Are you participating in the 2023 15 For 15 Mission?

+129 votes

WikiTree_Event_Images-4.pngTo help celebrate WikiTree's 15th Anniversary in 2023, we are kicking off a year-long event: 15 For 15! (Thanks, Paula Dea, for the suggestion!)

Go here to find a list of "missions" participants can choose to complete. The goal is to complete 15 of the missions over the course of the year. Participants who reach that milestone will receive a "15 For 15" sticker they can add to their profile to show off their accomplishment.

Bonus: For participants wanting to go beyond 15, there are also milestone stickers for 30 For 15 and 45 For 15, for completing 30 and 45 missions respectively.

To accept this mission of missions, first reply here with an answer. Something as simple as "I'm going to participate!" works fine.

Then, choose missions from the list that you want to complete and work on them throughout the year. When you complete a mission, reply to your G2G answer here with a comment stating which one you've finished.

When you've completed 15 missions, post an answer in this separate G2G post to get the sticker for your profile. If you go on to complete 30 or 45 missions, you can answer in the same post to get those stickers as well.

Betsy Ko created this excellent free-space page with a tracker you can copy and paste elsewhere to document your progress throughout the year.

So, will you join us in this 2023 mission? laugh

in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker

Here's a little tip for the tracker: I added headers for each section on mine, which adds a table of contents and makes it easier to navigate.

I updated the tracker "template" page in case anyone wants to grab a fresh copy with the table of contents.

That's very helpful, thank you, Julie!
That's great! Thanks Julie
This "15 for 15" format works really well for my scattered brain and my schedule.  I grab a different type of challenge every few days as I have time.  I'm ahead of the curve for 15 for 15.  I'm aiming for he 45s by the end of the year.
Just catching up on this; I'm going to participate.
Excellent! Happy to have you on board.

1.  When we log our thank yous, do we need to indicate who we thanked?

2. Is it 15 thank you's every month or are the thank you's accumulative?

3. I gather it is on this page that I post an update, aiming for the 30/15?
Hi Alice!

1. Nope, you don't have to indicate who.

2. 15 Thank Yous every month.

3. When you hit 30/15, post here:

Hi Eowyn: Are you going to do the same 15/30/45 for 2024? or will it be different. If it is the same then I would like to set up a new Free Space Page for 2024. I got a late start this year, but would like to see how I do on it in 2024.

339 Answers

+15 votes
Here it is April already, but challenges keep me going! I'm going to participate!
by Fran Pickett G2G6 Mach 1 (13.5k points)
Great, Frances! Happy to have you joining in this mission.
+15 votes
I am ready to participate in the 15 for 15.
by Katie Miller G2G6 Mach 1 (16.1k points)
Awesome, Katie! Thanks for participating in this mission.
1. Join geographical project - Joined Australia project Feb 2023
2. Added photo to my profile - 29 Apr 2023
3. Added mtDNA results - 27 Apr 2023
4. Increase CC7 from 1081 to 1231 (add 150) - 24 Apr 2023
5. Join functional project - Joined Profile Improvement Project Apr 2023
6. Added 202 profile in April Connect-a-thon - Apr 2023
7. Try out WBE - started using in Apr 2023
8. Watch and comment on 5 WikiTree Day 2022 videos - May 2023
9. Resolved 15 profiles in Needs GEDCOM Cleanup Category - May 2023
10. Resolved 30 profiles in Needs GEDCOM Cleanup Category - May 2023
11. Resolved 45 profiles in Needs GEDCOM Cleanup Category - May 2023
12. Resolved 15 profiles from the Unsourced Profiles Category - May 2023
13. Resolved 30 profiles from the Unsourced Profiles Category - May 2023
14. Resolved 45 profiles from the Unsourced Profiles Category - May 2023
15. Improved 15 early profile on my watchlist - Jun 2023
16. Improved 15 profiles on my anniversaries list - Jun 2023
17. Improved 30 profile on my anniversaries list - Jun 2023
18. Added biography to profile - Jun 2023
19. Started One-Place Study - Forbes, New South Wales, Australia in June 2023
20. Resolved 15 profiles in Needs Biography Category - Jul 2023
21. Connect 5 unconnected profiles to the Big Tree - Jul 2023
22. Improved 15 profiles of individuals who died young - Jul 2023
23. Participated in 5 monthly challenges - July 2023
24. Added 236 profile in July Connect-a-thon - Jul 2023
25. Improved 45 profile on my anniversaries list - Jul 2023
26. Create a free-space profile about something that interests you. - 22 Jul 2023
27. Attend WikiTree Day 2023 - 5 Nov 2023
28. Club 1000 badges in 5 months - 1 Dec 2023
29. Club 100 badges in 5 months - Dec 2023
30. Resolved 30 profiles in Needs Biography Category - Dec 2023
+14 votes
I would participate, even if a little late.
by Lisette Halasz G2G6 Mach 1 (13.5k points)
Great, Lisette! You've still got plenty of time!
+14 votes
I'll be happy to participate.
by Jack Schaffer G2G6 Mach 1 (13.6k points)
+13 votes

