Titanic Profiles Pop-up Challenge!

+18 votes

Titanic Profiles Pop-up Challenge!

Remember the 111th Anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic on April 15th, 1912 with this one-day Pop-up challenge. 

RMS Titanic was a British passenger liner which sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on 15 April 1912 after striking an iceberg during her maiden voyage from Southampton, England, to New York City, United States.  More than 1,500 died and it remains the deadliest peacetime sinking of an ocean liner or cruise ship.

My goal for this challenge is to create profiles for 3rd class passengers and crew.  Tables have been made on the project page that lists each passenger/crew.  Keeping the tables updated will allow participants to know which ones still need to be created.

Here is a suggested method for creating a profile.

  1. Choose a name from either list that does not have a hyperlink to a profile page. Towards the bottom of each table there are about 400 3rd Class & 500 Crew left to be created.

  2. Use your browser and type in “encyclopedia titanica {insert passenger name here}”  This will give you basic information on the passenger or crew member you have chosen.  This site is not a primary source, but it will give you information that you can use to search your favorite genealogy sites for further sources.

  3. Create the profile with the basic information you have found.  Add the citation and link for Encyclopedia Titanica page under a See Also: section underneath the biography.  Add any other sources and biography information to the biography section as well.

  4. If you find there is already a profile created for this passenger or crew member, please add the link to the profile to the appropriate table so that others don’t try to duplicate it again. If you aren’t comfortable adding the link to the table please note that in the answer to this post so that I can add it for you. 

  5. Please add the following categories to your profile[[Category:Titanic Project Needs Biography]][[Category:RMS_Titanic]][[Category:3rd_Class_Passengers_on_Titanic]]  or [[Category:Titanic Project Needs Biography]][[Category:RMS_Titanic]][[Category:Crew of the Titanic]]

  6. When you have added the categories, appropriate sources and biography, please add the link to the profile to the correct table and then orphan the profile.

Answer this post with links to the profiles you create and/or found.  The Titanic Project will then adopt the profiles for further development.  Please post any questions here as well, and I will try to answer timely. 

in The Tree House by Donna Baumann G2G6 Mach 6 (61.3k points)
A question, not an answer - I have found the profiles of two of the crew who survived (I've had the intention of creating a profile for one of them ever since seeing a Tony Robinson video highlighting Arthur for his "unsinkability").  I added them to the space page.

Is it ok that I adopted both profiles in order to work on them?  (You say to orphan after creating, but I didn't create - and I tend to hang onto profiles I adopt.)  I have added the Notables sticker to one profile, and will work on adding to the basic biographies they have.
Also, on the table there is a column for the project to be on the TL.  How can I add the project?
Great question Melanie, yes you are more than welcome to adopt then to work on them.   Once you are done and orphan the profile, let me know on here and I will adopt the profile for the project and then I can fill out the trusted list column.  If you want to keep them permanently, that is no problem also...The project does not have to manage them... It is mainly used for the orphaned ones.

Can you update the table for Walter Orpet? Crew member. I couldn’t figure out how to do it.

Done! Thank you Gillian for creating him and connecting him!  Your help is greatly appreciated!

14 Answers

+9 votes

I will do Cordelia and WA Lobb, 3rd class

and Alfred George Crawford, Crew


It's taken me ages because I was reading loads of biographies! I'm going to do an extra one for Alfred's wife Emily and then she can be linked with her sister who you've already created https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Pilgrim-603

by D Anonymous G2G6 Mach 5 (51.4k points)
edited by D Anonymous
That is great.... there are plenty of families and couples in the 3rd class... good choice!
+11 votes

And, join Donna on the Friday Night Bingo.   Donna will be providing lots of details on the Titanic and how you can help during this Pop Up and more!

A lot of history and trivia to share along with two chances to win a WikiTree prize!

YouTube at 6pm (Eastern US Time (11pm UTC - +1 for BST) -  April 14th, 2023

Learn about the Titanic Project

by Sandy Patak G2G6 Pilot (246k points)
+11 votes

I added Sea Postal Worker, Oscar Scott Woody.

