DID you know the Campbell DNA Group Project is on WikiTree?

+14 votes
Have you done a YDNA test? If so, we would like you to join the Campbell DNA Project. If you added your YDNA test to your profile we ask you to add category "Campbell DNA Group Project-Tester" to your profile. To your earliest known Campbell ancestor we ask you add category "Campbell DNA Group Project-EKA" to their profile.

If you haven't taken a YDNA test to break down your Campbell brick wall we ask you to consider taking a YDNA test.

Feel free to send me a message with any questions or concerns.
in The Tree House by Kevin Guy Campbell G2G6 (7.4k points)

You should contact member, Sam Campbell He has done Y 111 marker. We are fifth cousins.

Hi Nancy, Sam is part of what we call the Amherst group. Thanks for letting us know he is here on Wikitree! :)
Love that you have brought "our" Campbell DNA Group Project over to WikiTree. Great to see the turnout too. Thanks!

6 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
Hey Kevin,  I added the tags to my profile and I see you already  added ancestor tags to Henry Campbell.  Fingers crossed,  I am working on getting a Frances (Amherst group)  Y111 tester (one of my 2 closest matches) to upgrade to BigY.
by Richard Campbell G2G Crew (680 points)
selected by Rosemary Bell
I guess you do not want womens dna
+7 votes
I am interested.  How do I take a YDNA test?  Thank you!
by Kerry Stuhlmuller G2G2 (2.5k points)
Kerry, I would have one of your male Campbell relatives submit a test to Family Tree DNA.
+6 votes
This is great, Kevin! Thanks so much. Let me know if I can help.  Consider posting on the Campbell Kids Facebook page.

by Rosemary Bell G2G2 (2.1k points)
I have submitted a request to join the group. Thanks!
Rosemary, do you have a male Campbell relative that can test?

My brother's wife won't let him test,,,,  

Rosemary,  Bummer.  Your ancestor is the same as Sam Campbell's, correct?
Cecil Campbell and I are closer matches than Sam.  However, I think I have my brother on board!!  Now waiting for a sale.  We are direct descendants of George and Caty, coming down through three of their sons.  Lots of first cousin intermarriages.
That's exciting news.   1C's indeed.  I get confused when I look at the George & Caty line but not as confused as I get looking at the Frances line where every single generation seems to have at least 1 Frances with indeterminant middle names and occasional indeterminant genders.
No Sam and I don't appear to be on the same branch
Great news!
Richard, I'm hoping my brother's DNA blows this whole thing out of the water!  I'm hoping since he has 3 sons of George & Caty as ancestors, he might have more concentration of the Campbell DNA and can match up to you and other Francis descendants really well.
I have a theory that Henry, Lawrence and Frances may have been brothers.  There is a family story associated with someone who had an old \ Campbell family Bible that 3 brothers, one of them named Joel immigrated from Scotland.  That Joel is in fact one of Henry's sons from whom I am descended.  So maybe, if true, the brothers were from the previous generation, H, L & F.  My father and aunt have mystery autosomal matches that seem to be in the Frances and Lawrence lines that triangulate with other known Henry descendants but as you know, there was a lot of inter-marrying of families going on so the paper trail gets a little murky.  One day I will try to do a better job of documenting the matches.  What I would love to see Frances and Henry sharing unique SNPs in the BigY and creating a new group underneath the existing one and tying them together.  Or less desirable for my pet theories, separating into distinct groups.  I am trying to temper expectations to something more ambiguous which is often what we get.  Another piece to the puzzle.

What kind of test is your brother doing?  Autosomal, ydna, bigY?
I want him to do the big y, but I’m hoping for an Easter sale at FTM.  There’s no point in his doing autosomal. I already know who he’ll match there. I’m a dreamer who doesn’t know much about y dna, but I’m hoping he has enough to connect George 1720 to Henry, Francis and Lawrence.  Wouldn’t that be nice?
+5 votes
This looks great, Kevin!

I would also suggest that you link to the Campbell Name Study here on WikiTree and vice versa:


It would be great if both projects can collaborate together.
by Eric Weddington G2G6 Pilot (525k points)
Great idea. I'll get that added later today!
+5 votes
I've recently taken the Ancestry.com DNA test but haven't uploaded it yet.  Would this test qualify of is a YDNA test different?
by Paul Campbell G2G6 Mach 1 (10.8k points)
Paul, An Ancestry test is an autosomal test and is good for all you branches to the 1800. What we are looking for here is YDNA test from male Campbells to document the various Campbell lines. If you have done Campbell genealogy you will note how entangled and conflated these lines are. We are hoping YDNA tests could help untangle the mess.
Thanks, Kevin.  I know you have been after me to do this.  Is the Y-37 YDNA test sufficient?  Don't really want to spend more for the other tests.
Paul, a Y37 is a good start but it is a 30,000 foot view in which you wiill have the most matches many of which wont be very close. The higher the test the more accurate.
+6 votes
I've got what could be called a "Campbell" connection.  Direct male-line descendants of my great great great grandfather, Jeremiah Michael Griggs, are downstream of a SNP that is practically synonymous with Clan Campbell. I'm not completely sure what to make of the matter.
by Frank Blankenship G2G6 Pilot (136k points)
What is the SNP?
All the Griggs I've seen are in branches adjacent to the bulk of Clan Campbell....They actually share a branch with Sinclair.