I;m going to participate!laugh

by Patrick Holland G2G6 Mach 6 (61.1k points)
+13 votes
I have a question.  So far in the 15 Weekly Challenges section, I have done Data Doctors 8 different weeks, Saturday Sourcing Sprint once, and WikiTree Challenge 2023, Challenge 8.  Does this count as 3 or 10?  Thank you.
by Marcie Ruiz G2G6 Mach 6 (62.1k points)
It would count as ten. :-)
+13 votes
well Here I am halfway into 2023 and just now seeing this and reading it.  Talk about ADHD Brain Fog.  I'm more then happy to participate.  Can't way to dive in and fully review the mission list
by Staci Golladay G2G6 Mach 6 (64.7k points)
Quick question, can we back-date our missions...IE, I joined US project in Jan of 2023 but didn't start answer this post until today, can I still count it as a complete mission because it was in 2023, or do I have to start as of today's date?  

Just double checking.


St (Hadsell-2)
That can count. :-)

+13 votes

I hadn't heard about this until now. I can participate. smiley

by H Gibson G2G2 (2.6k points)
Awesome! We're happy to have you on board.
+13 votes
This does sound like a challenge.  I want to try!
by Kathryn Wenzel G2G6 Mach 1 (18.3k points)
Great! Happy to have you join us!
+12 votes
My end of Aug 2023 Update:

 1.  Photo of self: Pre-2023 I had one, I just added (May & Jun 2023) several, different ages and professions.

2.  Improve Biography of own profile: Jun 2023, I put back in a short synopsis bio. (Had removed detailed bio back years ago, due to some privacy issues).

3.  DNA on own profile: Pre-2023 I had DNA on my profile.  Jun 2023 I have update my DNA, my wifes, parents and father-in-law.

4.  My CC7 numbers: Start of 2023, was at 2,346.  Jan: 2,395, Feb: 2,399, Mar: 2,434, Apr: 2,462, May: 2,544; June 2023: 2,571; Jul 2,748; Aug 2,765.

5.  Club Badges 100 contributions: Jan: 525, Feb: 797, Mar: 900; Aug: 788.

6.  Club Badges 1000 contributions: Apr: 1,000 plus, May: 1,290;  June 2023: 1,682.; Jul: 1,937.

7.  Upload photos; Last month (May) I located an old computer drive which had a bunch of scanned photos on it, I have already been placing them onto Wikitree, pretty sure I am over 15 of people and headstones. Been adding more to profiles as I go through the long lost forgotten treasure of scanned photos.
by Virgil Kester G2G6 Mach 3 (30.4k points)
edited by Virgil Kester
Yay! You can still do a lot! :-)
Okies Eowyn, now that your saying it like that ... and I was thinking I would not be able to catch-up on most all those in the list.  So far I had just gone down the list and put down those I could find the easy answers for.  Thank you. (gonna use the cat face my wife Kitty always uses    >^..^<   ).
+11 votes
Yes, I am participating. I just created my Free Space Page using your model of a 15 for 15 Mission Tracker. Thank you so very much. It is also my first Free Space Page.
by Alice Thomsen G2G6 Pilot (252k points)
Thanks for joining in on this mission!
+11 votes
I appreciate the information on how to create a Free Space Page for the 15 for 15 Mission, and the template to use for it.

I have made progress and have accomplished the following: Which I realize are just the preliminary start points and really don't count. But it has been fun seeing what I am doing.  If you see @ behind then it is something new that I have done/added to my little mini projects.

== “One and done” missions: ==

*Add an (updated photo)photo of yourself to your profile. @  COMPLETED                                                                         

*Add a biography to your profile.                                                                                             COMPLETED

*Take a DNA test (if you haven’t yet) and add your results to your profile.                      COMPLETED

*Increase your CC7 number from ________ (starting number) to ______ (add 150). @


*Create a free-space profile about something that interests you.


*Try out the WikiTree Browser Extension.


*Attend WikiTree Day 2023.

______________ Nov 5, 2023   __________________

*Start or join a One-Name Study.


*Start or join a One-Place Study.  


*Join a geographical project.




*Join a topical project.



COMPLETED - US PRESIDENTS (added more Presidents to my tree)

*Join a functional project.


