Ian's CC7 is now a Tree App

+53 votes
I have converted Ian Beacall's excellent CC7 app to be one of the Tree Apps available on every profile (select CC7 VIEW under Tree Apps).  By default it will show you the CC3 of the profile, but if you are willing to be patient, you can change the level and load up to CC7.  Other than this default load behaviour, the tree app should be identical to the stand-alone app.
in The Tree House by Riël Smit G2G6 Mach 2 (25.3k points)

24 Answers

+15 votes
nice! Thanks for that. I cannot wait to try it out
by Alicia Taylor G2G6 Mach 8 (88.8k points)
+21 votes
Fantastic work Riël on converting Ian's excellent app!  It is going to be SO HELPFUL during this upcoming Connect-a-thon .... and beyond!
by Greg Clarke G2G6 Pilot (114k points)
+15 votes
Wow, just tried it out & works great. Thank you!
by Patty LaPlante G2G6 Pilot (183k points)
+16 votes
Nice job, Riël! This is great!
by Steven Harris G2G6 Pilot (756k points)
+9 votes
Thank you!  After I changed the level to CC4, I found a connection to me which is “-1%” and red private and Anonymous. I can’t tell what the connection is to me or how I could have a negative one degree connection.  The profile shows a surname at birth and a different current surname so I assume the person is female.  I don’t recognize those surnames within my connected family.
by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (711k points)
edited by Peter Roberts

As the little blurb at the top explains "These private profiles may also result in it not being possible to determine the degree of separation of some profiles, so the latter will be shown with a negative degree." So yes, if you see -1°, then it is a private profile somehow connected to you. If looking at that person's timeline, or family group does not give any clues then unfortunately I can't help you, but WikiTree knows about that person that is within your CC4 :). 

Edited to add: I presume you are logged in to WikiTree when using the app? That way at least the private profiles you have access to will not show up with negative IDs and degrees of separation.

+13 votes

WOW! What a great application.   I can see so many uses to aid our research, especially trying to track down those elusive DNA lineages.

So Many options and views.  ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL.

Of course I want more, like profile manager ID or if an Orphan.   Never satisfied are we.

GREAT WORK the effort is very much appreciated.

by NG Hill G2G6 Mach 8 (85.7k points)
Your wishes have been granted. Profile manager has been added. The manager is listed as "Orphaned" if there is no manager. For some private profiles we do not get the manager information. If that is the case the manager is listed as "Unknown".
A new feature, which I have already find very helpful.

My main aim at WikiTree is to slowly transfer my home database (thousands of individuals) to WikiTree so all my efforts over the decades is not lost.

This tool now helps me to easily identify profiles that I have on my home database and are already on WikiTree, by showing on the list that are not my managed profiles.    

 Already found 10, a few I can add details, to help improve WIkiTree.

Thank you!
+7 votes
Spacing between Get Degree N Only button and the Save button is not consistent with the spacing between the other buttons.

Third sentence of listed instructions:  "Also, degrees of seperation might be..."  seperation is misspelled

The second column (with the house), Par., Sib., Sp., Ch., and Created columns are showing no data for any of the entries when getting a single degree.

Why are some of the names showing up in a Magenta color?

Get CC7 is also showing a Degrees 8 column of stats along with table entries.

Missing Privacy Lock for some of the entries.

Connection Counts starting for Degree 5, 6, and 7 don't match the Counts in the stand alone app.
by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (1.9m points)
edited by Tommy Buch
  • Columns with no data: can you give me a WikiTree ID as example of where this happens? I suspect there is some issue om the production site that is different from the test environment. Could you perhaps compare what you get in production with what you get at https://apps.wikitree.com/apps/smit641/cc7/ It is supposed to be the exact same code, but I see blank columns and/or cells in production that I do not see in the test environment.
  • Names in Magenta: The names are links to elsewhere and there is a setting somewhere that says your browser should colour links you have already visited differently (i.e. in magenta) to ones you have not visited yet. It could be a CSS config - will have to investigate if it is part of this app or the Tree App in general and then decide if that is what we want or not.
  • There is an attempt to explain the degree 8 showing up in the blurb at the top of the page: "degrees of separation might be shown as larger than actual if there are private profiles in the mix". This is because the API returns everyone in (say) the CC7, but it does not tell you at what degree they are. The app has to work that out for itself. However, if there is a private profile on the shortest path to a profile, the app might not be able to find that shortest path (especially if it is via a spouse of a private person), but might find a longer path, hence the higher degrees of separation, or no path at all, hence degrees of -1.
  • The difference in counts between the stand-alone app and this one stems from 2 things: the above private profile issue and the fact that the 2 apps use different API calls to obtain the data. The stand-alone uses an older, less efficient set of calls (that ignored private profiles), while this app uses a newer (recommended), more efficient API call.
  • The missing privacy lock is related to the first point I think, but I am still trying to figure out what is happening. For me, for example, the column with the house (Family Group links) is always empty in production, while it works perfectly well in the test environment.