I was able to find some really cool artifacts from the National Postal Museum that belonged to Oscar.

by Sandy Patak G2G6 Pilot (246k points)
Thank you Sandy! and it was fun doing Bingo with you today!  Now I just need to attend a bingo as a participant and see if I can win me a mug!
+12 votes
I will do  a profile for Herbert James Haddock I have already got information on him to add including photograph.
by Hilary Gadsby G2G6 Pilot (322k points)
That is great Hilary, glad to have your help!
That is a very cool association!
I have created a profile and added a link on the page for the crew list. I also added that he handed over to Smith and transferred to the Olympic. He gave evidence at the enquiry. I will do more on the profile and add a link to his tree on Ancestry that I created as well as his Wikipedia page.
+9 votes
I've started a profile for Mr [[Kennedy-26958|John Kennedy]], a survivor from Limerick City.
by Feargal Hennigan G2G6 Mach 6 (62.4k points)
Nice, so many profiles, so little time!  Thank you for your help!
Two questions Donna.

Firstly - Should I add the Titanic Project as co-manager to John's profile? (do ye manage all passengers/crew, or only a select portion?).

Secondly - I think I'm done adding to John's profile for the minute, would the project rather I flesh out his family, or move on to another passenger?

Ooh, third question - Is the Titanic Project still taking in members? I see I go of volunteers but only 9 members, so it would seem not?

If you don't want to manage the profile, you can orphan and I will go in and adopt it for the project.  At this time, I'm really only using the project management for orphaned profiles so they aren't floating quite so alone.

I would love if you can continue to create profiles.  I feel it will be easier to draw attention in the future to groups of profiles if they are all created and I can continue to categorize them.  Thank you so much for your help.
I would love new members.  I just have realized that the G2G post that is linked to the project is one that I don't get notifications for and I've been missing out on people that want to help.  We have a channel in Discord.  I will invite you and we can start from there if that works for you.
I'll hold onto the profile myself, in that case.

I'd love if you could invite me to the Discord Channel, thanks Donna.
+9 votes
I am working on [[Cox-41951|William Cox (1882-1912)]]. I added sources but did not write a bio or add family members. I hope that is what you wanted.

I also did one for [[Hart-21929|John Edward Hart (1881-1954)]] and [[Kieran-53|Edgar (Kieran) (1878-1912)]]
by Nancy Wilson G2G6 Pilot (150k points)
edited by Nancy Wilson
That is perfect.... the extras are great, but just having the profile created is a great help.
+7 votes
Hi, the table needs updating for Percival Thorneycroft and his wife (3rd class) as they already have profiles- his is Thorneycroft-85

Best wishes,

by Helen Flight G2G6 Mach 1 (17.6k points)
Thank you, great find!  I have updated the table.  Let me know if you find anymore!  Have a great weekend
+6 votes

I started a profile for Belgian passenger Achille Waelens. The goal is to add at least his parents and his twin brother who settled in Michigan, which should be the easiest path to an eventual connexion. 

by Isabelle Martin G2G6 Pilot (579k points)
Thanks Isabelle... every connection helps.  If he has a few, then it should make it easier for someone to find him later.  Thank you again!
Well, that was quick. Achille Waelens is connected. All yours now!
So Great! Thanks again!
+6 votes
by M. Meredith G2G6 Pilot (144k points)
Great Contribution!  He has now been adopted by the project.  Thank you for your time!
+7 votes
by Kathleen Cobcroft G2G6 Pilot (105k points)
edited by Kathleen Cobcroft
Awesome!  All 5 are adopted into the project.  Thank you so much for taking the time to help us out!
+6 votes

Added Thomas Henry Blake, from Cornwall, engineering crew member, with some family.

by Isabelle Martin G2G6 Pilot (579k points)
Thank you Isabelle!  So Appreciated
+6 votes

I just had a look on the 3rd class passenger list. A few weeks ago I connected Neville Louis Coutts and his family.

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Nice!  I have noted that they are connected.  Thank you so much
+6 votes

I just had this post come up in my feed. There has been some done to this profile but it could use some more work. Would it be ok if I finished it off? I’ve been working on putting as many Tuckers as I can that are in the book Genealogy of the Tucker Family from various sources in profiles. I came across him awhile ago but seen that it was protected.


by Alice Glassen G2G6 Mach 6 (61.2k points)
We would love if you would do some work on Mr. Tucker!  He is not protected at all.  The Titanic Project adopted him since he had not manager, but anyone can contribute to his profile!  I would appreciate anything you can add.  Thank you!
+7 votes
I have created a profile for Joseph Alfred Gunn ( Gunn-5450 )(Asst Saloon Steward), taken him back about 4 generations and connected him to the main tree.
by Janet Gunn G2G6 Pilot (163k points)

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