Identifying Enslavement Records By County and State

+3 votes
I am aware that my Great Grandparents were enslaved in Bedford County and Coffee County, Tennessee. I would like to search the enslavement records that have been uploaded to WikiTree for those areas. How can I search for and see those records? Of course I'm aware that most records for people who were enslaved will not be linked to the first and last names that they assumed after emancipation.

I would also be interested in seeing the profiles for possible enslavers who are identified by information that has been uploaded to WikiTree that shows that they owned enslaved people. Thanks for your help.
in Genealogy Help by Georgette King G2G4 (4.2k points)
recategorized by Ellen Smith

4 Answers

+6 votes

The U.S. Black Heritage Project has created categories for enslaved people by state and county, so that would probably be the best way to see what, if anything, has been entered for the counties you are interested in.  Here’s a link to the state categories, you can drill down for counties:

There is a matching set of categories for enslavers:

by Kathie Forbes G2G6 Pilot (875k points)
+4 votes

When I'm looking for categories or grouping I google it and it usually shows up on this page. I use this when I'm not sure if a category exists under another name or to find it quickly. For example using the information you wanted, I type "wikitree bedford county tennessee slaves" in the search bar, and the category appears usually at the top of the search results.

Category: Bedford County, Tennessee, Slave Owners - WikiTree

WebPeople or pages in Bedford County, Tennessee, Slave Owners. There are 2 profiles on this category page. A. Oliver P Arnold abt 1817 Tennessee, United States; U. Rachel …

by Jimmy Honey G2G6 Pilot (160k points)
This makes me think that it might be useful to have a project to identify all the slaveowners in a county through the slave schedules for the 1850 and 1860 census records. (And no, I'm not volunteering.)
+3 votes
Hi Georgette, unfortunately the US Black Heritage Project hasn't started a Tennessee team yet which means we don't have as much information for that state. As mentioned by others here, checking the category will be the only way right now to find families in Tennessee.

Here are all the Tennessee slave owners by county

And the enslaved ancestors by county we have so far
by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+2 votes

Some potential sources of useful information are the wills, estate inventories, and estate settlement documents of slave owners. Wills will sometimes name slaves. Estate inventories will name most of the slaves, sometimes with their ages and gender, and the estate settlement documents may also have their names, genders, and ages.

It's detestable, but if you think of slaves as property, then such things as deeds, wills, inventories, bills of sale, debt settlements, and estate settlements can be useful as well. You have to think creatively, and it can be very frustrating because the records are far from complete.

It wouldn't hurt to acquaint yourself with the laws on slavery for the area you are looking in. For example, in Virginia, the law required that free blacks report periodically to the sheriff. So you can sometimes find people there as well.

You might also check with Tennessee universities. Many universities have begun or are beginning projects to recover slavery records. Some of those are online. Others you have to get from reference librarians.

Also, if you don't already, watch Finding Your Roots on PBS. You can sometimes glean new insights on how and where to search for records from the show.

Finally, don't forget DNA. That can be very useful in uncovering racial mixing and identifying slaveowner ancestors.

UPDATE: Here's the slave schedules for 1850 and 1860 for Bedford County and Coffee County. This would be as complete a list of slaveowners as you could find.

1850 - Bedford

1860 - Bedford

1850 - Coffee

1860 - Coffee

Georgette, if you're interested, I'd be happy to help you track down sources and information. PM me, and we can begin an email conversation.

by Paul Schmehl G2G6 Pilot (149k points)
edited by Paul Schmehl

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