* Start a Free Space Page


______________ - ALICE MILITARY/VETERAN PHOTOS _____________

______________ - ALICE CROSS STITCH AND PAINTINGS ___________________

*Help another WikiTreer to break down a brick wall.

*Add a book to the Source Library.
by Alice Thomsen G2G6 Pilot (252k points)
Good stuff, Alice!
Eowyn. Thank you so much. It is greatly appreciated.

I am right now checking my 7 degree family and doing adoptions of those with no manager and need adopted.
+12 votes

I have completed 15 missions. I am listing them below and all the details are on my free space page: Laura's 15 for 15.

Missions Completed:

1. Add photo of yourself - done

2. Add bio to profile - done

3. Create a Free-space page (Created 3)

4. Try out the browser extension (using the Wikitree Extension)

5. Attend WikiTree Day 2023 (done. badge on my profile)

6. Join a functional project (Cemeterist)

7. Join a geographical project (Slavic Roots)

8. Added at least one source to 15+ unsourced profiles - done

9. Improved 15+ profiles of individuals who died young - done

10. Resolved 15+ profiles under Needs GEDCOM Cleanup - done

11. Participated in 5 monthly challenges - done

12. Earned Club 100 badges in January through April and June

13. Improved 15+ early profiles from my Watchlist - done

14. Improved 15+ random profiles - done

15. Watched 15 Saturday Roundup videos; left comments - done

by Laura Ward G2G6 Mach 4 (47.7k points)
+12 votes
I've already started participating if the SSS I just did counts, regardless, I'm participating.
by Living Brunson G2G6 Pilot (103k points)
Excellent! Happy to have you on board.
So my current list looks like this:

1. Joined the Brunson One-Name Study

2. I added a sourced photo to Brunson-1770

3. So far I have improved the random profile Brunson-750

4. I participated in the weekly challenge Saturday Sourcing Sprint on 1JUL23

5. I participated in the monthly challenge for the Saturday Sourcing Sprint on 1JUL23

6. I participated in the Weekend Chat on 1JUL23

7. Created a Free space page

8. Tried out the browser extension

9. I sourced 56 profiles during the Saturday Sourcing Sprint on 1JUL23

This is an incomplete list of what I have accomplished, but I'm still working on it!

2. added sourced photos to Wilson-106991 & Lawson-13910

3. I improved several random Orphans during the SSS

4. Participated in the weekly challenge for SSS 8 JUL2023

5. Participated in the monthly challenge for SSS 8JUL2023

6. Participated in the weekend chat 8JUL2023

7. Brought my Sourcing numbers up to 112

Still slowly working through this list as I work on each new thing as a tutorial if I have never done it before here. Once I get how to do it & get all the replies back for ok'ing use of photos contained on the Memorials, the numbers of sourcing images will start to rise too.

On to the next!
+11 votes

Even though it's half-way done, I am planning to participate.  It sounds like fun. 

Found out about this through someone's free-space page.

by Regina Hall G2G6 Mach 3 (33.2k points)
Terrific, Regina! Thanks for joining in on this mission.
+12 votes
Just read this Challenge and I would like to participate.

I have been in Germany for over a month and have increased my CC7 just this week I increased from 401 to 414. I am loving this!
by Patricia Walker G2G6 Mach 1 (11.9k points)
I have just got started with this challenge and here is my list:

1. I already added a photo when I joined.

2. I improved my Biography.
Awesome! Happy to have you on board. :-)
+12 votes
I'm in for 15 for 15.
by June Butka G2G6 Mach 3 (30.7k points)
Awesome, June! Thanks for participating in this mission.
I'm not sure what I'm to click on after joining. Would it be the profiles? Thank you
+12 votes
I have just completed 15/15

1. Photo on profile

2. Improve Profile Bio

3. Create a free space

4. Try three New Apps

5. Improve my CC7 by 150

6. Break down someones brick wall

7,8,9 Unsourced 15x3

10 Solve 15 Unknowns

11. Create 150 Profiles in a connect-a-thon

12. Start a One Name Study

13. Obtain 5 Club 1000 Badges

14 Improve 15 Died Young Profiles

15. Improve 15 Oldest edits from Watch List

Now on to the next 15 (If I can) there's a couple I am Unable to do
by Heather Jenkinson G2G6 Pilot (132k points)
Way to go, Heather! You've got the 15 for 15 sticker now.
+12 votes
I would like to participate please. :)
by Kirby Drake G2G6 Mach 2 (25.0k points)
Great, Kirby! Thanks for joining in on this mission.
+12 votes

Just found out about this. If not too late, I would like to participate. 

by Cayla Ray G2G6 (7.8k points)
Hi Cayla, it's not too late! Thanks for participating!

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