Classic Disney Project Update June 2022 - Robin Hood

+10 votes

This month, The Classic Disney Project adds to its roster the classic animated feature, Robin Hood (1973). I first saw this film at the drive-in with my Dad when I was an eight-year-old third-grader. I've been hooked on the legend of Robin Hood ever since. I especially remember the character "Skippy", the young rabbit who showed me that even a little kid like me could be a one of Robin's Merry Men. How amazing! 

To give an idea of how magnificent the Robin Hood cast was, ten of the fourteen deceased cast members are already profiled and connected on WikiTree. The four remaining cast members include Candy Candido, John FiedlerCarole Shelley, and Terry-Thomas. All very notable actors, but not yet connected. Skippy, by the way, was voiced by Billy Whitaker, whose brother was the more famous child actor, Johnny Whitaker. Billy and Johnny's sister Dori played Skippy's baby sister "Tagalong".  

The mission of The Classic Disney Project is to identify each of the voice actors for Disney's earliest animated feature films, develop their profiles (with sources), and connect them to the Big Tree. If you would like to participate in The Classic Disney Project, feel free to jump in. No formal process. Just visit our project page, pick a film, choose your favorite character, and begin working your magic - every little bit helps! Just be sure to share with us your progress by commenting below so we can all share in the joy of your finds.


WikiTree profile: Space:Classic_Disney_Project
in The Tree House by David Randall G2G6 Pilot (370k points)
edited by David Randall

5 Answers

+7 votes


by Sandra Vines G2G6 Pilot (139k points)
Amazing Cast!

Phil Harris grandfather was Allen Wright, who was a brother to my gt grandfather, Lyman C. Wright....Phil's mother and my grandfather, George W. Wright, were first cousins and knew each other as children.  Her name was Dolly, she had three sisters and one brother.    I have a photo of my grandfather meeting Frank Wright at a Wright Family Reunion in the 1960sj , first meeting since they were young boys.

+7 votes

Who doesn't love Disney?! This would be a great time to check for interest or recruit for a Disney team for next month's Connect-a-Thon!! laugh

by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
+3 votes
I've taken down my comment. Sorry.
by Judith Robinson G2G6 Mach 2 (21.8k points)
edited by Judith Robinson

As this is a member-driven "project", nobody is asking you to like it, or not.
You are more than welcome to kick off your own INFORMAL "challenge" any time you choose, but please don't just jump in with such negativity on something a bunch of people have spent time on doing, and enjoyed it as they did.

I am all for world-wide inclusion on WikiTree. As the creator and manager of the Classic Disney Project, I do have to say, however, that it always puzzles me when I (an American living in the United States with access to primarily American records, participating on an American-based website) am asked why I place more emphasis on my own country than I do those of others. The answer seems obvious to me...but I'll leave that conversation for another thread. 

In the meantime, let me provide you with some statistics. The Classic Disney Project currently has 189 names on its primary roster of voice actors. Of those, 48 were born outside of the United States. Of the remaining American-born actors, 32 were the children of non-American parents. That's more than 40% of our performers. Countries currently represented cover all five populated continents and include:





British Guyana









The Netherlands











One of the things I've enjoyed most about this project is the very fact that it has allowed me to travel the world developing research skills my own family tree hasn't.

Of course, Disney certainly may not be everyone's cup of tea - I get that. But Wikitree has countless other projects to choose from, including 35 non-USA geographic projects (Just click on FIND at the top of your screen and scroll down to PROJECTS for a full list.

Finally, I agree with Melanie's sentiments, rather than knocking the hard work of others and putting a damper on our fun, how about you spend your energies creating your own project on the topic or nation of your choice. Whatever you choose to focus on, you'll have my full support!

Thank you for your feedback. I've taken down my comment. Sorry.
Appology accepted. Your overall point was well taken. No hard feelings.
+6 votes

Actress Margaret Lee has been connected to the Big Tree. Born Margaret Lightfoot, she had a rather obscure film career, consisting of a few silent films and a handful of Depression-era film shorts. Her one memorable film role was that of Tumper's mother in Walt Disney's clasic animated feature Bambi. With such a common name as Margaret Lee, we were fortunate enough to have a close relative of Margaret's make the necessary connections for us. 

Anybody interested in reading a fun bio should check out that of Margaret's father, John Henry Lightfoot, who after raising fourteen children on a ranch in frontier Idaho, said goodbye to his wife and moved to an isolated mining cabin in the hills where he lived out his days a virtual hermit. When he died, his dog actually traveled alone to seek help from the local forestry station.

by David Randall G2G6 Pilot (370k points)
+5 votes

Actor Peter Reneday has been connected to the Big Tree!

Peter had roles in dozens of live-action Disney films through the 1960s and 1970s, including such classics as The Love Bug and the Shaggy D.A. He provided the voices of multiple charcters in Disney's The Aristocats, as well as background voices in The Black Cauldron, Mulan, and The Princess and the Frog. He also provided voices for several of Disney's theme park rides, including those of Abraham Lincoln and Harry the MC of the County Bear Jamboree.

Peter went on to provide voices for dozens of animated television and video game characters. Perhaps his best known role was that of the supervillain Master Shredder on the animated television series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987-1996).

Because he is still living his profile is private, however, his family tree can be accessed through his father, Joseph Renoudet. (Renoudet was Peter's actual last name; Renaday was his professional name).

by David Randall G2G6 Pilot (370k points)
edited by David Randall

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