A bit further up the Tree and you''l find the branches of the Clan Urquhart cheifly line and the McDuffy/McAfee cheifly line....

Then a bit further up you run into the intersection with the bulk of Campbells...just an observation...

Al of us are basically on an siland amonghst ourselves compared to the rest of the Clans...They are all in another branch of the Tree under R-L1065....
It is R-FT99293, downstream from FGC10125, parent of R-FGC10117 (Campbell).

I've read that Griggs was a sept of (Mc)Gregor, but Gregor is somewhere else, under R-S744.

This is really close to Clan Campbell. Closer, I think, than to any other Clan.
Uh, no. lol That was true a couple years ago. :) There's been alot more testing.

You are breaking off into your own branch here: FGC10125 > FGC10113 > FT88711

The bulk of Campbell (at least those that share an ancestor with the progenitors of the name) breaks off here; FGC10125 > FGC10113 > FGC10116

Btw, is your MDKA John Griggs? 1750-1819?

I have two Griggs kits already listed in your haplogroup.

Your "brother" branch is so far occupied by SInclairs from Lybster (a particular branchof theirs it seems...they likely took the name)

There's no one listed at your "parent" branch at the moment...however the parents "brother" is home to the McFie/MacAfee/McDuffy chiefly line...this is going all the way back to an estimated 1000 CE...for the common between the two branches...You could think of them as your cousins since both branches broke off the "parent" about the same time... So they are even closer than Campbell...

The "parent" they broke off of is one of four "brothers", a;ll sons of FGC10113;

FGC10116 - Campbell, the largest branch of course, shrug
FT365813 - Mixture of McClain and Macintosh, very small
FT88711 - Appears to be MacAfee/McDuffy/McFie chiefly
FT259334 - Contain the Urquhart chiefly line, although that is not reflected here at Wikitree for who knows why? And an Alexander branch, could be name changers?

Here were probably looking at around 500-700 CE or so time frame, just before the Viking era if I recall...

These four seem to be following Robin Spencers Power Law (the large get larger)...The other three are about the same size to date...Hard to draw any conclusions from that though...maybe you all just don't like genetics? lol

Anyway, your Griggs branch seesm to have a recnt dating of about 1900 CE...where the two Sinclairs are stimated about 1600 CE (FTDNA's "best guess"). They call them the "Exeter" (NH) branch... I imagine your line were Sinclair (this particular branch, most Sinclairs are in a completely different branch if I recall)...for quite some time after breaking from MacAfee/McDuffy....

ersonal;ly I think McDuffy is a major clue as the Gaelic for that is rooted in Dubh, which I think means "black". The Campbells have quite a few ancestors with that as part of their nicknames...Black Duncan of Glenorchy..more than one Ian Dubh. Ian Dow, etc...If I remember its pronounced like "dov" but with e "v" aspirated...Ah, here it is...

I better quit there before I get in any more trouble...lol
Thanks, Chris!
It is not "my branch". Somebody has done a Y-DNA test, and used as the name for their most recent known ancestor the same name as that of my great great great grandfather. Yeah, maybe we're related. My great great great grandfather was Jeremiah Michael Griggs of Henry County Virginia. Was he related to a John Griggs? Could be.

If Griggs breaks off into it's own branch, that's great, however, the branch is still closer to Clan (large group of) Campbell than it would be to any number of other branches. If it were even closer to Sinclair, as you say, then they must be close to Campbell as well.

I have done the Big Y, too, but my surname is Blankenship, and at the 10 generation, etc., level, it's only one line out of very many, a fact that is as true for Campbell as it is for any other surname.

I've read that Griggs was a sept of Clan (Mc)Gregor which may be true, but looking solely at the genetics here, it seems that these Griggs in particular are closer in space and time to Clan Campbell than they ever were to Clan (Mc)Gregor.
Sorry about any confusion or misunderstanding. I see now where my 3rd g grandfather is under FT 88711 (MacAfee/ McDuffy/McFie) and so I'm trying to make sense of this new information. Of course, 500-700 CE was a bit before the development of surnames. Thanks for the update, I'm still trying to work my way through it.

"... they must be close to Campbell as well."...  Well, as I said, they are in "brother" branches to one another under McAfee/McDuffy/McFie...:) 
Both Kevin and I in this conversation are part of the Clan Campbell Project DNA Team at FTDNA. Our leader is the Admin of the Project, and the CCSNA genealogist is also part of the Team..:)
So, close, in this case means our common ancestor lived 500-700 CE or so... but yes, we all sring from the same ancestor eventually...Thatis the only way we all can carry both the FGC10125 mutation and the FGC10113 mutation....:) 
So here we are again right before the Viking age with the 4 "brothers" ...:)
BTW, we just had a Wallace popup on our branches as well... Too bad Wiliam Wallce's line daughtered out....that really mean his cousins lines did as well?...Can;t tell anything by one kit though...


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