Need page removed

+4 votes
there is no valid ID, Link or URL for Williamson County, Tennessee, African-American Cemeteries. There is already a category for this county and state. This page is not linked to anything and is not used. It is not a category either. How can we delete it?
in WikiTree Tech by Denise Jarrett G2G6 Mach 6 (66.0k points)
retagged by Jamie Nelson
I retagged this one to focus on the technical aspects of your question. This page apparently was created as a Category page, but it is not in the Category name space (nor in the Space name space for free-space profiles or any other identifiable name space). I think that a sysop will need to delete it.

Well spotted, Denise. For a similar occurrence, see

There too a category page (or a page which was originally a category) became impossible to edit: the usual links [edit] and [change history] that all categories are supposed to have disappeared. That one has been sitting there stuck since May this year. Sounds like a bug.

Has this been fixed? Because I'm seeing it as a category page.

Never mind. I see what you mean when I try to edit it gives you a warning "Caution: You are editing a page that is not a Category, Help, or Docs page. This is very unusual. Please be sure you're editing the desired page."

Although the page has no [change history] link, the history can in fact be seen at

One thing that may be significant is that for a while the category appears to have been a subcategory of itself.

1 Answer

+5 votes
Ah, it does look like there is some sort of bug -- we have various things to stop people from accidentally creating pages without a namespace, but looks like there is something going wrong when people are creating categories.
by Jamie Nelson G2G6 Pilot (643k points)

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