y me encanta escuchar a la gente hablar en idiomas extranjeros.



Hola Darren.

Es maravilloso que hayas conectado a Freddie Mercury con el árbol. Tengo que comprobar y ver cuántos grados tengo de él.

By the way, I took two years of Spanish in college.
@Darren: No, I didn't check if he was connected before I wrote that sentence in the other thread. It's great to have him connected.
+17 votes

On this day:

1944: Belgrade is liberated of the German troops during WWII.

1968: Dick Fosbury wins the gold medal in High Jump at the Olympic Games

1973: The Sydney Opera House is opened

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Hi Jelena, I will go with the liberation of Belgrade. The Sydney Opera House has second place.
Same as Carol, Professor. I'm reading all three f your Chat assignments tonight. Thanks!
+20 votes

Currently, it's 13˚ C and drizzly in Fort Erie. I'm a little constrained in my movements these days because my tendonitis is flaring up again, so it hurts to walk. Also, my shoulder has been hurting for a couple of months, so I've probably got arthritis now, too. It's like the old joke says, "If I'd known that I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself."

Today, after my appointment with my dietician, I tried a new Middle Eastern place that has opened up in town recently called Tahini's. I ordered a couple of different wraps, hummus and pita, and falafel. I figured that I'd take home a variety of stuff so the light of my life and the delight of my eyes could sample different things and see how we liked it. It's a good thing that I ordered the extras, because she took one bit out her gyro wrap and handed it back to me. It was so spicy that even I could taste it. (I have fairly heat-resistant taste buds, so by the time I can even taste it, it's hot enough to cause her medical problems.) So she ended up having the hummus, pita, and falafel for lunch. But she said that the hummus was good, so there's that.

On the genealogical front, I added some more Unconnected Nobel Laureates to that page, added new pages for Unconnected Notable Artists and Unconnected Notable Drama Figures, worked on some profiles for people with a Last Name At Birth of Hancock, Singleton, or McKeller, and, when I saw the announcement about the new Olympics Project, I dusted off the profile of the one unconnected Olympian I knew of, Willie Slade, and actually found some primary sources for him. In other words, I was flailing around randomly, like usual.

by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (697k points)

I've been maintaining a page about Baptist Notables for a while now, so it's high time for me to post a report about it.

Yeah, I shoulda taken better care of myself, too, Greg. I'm hoping that my should op will help to take care of the arthritis I have in that left shoulder (and probably the right, which has not been evaluated yet).

I wonder if Mags (of blueberry pie fame) would eat that Blueberry Flame on the Tahini website.

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