Thanks for the feedback - I will be working on fixing everything. :)

OK, I have figured out what's happening with those columns without data when you get a single degree. At first I thought you were referring to getting CC1 and I wasn't thinking about getting (say) only degree 3.  With the former at least some of those columns (but not all) do have data, while with the latter few if any have data. Regardless, the reason is the same: I broke Ian's app in this regard when I changed it to use getPeople rather than getRelatives. With getPeople, the API does not return those counts for each profile, so the app has to calculate them, but it can only do so if the relevant relatives are in the result (which often they are not) AND if it is possible to determine the relationship between the profiles in the result, which for some is not possible when only one degree is retrieved (e.g. all siblings of some profile might have been retrieved because they are all at say degree 3 of the requested profile, but since their parents might be at degree 2, the parents are not in the result set, so the app does not know that they are siblings). For others, while it might be possible to do the correct calculations, currently it is not being done because of my oversight (in Ian's stand-alone app this "calculation" is a natural outcome of using getRelatives). Anyway, all of this long-winded explanation just to say "Oops! I missed something" and thanks for pointing it out. I will have to see what the best solution is here. Options I can think of are: 

  1. Do not show those columns if only a single degree is retrieved. 
  2. Calculate what can be calculated and show possibly incomplete information.
  3. Stick to how Ian originally did it (which takes many more API calls and hence more time and places more load on the WT servers).
The wrong counts of relatives bug has been fixed and the latest version in production should have the correct counts.
+10 votes
Thanks Ian and Riël! Very useful for my work.
by Eva Ekeblad G2G6 Pilot (578k points)
+7 votes
This appears to be very good but hard to use because the colour scheme does not work very well in dark mode. I don't know if this is an CC7 app problem or a WT Browser Extension problem. For me the number in 'Select the degree of connection' is invisible and in hierarchy view the words 'sister', 'brother', 'son', 'daughter' and 'wife' are impossible to read. The icons for missing spouse and missing children are also difficult to see.
by Andrew Millard G2G6 Pilot (121k points)
Thanks for pointing this out, Andrew.  I'll see what I can do.
Just to check... Are you talking about the WBE dark mode or your system or browser dark mode?
WBE darkmode
OK. Thanks. You won't see it until the next update, but I've fixed this.
Thank you, Ian!
+8 votes
This is great! Thank you!
by Maria Lundholm G2G6 Pilot (229k points)
+9 votes
This is wonderful..! I just tried it and love how it works. Very easy to see where the missing connections are. Thank you for doing this..so helpful!
by Patricia Walker G2G6 Mach 1 (11.9k points)
+5 votes
After I tried this I noticed that some of my family members show an Angel image, which I understand because they have passed away. However, other family members and ancestors that I know have passed are not showing the angel image. Can you help me understand this?
by Patricia Walker G2G6 Mach 1 (11.9k points)
It's the marker for "died young"

Thanks Eva, - ? up to how many years for "died young"


Basically, it's your option to include the "Died Young" sticker.

 - Thank you Peggy and Eva for  your comments. However, the profiles on my list do not have stickers, so it must be in the report. Therefore, my ? still stands.

@Ian and @Riel : ? what is the age range used, please.

Thank you now that I know that makes sense to me!
Thank you for your quick response and giving me a clear understanding
We add the died young icon if the person's age at death was less than 16 years.
+7 votes
Where can I find a definition of the colors used on the list?  I have blue (male row), pink (female row) and grey in the spouses column.  However when I check a blue or pink compared to the gray ones, I don't see what makes them different.  Often the grey are correct, and no more spouses checked, just as it might be for a blue/pink row.  The correct number of spouses doesn't seem to define it.
by Cindy Cooper G2G6 Pilot (334k points)
There's more information if you click the '?' in the top right.  I hope that helps.
Thank you.  I found that.  So now looking at some of the other rows, there are blanks (no numbers) for parents and siblings even when parents and siblings are present on the profile.  Here's one:

Is that the id that you entered at the top? Did you then click GO or did you click either the "Get CCn" or "Get Degree n Only" buttons? What was the degree number that you fetched?  A bit further up above, in a comment on the "answer" Tommy Buch gave, I describe an issue we're currently having and I am wondering if you ran into that.  

