Need category for George Spangler farm hospital at Gettysburg

+1 vote
We need a category set up for the George Spangler farm hospital at Gettysburg.
in WikiTree Tech by Randal Livingston G2G1 (1.6k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

1 Answer

+3 votes
Is there a profile to add it to?
by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
Yes, there are about 1,100 soldiers who went through the hospital. Only about 100 profiles are in WikiTree so far. I add new profiles daily.

Natalie, I don't know what your thoughts were on the category, but already exist and I thought adding it there as a sub-category under a grouping United States Army Field Hospitals, Civil War

Just a thought.

top level

United States Army Field Hospitals, Civil War

[[Category:United States, Hospitals]]

[[Category: United States Army, Civil War]]{{Top Level}}

:This category contains categories of field hospitals during the Civil War.


{{ProjectCategory|Civil War|Civil War}}

-Sub Category

Spangler Farm and Field Hospital at Gettysburg, Virginia

[[Category: United States Army Field Hospitals, Civil War]]

:This category contains profiles of personnel affiliated with the George Spangler and Field Hospital during the Civil War.

{{ProjectCategory|Civil War|Civil War}}

Jimmy, I think that is a great idea. I would name the Sub Category "George Spangler Farm and XI Corps Field Hospital at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania"

:This category contains profiles of personnel affiliated with the George Spangler Farm and XI Corps Field Hospital during the Battle of Gettysburg in the American Civil War.

What do you think? Can you make it happen?
Yes, but I would like Natalie's input. She may have a better ideal. She has more experience in these categories.
I created the category here, [[Category: Spangler Farm and Field Hospital at Battle of Gettsburg]]
Thanks Jimmy!! We should fix the spelling on Gettysburg and make it the George Spangler farm to differentiate it from his brother Henry who also had patients at his farm. Thanks again! Randy

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