Categories for migrants from Prince-Bishopric of Osnabrück to Caep de Goede Hoop

+4 votes


The Project Cape of Good Hope - Kap de Goede Hoop (1652-1802) has created several profiles for immigrants from the Prince-Bishopric of Osnabrück. 

I have started to assign a few toück%2C_Emigrants but there are more. 

Below the category for the Prince-Bishopric, I would now like to create a category similar to “Category: Prince-Bishopric of Osnabrück, Emigrants to the Netherlands” and other subcategories similar to: “Category: Migrants from Prince-Bishopric of Osnabrück to Gelderland”.

However, I am unsure what to use: would the following be ok or can you recommend an alternative:

  • Category: Prince-Bishopric of Osnabrück, Emigrants to the Cape of Good Hope

Since the Cape, according to had four districts 

District of the Cape

District of Stellenbosch and Drakenstein

District of Zwellendam

District of Graaff Reynet

would we create one category for each:

  • Category: Migrants from Prince-Bishopric of Osnabrück to the Cape
  • Category: Migrants from Prince-Bishopric of Osnabrück to Stellenbosch and Drakenstein
  • Category: Migrants from Prince-Bishopric of Osnabrück to Zwellendam
  • Category: Migrants from Prince-Bishopric of Osnabrück to Graaff Reynet

Thanks Sven

WikiTree profile: Johann Caspar Brevis
in Policy and Style by Sven Elbert G2G6 Mach 7 (74.3k points)

4 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
Better keep it simple: keep them together. I think these districts were growing and changing all the time as well. Also.. many of these people would first arrive at the Cape itself, and only later move on inland, e.g. after marriage.
by NC Brummer G2G6 Mach 1 (16.4k points)
selected by Sven Elbert
I agree with this comment that the districts were very fluid in the 18th Century.

The migration category structure is very limited. It only allows Migration Administration Entities placed under Countries (or regions). It seems more sensible to me to not subdivide the Dutch Cape Colony and leave it at the same migration category level as the British Cape Colony and the Cape Province of South Africa.
+4 votes
You can add [[Brümmer-545]], who emigrated from Menslage to Amsterdam
by NC Brummer G2G6 Mach 1 (16.4k points)
Great, done, thank you for pointing this one out!
+3 votes
hi Sven, here are more to add to your emigrants:

Johan Wichard Brümmer-545, who emigrated to Amsterdam, with the only surviving daughter from his Menslage marriage, and in Amsterdam married Femmetje Alyda Soost from Fürstenau.  I still need to add the daughter though..

This Johan Wichard would have welcomed his nephew Johan Wichard Brummer-141 when he was figuring out the chances of a career with the VOC.  The Amsterdam records show that there were already other Brummers around, of whom it is not clear where precisely they came from.
by NC Brummer G2G6 Mach 1 (16.4k points)
+3 votes
The family of Brummer-527 emigrated to America. But this was in the 1800's .. so I'm afraid that was no more in Osnabruck.  I tried to do the categorisation, but it is probably not right?
by NC Brummer G2G6 Mach 1 (16.4k points)
I've updated to emigrant of Kingdom of Hannover to United States and added categories for United States Project Needs Research and needs death record. Thanks for flagging this up as well. Great team work!
I'm worried at the proliferation of categories. You will not be able to create enough of them. And then they will become so fine-grained that each one only covers very few cases.

It may be good to step back, and think about the purpose of these categories. What should their purpose be, and how can they be designed so it can work? The hierarchy of categories is both good, and bad. Also, each person will interpret the hierarchy in their own personal way. How to keep it efficient, robust, and also effective for who does the categorisation, and those that make use of it?

From my user perspective: it is easy for me to just type in 'Menslage' as location in the categorisation box. But how to get from there to the history of political 'boxes' it fit into. And then from there to find the emigration/immigration categories.

Also .. till now, your categories are not visible on the profiles that are being tagged. That seems problematic. You are putting work in, nobody sees it, and some people may even mess it up again. But what is it for?

So, please go on. But I'm a bit unsure and skeptical about how (fine-grained) categorisation can work in practice.

What I would appreciate, reducing things to just Menslage, is some easy access to the history of local political geometry. What was the Russian-doll set of administrative/political boxes it fit into, and how did it change over time?  Ideally, there would be a fine-grained video of a map that I could zoom in on, both in space and in time. And of course it all starts from one universal label, valid for long timescales, like 'Menslage'.

Sorry, if I'm going too philosophical on this, and for too long :-)
I too am worried about having too many categories. I do not think that having migration categories set to the province or state level is too fine grained.

For the migration discussion I think that the entities described in this category are useful:

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