Another issue is that if a person is at the max degree that you have requested and their parents are at that degree + 1, then that person's parents and sibling counts will be blank. This is because, since the parents are not present in the data retrieved from WikiTree, currently the app cannot count them nor the siblings. I am investigating ways to improve this.

If your case does not fall amongst the above, please tell me exactly how you loaded the data so I can investigate further. Thanks!
Hi, Riel, I'm sorry, I'm on vacation and too much time has gone by.  I'll have to try it again when I return and can take notes from your questions.  However, the person without the information may have been in my cc3 level (which was the only group I loaded).  I'll go to four next time and see if the parents and siblings show up.  I appreciate your willingness to help.
OK, thanks, that definitely explains it (you only getting level 3). I am working on getting the the numbers more accurate in that case and also at least showing that a number is not accurate if that might be the case.
+6 votes
by Peggy McMath G2G6 Mach 6 (67.6k points)
Yes, unfortunately there isn't much I can do about that right now - currently the 'getPeople' API call used to retrieve the profile data does not return that data (although the documentation seems to indicate that it should).  We have made the WT technical people aware of the issue and we're waiting to find out whether the data will be returned at some point or whether I have to remove the column.
Hopefully, this column can be returned to the list.  It was requested by me and Ian added it to the app so I could tell which profiles were newly created during the WikiTree Challenges.  This allowed me to stay far away from those profiles that other members just created during the Challenge.  It also allowed for the monitoring to see if other participants were creating profiles before the start of the challenge.

WikiTree waved their magic wand and the Created column is now populated. smiley

+6 votes
Thank you, Riël! Ian's app was already excellent, as you say, and having it integrated with Tree Apps will mean many more people will take advantage of it.
by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
+4 votes
My Metzler Dad was adopted and I have no biological connection to the Metzler name...can I change it in the app.  His last name at birth was Penzelic or some variations thereof.

Thank you for providing a new way for finding connections!
by Jeannie Metzler G2G Crew (410 points)
The app currently just displays what is in WikiTree. So if you want to change your dad's farther, you will have to change it on his WikiTree profile. I see there is an Adopted Child template that we might be able to use to provide the information we would require in order to provide the functionality you're asking for. I'll put it on a ToDo list, but I can't promise that it will be added.
OK, thank you for the reply and I will change his last name to Penzelick on my page!  Thank you, thank you!
I might be misunderstanding what you plan to do, but showing connections like this App does, is not dependent on the surnames, but rather who is/are linked as the parents, spouse(s) and children.
+4 votes
I am at a loss to understand how to use this app.  Are there step by step instructions somewhere?
by John Kessler G2G6 (9.4k points)
The purpose of the CC7 app is to display a list of those profiles that are within 7 connections to you.  It goes a step farther by displaying which of those profiles are missing a parent or both, which makes it easy when you are trying to add new connections to increase your CC7 score.  It also, indicates whether spouses or children are present, which again makes it easy when you are looking for new connections in which to increase your CC7 score.
+6 votes
Love this app!  Since I have already worked on adding relatives to my closer generations, I immediately go to the 4-6th lists and choose someone to review and add connections.  Since Feb I have increased my CC7 by 487 people.  This app makes it so easy to find those people who need some work.  Up to 4761 connections now!
by Carolyn Martin G2G6 Pilot (286k points)
+5 votes
I love it! Is it possible to make the headings remain visible when you scroll down?
by David Brittain G2G2 (2.3k points)

Will add it to the ToDo list.  In the mean time, we've figured you only really need the headers for those first few columns (the others are relatively obvious or easy to remember), so there are so-called tool-tips that pop up to tell you what the column is if you hover your mouse pointer over a cell. smiley

I have wondered the same, so thank you for tht tool-tip tip.

In the new release that is now live, in the "Normal" table view, the headings now remain visible as you scroll down. Unfortunately I could not find the correct magic incantation yet to do the same for the wide table. frown

+5 votes
WOW!!  This app is awesome! It's so full of all the information for each person , is well-organized and easy to access..

THANK YOU!! Ian and Riel!
by Donna Harris G2G6 Mach 2 (21.8k points)

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