30 Million profiles now on WikiTree!

+41 votes

Today, WikiTree passed the 30,000,000 mark in the number of profiles created! Woohoo!!!!

(We're closing in on 900,000 members, too!)

Already announced.... celebrating anyway!

in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
edited by Pip Sheppard

Darn! How did I miss that?!? Oh well… indecision

Because enthusiasm got the better of you!  laugh

Maybe it's because of all the other great things that you do around here. Thank You Pip!
Yep, it did, Melanie. I am excited. Been watching that number for weeks. Caught it during my Greeter’s shift this morning.
Thanks a bunch, Marty! You, too!

5 Answers

+16 votes
Pip, how many of these profiles were created by you?
by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
Probably about 6000 or so.

Actually a lot more than that - as of 20 March you had created 8778 profiles, not including any Unlisted ones (https://wikitree.sdms.si/default.htm?report=srch1&Query=CreatedBy%3DCreator_Sheppard-2686&MaxProfiles=50000&PageSize=100)

Holy cow!!!! (Thanks, Paul)
+18 votes
Those are some awesome numbers...and to think, I am only one person in this world, who appears to be related one way or another to almost everyone.  The concept of Wikitree has changed my outlook on things.  Knowing that those before me paved the way just for a better life for their family.  The chances they took, not knowing what to expect when they arrived to the new destination.  Thank you everyone for being part of this...
by Randi Zurcher G2G6 Mach 3 (32.3k points)
+15 votes


Peanut butter cookies for everyone!

by Luther Brown G2G6 Pilot (569k points)
Only if you are making them, Luther!
+14 votes
900,000 members! How many are "active"?

Are those that joined and then for various/unknown reasons left the program are still be considered active?

I would guess that many of the those have changed their email address. Has WikiTree ever done a check on that by sending an email out and when receiving "bounce backs" removing those from the "active" list?
by Walt Steesy G2G6 Mach 5 (51.1k points)
There's over 200,000 that have signed the honor code.

One metric that forums and social media sites keep is unique visitors in the past month or past year, that's probably the best way to determine how many are active.

My activity comes and goes, some months I'm pretty active, then I can go for 6 months and not make a single entry. So I don't think we want to write people off as inactive too soon. Still, there's definitely a large number in that 900,000 that are likely never coming back.
We do remove any email address that bounces.

There were 1.5 million unique visitors last month, but most did not login.
Are those who are not logged in as members allowed to add or edit profiles and if so why?
No, logged out visitors can at most just message or thank users.

Registered users can only add profiles connected to one’s they manage (“family members”) until they sign the honor code.
Thanks Nathan and Chris. 1.5 million unique visitors is quite a lot! It shows we're not doing growing yet.
+12 votes
All I have to say is WOW!!!
by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)

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